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  • - I am here in this video

  • to talk to you about something called inheritance.

  • Inheritance in the context of object oriented programming

  • and JavaScript and ES6 classes.

  • Oof!

  • So, first of all,

  • there are three core foundational principles

  • to object oriented programming.

  • Let me write those down!

  • There's this idea of encapsulation,

  • there is this idea of inheritance,

  • that is the topic of this particular video,

  • and there is also the concept of polymorphism

  • which I will come back to.

  • And I have made videos on all of these topics before.

  • I can link to them.

  • Those videos, however,

  • were all made in the processing programming environment

  • and looking at these three principles

  • in the Java programming language.

  • Now I am talking about exactly the same thing

  • but in JavaScript.

  • And I have already made a whole set of videos about

  • encapsulation and object orineted programming in JavaScript

  • making use of something called ES6 classes.

  • So one of the things you have to get used to

  • if you choose to spend you life programming in JavaScript

  • is that it's just always changing

  • and there's 500 different ways to do the same thing

  • and everybody's got their opinion on which way is best.

  • And a lot of my older videos used a prototype

  • a prototypical object based way

  • of doing object oriented programming

  • with a constructor function

  • and you'll find those in older coding challenges

  • and you'll even find a set of videos about

  • how to do object oriented programming that way

  • and even one about how to do inheritance that way.

  • And if you watch that you're a true champion

  • because this is wildly confusing

  • and I have no idea if I explain that well.

  • But I am here in this video

  • to talk about ES6 classes.

  • So what is a class?

  • Oh, sorry, ES6 being the version of JavaScript

  • that came out in 2015.

  • It is currently 2019 while I'm recording this.

  • But it is now pretty widely supported across all browsers.

  • So, the idea of a class,

  • and I'm going to use as my example

  • something called particle,

  • because I am demonstrating this in the context

  • of animation and graphics.

  • So I'm drawing particles in a canvas

  • those particles move around the canvas

  • and the class is a template

  • for the making of an object.

  • If I create a particle class,

  • then I can have a variable somewhere else,

  • maybe I call it p,

  • and I can say new particle.

  • An analogy that's often used to describe

  • the distinction between the class and the object

  • is the cookie cutter versus the cookie.

  • So the cookie cutter isn't actually a cookie.

  • It's a thing that you can make cookies with.

  • So this is a template, there's no particle object here.

  • This is just a template to make actual particle objects.

  • And if I have my template

  • I can make more than one particle object

  • each with its own set of properites

  • all made from the same template.

  • So the new key word here,

  • saying new particle means execute something inside the class

  • called a constructor function.

  • So I'm kind of I guess by accident reviewing

  • some of the basics of ES6 classes

  • and object oriented programming

  • to get myself into the inheritance topic.

  • But I'm going to kind of move along

  • because you can find and see many more

  • details and examples about this in the other videos.

  • So this is the basic idea.

  • So let's go over to the code for a second.

  • So what I have over here is a canvas

  • with a little dot moving around.

  • And this dot is an example of a particle object.

  • So here's my class.

  • I have the constructor,

  • the object gets an x and a y

  • and the update function changes the x and y randomly

  • and the show function draws it as a boint.

  • A boint?

  • (laughs)

  • It would be great if there was a function called boint,

  • by the way.

  • Anyway.

  • So let's say now,

  • let's say this is your life,

  • this is what's happening to you.

  • You know what I would like?

  • I would like to put another one of these particles

  • I wanted to,

  • but I want it to look different.

  • And so I want it to be a square particle.

  • So the first thing you might do is like, okay,

  • I'm going to make a Boolean variable like isSquare

  • and I'm going to set that to a square,

  • I'm going to add another argument here square.

  • And then I'm going to say

  • alright, if this dot is square,

  • then draw this as a,

  • not a square a function,

  • then just use rectangle,

  • this dot x this dot y,

  • when will this ever end?

  • At least I could use the square function,

  • it's the least I could do.

  • Could say square,

  • otherwise make it a point,

  • and then, ugh, I'm so tired already.

  • I need a parenthesis here

  • and then I have to go over here,

  • and I could change this to like true

  • because I want it to be a square,

  • and then I refresh and look, it's a square,

  • and then I could say false and it's not.

  • So now I could have two particles,

  • oh, I could have p1 and p2

  • and I could have p1 do this

  • and p2 do this,

  • oh, I'm so tired.

  • This is so much work and so much coding.

  • And I'm going to call update and show on both of those.

  • And there we go.

  • Now I have my circle and my square.

  • Alright, so that's one solution to this.

  • I have two different mostly the same things

  • with some sort of core essential difference.

  • I don't like this solution.

  • Let me do it another way.

  • I'm going to make another,

  • I'm going to just create a new JavaScript file.

  • I'm going to call it square.js.

  • I'm going to go here,

  • I'm going to copy paste the whole thing

  • paste that in here,

  • I'm going to get rid of this idea of isSquare,

  • and I'm going to have a class called SquareP

  • for square particle.

  • I'm going to get rid of this variable.

  • And then I'm going to,

  • this one's the square so I'm going to draw it as a square.

  • And then this one is the circle

  • so I'm going to draw this just as a plain old point.

  • And I don't need this anymore,

  • and I don't need this.

  • So I have basically a particle class

  • and I have a square class, SquareP class,

  • they're entirely the same

  • but one draws as a square

  • and one draws as a particle.

  • Now I'm going to go back to Sketch.js

  • and I'm going to say new SquareP

  • and I'm going to refresh,

  • and if I did everything right,

  • no, SquareP is not defined

  • because I forgot to reference it

  • in my index.html so let me do that.

  • Then I'm going to go back

  • and there we go!

  • (bell dings)

  • Good night!

  • This video is now over,

  • but not at all!

  • In fact, I'm only just getting started.

  • All of this was exposition.

  • Exposition to the point where we are right now,

  • where we think to ourselves,

  • there has got to be a better way.

  • There has got to be a better way

  • than having some kind of type variable inside of my class

  • and then I use if statements,

  • or to have two separate classes

  • which I've just copy pasted the code

  • and changed some things.

  • How could I have this idea of classes

  • that inherit a bunch of properties from another class,

  • but modify them.

  • And this is in fact what inheritance is for.

  • So let's now think about that

  • in the context of this.

  • What if I could write another class

  • and I'm going to call that class SquareP,

  • which is like the silliest name for a class ever,

  • but it's somehow my example for this video.

  • This is what happens when you record a tutorial

  • after three hours of recording tutorials.

  • Class SquareP, ugh!

  • But I missed the most important piece of this.

  • You had to wait through so much video

  • just to get to this point

  • where now I am going to say extends,

  • and this is the most important thing,

  • particle.

  • This is the keyword.

  • Extends is a keyword in JavaScript.

  • In ES6 that makes the square particle class,

  • the SquareP class,

  • inherit from particle.

  • So let's think about what this is.

  • Now the constructor is a special case.

  • The constructor is a special case

  • where we're going to have to work with it in a different way.

  • But, if what this means

  • is if there is an update function,

  • update function,

  • and if there is a show function,

  • that it's as if I copy pasted

  • the update and the show function into SquareP

  • but I don't actually have to.

  • These functions are now part of the SquareP class.

  • It extends from particle,

  • it inherits particle.

  • This is also sometimes referred to as the child class,

  • or maybe the subclass.

  • And this is often referred to as the super class

  • or the parent class.

  • And the word super is quite important here

  • because that's actually a keyword in JavaScript

  • that's going to allow us to do some interesting things later.

  • In a moment.

  • Now while I could be done

  • by just inheriting update and show

  • and sort of assuming I'm also going to inherit the constructor,

  • it's a good habit,

  • and I think in almost all cases

  • you really need to explicitly write your own constructor

  • even if you are extending another class,

  • but in the case where all I want to do

  • is when I make a SquareP,

  • a square particle,

  • and actually in my Nature of Code book,

  • which this example is mostly the same,

  • I call this class confetti.

  • That's another name I could be using.

  • If I want to just say,

  • you know what?

  • I'm going to define my own constructor

  • but I want to do exactly the same thing

  • as whatever happens in here

  • and the way to do that

  • is just by calling the super function.

  • So the keyword super means

  • execute something from the parent or super class.

  • So super with parenthesis means run the constructor.

  • So let's now actually try to go over

  • and do this in the code.

  • So now what we can do

  • is we can say SquareP extends particle,

  • this is the magic.

  • Once I've extended particle,

  • I can just get rid of this.

  • That stuff is all inherited now from particle!

  • Woohoo!

  • And then I can just say hey, super, do the same thing.

  • And I still have to path in those arguments.

  • This is basically saying hey,

  • you're making a new SquareP.

  • When you make a new SquareP go ahead and make a,

  • call the particle code,

  • the code that's in the particle constructor.

  • So this is now the square particle,

  • let's call this confetti.

  • Just as a different name.

  • Now if I go back to the sketch.

  • And this was left over from before,

  • I forgot that I had this in there.

  • Right, if I run this again,

  • we have two identical particles.

  • It's as if I made two particles

  • because the confetti class,

  • the confetti object is a complete duplicate.

  • It just inherits the particle class completely.

  • But the whole point of this is we can now do things

  • like augment and override.

  • So what if I want my confetti object to always have a color?

  • So maybe I can add another value here.

  • Like I'm going to call this this.bright equals a random number

  • between 0 and 255.

  • So confetti objects do everything a particle does

  • but get an additional property.

  • And then maybe, you know,

  • I want to draw them a different way.

  • I want their physics to be exactly the same

  • so I want to inherit the update function,

  • but I want to draw them a different way.

  • So I can actually override the show function.

  • So if I write a function that has the same name

  • of the function that it's inheriting

  • then this will then be ignored for any confetti objects.

  • And just to change that name here.

  • Let me call this confetti.

  • So let's do that.

  • Let's augment and override.

  • I mean, those are sort of terms,

  • I don't know what the technical terms for those things are.

  • So back over here I might say something like

  • alright, so initialize x and y the same way

  • but add a new property

  • that's a random number between 0 and 255.

  • Then override the show function.

  • You know I could go back and be like,

  • how did I do this?

  • But I don't need to.

  • I don't even need to.

  • I'm just going to say in the show function I'm going to say

  • fill this.bright stroke 255,

  • strokeWeight 1,

  • and then I'm going to say square this.x this.y,

  • and oh, maybe this should also have

  • a variable called r for the side length.

  • And I'm going to make that 10.

  • And then I'm going to say this.r.

  • So now if I run this we can see, look!

  • There is a square, there's a confetti particle,

  • and a regular particle.

  • This is the idea of inheritance.

  • I can have a base class,

  • or I can have a parent class,

  • I can inherit from it,

  • I can add properties and I can override.

  • But guess what I could also do?

  • Let's say what I want to do is, you know,

  • my confetti object,

  • it should update just like a particle updates,

  • but I also want to do one thing more,

  • I want its size to change.

  • So if I come back to here one thing I could do

  • is in the confetti object I could say update

  • and then I could say well,

  • first do whatever you do in the parent object.

  • Call super.update.

  • So do whatever you would normally do for updating

  • and then do one more thing.

  • This.r plus equal random value.

  • So in addition to,

  • in addition to, sorry, changing the,

  • that's going to be too much.

  • In addition to changing the x and y

  • which presumably is taken care of by what it's inherited,

  • also change r.

  • And now, there we go.

  • You can see that this is now having an additional behavior.

  • The size is changing.

  • Now I don't know that the way that I've set this up

  • is particularly elegant or useful,

  • but what I will say is a common technique,

  • especially you'll see this in some of my videos

  • where I work with physics libraries,

  • is that you might have kind of this base class

  • that includes all of the code and math for the physics

  • of how something moves,

  • and you can imagine that being a particle class,

  • but you have all these different variations of that

  • with slightly different behaviors

  • and different design elements

  • so that base class can kind of be

  • the core physics of your system,

  • but lots of different things can exist in your system

  • and be customized in ways without having to duplicate code

  • over and over again.

  • I should also mention that classes can only inherit

  • from one other class,

  • but it is called a tree,

  • an inheritance tree because,

  • and an example I think I've given before in other videos

  • is an animal kingdom.

  • So you could imagine a scenario

  • where you have this idea of an animal class,

  • and maybe that has some properties that all animals share.

  • I don't know what this would be.

  • Weight?

  • That's all I can think of.

  • But then you might have,

  • from that you might have some mammal,

  • a mammal class, a reptile class,

  • those would have things specific to that.

  • And then maybe the mammal from that is going to inherit,

  • there's going to be a canine class.

  • I don't know if this is right biologically or what,

  • but the point is you can inherit things

  • all the way up the tree.

  • So if animal has a property called weight

  • and mammal has a property like fur color,

  • then canine is going to get fur color and weight,

  • it's going to inherit that.

  • Everything inherits.

  • So you can have,

  • it's not a network, it's a tree.

  • And so this is something that's really quite powerful

  • in designing large software systems

  • and working with other JavaScript libraries

  • that you want to have a very flexible and agile way

  • of augmenting and using features from something else

  • while implementing your own thing.

  • This is kind of the core principle

  • of object oriented programming.

  • Of inheritance.

  • So I need to come back and I need to do one more video

  • to talk about one other thing,

  • which is the term polymorphism.

  • Which for me feels a little less relevant in JavaScript,

  • because polymorphism really comes up

  • when you have a strongly typed language

  • cause how you specify what data types certain things are.

  • JavaScript is very good at just kind of

  • figuring it out in lots of cases.

  • But in this case what I can do

  • is I can make an array

  • that's full of lots of different kinds of objects

  • that inherit from each other

  • and then just blanket apply the same thing,

  • the same functions, the same functionality

  • to all of them.

  • So maybe I'll try to do one more video

  • just to basically take this and put it into an array.

  • Alright?

  • Thanks, I hope you got something from this.

  • There's probably like a lot more that you can do,

  • but this maybe gives you an inkling of how inheritance works

  • and might change the way you think about

  • making a project in JavaScript in the future.

  • Thanks!

  • (upbeat electronic music)

  • (bell dings)

- I am here in this video


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16.17: JavaScript中的繼承--JavaScript/ES6專題 (16.17: Inheritance in JavaScript - Topics of JavaScript/ES6)

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