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  • Hello, and welcome to the first tutorial video

  • in this new series, working with data and APIs in JavaScript.

  • So in this first video, I just want to look at one thing,

  • the web fetch API.

  • Fetch is a function.

  • It's a wonderful function.

  • It allows you to fetch stuff-- data, images,

  • from all sorts of different kinds of places

  • and do stuff with it.

  • So we're going to start with a very basic example.

  • It's right here.

  • It fetches a rainbow image, a local file, a JPEG file,

  • and displays it on the web page itself.

  • That's going to build-- that's the foundation on top of which

  • we will build other examples that

  • are grabbing a spreadsheet of data

  • and graphing it, or reaching out to some like Weather Service,

  • and getting the local-- the temperature, based

  • on the latitude and longitude.

  • All sorts of possibilities, we're

  • going to start just by looking at fetch.

  • The best place for you to learn all of the details

  • with everything you could ever possibly want

  • to know about the fetch web APIs is on the Mozilla Developer

  • Network site.

  • So that's where I tend to look up

  • documentation stuff for JavaScript stuff

  • I want to do in the browser.

  • I'm going to show you a small slice of what's

  • possible with Fetch and kind of build on that as we go video,

  • video to video.

  • There's this idea in web programming

  • of making a request, an HTTP request, a hypertext transfer

  • protocol request.

  • I could make a get request.

  • Will you please-- could I please get some information.

  • I can make a POST request.

  • Could I please send some information to you?

  • And we're going to do both of those kinds of requests.

  • And fetch can actually both retrieve and send.

  • But in this example, I just want to look at a simple

  • get request with Fetch.

  • Let me outline these steps for you.

  • So that our program is going to do--

  • the first thing it's going to do is going

  • to call the fetch function.

  • And it's going to give it a single argument, which

  • is the path to the resource.

  • And in this case, it's going to be a file.

  • And that file is just going to be a local file called

  • rainbow.jpeg.

  • The next thing we need to do is deal with the response.

  • So when we call fetch, a response comes back,

  • presumably with the data we're looking for somewhere in there.

  • I mean, it could be an error or other things could come back

  • as part of that response.

  • But I'm just going to write down response.

  • Now this involves this idea of a promise.

  • And the fetch function is a function

  • that happens asynchronously, meaning we call fetch,

  • but some time passes because it takes some time

  • to retrieve that data.

  • So how we get the response as part of a promise

  • is a detail that I'm going to have

  • to look at specifically when we get into the code.

  • And I will also include in its video's description

  • some links to further details about how

  • to work with JavaScript promises, some other videos

  • that I've made that might fill in some of the gaps here.

  • The response is actually a stream of data.

  • So we get the response but we need a whole other step

  • because we need to read that data.

  • We need to sort of like complete that data

  • and store it in a format that we can work with.

  • And the kinds of formats we might have

  • is like-- oh, it's text data.

  • Or it's a blob.

  • Maybe it's like image data would come in as a blob.

  • There's all sorts of-- there's array buffer.

  • And a really, really important one is JSON.

  • So JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

  • And this is going to be a format for storing data

  • that we're going to see again and again and again.

  • But in this case, we want to get it as a blob.

  • So I think we could call this third step like complete data

  • stream.

  • And what I think complete data stream--

  • I really mean complete and grab the data that's

  • in the body of the response.

  • So there's this concept of the response body

  • which is pretty important, which is where the data actually is.

  • But it should be noted that there's

  • lots of other metadata about the network communication

  • that's in the response as well, that you could look

  • at in certain circumstances.

  • So once we've done that, we've completed the data stream.

  • We've got the image blob.

  • And then we can just--

  • this is really the steps for using fetch.

  • But in this particular scenario, I

  • want to make an image element.

  • Make an IMG HTML Dom element.

  • Make an image element with that data.

  • OK, so these are the steps of this example.

  • And I think we can just go code this now.

  • So what I'm beginning with is just

  • some boilerplate HTML basic HTML file with nothing in it.

  • And so let's add some stuff to it.

  • So first, let me add an image element to the body.

  • And I'm going to leave the source of the image element

  • blank.

  • But I'm going to give it an ID.

  • And I'm going to call that rainbow.

  • The next thing I want to do is just

  • add a script tag so I can put some JavaScript with presumably

  • that fetch function.

  • Now ultimately, I might want to put my JavaScript

  • code in a separate file.

  • I might want have a whole build system for my project.

  • But we're just working with the basic ideas here.

  • So I'm going to just do everything

  • in one file, one HTML file that has

  • the HTML stuff and the JavaScript stuff in a script

  • tag.

  • And I'm going to say fetch.

  • And I'm going to fetch rainbow.jpeg.

  • I'm going to put that in the code

  • and I'm also going to add a console.log about to fetch

  • a rainbow, because why not.

  • So I'm using something called live server--

  • it's a node package--

  • to host this particular email page on my computer.

  • So every time that I hit Save, it updates in the browser.

  • And you can see that now I have that console.log there.

  • Now I said earlier that the fetch function

  • returns a promise.

  • And a promise is a way in JavaScript

  • to handle an asynchronous event.

  • It gets resolved when the event is over,

  • when the data is retrieved.

  • And I will refer you to some other videos

  • on my channel that go into promises in more depth.

  • But the quick explanation here is that you

  • can use the method then.

  • So the method then is a place where

  • I can handle this response.

  • So right now, what you're seeing is I type the method then--

  • I put an argument response--

  • I use the JavaScript function arrow syntax to then do

  • something with that response.

  • And what I want to do with that response honestly,

  • is convert it to a blob.

  • But before I do that, let me just say console.log response

  • just so I can see it.

  • So it helps to spell things correctly.

  • Response.

  • And we can see there's that response.

  • And you can see all the metadata associated with the response is

  • here in the JavaScript console.

  • And what I actually want to do is say return response.blob

  • because I wan to-- this is what we talked about before--

  • I want to convert the response into an image blob.

  • That triggers another promise.

  • So when I have another promise, I

  • can change them by saying.then again.

  • And now the response.

  • If we look at that response-- console.log response,

  • now I have the response to the next promise.

  • And we can see that is also not defined because I cannot spell

  • to save my life.

  • That is now the blob.

  • So in this case actually, maybe it

  • makes more sense for me to name this variable something else,

  • like let me just call it blob.

  • And now, what you'll see is there's

  • this sequence is as follows.

  • First, fetch the rainbow.

  • Second, look at the resolved promise

  • and then convert that complete reading the stream of data

  • into a blob.

  • So presumably, once I'm there, all I have to do

  • is say, remember I have this image element.

  • I have this image Dom element with an ID of rainbow.

  • I can say document.get element by ID.

  • Give it the ID rainbow and at dot source, equals that blob.

  • So this is me just taking the data of that image which

  • comes in as a blob, and placing it

  • into the source attribute of the image Dom element.

  • You can see that doesn't work because the blob--

  • the data blob isn't in the format

  • that the image Dom element expects.

  • Luckily for us, there happens to be a function called

  • create object url that takes a blob object

  • and turns it into the format that an image Dom

  • element would expect.

  • You can look up more about this function also

  • on the MDN JavaScript docs.

  • But all I need to do here is say url.create object

  • url, pass in the blob.

  • And there it is.

  • We have our rainbow.

  • It's kind of a large image.

  • So I'm just going to add another attribute,

  • like with equals 480.

  • So it sort of makes the image smaller.

  • And there we go.

  • Oh, we have a beautiful rainbow.

  • So this really wraps up this particular tutorial.

  • We've got the whole thing.

  • We now know how to call fetch, how to read the response when

  • the promise resolves, how to turn the data of that response

  • into an image blob, and add it into an image ELT.

  • But here's the thing.

  • There's a couple other things that I've

  • missed that it would be nice to include in this video.

  • Number one is I've done nothing to handle errors.

  • So what if something goes wrong?

  • I should handle error, at least log the error to the console

  • so I can see that something went wrong.

  • Number two is I want to introduce the JavaScript

  • keywords async and await.

  • And these are new features of the JavaScript language

  • that allow us to handle promises in a slightly more

  • readable and elegant way.

  • So I'm going to show you.

  • I'm going to rewrite this particular example using async

  • and await instead of the dot then method.

  • And I will also refer you to some other videos

  • I've made that go into these keywords with a bit more depth.

  • Let's first add some error handling.

  • One of the nice things about working

  • with chaining promises-- that we have fetch, then this, then

  • this, then this-- is that error can happen anywhere

  • throughout there.

  • And I don't have to handle each error in a specific way

  • with each part of that sequence.

  • I can just put at the very end dot catch.

  • So like a dot then, which handles

  • the resolution of the promise, dot catch

  • handles stuff that goes wrong--

  • when stuff goes wrong during that promise.

  • So I can write catch.

  • I can give an argument error.

  • And I can just say something like console.error error.

  • So this is a bit more long-winded

  • than it needs to be.

  • There are ways of condensing this.

  • But in a moment, I'm going to do that all with just async

  • and await.

  • So I'm not going to worry about it too much.

  • I'm going to make an error happen just so we can see it.

  • To be sure that this is really happening though,

  • let me put another console log here

  • like this will be my own message-- just

  • error exclamation point.

  • And then what I'll do is--

  • let me misspell the name of the ID of the Dom element.

  • I will write rainbow with two O's.

  • And then, now if I go back to the browser,

  • you're going to see my message error printed out.

  • And also you can see the actual error messages there.

  • So this is a really nice way of handling errors.

  • One more thing.

  • Let's look at how I can condense the code

  • and make it a bit more readable using async and await.

  • The way this works is if I'm going to use this new keyword

  • await, I can only use the keyword await

  • in the context of an async function.

  • Async is a keyword that specifies this function is

  • going to happen asynchronously.

  • So essentially what I want to do is write a new function.

  • I'm going to call it async.

  • I'm going to call it catch rainbow.

  • Oh, and I've got to declare it as a function.

  • So I could use the keyword function or the arrow syntax.

  • I'm kind of using them interchangeably here.

  • But I'm going to make an async function called catch rainbow.

  • Now when I call fetch, instead of having to use dot then,

  • I can still say fetch rainbow.jpeg.

  • I can set the result of the fetch function

  • to a variable called response.

  • So this is like the dream of how I like to write code.

  • I just want to say the response equals the result

  • of the fetch function.

  • But this is where the await key word comes in.

  • Because fetch is an asynchronous function, I have to add await.

  • So this is really just syntactic sugar.

  • It's the same exact thing that I was doing with dot then.

  • But because I'm in a sync function,

  • I'm allowed to write the code in a single line

  • by saying await the result of fetch

  • and store that result in this variable called response.

  • And then I can do the same thing with the blob.

  • I can const blob equals await response.blob.

  • And so now in two lines of code, I've said fetch.

  • I've gotten a response.

  • I've said dot blob.

  • I've gotten the blob.

  • And then this other line that I have down here, which

  • puts the blob as a url into the Dom element,

  • I can just take that and put that up there.

  • And you see like all of that-- all those lines of code of dot

  • then, dot then, dot then--

  • I'm going to keep this catch by the way,

  • because I'm going to need this for something

  • I'll show you in a second--

  • all of this gets to go away.

  • Now look at that.

  • It's just three lines of code.

  • And I'll have to do now is say catch rainbow.

  • Just call that function.

  • So I put all the stuff that's asynchronous

  • inside a function that's async and then

  • just call that function.

  • And now if we go over here, look!

  • It's still working.

  • There's our rainbow.

  • But the reason why I kept that is I do

  • want to keep this catch thing because if there is an error--

  • let me once again misspell that name of the Dom element,

  • we can see I have got- I have now handled that error.

  • I can attach the error to the async function

  • that I've written.

  • And in fact, that function by definition--

  • an async function by definition returns a promise.

  • So I could also say dot then.

  • And you know, if I wanted to do something

  • to indicate that it's done, I can say like, for example,

  • console log yay.

  • And now whoops, oh, I've got to spell rainbow correctly.

  • And there we go.

  • We can see console log yay.

  • So now I have the whole thing.

  • I have written an async function that makes the fetch request.

  • It turns the body of what comes back in the HTTP response

  • into a blob.

  • It converts that blob into the format

  • that the Dom element expects.

  • And I've put a little message saying, yay.

  • It worked or an error if there's an error.

  • And that's it.

  • That's this full example.

  • Now that we know how to use fetch in the generic sense

  • when we're working with an image here, in the next video,

  • I'm going to use fetch with a data set.

  • I'm going to grab a comma separated value file,

  • a CSV file.

  • This is a file from NASA.

  • It's global world temperatures from 1880 to present.

  • And I'm sure you had a graph those.

  • But before we get there, I might give you a little exercise.

  • You could just move on to the next video

  • to see actually working with the data

  • and how you might chart-- data file

  • and how you might chart that.

  • But as a little exercise, you might try some things.

  • For example, could you fetch more than one image?

  • How would you-- what if you had an array of images?

  • What if your file was not an image file

  • but maybe it was just a plain text file?

  • Could you put the text that was in that file in a paragraph

  • element?

  • So try one or two of those exercises.

  • I will also include in the GitHub repository that's

  • associated with this video series--

  • I'll include solutions to those two exercises.

  • So try multiple images.

  • Try a text file and see if you can get those

  • to appear in your web page.

  • So thanks for watching this tutorial.

  • And I'll see you in the next video.

Hello, and welcome to the first tutorial video


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1.1: fetch()--在JavaScript中使用數據和API。 (1.1: fetch() - Working With Data & APIs in JavaScript)

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