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  • ♪ I will refactor this later you know

  • - Hello and welcome to Coding Challenge:

  • the Chaos Game, part deux (says in French),

  • electric boogaloo (laughs),

  • I don't know what I'm talking about.

  • Thank you to Espen Larsen, @drcircuit on Twitter

  • for creating the "I Will Refactor This Later" song,

  • this coding challenge is in honor of that song,

  • because, guess what...

  • "Later" is now,

  • I will refactor this now.

  • So what I'm going to do in this coding challenge

  • is expand this idea of the Chaos Game.

  • Instead of merely creating this Sierpinski Triangle,

  • I'm going to make a version of this

  • where there could be more than three points, seed points,

  • and that, as the points move,

  • as the newly random point move moves

  • from point to point to point,

  • I might move by a different percentage than 50%.

  • So if you didn't watch the previous coding challenge

  • where I made this,

  • you could pause now and go watch that,

  • or you could just stay here with me right now,

  • let's be together, let's be friends on the Internet,

  • programming stuff, okay.

  • So the first thing that I wanted to refactor this,

  • I really want to play this song again,

  • but I'm not going to overdo it,

  • I'm going to use it sparingly,

  • otherwise people will get irritated and annoyed

  • and I'm sure I will hear about it.

  • The first thing that I wanted to do

  • is I am going to make a array called seed,

  • maybe I should call it seed points,

  • let's just call it points, I don't know,

  • let's call it points.

  • And instead of having ax, ay,

  • what I'm going to do in this array,

  • let's get rid of this.

  • First, I just want to recreate this exactly,

  • I am going to, say I'm going to have three points,

  • and I'm going to create a new point,

  • which is a vector,

  • I'm going to use vector createVector function

  • to make a new point anywhere randomly in the canvass.

  • I know I've run a little bit out of space here,

  • but that's fine.

  • Come on, a little bit further over,

  • wow, there's a space for a semicolon.

  • And then I'm going to say points.push(v), okay.

  • And then I'm going to have a point called current,

  • which is also going to be...

  • A vector, a random vector.

  • There we go, there we go.

  • So now what I can do is again,

  • I have just refactored this

  • to instead of having separate x, y variables

  • for all four points, I have an array

  • that keeps my three seed points

  • and I have my current point in,

  • all current points at separate variable

  • and both of those are p5-vectors.

  • A vector being an object that can hold an x, y, and z.

  • But I'm not going to use the z right now,

  • although, you could do this in 3D, oh, you should,

  • you should do this in 3D.

  • I'm not going to.

  • Alright, so then I'm going to say,

  • for (let p of points),

  • and I'm going to say, point(p.x, p.y);

  • so we should see, there we go.

  • Those are my first three seed points

  • and then what I'm going to do here is

  • random the length.

  • And this is actually now,

  • oh, you know what, I don't even need to do this,

  • guess what, the random function in p5,

  • I'm going to say like next equal to random function in p5

  • will give me a random object out of that array.

  • Now if I want to pick them with a different probability,

  • I'd have to do something different,

  • but here, this next is now going to be one of those

  • three points randomly.

  • And then all I need to do is say,

  • stroke, I'm going to still give it this color,

  • and then I'm going to say,

  • next.x = lerp, this.

  • So I'm lerping, but I'm going to lerp between next

  • and the current.

  • Oh, and current is the result of that.

  • So the current is the thing that's moving

  • and it's really doesn't matter,

  • but I like to think of it in this order.

  • Current is moving and I think there's actually

  • a lerp() vector function,

  • so I could do this in one line of code.

  • That's another "refactor this later-now" (laughs).

  • So there we go,

  • and then all I need to do

  • is draw the point,

  • all I need to do is draw that point...

  • (keyboard tapping loud)

  • And here we go, look at this, ta-dah!

  • Now, one thing I should probably do

  • is also reset it.

  • Let's actually, all of this stuff here,

  • is kind of the process of,

  • let's right a function of resetting,

  • like, I want, right now it's like resetting

  • every time I change the code,

  • because of the p5 editors configured it

  • to, like, relaunch the sketch,

  • but I think what I would prefer to do here

  • is right my own function called reset(),

  • this is a nice refactoring.

  • And I need to empty the array,

  • and I'm going to say points equals, here.

  • So this function reset()

  • will just sort of reseed the environment.

  • And I could do it whenever I click the mouse,

  • but just for right now, I'm going to say,

  • if frameCount modulus, like, 100, equals zero,

  • then reset().

  • So what that's going to do is every 100 frames, right,

  • because modulus of the number 100 will equal zero

  • any time the frameCount is divisible by 100

  • with a remainder of zero.

  • So you can see, over and over again, this is going to,

  • so, no, I'm, I'm here, I have refactored this.

  • But now that I have refactored this,

  • there are so many possibilities,

  • oh, this is exciting, okay.

  • So, for example, I could just do this.

  • No, oh, yeah, look.

  • Now, interestingly enough, I don't really get

  • a pattern that's super interesting to look at

  • with four points.

  • Kind of accidentally I sometimes am.

  • And do so what happens if have eight points.

  • Whoa, this is crazy.

  • Now, probably what I would want to do,

  • what might make sense for me to do,

  • is place these points around a circle,

  • just, I mean, it's interesting to have them randomly,

  • but I think I would prefer,

  • just to sort of figuring out what I want to with this,

  • to have all those points around a circle, right,

  • so you can think about it, actually,

  • this was a way of getting my equal lateral triangle

  • that I was looking for.

  • So what if I have eight points and then I get

  • some kind of like hexagon, octagon, septagon,

  • whatever the number of sides is,

  • based on the number of points.

  • Alright, so what I'm going to do here, actually,

  • I'm going to have a fixed set of points, right.

  • So the points are, I'm just going to do once in set-up.

  • And what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the constant.

  • Const n equals eight,

  • I know I could be using constants other place of the code,

  • and if you want to know more about consts,

  • I made a video about it

  • where I got a bunch of pics wrong, but you can watch,

  • so you might find a different resource for that.

  • But so, I just, now I'm making n points

  • and what I'm going to do is say the angle

  • is TWO_PI divided by, aye, that's a bad idea,

  • because I don't want to divide by zero.

  • So, alright, we'll say, um...

  • Oh, it's, I know what it is,

  • it's i times TWO_PI divided by n,

  • that's what it is, right,

  • because I want to have, I'm looking for,

  • if n is four, for example, I want zero degrees,

  • 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees.

  • It's probably going to go the other way,

  • because the screen is flipped, but that's the idea.

  • So now, what I'm going to do is say,

  • createVector at...

  • Some number like, let's just do 200

  • times cosine of the angle,

  • oh, you know what, I think there is p5.Vector from

  • p5.Vector fromAngle,

  • I think, is a function, angle.

  • So it's going to make a vector from that angle.

  • And then I can say V dot, um...

  • V dot

  • Multiply 100,

  • and that's working,

  • but I need to translate to width divided by two,

  • height divided by two.

  • And now we have these points in the center,

  • of course I also, if I wanted,

  • I need to do that here, okay.

  • So there we go, we can see now

  • I've created eight points around

  • and let's actually use, um,

  • let's make that a little,

  • ooh, why is this down here?

  • Ooh, oh, there's a weird mistake,

  • a goofy mistake happening.

  • Oh, because when I reset, err,

  • this is kind of, you know what I'm going to do?

  • The translator's fine, but it's bothering me,

  • I'm just going to make life easier on myself

  • and say, add, width divided by two,

  • hight divided by two,

  • I'm just going to move that to the center manually

  • by adding that to the vector, okay.

  • Now what I want to do is multiply it

  • by, like, width divided by two, or something.

  • Okay, great, ha, so now you see,

  • those are all my points,

  • we're still playing the Chaos Game.

  • Now what I want to do is I'm going to have

  • a variable called percent.

  • And I also, I just want to make, like, a lot more points

  • really quickly, so I can just sort of see the pattern.

  • And what I'm going to do now is,

  • I am going to try, I'm going to when I lerp,

  • I'm going to lerp by that percent

  • and let's try different values.

  • So let's try, so let's go back to point five

  • and this is what I get.

  • Let's try point two-five.

  • Interesting.

  • Let's try point one.

  • Let's try n of four,

  • point two-five.

  • (bell rings)

  • Alright, I'm back.

  • Nico Monsoon in the chat said,

  • "Try three, just to see if you didn't break anything."

  • So I made the point n equals,

  • I made n equal three,

  • with the percentage of point five,

  • and we could see I have the Sierpinski Triangle.

  • Actually, if you look on the Wikipedia page for Chaos Game,

  • you'll start to see a bunch of these.

  • "A point inside a square repeatedly jumps

  • "half of the distance towards a randomly chosen vertex,

  • "but the currently chosen vertex cannot be two places

  • "away from the previously chosen vertex."

  • so this is interesting, right?

  • So I could actually start to create

  • some of these patterns by modifying

  • how I pick a particular point.

  • So this one actually would be nice.

  • Let's do the pentagon one.

  • "A point inside a pentagon repeatedly jumps

  • "half of the distance,

  • "but the currently chosen vertex cannot be the same."

  • This is going to be an easy one for us to implement.

  • We just need to get a new random number

  • that's not the same as the previous one.

  • So, um, so let's go back here.

  • Let's first make this five, okay.

  • So we can see, even with five, a pentagon,

  • we're kind of getting a somewhat

  • of an interesting pattern here.

  • I don't know why I obsess over this sort of stuff,

  • but I kind of feel, like, let's give this just like

  • a little bit of alpha

  • and make the strokeWeight one and do, like,

  • a thousand points.

  • So we can just sort of see this pattern more quickly.

  • Okay, now, what was I doing?

  • Ah, so what I want to do now is not allow the next point

  • to be the same as what was previously chosen.

  • And so there's a variety of ways I could do this,

  • but actually I could just create a way of,

  • I could just create a way of ignoring it

  • if it happens to be the same one.

  • So let's say, previous,

  • I'm going to create a variable called previous.

  • And right here, where I pick previous equals next,

  • and I'm going to say, as long as next is not equal

  • to previous, then I could do this stuff.

  • So now look at this.

  • There we go, the Chaos Game, pentagon

  • with one slight modification.

  • And you know what,

  • I don't want this to keep resetting,

  • I just want it to, um...

  • I want to tell it not to reset,

  • and I want to go to Share,

  • Full Screen,

  • and I'm going to put this in a different window

  • and we're going to bring this up here

  • and we're just going to enjoy this.

  • Now, okay, here we go, we are done, ha,

  • Chaos Game, thank you very much.

  • Look at this,

  • it's so beautiful, and intricate, and amazing.

  • So I now encourage you, now you really got something,

  • you can start to make a variety of patterns

  • and, really, here's the thing,

  • one thing that you could do that actually

  • is really, if you could think about,

  • that I didn't do, if we go up here,

  • look at this.

  • This is actually a little, sort of,

  • animated gif showing you the process

  • of actually moving the points from one spot to another

  • and then to re-branching out.

  • So imagine what you could do if instead of just picking

  • all the points and layering them,

  • you actually created a system where you animate

  • the process of building this pattern.

  • And you could see, you could see,

  • maybe you can recreate some of these other patterns

  • by doing these rules.

  • This one would be a nice one to create.

  • You could try different percentages

  • and see what you make.

  • So, thank you for watching this second part

  • of the Chaos Game, I think we are done

  • with all the chaos game stuff I'm going to do.

  • If you make your own version of this,

  • please visit link

  • that's in this video's description.

  • There, there are instructions for how to submit

  • alike to the version of the Chaos Game

  • that you made yourself.

  • You can share with me your images or gifs

  • on Twitter @shiffman or @thecodingtrain,

  • hashtag...

  • codingchaosgame,

  • and I'll see you in the future coding challenge, alright.

  • I don't know, maybe, I will--

  • ♪ I will refactor this later-- ♪

  • Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

  • let's refactor this now,

  • I'm not actually refactor it,

  • I realized something.

  • When I was playing with the percentage earlier

  • and making it lower,

  • I started to get much noisier images,

  • and, of course, this is true,

  • because I'm not going very far.

  • And so the points are sort of layering

  • on top of each other and I'm just getting

  • kind of a cloud of points.

  • But what if instead of going half way there,

  • and, um, let's actually, I know I'm being

  • kind of a lunatic about this stuff,

  • but let me just make this white.

  • Instead of going half way there,

  • what if I go 75% way there.

  • So actually going further will start to yield

  • some interesting patterns.

  • And you can see here now, if is say 15,

  • look at this.

  • So this is now 15 points going 75% of the way there.

  • And by the way, maybe, if I were to make,

  • oh, that's 90% percent of the way there,

  • if I were to make some sort of slider

  • or I varied a number of points,

  • I could go back to putting these points

  • all in a random location,

  • that would be kind of interesting.

  • Oh, let's do that now, I'm just curious.

  • So where do I, uh, let's do this.

  • Let's just really quickly,

  • I'm just curious to see,

  • I got to stop, you should...

  • I shouldn't be doing this,

  • you should be doing this.

  • So you could see, ah, okay, I'm not (mumbles),

  • so anyway, so that's, this is a clue to you

  • of what you could now make, right,

  • that I told you to share with me.

  • You could vary that percentage,

  • vary the number of points,

  • vary where the seed point starts,

  • animate, oh, so many possibilities, okay,

  • see you later!

  • (upbeat electronic music)

♪ I will refactor this later you know


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A2 初級

編碼挑戰#123.2。混沌遊戲第二部 (Coding Challenge #123.2: Chaos Game Part 2)

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