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  • Once upon a time, there was a miller who had three sons.

  • They all lived in a small village.

  • The two older brothers were very lazy and left all of the hard work to their youngest brother.

  • When their father passed away, he left them the old mill, a donkey, and a cat.

  • It was up to them to decide how they would share their inheritance.

  • When the funeral was over, the older brothers whispered among themselves and made a plan...

  • Come here, we have made a decision.

  • We will are going to take the mill and donkey.

  • You can take this useless cat and go make your own way in the world.

  • The youngest brother was left with no choice, so he did as he was told.

  • The youngest brother took his cat and some food for the journey and set off down the road.

  • (Sigh)

  • What are you good for, Puss? How will I make a living?

  • Don't despair, Master!

  • Just give me a sturdy pair of boots and a large sack, and I will take care of the rest.

  • A sack and a pair of boots?

  • The youngest brother couldn't imagine why his cat needed a sack and a pair of boots

  • but he brought them anyway.

  • Slipping into the boots, Puss grabbed the sack and ran off into the forest.

  • There, he opened the sack and settled down to wait for a rabbit.

  • Ha ha! Got you!

  • Taking the rabbit, Puss ran to the Palace to offer it to the King.

  • Your Highness, please accept this humble present from my master, the Marquis of Carabas.

  • Here it is!

  • I will be glad to accept, please thank the Marquis for me.

  • I will.

  • After that, Puss came to the King every day, bringing a new rabbit he had captured.

  • As the rabbits multiplied

  • the King grew more and more curious about the mysterious Marquis of Carabas.

  • One day, Puss overheard that the King was planning a picnic by the river with his daughter, the Princess.

  • This gave him a new brilliant idea and he ran back to his master to prepare him.

  • Master, jump into the river and take a bath.

  • What? But I don't need a bath...

  • Just do as I ask and I will explain everything later.

  • The youngest brother was confused, but he did as Puss told him.

  • When he saw the King's carriage approaching, Puss began to shout at the top of his voice.

  • Help! Help! The Marquis of Carabas is drowning!

  • Help the Marquis! The Marquis of Carabas!

  • The King was surprised as he recognized the name immediately.

  • What? The Marquis of Carabas? We must help him right away!

  • The King sent his servants into the water to rescue the Marquis.

  • Oh, what a misfortune!

  • Your Highness, someone has stolen the Marquis of Carabas's clothes!

  • Of course this was a lie and Puss had hidden the clothes away himself.

  • The youngest brother held his tongue and let Puss speak for him.

  • The King felt sorry for the Marquis's plight, and called his servants.

  • Go and bring some clothes for the Marquis of Carabas. Yes, Sir!

  • When the youngest brother dressed himself in the new clothes,

  • he looked so elegant and glittery that he felt just like a real Marquis.

  • Those clothes suit you well.

  • Come with me in my carriage and I will escort you safely to your castle.

  • Oh...umm...thank you, Your Highness...

  • Thank you, so much....

  • The youngest brother was very nervous,

  • because he knew he didn't have a home, much less a castle.

  • Trust me Master, and get into the carriage.

  • Everything will be taken care of.

  • Puss ran up the road ahead of the King's carriage until he reached a large wheat field, that belonged to a horrible ogre.

  • He stopped and called out to the peasants who were gathering wheat.

  • Good peasants -- lend me your ears!

  • If you help me I will rid you of the ogre.

  • So, please help me

  • Surprised the peasants gathered to listen.

  • Tell us, what do you want us to do?

  • When the King's carriage comes down this road, the King will ask you who this land belongs to.

  • Answer him that it belongs to the Marquis of Carabas. Ok?

  • Having settled that, Puss hurried off in the direction of the ogre's castle.

  • When the King's carriage passed the wheat field,

  • the King got out and asked the peasants: "Who does this land belong to?"

  • ...and the peasants responded with one voice:

  • It belongs to the Marquis of Carabas!

  • The king nodded and smiled.

  • Meanwhile, Puss arrived at the ogre's castle and went inside.

  • Greetings, Sir Ogre.

  • Who are you?

  • I serve the noble Marquis of Carabas.

  • He is on his way here, bearing rich gifts for you.

  • Is that so?

  • It is. It is true that you possess great magical powers?

  • What?! Do you dare to doubt my powers, insignificant worm?

  • I just hoped to have the honor of seeing for myself.

  • I heard that you can transform into any animal.

  • Piece of cake! Watch and tremble...

  • Grrrrrrr!

  • Oh, Sir, that is too frightening!

  • The Ogre came back to his original form.

  • Ha, ha, ha. How did you like that? Do you doubt my powers now?

  • That was very impressive Sir, but I am sure you could never turn into a small animal like a mouse.

  • What? Nothing is impossible for me. Watch!

  • With those words, the Ogre transformed himself into a tiny mouse.

  • Quick as a flash, Puss pounced and captured him.

  • ...and he popped the mouse into his mouth and swallowed it whole.

  • Just at that moment, the King entered the castle.

  • The Marquis of Carabas welcomes you to his castle.

  • The King and the Princess were stunned by the beauty and splendor of the castle.

  • Marquis, your castle is indeed grand, and your lands are prosperous.

  • Would you accept my daughter's hand in marriage?

  • The youngest brother and the Princess had a magnificent wedding and lived happily ever after in the Ogre's beautiful castle.

  • ...and it's all thanks to me!

Once upon a time, there was a miller who had three sons.


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B1 中級

穿靴子的貓/被騙的貓--睡前故事動畫|最佳兒童經典高清版 (Puss in Boots / The Booted Cat - Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)

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    姚易辰 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日