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  • jail was a place in which you I had to think You have to pre plan and you have to consider all of possible permutations of anything you do or anything you say it was.

  • It was a system that was controlled by the jailer.

  • And the person next to you may have been paid to kill you.

  • I may have been paid to give you disinformation When Moses and I were arrested in Hattiesburg, coincidentally on on a soldier was brought in who just happened to have been arrested for drinking.

  • And it wasn't It took us about 10 minutes to understand what Israel roll Waas.

  • So we dealt with him like he was an informer.

  • He was ghosting informer in parchment.

  • We were all naked, 63 of us.

  • We knew that the room that we were all put in some time was taped.

  • So our conversation was geared to the jail.

  • Where did we want the jailer to know and not know?

  • Uh, it's It's a such assist.

  • A system unlike any other.

  • I was in Wynonna jail.

  • I have been beaten by 10 people and I later found out one of them was a prizefighter and I'm naked and they're threatening to burn my genitals and they have guns.

  • And my role in was simply to stay conscious.

  • Because if I don't and then people Roberta, Gala and others been began calling across the country and asking to speak to me, that's the only thing that kept me alive.

  • And after about four days of that, they left my cell door open with a knife, right conveniently 23 steps from the door.

  • And I called him and told him that there was a knife out there myself.

  • I needed to be locked so that all the other prisoners could hear that some guy came to me with the frozen.

  • As an FBI agent, I'd work with seeing so many FBI agent that I knew that they didn't have the kind of bad she was showing me.

  • We're talking about a situation where if you stop thinking for a second, you won't last very long.

  • Uh, and the National Council of Churches provided the money for us to get out of jail.

  • I spent two months in parchment prison, absolutely naked, but nothing in my cell but a steel bunk and a mode and mike it was my responsibility doing what I was doing to stay alive the plot and to play in and when released, implement.

jail was a place in which you I had to think You have to pre plan and you have to consider all of possible permutations of anything you do or anything you say it was.


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B1 中級

民權抗議者描述20世紀60年代密西西比州監獄的情況。 (Civil Rights Protester Describes Jail In 1960s Mississippi)

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