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  • Hey, welcome back, Back.

  • Wait here.

  • Now today is going to be a technical topic.

  • We're going to go through three hard coating interview questions.

  • So these are going to be white boarding questions that top tier tech companies like Facebook, Google, those same companies that they may ask you specifically, we're going to take a look at some of the harder questions.

  • The bar raised questions, so don't feel too bad if you don't get them.

  • And if you're not much of a program with an, you could listen in.

  • Or this may not be all that interesting to you because we are going to be doing some coaching here.

  • So here's the first question, and it is known as auto completion.

  • This is a question that I used to ask that Google.

  • Occasionally you're given a perfect and the list of words, and you need to return all of the potential words that would match this.

  • So, for example, if you have t o with the potential worse that this can also complete to our dog door and the Dutch.

  • So then the opera that you want to return is going to be an array dock door and Dutch.

  • So that's the question.

  • Feel free to pause now if you want to think about that, otherwise we will get to the solution.

  • Quick pause.

  • This video, sponsored by brilliant, brilliant, helps people achieve their learning goes.

  • So whether you're a student or professional brushing up, we're learning, Cut the edges goes.

  • Or if you're just curious to learn more about the world, they use your checkup.

  • Brilliant set.

  • Go to improve yourself and then work on that.

  • Go a little bit every day.

  • So check them out over at brilliant.

  • That work slash tech lead.

  • I get 20% off for the 1st 200 people.

  • All right, so let's get to the solution.

  • Well, one brute force technique is Listen, you're given this industry, Theo, and its size is K and you have an array of size.

  • And then what you need to do is you illiterate through each element of K, like your first take a look at the you mash up with all of the first matters in this array of size.

  • And you, under our other words, that don't start with the and then you go to the next letter in K and take a look at Oh, and you filter through everything here and essentially this will get you a solution, but the running time is going to be big o of K times and and that's okay, But I'm wondering if we can even make this faster And that's where we can use a tried a disrupter t r i E.

  • So the way the tragedy Destructor works is actually looks very similar to a standard tree.

  • You have a written up, and then you have letters at each other note.

  • So you have B, C O G.

  • And any time you have actual work, your market like hit, this is a work you may have a r k.

  • Here you have t o r so fast spells out the work door and then the oh, the g e for Dutch.

  • And so, essentially, once you have this tried a the structure built out, you'll be able to id rate through it.

  • Like if you're looking for d o you first traverse toe, try over to D o onto this note And then from here you run a death first search looking for all of this up knows that form a complete work, and those aren't the although completion results to return.

  • As for the time space analysis, well, there are really two steps here.

  • First, we need to get to this actual mood, and that's when to take O of K time, right?

  • And then from here, we need to reiterate through all of the potential words that can be formed.

  • The number of words are going to be a maximum of Oh, right, because we could potentially return every single result.

  • And Viggo is the worst case time complexity.

  • So this is going to be your planet complexity, and that's better than what we had previously, K Times said.

  • Space complexity is going to be.

  • The size of this tray is pretty much a weapon, which is the total size off the inputs.

  • Let's take a look at what the coat looks like.

  • So for the try, I'll start off by creating a know that they destructor.

  • Then I will create a solution class and I'm going to create the build function here and this is going to build the try.

  • Then we're going to have another method here called, although complete, which, given a prefix, it will return a set of words and let me come up with the driver function here.

  • And the answer that we're expecting is Dog Door and Dodge given this input.

  • So in order to build the try, what we really need to do and this is simple is we just iterated through all of the words and traverse the nose like a standard tree.

  • Creating them, if necessary, saw create a trance structure and then our trade through each word in the worst given and then from there, our trade through each character in each work.

  • And I have a current know that starts at the top of the try.

  • And so if their character is not in the current Children, then I will create it and then our Travers to that child at the end.

  • I will mark that current note as a word, and that should do it.

  • Okay.

  • And then, for the other completion, there are two portions.

  • The first half is we need to actually traverse to that sub note following the perfect.

  • So let's do that.

  • So I create current note starting at the top of the try and then for each character in the word I would just traverse.

  • So if the character doesn't actually exist, then we know that we couldn't find any words.

  • There was no match.

  • Otherwise, we're just going to move the current No, to the child that matches that character.

  • And then once we found that seven, though, that we need to perform with the first search.

  • So our brand new function find words from note, given the current note and the word.

  • And this is going to be a standard that for search function, which is something that you may want to practice.

  • And the return value of this function was going to be a set of words, right?

  • So initialized the set of force to nothing at first, and then we'll say work.

  • The note is actually a word.

  • Then we're at that.

  • And then we need to go through all of this up Children and add any words that we find from those look Children into this words array as well.

  • So for each character and then those Children, we will add recursive lee self doubt, final words from note given the child and the new prefix, which is the perfect plus that current charts.

  • So now if we were to run this program than Yes, we're seeing the answer.

  • Dog door, Dutch.

  • So that completes the first question.

  • What did you think?

  • Did you get it?

  • Oh, and by the way, if you're finding these problems helpful, then make sure to also check out my program code.

  • A pro dot com were ex Google ex Facebook engineers.

  • We run through over 100 of these coding top of white board and questions to make sure that you are well prepared for the coding, data, structures and algorithms portion of your technical interview.

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  • So check that out over a code a pro dot com.

  • There'll be a discount for you in the description below.

  • All right, was that fun?

  • Are you getting the hang of this?

  • Let's move on to the second question.

  • This is known as cake largest number.

  • It is a fairly common question because there are so many different ways to solve it.

  • But I'll give you the rundown for if you've never heard of this one and then I look over some of the solutions for you.

  • So the way this world works is you're given an array of numbers.

  • 5723416 They're not really sorted.

  • And you need to return the Cato largest number.

  • So given the index three, we want to find the third largest number.

  • So from here you can actually see well, seventh is the largest, then six and then five.

  • So the number we wanna return is five.

  • That's the question.

  • I'll give you a moment to think about that, and then we'll get into the solution.

  • All right, welcome back.

  • So let's go over the solutions.

  • Well, there's the brute force technique where you essentially it right through the array K.

  • A number of times where Caisse say three.

  • And that each generation you just remove the largest number from the array.

  • You can either make a copy of it or you could mutate the in place.

  • So in the brute force technique, it would be K times in because you're making que passes over an array of size and that is your time complexity.

  • Well, what's another technique?

  • Well, another one you can think about is.

  • Why don't we just sort this array so you could just sort it?

  • 1234567 Once you've sorted that, you can simply return the array value at the index of the length of the array minus Kate.

  • And that reference is going to be constant time.

  • But sorting the array well, the fastest sort we have the same like quick sort that's going to take end, log and time.

  • So that's another technique.

  • But I wonder if we could go even faster and in fact we can.

  • And if your experience you would know that there is something called the heap data structure, so they keep they destructor.

  • It's a little bit of an obscure one, but it looks like a binary tree, and it maintains this constraint that the maximum or minimum value is going to be at the root of a tree.

  • And any time that you take off the top, Element is able to fight the next largest value, our smallest value in log rhythmic time, and set that up to the top well with the heap.

  • Generally, you'll be open to build it in linear time, and then once you've built it.

  • You need to get the case elements, so you need to run the pop operation K times, and each operation is going to take long of end time because it needs to traverse the height of the tree.

  • Generally, the height of that tree is going to be locked in.

  • That brings your total running time to over and plus O of K log in.

  • That's pretty decent, actually.

  • And if you were to solve this and write the code for this and generally, by the way we don't write the entire heap data structure, it's a little bit too complex for an entire interview setting.

  • So if you know how it works, I can explain the usually that's gonna be good enough.

  • You can use some buildings or classes or libraries for that, but if you were to do that, then that would be sufficient most of the time.

  • But there's actually even a faster way to do this.

  • I can't think about what that would be.

  • So if you think about that, the heap is actually doing some additional work because in addition to getting the Kate element, you're also getting the K minus one element became on the second element that came on this third element.

  • And essentially, you've sorted half of theory.

  • Perhaps by the time you found that case element, so we can actually avoid sorting a lot of this array by using a special technique known as partitioning.

  • So here's how partition works.

  • You pick a random number traditionally, you're just pick the last one and then you're going to partition around it.

  • You're going to keep track of an index at which you know this person off, the array is going to be sorted, and you're going to increment that index, making sure that each value you put in there as you increment and go is less than this current value.

  • So you take a look at five.

  • Is it less?

  • Yes, it is is fine.

  • So we're going to move the index forward and take a look at the next.

  • Value is seven less than six.

  • No, it's not.

  • So we're going to not touch that index and just continue on to the next value to is to lessen six.

  • It is.

  • So we're going to swap to with the value at the index so too soft with seven and then we moved The index fort moving on is three less than the index it is.

  • So we're going to stop again here.

  • And so in this manner, we're pushing that value seven all the way to the end of the array for also soft with seven here and then one will stop with seven.

  • And then at last Valley, we see six sixes not lessen itself.

  • So we leave that there.

  • And then the final step is we stopped that pivot value with the index at which we got to so six and seven stop here and in this manner, we have partitioned around that number six other numbers less than that are on one side out the numbers greater than there are on the other side.

  • And what's more, we can keep track of what value this index is that, like we know this is going to be at index five.

  • Actually, in the next step, we can continue to partition the other half of the array, and we can keep doing that until we get to the Cape Index.

  • So what's the time complexity of this?

  • Well, it's actually an algorithm that keeps subdividing so on the first pass, you go through every number and the second pass.

  • You've divided the array and to say, two different halves.

  • So it's only going to take in over two alterations.

  • Been an over four.

  • Been end over eight and so forth until as sympathetically.

  • If your toe add up these numbers, you would get off two of end, then your time.

  • Pretty much space complexity.

  • If you're doing this ed relatively, it's pretty much constant.

  • You're just keeping track of a few pointers and swapping valve use.

  • So let's take a look at what the code looks like.

  • Someone to start with a solution class this time and would define the function.

  • Find Kate largest given in the ray and index K, and here we're going to want to return some number, and then I'll come up with the driver function here, and we are expecting the value.

  • Five.

  • So there are two compliments here when there's a loop in which we keep subdividing the problem.

  • And then there's also another function partition in which are able to mutate the array.

  • So for the loop, we're going to maintain two indexes.

  • When does the left Index, which starts at zero, and then the right index is going to start at the length of the array and we're going to find a pivot index in which we're going to essentially just run partition on the array, given the left and right boundaries and let me define the partition method.

  • And what partition does is going to partition the array randomly on some number and return the index at which it has partitioned around.

  • And then we take a look at this pivot index and ever happens to equal decayed index value.

  • Then we know we've found our value and which simply can return that otherwise we were addressed the left or right bounds and then continue iterating.

  • And then at the end, if we haven't found the valley, which is returned negative one.

  • So what this partition looked like?

  • Well, we'll pick the pivot as just the highest value, and then we keep track of this index at the low value, and we're just going to implement that index as we go.

  • So each iteration of the value of the Reyes lesson we go to the pivot, then we're going to swap those values with the index and then we move the index up by one and at the end that we swapped the value at the index with the highest valley, which is the pivot and returned the index.

  • So I believe that should pretty much get us the solution.

  • And so yeah, There you go.

  • Got the answer.

  • Five.

  • And I kind of sped through this problem, but I'm trying to keep time.

  • Sure.

  • And there will be out the code in the description below too, if you want to check it out.

  • So did you get this solution?

  • Let me know if you did.

  • This is a very common question.

  • There's a good want to know and that Let's move on to our last coating question.

  • You ready?

  • So here's the question.

  • It is known as concatenation of words you're given and the ray of words.

  • And you need to find which of these words can possibly be a concatenation of these other words.

  • And so let me share an example, or here you have cat and s, but we only have kept in this array.

  • So this is not actually an answer.

  • You got dog.

  • There's no match for that.

  • And then we have cat with that corresponds to a cat.

  • But we don't have the word stock, right.

  • However, we do have cats and dog, and both of these sub words correspond to one of the words and the array.

  • That is a proper concatenation.

  • The answer we're looking for here is cats.

  • Dog.

  • Pretty tricky question.

  • I'll give you a moment to think about that, and then we will get into this solution.

  • All right, welcome back.

  • So let's get to the solution.

  • Well, it's considered the most brute force approach in which we're going to just try every single combination.

  • For example, look and cast stock were first going to take a look at sea and then at stock.

  • And then we'll check of thes two words match and no, they don't.

  • So then we'll take a look a c a and then T s d o g thes Don't match either.

  • C a.

  • T as Theo G where we found a match for cat.

  • But we did not find a match for s stock.

  • C a t s t o g.

  • We found a match for that and then we can continue on and check out The other combinations were essentially just partitioning this word down and keep in mind this is actually going to be a recursive process.

  • So even though you've broken the initial adoration down to see and at stock now you need to break down this word at stock again.

  • So you have a T S d o g a t in the S d o g a t s and D o g.

  • So the concatenation force can actually be 2345 multi level contaminations.

  • So essentially, what the brute force technique does is it just generates every single combination given each later you just look for words that either begin or begin without that letters.

  • So in the sense, you can imagine this as a tree.

  • You have words that begin with C and don't begin with C.

  • Then you have words that begin with a and don't begin with eight.

  • Then you have words that begin with T and then don't begin with T.

  • Then you have words that begin with s and don't begin with us and so forth generating every single combination of subset of words for each word.

  • And then, for each of these sub words, you're going to check whether they exist within this array.

  • To make it a little bit faster.

  • You can turn this array into a set like a hash map so that you're at least doing constant time.

  • Look up.

  • But even so, what's the time complexity of this?

  • Well, let's assume you have n words, and then each word is on average length of em.

  • Well, you're going to have two times two times, two times, two times 22 to the M Different sup words you're going to have to spread out across end words.

  • So this is the total number of sup words that you'll be generating, and they're going to be comparing these inside the set.

  • That's going to be a constant time.

  • Look up.

  • So this is n times two to the M time.

  • And if you're doing this recursive lee, the space complexity will be the maximum height of your federation stack.

  • That's going to be too through the M.

  • So how can we try to improve upon this?

  • Well, if you take a look and think about all of the different combinations of some words that were generating where we have C.

  • A.

  • T s dog and then if you take a look later on, we've actually separated this into A and T s stock, and we're testing t s stock twice here.

  • So actually, there's not two to the M combinations of sub words, really?

  • So one optimization is we can actually cash or meme wise, whether a given sub word is a concatenation of words or not.

  • Now, that sounds pretty good.

  • But as far as time complex that the well, what's the value of this optimization that we've done here?

  • We know that cashing to save something and one easy way to think about this as well is going to equal the total number of unique suppers that, given the word can generate.

  • If you think about the word cats, for example.

  • Well, how many different sub words can you form from this?

  • So maybe we can just make a matrix where the starting index are.

  • The columns and then the ending index are the rose.

  • And so for each entry in the matrix represents a word like this, a c, it's a C a c a T c A t s a 80 80 s, t.

  • T s, And then this is s and I have to make your ex.

  • Well, Hume, there's nothing really there.

  • So look at it this way.

  • The total number of combinations is actually m scored over to, which means that our optimization has brought our running time to end times M squared, which seems pretty good to me.

  • I mean, though, if you were able to find something faster than this, But other than that, this seems like a pretty decent solution.

  • Let me show you what the coat looks like.

  • So I'll stop by creating a class and ill defined the function.

  • Find all can captain ated words given input of words.

  • And then we're looking to return an array.

  • The input driver function is going to be cat cats, the cats stock.

  • And then when I run this program, I'm expecting the output cat stuck.

  • So the first thing we're gonna do is turn these words into a set such that we get the constant time.

  • Look up when we're checking, every word exists in here and then hydrate through each word and return it if it is a valid contamination.

  • So I created the private method can form and then I would rate through each letter in the word and then I'll split the world into a prefix and the suffix and check whether both halves can be constructed.

  • So if the perfect exists in the world to dictionary and then if the Suffolk CE also exists in the world dictionary or it recursive Lee can be formed, then we can return true on this word.

  • Otherwise we returned False.

  • So this is the brute force solution and their works.

  • Okay, But we can also implement a cash.

  • I'll show you how to do that.

  • You simply create a cashier and they just pass that into the function and dysfunction before it does any work.

  • Well, first check at the word is in the cash, and if it is, then oh, just returned to cash value.

  • Otherwise, we're just cash these valleys as we're computing them.

  • And so there we go.

  • That should pretty much get this a solution.

  • So using the cash way.

  • But the save on run time is also known.

  • That's memorization or dynamic programming.

  • So ready to learn more, we'll head on over to brilliant that orc slash tech lead where they have brand new interactive content that makes solving puzzles and challenges even more fun and hands on.

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  • And all of their courses have storytelling, code writing, interactive challenges and problems to solve.

  • So check them out over every lead that work, slash tech lead and get 20% off for the 1st 200 people.

  • So I hope you enjoy these three coding questions.

  • I will consider these hard ones, and they know that they have all been as a top tier tech companies quite recently.

  • So these are good ones to know, although don't worry if you weren't able to necessarily get them up because you can still pass an interview without necessarily getting through all of these.

  • So I hope you enjoyed the episode.

  • If you did, please give a like and subscribe.

  • I really appreciate that and I'll see you next time.

Hey, welcome back, Back.


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來自Google、Facebook、FANG的最 "難 "的面試問題(軟件工程師用) (Top “Hard” Interview Problems from Google, Facebook, FANG (for software engineers))

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