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Hello lovely people, it’s me again, wading in with another highly-demonetisable video-
你好可愛的人,這是我,再次涉水 與另一個高度惡魔的視頻 -
this time we’re talking about whether it’s ever okay to talk over a marginalised person.
這次我們談論的是否是 永遠可以談論一個被邊緣化的人。
In case we are demonetised...
the merch shelf has been expanded to more countries than before- yay!- so if you
商品貨架已擴大到 比以前更多的國家! - 所以,如果你
can now see it leave a comment with your country!
If the YouTube Gods have seen fit to strike this video down for some of the words I am
如果YouTube眾神認為適合罷工 這段視頻講述了我的一些話
about to say… in context! Then please do consider supporting the channel in another
即將說......在上下文中!然後請做 考慮在另一個頻道支持頻道
way to allow me to create apparently controversial educational videos that, let’s be honest,
讓我創造顯然有爭議的方式 教育視頻,說實話,
are super mild. [bell sfx]
非常溫和。 [bell sfx]
- I never even swear, YouTube!
- 我甚至都沒有發誓,YouTube!
You can support me by joining the Kellgren-Fozard Club where you’ll get access to a monthly
你可以加入Kellgren-Fozard來支持我 俱樂部,您可以每月訪問
behind the scenes video, take part in fun chats and get discounts on merch.
幕後視頻,參與樂趣 聊天並獲得商品折扣。
Like next Friday
The merch you can either see on the little shelf below my video or click through the link in the
您可以在下面的小架子上看到的商品 我的視頻或點擊中的鏈接
description to find. It’s adorable if I do say so myself…
找到的描述。 如果我這樣說,我很可愛......
Today we’re going to be talking about rights and language. Who has the rights to talk in
今天我們將談論權利 和語言。誰有權參與談話
certain situations and who has the right to decide when language is offensive?
某些情況和誰有權利 決定何時語言令人反感?
This video was sparked by a comment I was asked on my Twitter- which you can find a
這個視頻是由我的評論引發的 在我的Twitter上詢問 - 你可以找到一個
link to below: @jessicaootc (which is the shortening of my instagram handle @jessicaoutofthecloset):
鏈接到下面:@jessicaootc(這是 縮短我的Instagram句柄@jessicaoutofthecloset):
Is it ever okay for an ablebodied person to speak over a disabled person?
一個身體健康的人是否可以接受 說一個殘疾人?
To which my unpopular opinion is…
Yes, in some cases it is.
Don’t come for me just yet! Wait until the end of the video to get angry, I do have a
不要來找我吧!等到 視頻結束生氣,我確實有
point here, promise.
Firstly, what is a marginalised group?
Marginalisation – sometimes also called social exclusion – refers to the relegation
邊緣化 - 有時也被稱為 社會排斥 - 指降級
to the fringes of society due to a lack of access to rights, resources, and opportunities
由於缺乏社會的邊緣 獲得權利,資源和機會
that are normally available to members of a different group. This may be due to a person’s
通常可供會員使用 一個不同的群體。這可能是由於一個人的
social class, lack of education, disability, race, religion, sexuality or appearance. Bear
社會階層,缺乏教育,殘疾, 種族,宗教,性或外表。熊
in mind that a group doesn’t need to be in the minority to be marginalised. In mid
記住,一群人不需要 在少數人中被邊緣化。中期
19th century Russia, serfs made up the majority of the population but were the most oppressed.
19世紀的俄羅斯,農奴佔多數 人口卻是最受壓迫的。
To my mind however, the issue of grouping people together is in itself problematic because
然而,在我看來,分組的問題 人們在一起本身就有問題,因為
as human beings no two of us are the same.
I fall into the LGBTQ+ group, right?
我屬於LGBTQ +組,對吧?
I’m a gay, homosexual, rainbow blooded, lady-loving, in it for the long-run lesbian.
我是同性戀,同性戀,彩虹血統, 熱愛女士,在這里為長期的女同性戀者。
I can talk about women-loving-women issues until the cows come home! BUT, does that give
我可以談談愛女人的問題 直到奶牛回家!但是,這給了
me the authority to talk over gay men on an issue that affects men who love men?
我有機會談論同性戀者 影響愛男人的問題?
Does that give me the right to speak over a trans person on issues about gender?
這是否使我有權通過反式發言 關於性別問題的人?
Definitely not!
Equally, do I, as a white person, have the right to talk over a person of colour about racism?
同樣,作為一個白人,我是否擁有 是否有權談論有關種族主義的有色人種?
100% no.
I think we’re all agreed on these points, right? Seems pretty obvious and easy to grasp.
我想我們都同意這些觀點, 對?看起來非常明顯且易於掌握。
If it’s not your lane, stay out of it!
Buuuut… that’s very simplified.
Buuuut ......這非常簡單。
Take as an example a homeless gay teenager. Who is better able to speak to what would help
以一個無家可歸的同性戀少年為例。誰 能夠更好地說出有用的東西
them whilst they’re living on the streets: a straight person who was once homeless or
他們在街上生活時: 一個曾經無家可歸的人
a gay person who has never been homeless?
There are many intersections in our lived experiences. No one else on Earth has ever
在我們的生活中有許多交叉點 經驗。地球上沒有其他任何人
nor will ever live the exact copy of your life. Think about the parts of you that make
也永遠不會生活你的確切副本 生活。想想你的部分
up your identity: from the colour of your skin to your taste in music to the friend
你的身份:從你的顏色 皮膚給你的朋友帶來音樂品味
group you had when you were five. It’s easiest to see when you have siblings: they largely
你五歲時的小組。這是最簡單的 看你什麼時候有兄弟姐妹:他們很大程度上
share your genes and were raised by the same people but how incredibly different are you?
分享你的基因,並由同樣的基因提高 人們但你有多麼不同?
I'm very different from my brother.
He doesn't like small dogs!
So, people are different but can still be grouped into some of the same loose boxes.
所以,人們不同但仍然可以 分成一些相同的鬆散盒子。
Or circles.
We’re pretty much all amazingly complex ven diagrams that occassionally knock against
我們幾乎都非常複雜 那些偶爾會反對的圖表
or overlap other people and then smack each other around in a colourful rush of confetti.
或重疊其他人,然後打每個人 其他周圍的五彩紙屑豐富多彩。
I have an issue however when we start to consider ‘disabled’ as a group that can be ‘easily’
但是當我們開始考慮時,我遇到了一個問題 “殘疾人”作為一個可以“輕鬆”的群體
lobbed into one circle.
It’s tosh.
[bell sfx]
[bell sfx]
As with the example I gave of the homeless LGBT teenager, there is always going to be
就像我給無家可歸者的例子一樣 LGBT少年,總會有
difficulty in discerning who has the right to speak in a situation where a person cannot
難以辨別誰有權利 在一個人做不到的情況下說話
speak for themselves-
為自己說話 -
And by ‘cannot’ I mean either literally can’t or, as in that case, is deemed by
並且'不能'我的意思是字面意思 不能或者,就像那種情況一樣,被認為是
law to be unable to due to age or a range of other factors.
由於年齡或範圍而無法達到的法律 其他因素。
To my mind: does being disabled allow you to speak for
在我看來:被禁用是否允許你 說話
all disabled people on all ‘disability issues’...?
Not in the slightest.
I am fully aware that I in no way speak for more people than just myself. These are my
我完全清楚,我絕不會說話 比我自己更多的人。這些是我的
thoughts, this channel is just my feelings so please bear that in mind whilst watching.
想法,這個頻道只是我的感受所以請 在觀看時牢記這一點。
- Just because I don’t like something does not in any way mean I am casting a value judgement
- 只因為我不喜歡某事 絕不意味著我正在進行價值判斷
on whether something should annoy you in the same way or not.
是否有什麼東西應該惹惱你 同樣的方式。
As I see it, the label ‘disabled’ is drastically unlike the label ‘lesbian’. To break it
在我看來,標籤'禁用'是非常嚴重的 不像“女同性戀”這個標籤。打破它
down: it’s the difference between cats and dogs. And yes, I’m using cats to symbolise
下來:這是貓和貓之間的區別 小狗。是的,我正在用貓來象徵
lesbians. Some cliches are true people!
- not for me, actually, I’m really allergic to cats and also slightly terrified of them.
- 實際上,對我來說,我真的很過敏 對貓和他們也有點害怕。
I’ll hold a tarantula before I stroke a cat.
在我中風前我會拿一隻狼蛛 貓。
- it smells my fear and it’s coming for me, okay?!
- 它聞到了我的恐懼,它的到來 我,好嗎?!
- the spider won’t kill me but the cat might!
- 蜘蛛不會殺了我,但貓可能!
… I’m aware some spiders can actually kill people. But I live in England, I’m
......我知道一些蜘蛛實際上可以 殺人但我住在英格蘭,我
surrounded by ninja cats.
Moving away from my feline fears…
Lesbians are like cats because they come in different colours but they’re all pretty
女同性戀者就像貓一樣,因為他們進來了 不同的顏色,但他們都漂亮
much the same: women who love women. Sure, there are some outlyer ones but are they really
大致相同:愛女人的女人。當然, 有一些外面的,但他們真的
that different? Also there are some people that pretty much all lesbians love.
那不同?還有一些人 幾乎所有女同性戀者都喜歡。
Like cat people.
Disability however… well, it’s INCREDIBLY varied. A St Bernard and a Chihuahua are not
然而,殘疾......好吧,它是令人難以置信的 多變。聖伯納德和奇瓦瓦不是
the same. They don’t experience life in the same way.
相同。他們沒有經歷過生活 一樣的方法。
Although yes, they are both dogs.
I talked earlier about how all humans are individual but within the realm of disability
我之前談過人類的所有方式 個人但在殘疾領域
that can be even more stark.
There are so many different types of disability that being a disabled person does not give
有許多不同類型的殘疾 作為一個殘疾人不會給
you the right or the ability to talk over other disabled people about issues that affect
你有權利或有權交談 其他殘疾人關於影響的問題
them. Take for instance the straw ban. I made a video about why the straw ban is harmful
他們。以禁止吸管為例。我做了 關於秸稈禁令為何有害的視頻
for disabled people. There were a number of comments that said
適合殘疾人士。有一些 評論說
‘well, I’m disabled
and I don’t need straws so you can’t say that’ or
我不需要吸管所以你不能說 那個'或者
‘I’m disabled and I use paper
straws so everyone else should do the same.’
This, my friend, is a false equivalency.
A person who is disabled by only having one leg does not necessarily understand the life
只有一個人而殘疾的人 腿不一定了解生活
of a person who is disabled by only having one hand. A person who is disabled by a mental
只有一個人殘疾的人 一隻手。精神病患者
health problem does not necessarily understand someone who has a learning disability.
健康問題不一定明白 有學習障礙的人。
It's an incredibly complex and nuanced group of people.
這是一個非常複雜的 細緻入微的一群人。
Which I’m now going to make even more complex by bringing in non-disabled people
我現在要做的更複雜 引進非殘疾人士
who CAN speak to a problem.
You're welcome.
There is a group of people within the disabled community who ARE voiceless and NEED someone
殘疾人中有一群人 無聲的社區,需要某人
else to speak for them- not because they’re invalidated by society but because they are
否則為他們說話 - 不是因為他們 社會無效,但因為他們是
unable to express themselves. In the case of a person with a severe learning disability
無法表達自己。在這種情況下 嚴重學習障礙的人
say, who is better able to speak to their needs: a disabled person with a different
比如,誰能更好地與他們交談 需求:一個與眾不同的殘疾人
disability or the able-bodied person who cares for them every day?
殘疾或關心的健全人 每天為他們?
Now, this is in no way to say that parents of disabled children should be allowed to
現在,這絕不是說父母 應該允許殘疾兒童
silence the voices of the community their child is a part of- neurotypical parents of
沉默社區的聲音 孩子是 - 的神經典型父母的一部分
autistic children do not get to shut down autistic adults and they do not always have
自閉症兒童不會被關閉 自閉症的成年人,他們並不總是
the right to the spaces carved out for those people.
為這些空間雕刻的空間的權利 人。
What I’m talking about here is a knowledge base. Particularly when an argument is occurring
我在這裡談論的是一種知識 基礎。特別是在爭論發生時
and no people with first hand experience are available to stand for their side. The person
沒有第一手經驗的人 可以站在他們一邊。此人
with greater knowledge of the subject as lived, I would say, has the upper hand, regardless
隨著生活中對主體的更多了解, 我會說,無論如何都佔上風
of whether they are disabled or not.
Please note I said ‘as lived’. That’s to exclude health care professionals.
請注意我說'生活'。那是 排除醫療保健專業人員。
Now, I’m British, so I’m all for doctors
- rah, rah!
- 呃,呃!
- they’re employed by the NHS, they’re not actually making oodles of money and they’re
- 他們受僱於NHS,他們是 實際上並沒有賺大錢而且他們是
all trying to do their best.
BUT. And correct me if you think I’m wrong…
The expert in my condition may have worked and studied for 50 years to try and understand
我的情況專家可能有效 並研究了50年來嘗試和理解
it but I’m 30 and I will always know more. You know why? Because she gets to go home
它,但我30歲,我將永遠了解更多。 你知道為什麼?因為她回家了
in the evening. She gets to switch off. She can live her life without thinking about it.
晚上。她得關掉了。她 她可以不用思考就過著自己的生活。
But I can’t. For me it is every second of every day.
但我不能。對我來說,它是每一秒鐘 每天。
And if you’re the able-bodied full-time carer for someone then you can also be living
如果你是一個健全的全職人員 照顧某人然後你也可以生活
that condition every second of every day. Not to the extent that you can speak over
這種情況每天都在每一天。 不到你可以說話的程度
that person if they are able to voice themselves and not to the degree that you can hush someone
那個人如果能說出自己的話 而不是你可以噓某人的程度
with the same condition but you have that knowledge.
條件相同,但你有 知識。
Being disabled doesn't make you suddenly knowledgeable on all aspects of disabilities.
被殘疾並不會讓你突然 了解殘疾的各個方面。
"I'm disabled and I don't use straws" is all well and good but adding
“我是殘疾人,我不使用吸管”就是這樣 好,但添加
"so no disabled person
needs straws" is clearly ridiculous.
If there is a non-disabled person present with first hand experience of a particular
如果有非殘疾人在場 具有特定的第一手經驗
aspect of disability that the disabled person does not know about then I think it's perfectly
殘疾人的殘疾方面 我不知道那時我覺得它很完美
appropriate to voice that.
A person born with only one hand might not need to use ramps, but do they then have the
只有一隻手出生的人可能不會 需要使用斜坡,但他們有沒有
right to argue that there should be no ramps at all? Clearly not. Should a non-disabled
有權爭辯說應該沒有坡道 什麼?顯然不是。應該是非殘疾人
person who cares for a ramp user (eg. a spouse/sibling) be allowed to argue back that ramps should
關心斜坡用戶的人(例如配偶/兄弟姐妹) 被允許反駁斜坡應該
stay? Definitely!
Although the person with first hand experience of using the ramp should
雖然有人 使用斜坡的第一手經驗應該
be allowed to speak first, if they are not there when the argument is taking place then
如果他們不這樣做,可以先發言 那時爭論正在進行
I certainly feel that it is entirely appropriate for the non-disabled person to argue their point.
我當然覺得這是完全合適的 為非殘疾人辯論他們的觀點。
Policing each other will always be unhelpful but so will allowing people to speak on things
互相監管總是無益的 但也允許人們談論事情
they have no knowledge about.
That’s my two-cents. [bell sfx]
那是我的兩分錢。 [bell sfx]
I’m intrigued to see whether my fear of cats is actually the real hot-take in this video.
我很好奇地看到我是否害怕 貓實際上是這個視頻的真正熱門話題。
I hope I used that term right. I’m not great at internet slang. I’m secretly your grandmother.
我希望我把這個詞用得恰到好處。我不是很棒 在互聯網俚語。我偷偷地是你的祖母。
Hello sweetheart.
Thank you for watching all the way to the end. You get sweeties for that because clearly
感謝您一路觀看 結束。因為很清楚,你得到的是甜心
that’s what grandparents are for.
Let me know what you think in the comments. Please subscribe if you haven’t already
讓我知道你在評論中的看法。 如果您還沒有訂閱,請訂閱
and I’ll see you in my next video.