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Hello and welcome to this week's vlog.
Anyone who is new here, I'm Jessica. This is my wife Claudia
Hi! We're British Obviously
And we are currently doing a seven week tour of Malaysia
Okay, I can't lie to you
It is actually Thursday
But we spent the first two days of this week editing the Thailand videos
both of which you can watch by clicking the card above or going to the link in the description
And then yesterday, I was just generally feeling poo
because I have my period and of course that means the migraines
But the funny thing about my period migraines and actually just my chronic pain in general
It would be hurting anyway whether I'm in the apartment doing absolutely nothing
or I'm out and about having fun. So I decided - let's do that. We're gonna go shopping
First thing we're going to do is go and get our hair done. Someone needs a trim
Yeah, I'm getting mine trimmed.
It's quite long
I do like my hair like this. I like my natural ringlets and so on
That kind of like unbrushed look, cause I just don't brush it
Nine times out of ten, when I go to the hairdresser's and I come out, I would preferred it when I went in
because I just like to style it my way, and when I say style it I mean like I just let it dry
or I tie it in a bun, and let it dry on my head, and then when I let it go it goes wavy
we'll see
I'm growing my hair. Obviously. So I'm just gonna get my roots done
And we don't want them to trim it, but I have a fear that they're going to tell me the ends are dead
I bought myself a magazine
How to improve your photography
Anyway, I thought I'd get this and read it in the hairdressers because
they always only provide really girly magazines with loads and loads adverts of handbags and shoes and clothes
and like what makeup is best if you have this type of face and I'm like
That was the fastest and best haircut I've had for a long time
Just got our hair done, let's take moment to appreciate Claudia in all her gloriousness
I know, it's actually, ironically I came out thinking
Ah, this is probably one out of the ten times, it's okay
Unfortunately - you can't tell from this angle - but everywhere you can't see still has roots
Yes, it was entirely pointless.
Claudia: I do a better job apparently
Cause I'm the one who does it normally at home
I did say, we were gonna do it last night, but we were tired, but I was just gonna do it for you
Which is what we're gonna do anyway.
Well now we have to get more dye
Plus point though is this does give me a good moment to plug the fact that
Clara and I in the future are going to make a video all about maintaining your hair
when it's dyed, because people ask me that a lot
Oh, and we asked everyone that in the community tab, which you should definitely go and check out
Look at the community tab - I will post stuff there
Claudia: Do you know what that one's called? Jessica: What?
Claudia: It's the parrotfish, since it's got like a beak Jessica Yeah, and it's colourful
Glutinous rice flour, water, potato search, tapioca starch canola oil
Permitted colouring! No bad colouring, just the allowed ones.
Jessie's feeling a bit sad
I feel sad, because
Cause I'm full of hormones, that make a girl feel sad
Basically it's her time of month
She can't handle it
Does anyone know which are the best hormone control pills to take that won't make her feel hormonal
Claudia: and she can stop feeling like this Jessica: I want to go on a pill that you don't get a period
cause I don't need that in my life
I just want my migraines to go away.
She's in like actual agony?
Hurts so much
and so I just want to like get lots of.. I want to get lots and lots of clothes
Really cheaply And then feel really good about myself
That's what I need
Claudia: This is confusing you Jessica: Oh my god, this is really bending my mind
We think we found some clothes that I like
Claudia: It's not your normal style
I'm not sure where the skirt goes
If I pull the waistband down to my waist
I think I'm gonna get demonetised, guys!
It's not good It's not gonna end well, is it?
We are going to a night market - another one
Another one, yeah. A Malaysian one, pasar malam
Which will hopefully have some very exciting things, including a new Joby stick for this camera
Cause this one is looking a little bit tired and, it's like they're all popping out
Jessica: One the legs, everytime I move it, just comes off
Anyway - no, what we're gonna do is get some cheap mock up
Mock up? Like spoof
I'm too.. I've had a migraine for three days
Claudia: Whatever Jessica: Don't ask me!
We're gonna get some fake Joby sticks
What other things are we gonna buy? Maybe some knickers?
Jessica: What? Claudia: Essentials - some knickers
I actually got an amazing bra from the first night market we went to in Thailand
It was only two pounds, and it was the best bra I've ever bought
Your knickers are made for child
I've just got a small more bum, okay
Okay, apparently I should cover more of my bum
Oh no, I love your bum
But I just think, you know, the bright primary coloured underwear in like the little girly pantie shape
I just don't like spending money on things that don't need to be like, that's why I'm buying my new knickers from a market
As the person who sees your underwear, I'm just saying
I've got my other camera ready
I just want to get some nice photos that encapsulate Malaysia
And then get them framed and put them around our house in England and also maybe around the flat here
Can my friend come?
Can I come, please?
I found more bows
Claudia: Head bows
Jessica: Loook. More bows
This is [Cantonese word], or sugar cane drink
My aunt was like, oh they sell sugar cane drink, your favourite
Because when I was liittle, I made a song about all of my favourite food in Malaysia
it went a bit like this
"Claudia singing"
And I can remember the rest, but..
that's how I told myself some simple Cantonese
Today I feel really poo
I'm just really exhausted and..
Cause I've been awake now for like five hours, and I'm not awake
Good morning!
So yesterday's market was absolutely amazing - wait, should I turn this fan off? I should turn the fan off.
So yesterday's market is really really good. It was the market that I wanted to see in Thailand
It wasn't just touristy
tatty stuff which
the town markets were
But we got amazing fruit
So cheap!
And it's now absolutely filling our fridge. Our fridge is full of weird fruit
And I managed to get some nice bows for my hair
I had a really lovely dinner
And it was just a really nice experience. It was really good
However, shopping at the department stores yesterday - not so great
As you can see I am wearing the same dress as yesterday
Not only because this dress isn't actually dirty, so why not?
But also just because I don't have enough clothes
I know, I know that's the type of thing of course I would say that
but I genuinely didn't actually bring that many clothes with me
Swimming costumes on the other hand..
People keep asking me on Instagram, how many swimming costumes do you have with you exactly?
Clothes are really cheap here, and they're really good quality as well and
Underwear especially is much better buying it out here
because it does not need to be as expensive as in England
Yeah, and then kind of apparently we just forgot
that although Claudia looks absolutely amazing in everything she has tried on here
and has the perfect body for it
I do not
Everything here is quite, it's sort of cut for more of an Asian body type
and the fashions for tops and so on seem very straight down and
Now, it's just not.. that's just not me
So today, we're going to Sunway which is about, apparently
a 15-minute drive way, getting an Uber
and is a much bigger mall, has a larger range of stuff
And I am super excited, because we went there when we here two years ago
and they have this whole area, that is just
Weird street fashion - is the best way to describe that
And I got some really good vintagey skirts there
Very big skirts - very big
And they have sort of Harajuku stuff
They have some relief(?) stuff they have different
Different looks and fashion, styles. And I'm really excited. I want to get some weird handbags
So that's really fun, and we are dressed ready for the air con
Because this is a very important thing when you're shopping in Malaysia. You need to know
Bring clothes for the cold
Weird, but true. It's freezing. Every shop you go, it's freezing
It's genuinely freezing in here. It is, it is
But, just stopping to get my Coke Light - slowest service ever
and then I turned around and I saw an amazing shop!
Just a pharaoh statue twice the size of a regular human
Clearly, 50% of you guys are American, my analytics tell me
So is this really boring for you? Are you like "oh, seen that before"?
Cause all of my British people, I know, are like "Ahh"!
Let's go into Asian Avenue!
"Jessica singing"
Oh yeah, first we're gonna try to find an external hard drive - so exciting!
A bit lost right now, but the great thing is it's a circle
No, it's not a circle. It's a square, and the square means we eventually get back to where we want to be
Claudia is now holding the camera for me, even though it looks like I am
I'm not
I'm in so much pain!
Claudia: That's what shopping does to you
We bought stuff, guys
Warning, I'm gonna show you Brian - be prepared. Or skip ahead
Claudia: It's not looking that bad, just a bit mangi. Manji? Mangi?
Jessica: Sorry, are you trying to say mangy? Or mangi? Claudia: Both
Ah, pills!
Liquid and pills
Claudia: Have some non-alcoholic drink again
It's like shooting drilling stop stabbing pain
From my toesies all the way to my hips.
I don't have a cutesy words the hips
Claudia: Yeah, hipsies
From my toesies to my hipsies
No that doesn't quite work
Cut to us trying on our clothes
Both: Marvel t-shirts!
Jessica: These are both one of only 300 made
Claudia: They glow in the dark, how amazing it. Jessica: Oh, that's so good
Claudia : Don't you agree, Fred?
So Claudia has asked me to open her crisp packet
because this is what she did
when she last opened it
This is her idea of resealing
You can't just duct tape things together!
You know for someone with two degrees, this is either
or idiotic!
Well, they are still fresh. I will give you that, they are still fresh
We are at the house of Claudia's aunt and uncle
That was a really non English way to say that, wasn't it?
"That's the house of"
We're having a nice dinner together, because it's the last day of Chinese New Year
So celebration dinner. I'm really looking forward to it
Jessica: Why is the rice blue?
Put some flowers, special flowers, coloured flowers, so you get them blue
Jessica : You're abusing a small child
Jessica: No, no, no - what's this?
Claudia: Look at my hair
Jessica: What's happened to your head, Claudia?
Jessica: Claudia as a bridesmaid looking so pleased with herself
Jessica: Claudia giving some good face right there. That's beautiful
Claudia: I got no teeth
Jessica: Got no teeth Claudia: No, no front teeth
Jessica: Lovely! And this is this is Claudia's smile
Jessica: That's right