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  • (piano music)

  • (snickering)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - [Jessica] Are you happy?

  • Aw, 'cause we're going for a walk.

  • He's just like, Sunny's like--

  • - [Both] Aah!

  • - She's so happy!

  • - I thought she was yawning?

  • I thought she was just like.

  • (laughs)

  • - [Jessica] She's just really pleased with life!

  • I can't even hold this still.

  • - Oh, dear.

  • - Oh.

  • So today, we are supposed to be making a video

  • about vintage sleepwear,

  • and it was gonna be a look-book

  • and really glamorous and lovely, and then.

  • - And then we woke up and you had a migraine,

  • I had a headache, it's just--

  • - Yeah.

  • - December's been taking it's toll.

  • - December's been taking it's toll for the last few weeks.

  • I mean.

  • - It's all right, it's like only two days til Christmas.

  • - I know, and to be fair I've done this to myself.

  • No one made me do Vlogpress,

  • but then I sent myself a challenge

  • and if I sent myself a challenge, then by golly,

  • I've got to complete it.

  • - We're gonna go clear our minds

  • with some beautiful.

  • - You are driving!

  • - Sussex down views.

  • - Put both of your hands on the steering wheel please.

  • - Sorry.

  • We're up at Devil's Dyke which is like,

  • a really great name for one.

  • (laughs)

  • And it's got beautiful views and the dogs love it.

  • - Shetland Pony!

  • It also has a Shetland Pony.

  • - It has wild animals.

  • Okay, that's not a wild animal.

  • - How windy will it be Claudia I said.

  • She said, it's not windy today.

  • (wind blows)

  • My hair says otherwise.

  • (wind blows)

  • - It's a bit windier than I thought it was gonna be.

  • - [Jessica] Uh huh.

  • (upbeat Christmas music)

  • A bit windy.

  • (wind blows)

  • Love you.

  • Now we're stood behind a bush.

  • - The wind just suddenly stopped.

  • - Everything is fine.

  • Here's the bush.

  • (laughs)

  • Thanks bush.

  • That's amazing.

  • How nice.

  • Do you think it's the other side?

  • Wait, let's have a see.

  • Does this phenomenon continue?

  • This is very pleasant behind this bush.

  • Delightful in fact.

  • (wind blows)

  • Oh, oh no.

  • Now the wind's back.

  • Back we go behind the bush.

  • Oh, back to being pleasant.

  • I think I'll just stand here.

  • Well.

  • (laughs)

  • If we we're tired before?

  • - I feel quite invigorated.

  • - Someone had a hood.

  • - I know, thank god for a hood.

  • - Someone did not.

  • - But you had this ginormous fur collar thing.

  • But actually, I'm a be like whoa.

  • A bit wind swept now.

  • (laughs)

  • (sighs)

  • Let's go home and do something

  • a little bit less adventurous.

  • (laughs)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hi, we're back and now I'm wearing makeup.

  • - Oh yeah.

  • - Yeah.

  • - You have eyebrows.

  • - Yeah, I've got eye brows now.

  • I was gonna leave them off, but then we got invited

  • to a party later and I thought, well, might as well.

  • - Yeah, my friend messaged me in WhatsApp

  • and I was like, what this?

  • I don't heard about this?

  • - You were offended.

  • She was like, am I gonna see you tonight?

  • And Claudia was like? - I was like what?

  • - Uh, what did I not get invited to now?

  • Jesus!

  • - Yeah, I mean I didn't say any blasphemous words,

  • but that is what you just added now.

  • - We are currently upset for family reasons

  • that we can't tell you about.

  • So we decided to play Heads Up.

  • I decided to play Heads Up.

  • Claudia got dragged into it.

  • - Yeah.

  • - I just feel like we need to boost ourselves,

  • make ourselves feel happy and joyful, and Christmasy.

  • - Okay.

  • - I mean none of the Christmas packs are available for free

  • so we won't be feeling that Christmasy

  • 'cause I refuse to spend money.

  • So.

  • (laughs)

  • - Oh dear.

  • Let's just do animals.

  • - All right.

  • - I can do that.

  • - Yeah you're pretty good at animals.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Okay, animals gone wild.

  • (upbeat music)

  • - We eat these for my birthday

  • and it made me feel really sick.

  • - Oysters!

  • - Yeah.

  • We like eating it, but it's bad.

  • No. - Tuna!

  • - Yeah.

  • - Not a crab.

  • - A lobster!

  • - Yeah.

  • - Not a chicken.

  • - It's a turkey?

  • - No.

  • - It's a goose? - No.

  • - It's a duck?

  • - Yes.

  • - Not a monkey.

  • This is has got a theme.

  • - An ape, a gorilla?

  • - Yep.

  • Not a mouse.

  • - A rat? - Yeah.

  • Really long, big fish.

  • - A whale?

  • - No a fish.

  • - Oh sorry, a shark?

  • - No.

  • - A shark is a fish.

  • - It's a bit like an eel, but it's a type of fish.

  • You can eat it.

  • (sighs)

  • Barracuda.

  • - Yeah sure.

  • Oh, this isn't real and it breathes fire.

  • - Dragon?

  • - Yes.

  • - Ow.

  • (laughs)

  • - It builds dams.

  • - Beaver?

  • - Yes!

  • Oh, these are in the place that you sleep.

  • They're not--

  • - Bedbugs? - Yes.

  • It's a type of bird.

  • When you die, oh my god.

  • When you smile, you get these feet.

  • - Crow's feet?

  • - Yes.

  • - Crow. - Crow, yeah, yeah.

  • It's not a horse, it pulls carts,

  • and you see it at the seaside.

  • - Donkey?

  • - Yes.

  • Oh, it's half of Tilly, it's fluffy.

  • - Poodle? - Yes.

  • Oh, like a polar, but it's not.

  • It's the opposite.

  • - Brown Bear?

  • - No. - Grizzly Bear?

  • - The opposite of white.

  • - Black Bear?

  • - Yes.

  • Who knew that was a thing?

  • Babies, it brings babies!

  • - A parent?

  • - A stork. - A stork, yeah.

  • I always get herring and stork mixed up.

  • Oh, they're like almost going extinct.

  • They live in Australia on the little island in Australia.

  • They're quite cute.

  • - Tasmanian Devil?

  • - Yes.

  • It's a flying mammal.

  • - A bat?

  • - Yes.

  • It's a flying creature and it's--

  • - Was your armpit related?

  • - Can be golden, no it's not.

  • (laughs)

  • It's, oh!

  • There's a character that does a bow and had an eye.

  • - A fox?

  • - No and it's named after these birds

  • because it's very good eye.

  • (laughs)

  • - Hawk Eye? - Yes.

  • - Hawk. - Yes, a hawk.

  • (laughs)

  • - It's not as impressive as a hawk.

  • It's a bit like a pheasant.

  • - Oh like a pheasant.

  • - Partridge.

  • (laughs)

  • It's not as impressive as a hawk.

  • God that whole problem was very difficult.

  • (laughs)

  • An eye!

  • (laughs)

  • - Oh, they sting you in the sea.

  • - Stingray?

  • - No.

  • - Jellyfish? - Yes.

  • It's not a,

  • oh my god.

  • - [Claudia] You're bad.

  • - It goes graw, graw.

  • (laughs)

  • No what's the word?

  • There's a thing, it bounces.

  • It's green and it bounces.

  • - A cricket?

  • - No, a green--

  • - Grasshopper?

  • - No, another green bouncy thing.

  • It's amphibious.

  • - Frog!

  • - Yes.

  • - Oh my gosh.

  • - Toad, it's not a toad.

  • That's what I was trying to say.

  • Not this.

  • This lives for a very short amount of time.

  • - Butterfly?

  • - No, generally near a pond. - May fly?

  • - It bites you.

  • - Mosquito? - And you're like, ow.

  • No it was a dragonfly.

  • (sighs)

  • - To be fair, it makes me feel like I've lost,

  • but that was you being really rubbish.

  • Oh, very impressive bird on the mantel of churches.

  • The thing.

  • - Eagle?

  • - No.

  • Hawk, no not a hawk?

  • - No, I think it's like a mystical bird.

  • - A Phoenix?

  • - No.

  • - That is a mystical bird?

  • What's another mystical bird?

  • - Skip it, skip it.

  • Oh, you get them in London.

  • They're a bit like colorful birds.

  • Green, flying around.

  • - A Toucan?

  • - No, you get them in London.

  • They live in the wild,

  • but you really wouldn't expect them to.

  • - You get them in London, they're colorful?

  • - They're green, they're like a bunch of girls.

  • - It's not a parrot?

  • - Parakeet.

  • - Oh.

  • (sighs)

  • Is that?

  • - Oh, I just realized what a Pegasus is!

  • Isn't that a flying horse?

  • I knew it was a mystical creature,

  • and it was kind of semi-bird.

  • - You see them in churches?

  • - Do you see them in churches?

  • (laughs)

  • All right, let's go on to, let's do our next.

  • Let's do another category.

  • - Do movies. - But act out.

  • That would be quite funny.

  • - Act it out.

  • (mumbles)

  • (hums)

  • Playing the trumpet?

  • (hums louder)

  • Is that not a trumpet?

  • - No!

  • (mimics a trumpet)

  • That was a trumpet.

  • (hums louder)

  • - I don't know?

  • (laughs)

  • - Oh gosh.

  • - I'm not a musical person.

  • You're walking a dog?

  • - Tilly, yep.

  • - Ah!

  • (mimics choking)

  • You're choking to death?

  • - Well it was just choking, but.

  • (silly noises)

  • - You're surfing?

  • - Yeah.

  • We're doing it right now.

  • - We are playing a game.

  • We're signing, we're interpreting.

  • - First word.

  • (silly noises)

  • - We're playing Charades?

  • - Yes!

  • - We're not playing Charades.

  • (laughs)

  • - I'm really bad at this.

  • The most I can do is a forward roll.

  • - Accidents.

  • (laughs)

  • - Gymnastics?

  • - Yes.

  • - Howdy.

  • (silly noises)

  • - You're a cowboy? - Yes.

  • (laughs)

  • - Opening a tin can?

  • - No, a bottle of wine. - Oh.

  • - You thought you never knew that, so.

  • (laughs)

  • - Trombone, why would I have known?

  • - Because I thought you were an educated person.

  • Oh god.

  • (upbeat music)

  • (sighs)

  • - Oh!

  • - Basketball?

  • Shooting hoops?

  • (pop)

  • - There's a court, there's a net in the middle,

  • and we're trying to throw a--

  • - Dodge ball!

  • - No. - Tennis, volley ball?

  • - Yes.

  • - There's ice, and I'm going really quickly.

  • - Ice skating?

  • - But quickly.

  • - Ice racing?

  • (laughs)

  • - Another thing.

  • (laughs)

  • - Ice hockey? - Really quick.

  • - Ice sprinting?

  • Ice skating sprinting?

  • - No.

  • (laughs)

  • So close, it's-- - Tobogganing?

  • The first letter is the thing that you realized I was doing.

  • - Skiing?

  • - No, I'm.

  • - Sledding?

  • - I might be doing the wrong thing?

  • - I had no idea what you were doing?

  • (laughs)

  • - Pass it then.

  • (laughs)

  • Oh, I'm making food.

  • - Baking, whisking, whipping, cooking?

  • - Yes.

  • - Oh my god, what they hell was that thing in the middle?

  • (laughs)

  • - Speed skating.

  • What how did I?

  • - You we're really doing it very fast.

  • You were like, I'm doing it quickly.

  • (laughs)

  • - It's my idea of fast.

  • God, you're so judgemental.

  • (laughs)

  • (mimics throwing up)

  • - Vomiting?

  • - Yeah, well no, other word for it.

  • - Puking?

  • - No, another word.

  • - Sicking?

  • - No another word.

  • - Throwing up?

  • - Yes.

  • - Jumping up and down?

  • Bouncing on a ball?

  • - It's a flat thing.

  • (silly noises)

  • - Bouncing, trampolining? - Yeah.

  • - Oh you're scuba diving? - Yeah!

  • (silly noises)

  • - You're horse riding?

  • - No it's.

  • (mimics swooshing)

  • - You're skiing?

  • (laughs)

  • What the hell are you doing?

  • (mimics motor)

  • You're on a motor bike?

  • (laughs)

  • You're motorbiking?

  • - It's a small one.

  • (mimics motor)

  • - It's a small motorbike?

  • - Yeah.

  • (mimics motor)

  • - A moped, you're on a moped?

  • - No what's?

  • (mimics motor)

  • (laughs)

  • Another name for that kind of thing?

  • - Biking, boat?

  • - Scootering.

  • - You were scootering?

  • - I was scootering.

  • First of all I was like,

  • and then it's the ones that you do with one foot.

  • - Why was it electric?

  • - Because you weren't getting the one for the scooter,

  • for the manual ones.

  • So I was changing it into a scooter as in like,

  • a motorbike scooter.

  • (mimics bell)

  • Writing a check?

  • - Yes.

  • (laughs)

  • - Eating snow?

  • - Yeah yeah, we'll count it that.

  • - Fishing?

  • - Yes.

  • - DJing?

  • - Yes.

  • (silly noises)

  • - Magicing?

  • - Yes.

  • - Stomping?

  • Marching?

  • - Yes.

  • - Taking the bins out?

  • Sealing?

  • Changing a nappy?

  • - Yes.

  • - Spritzing?

  • Perfuming?

  • - Yes.

  • - We did quite well! - Yeah!

  • - Well done.

  • - See you were dissing me.

  • - When you were concentrating, you're quite good yeah.

  • It's when you take when someone critiques you like,

  • I'll show you.

  • (laughs)

  • (sighs)

  • (mimics explosion)

  • - An explosion, a volcano?

  • - Yes, volcano.

  • - I'm Daydreaming?

  • - It is.

  • (mimics shooting)

  • - Shooting someone?

  • Target practice?

  • Gun?

  • - Yes.

  • - Blowing a whistle?

  • Ordering?

  • A PE teacher?

  • No, you are a traffic coordant?

  • - Yep.

  • - You're surfing again.

  • No, now you're snowboarding.

  • (laughs)

  • It's not a, oh!

  • A slingshot.

  • Cooking, flipping a pancake?

  • - Yeah!

  • Flipping pancakes?

  • I am not the worst.

  • (sighs)

  • I mean, - I'm quite tired now.

  • I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst.

  • - Maybe we do something less adventurous

  • than walking out there, but this is.

  • (mumbles)

  • - We were like, hey we're tired.

  • 'Cause you know what, we are, we are really tired actually.

  • (blows out air)

  • (sighs)

  • - You know what,

  • we need to get some food before the shop shut.

  • - Oh my god yeah.

  • Yeah 'cause we haven't even got food yet for Christmas.

  • It's going really well.

  • I feel like this year has been more exhausting

  • than other years.

  • Is that just me?

  • - I think it's all really exhausting.

  • (laughs)

  • - Oh. - Yeah.

  • - I guess there's a lot going on,

  • I've moved into a new home.

  • - Yeah, this year was really busy.

  • - Yeah.

  • - We're in a new house,

  • we've never done Christmas here before,

  • dynamics, shifting, other random things.

  • Not random, but things we've decided to throw into our lives

  • to make it more complicated by choice.

  • (sighs)

  • - It's all actually very exciting.

  • I don't want-- - Oh yeah!

  • - We're just really tired.

  • (laughs)

  • - It's like a lot of really really good stuff.

  • - Yeah. - Like I get offered

  • really cool work things and I'm like,

  • oh my god, I desperately want to do that,

  • but oh, it's on another continent

  • and I need to go there in two week's time

  • and be there for only three days,

  • and I'm like, wow this is an awesome opportunity,

  • but I can't.

  • - I know.

  • - (mumbles) makes me sad.

  • - Okay, let's go.

  • - Yeah, we're tired.

  • We're gonna get ready.

  • - Tomorrow we're gonna have a lovely day

  • and we will see you tomorrow

  • when we have a lovely Christmas Eve.

  • (honks)

  • - Sorry, don't touch me.

  • (laughs)

  • I don't know?

  • It was just like.

  • - Good thing it wasn't me.

  • I would have screamed so much.

  • - I was just like (mumbles)

  • switching off and you like brought me back to reality.

  • Anyway.

  • - Man, we're having a day.

  • Now I have to edit this.

  • (clears throat)

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • If you're new here, wow you made it to the end of this?

  • I mean, that's impressive.

  • You have perseverance or else.

  • - Perseverance?

  • (laughs)

  • - Perseverance or else you've just left this on

  • while you do something else,

  • like maybe you've left the room and it's still playing?

  • - Well let's not drag it out any longer.

  • - Oh I'm so sorry. - All right.

  • - If you are new here though, please do subscribe.

  • Most of my other videos are better.

  • (laughs)

  • - Okay.

  • - I'm just really tired.

  • - I won't be any more.

  • It's okay.

  • - You want more?

  • - I won't be any more.

  • - You won't be any more?

  • - I won't be any more.

  • I won't be in any more.

  • - You're just gonna like.

  • (mimics explosion)

  • (laughs)

  • (silly noise)

  • Out of existence.

  • Wow my god!

  • Where is my wife?

  • I just don't know?

  • She's magic!

  • - [Claudia] No!

  • (laughs)

  • - You can be magic like the magic of cinema.

  • Now it's just your bum.

  • Okay, fine.

  • (laughs)

  • Bye bye, thank you so much for watching.

  • (blows kiss)

  • (upbeat music)

(piano music)


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這到底是什麼?// Vlogmas 2019年第23天 (What even is this?! // Vlogmas 2019 Day 23)

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