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  • Hello lovely people!

  • Right this very moment I am on a family holiday in Madeira. I hope I’m on a beach sipping

  • an ice cold diet coke in the sunshine...

  • whilst wearing a massive hat and factor 50 suntan

  • lotion obviously.

  • Because no, your screen isn’t overexposed, I am just this pale.

  • I couldn’t leave you without a video to jolly you along this week however

  • - (if youre a member of the Kellgren-Fozard club this is actually your second video of

  • the week because you get exciting behind the scenes action when you sign up, click the

  • joinbutton below…)

  • So I’m going to take you through how I edit my Instagram pictures! My style is very vintage

  • Old Hollywood: a mix of traditional studio photography and location shots. You can find

  • me through my handle @jessicaoutofthecloset.

  • Because: Gay.

  • Also: Clothes.

  • If you don’t have Instagramconsider getting it. Or else keep reminding me to upload

  • my pictures in other places. I constantly forget that YouTube Stories is a thing but

  • I’ve had my Instagram account for years now, but I’ve only properly used it for

  • three years, I think. It’s where I post about fashion- if youve ever wondered where

  • a piece of clothing in one of my videos is from then check my Instagram, youll probably

  • find it there and I tag where I get everything (unless it’s true vintage).

  • I also post a lot of day-to-day chronic illness life stuff and just life-life stuff. Often

  • pictures with my wife because she is the most heavenly being I’ve ever come across and

  • I marvel every day to be in her presence.

  • If youre into adorable lesbian couples then we also have a joint instagram but I

  • don’t edit those photos other than slapping Instagram’s Reyes filter at 10 percent on

  • them all so theyre vaguely harmonious.

  • I’m a bit obsessed with harmony-

  • But not as much as I am on my main account!

  • As you can see, I have a strict checkerboard pattern that I do not break with FOR ANYTHING.

  • I have created a rod for my own back and even though it drives me up the wall sometimes

  • I love this stupid pattern and I get very upset at the thought that Instagram may one

  • day go to four squares like the maniacs they are!

  • Stop changing things.

  • It’s outfit, picture, face, picture. Sometimes my outfits are seasonal.

  • [sleigh bells]

  • But there is always an outfit every four pictures. I also like my colours to flow nicely through

  • my gridsometimes I photoshop the colour of flowers as a go-between picture to make

  • other pictures match. You can tell I’m really ill if I don’t post that day or I post things

  • that don’t properly flow in colour...

  • Which, considering I have a chronic illness, is actually pretty often!

  • Were skipping over that.

  • On to taking photos!

  • VO: my lovely wife Claudia takes most of my pictures- I’m terrible at taking pictures

  • of myself, definitely not good with a selfie. She even takes the pictures she’s in! We

  • use our Canon 70D with a Tamron 70-24 lens. It’s a very versatile lens

  • and works at close range. It gives you shots like these.

  • We also use a Prime 100mil lens that is very heavy, very expensive and you need to be very

  • far away frombut goodness isn’t it nice?!

  • Of course when it comes to those outfit of the day shots

  • well that’s a whole different matter!

  • VO: Firstly, there are no plain walls in my house and this is England so natural light

  • inside isn’t great. This means I can only take photos in front of my wardrobe and only

  • at certain times of the day.

  • Honestly, it was born out of necessity but now it’s a style choice! That may accidentally

  • be my personal motto: I’m disabled and can’t leave the house much but damn am I going to

  • look good doing it.

  • VO: We use a small Canon M6 mirrorless camera because it’s very light and then just the

  • kit lens because it’s actually really great at giving a very flat field of view and not

  • blurry. I rely on the natural light coming from the window to one side as it gives me

  • the best depth in the picture and definition in my clothes. In winter I have to replicate

  • the window light with a softbox. This one is from Amazon. It’s very cheap but durable.

  • I also have a ring light that gives a little light to my front and is excellent for the

  • portrait shots as it really kisses your whole face with light. I don’t worry too much

  • about my background because, as youll see in a minute, it doesn’t last for long!

  • I plan my outfits ahead of time, along with in-between pictures that aren’t time sensitive,

  • on the Mosaico app. Obviously I also leave gaps when I know something exciting is going

  • to happen!

  • I’ve tried a lot of different apps and I really like this one because it allows me

  • to easily drag and drop pictures that I haven't used yet,

  • So kinda switching them around, and also has a feature called Ghost,

  • Which I'm quite a fan of

  • You pull down the screen to activate it and then every picture you tap disappears.

  • It’s great if youre considering getting rid of a picture on your feed- or quite a

  • few pictures- but need to see how it looks first.

  • Then we come to the actual editing section. If youve seen my Instagram before, youll

  • know this looks VERY different to a normal outfit post!

  • Now, my wife likes to make fun of the amount of time and effort I put into the editing

  • of a tiny picture on a phone screen that someone will look at for a split second as if being

  • a perfectionist is a bad thing or you know

  • [ding]

  • AnywayThe first thing I do is open SnapSeed, which is my absolute favourite phone editing

  • app-

  • I should probably point out that I’m not sponsored by anything or anyone in this video

  • except maybe my wife? And the Kellgren-Fozard Club?

  • Okay [clears throat], today’s video is sponsored by the Kellgren-Fozard Club in Collaboration

  • with Claudia Kellgren-Fozard. Thank you both.

  • So, yes.

  • Snapseed has a range of presets but the individual tools are actually really good.

  • If you are wondering, this is from amazon, it’s like £2 and I couldn't do without it really

  • Vital I would call it, it's vital for when you are editing a picture in your phone.

  • The first thing I do is lighten everything up, add a little contrast here as well

  • If I feel the picture looks particularly wonky I’ll correct it. It was taken handheld after all.

  • So that is with the perspective tool. UhLovely!

  • If there are areas that are particularly darker than the restalways my legs! So we are

  • gonna brighten them up using the selective tool. It gives you the options of brightness

  • and contrast and then saturation...

  • Right, this last bit youre going to saywhat?’ but bear with me

  • Right so we go to tools, we get our brush we ramp up the exposure right up and then...

  • we are just gonna overexpose this edge here.

  • Alright, we are gonna get the whitest of whites!

  • Because I’m truly obsessed with white. It’s my base colour ok?

  • For some people they think that black is their neutral and it goes with everything.

  • But my neutral is bright, shining white and I love it.

  • So white, it’s as white as fake teeth… [ding]

  • Which is gonna bring us to the next app that you might have

  • heard of beforeit’s Facetune!

  • Basically Photoshop Fails for your phone.

  • It also has a handyteeth whiteningfeature that… I use to brighten my background!

  • First however, we use this brush function and very carefully- excessively carefully-

  • so carefully some people may say youre being stupidly pedantic and need to get a life

  • [ding]

  • -colour around my body.

  • I use the brush on Facetune rather than Snapseed because it’s much more precise

  • It's so good! With much shaper edges.

  • This may take some time

  • No, really, let’s speed this up and play some music to keep you occupied.

  • [Music - Swagger Stagger - Epidemic Sound]

  • It isn’t actually white enough for me still so then we bring in the teeth whitening tool

  • Are you ready? And were going to need to speed up again! So sorry!

  • [Music - Swagger Stagger - Epidemic Sound]

  • Honestly, either it’s a work of art or I’m loosing my mind...

  • Done!

  • Now I use the detail tool to bring out the texture of my dress and my hair along with

  • highlighting my features so they stand out. Very nicely.

  • Obviously this is a very stylised look but I think aspects of it can be helpful for other pictures too

  • [Music - Swagger Stagger - Epidemic Sound]

  • Alright now we can declare this done!

  • So we export it, save it in the camera roll. Lovely.

  • Now in photos, open photo itself, and we are going to do a little crop here just at the

  • top and the bottom and then very slightly in at the sides. Youll see why in a mo

  • but basically it needs to be able to be able form half of the slide.

  • Ok, off to Instagram’s Layout app. We scroll along and then we find the one that is half

  • and half. Tap on that and then we mirror. Then we just adjust the 2 of them until they

  • are beautifully, perfectly symmetrical. In the most precise way possible.

  • Save.

  • Done!

  • Then, onto Instagram!

  • Now, I don't put any filters on the outfit of the day posts at all. I simply play around

  • with the tools on instagram. We are gonna up this brightness delightfully, up the contrast

  • here to 10, take out some of the warmth because it can be very yellow.

  • Voila.

  • Here we come to the fade. The fade! It's my favorite part of instagram at all! Yes, I

  • mainly use instagram so I can put a fade on my pictures. It just makes them look lovely

  • and old fashioned and vintage and stuff….

  • You know how it is

  • The shadows howeveralso, why I use my finger and then I hold this?

  • So we are using the shadows, I really like how on instagram you can swipe but you can

  • also tap to be more precise. So I add quite a bit of shadow to get a lovely depth to the

  • picture. Delightful and then all its left sharpen.

  • Uh!

  • Beautiful, there you go, I’ll just touch that so you can get some nice before and after

  • moments.

  • So there you go, that’s how I edit my outfit of the day instagram pictures. Yes, it’s

  • a long process but I love that look so much!

  • When it comes to non-outfit pictures it’s a lot simpler! With these again we are opening

  • Snapseed and generally I turn down saturation and just brighten them up.

  • I also try to find some white in the picture because obviously:

  • obsessed with white!

  • It's a thing.

  • And also I just really like keeping everything pale.

  • Ok so, brighten up a little bit...

  • Lovely.

  • Then add a bit of contrast.

  • And then I tend to get very selective on the colours thanks to that wonderful selection

  • tool.

  • It’s so good because you can concentrate on just one colour and then really change

  • that one colour. That’s what we are going for there.

  • We got brightness, contras, saturation, structure… I don't use structure because it slightly

  • confuses me.

  • And beautiful! I know, it’s quite simple really. I just make it seem complex for the fun.

  • Here we go onto instagram. I do pretty much the same series of things as I do with my

  • outfits of the day, so we just up the brightness.

  • Contrast always important.

  • Taking out some warmth.

  • Again, the fade to give it a very romantic old fashioned look.

  • Shadows for depth. And some sharpen, cause we need a sharpen for that fade.

  • And voila! And now I spend the next 5 hours writing captions because-

  • I'm very dyslexic!... but that is another video.

  • I hope youve enjoyed this little look at how I do my Instagram and it’s maybe given

  • you something helpful. If you have any questions then please do leave them below and I’ll

  • try to get to them once I’m back home from holiday!

  • Wohoo, I’m so excited!

  • Whilst you are watching this, I am ON holiday. I'm just very excited and I’m quite tired

  • because we had a big photo shoot yesterday with a jewelry brand for some pictures on

  • @jessieandclaud which will be coming up very soon.

  • Next week actually, to the week you are watching this in.

  • We really knocked ourselves out doing them

  • so I hope youll agree that they are really nice.

  • I’m going to go see the Avengers in a few hours, I haven't packed a single thing, but

  • the Avengers came first. It’s the only subtitled screening ok!

  • If youre new here please do subscribe, it would be lovely to have you!

  • See you in my next video, goodbye!

  • [kiss]

Hello lovely people!


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我如何編輯我的Instagram // 復古 @JessicaOutOfTheCloset [CC] 。 (How I Edit My Instagram // Vintage @JessicaOutOfTheCloset [CC])

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