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Hello, I'm Robert Guillaume and welcome to Storyline Online, brought to you by the Screen Actors Guild Foundation.
嗨,我是Robert Guillaume。歡迎收看由「影視演員協會」為您帶來的「線上故事」。
Today we're going to be reading a story by Chih-Yuan Chen called Guji Guji.
今天我們要閱讀一篇由Chih-Yuan Chen所寫的故事,名稱叫Guji Guji。
An egg was rolling on the ground.
It rolled through the trees.
It rolled across the meadow.
It rolled all the way down the hill.
Finally, it rolled into a... duck's nest.
Mother Duck didn't notice. (She was reading.)
Soon enough, the eggs began to crack.
The first duckling to hatch had... blue spots. Mother Duck called him Crayon.
The second duckling had brown stripes. "Zebra," Mother Duck decided.
The third duckling was yellow, and Mother Duck named him Moonlight.
A rather odd-looking duckling hatched from the fourth egg.
"Guji Guji," he said, and that became his name.
牠叫著:「Guji Guji。」於是Guji Guji就變成了牠的名字
Mother Duck taught her four ducklings how to swim how to dive and how to waddle.
Guji Guji always learned more quickly than the others, He was bigger and stronger, too.
Guji Guji總是學得比其他小鴨子快。此外,牠長得也比較大、比較壯。
But no matter how... quick they were, or what they looked like, Mother Duck loved all her ducklings the same.
Then one terrible day, three crocodiles came out of the lake. They looked a lot like Guji Guji.
接著可怕的一天來臨了。三隻鱷魚從湖中跑了出來。牠們看起來像極了Guji Guji。
The crocodiles were... smiling, and when they laughed with their mouths wide open, the whole world could see their big, pointed teeth.
The three crocodiles saw Guji Guji and smiled some more. "Look at that ridiculous crocodile. He's walking like a duck!"
三隻鱷魚看到了Guji Guji後,笑得更開懷了。「看看那隻可笑的鱷魚,牠走起路來就像隻鴨子!」
Guji Guji heard them. "I am not walking like a duck, I am a duck!" he explained.
Guji Guji聽到牠們的話,解釋道:「我不是走起路來像隻鴨子,我就是一隻鴨子!」
The crocodiles laughed. "look at yourself! No feathers, no beak, no big webbed feet!
What you have is blue-gray skin, sharp claws, pointed teeth and the smell of bad crocodile. You're just like us."
The first crocodile said, "your blue-gray body lets you hide under water without being seen so you can get close to fat, delicious ducks."
The second crocodile said, "Big, sharp claws help you hold fat, delicious ducks tightly so they don't get away."
The third crocodile said, "Pointed teeth are necessary so you can chew fat, delicious ducks. Mmmm. Yum."
The three crocodiles grinned. "We know you live with the ducks.
Take them to the bridge tomorrow and practice diving. We'll wait underneath with our mouths wide open."
"Why would I do that?" Guji Guji asked. "Why should I listen to you?"
「我為什麼要這麼做?」Guji Guji問。「為什麼我要聽你們的?」
"Because we are all crocodiles, and crocodiles help each other." The bad crocodiles grinned again and vanished into the grass.
Guji Guji felt terrible. He sat by the lake to think. "Is it true? Am I a bad crocodile too?"
Guji Guji覺得很難過。牠坐在湖邊思考:「這是真的嗎?我也是一隻壞鱷魚?」
He looked down into the lake and a made a fierce face.
Guji Guji laughed. He looked ridiculous. "I am not a bad crocodile. Of course, I'm not exactly a duck either."
Guji Guji大笑。「哈哈哈哈。」牠看起來很滑稽。「我不是一隻壞鱷魚,當然,也不是隻鴨子。」
"But the three crocodiles are nasty, and they want to eat my family. I must think of a way to stop them."
Guji Guji thought and thought until finally he thought up a good idea. He went home happy and content
Guji Guji想了又想,直到牠想到了一個很棒的點子,於是高興滿足地回家了。
That night, the three bad crocodiles sharpened their pointed teeth, all the while thinking of fat, delicious ducks.
They were ready for their feast.
The next day, Guji Guji did as he'd been told... he took the flock of ducks to the bridge to practice diving.
隔天,Guji Guji照著鱷魚們的話,帶著一整群的鴨子來到橋上練習潛水。
The three bad crocodiles were waiting for the ducks underneath the bridge.
It wasn't fat, delicious ducks that dropped from the bridge though;
it was three big, hard rocks! The crocodiles bit down.
"Crack! Crack! Crack!" went their pointed teeth.
The three bad crocodiles ran as fast as they could. In barely a minute, they were nowhere to be seen!
Guji Guji had saved the ducks! Guji Guji was the duck hero of the day!
Guji Guji拯救了鴨子們!Guji Guji是當天的鴨子英雄!
That night, all the ducks danced and celebrated.
Guji Guji continued to live with Mother Duck, Crayon, Zebra and Moonlight,
Guji Guji繼續跟鴨子媽媽、蠟筆、斑馬和月光住在一起
and every day he became stronger and happier "crocoduck. The End.