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  • J: Hello, lovely people!

  • So, we have some exciting news for you:

  • We're moving house!

  • C: Yay! Ow, sorry. J: Sorry, bubby, sorry.

  • C: Just so excited. J: [Excitable noises]

  • J: Although, a lot of you are probably like, "Yes, Jessica we were aware of that; you have already told us,

  • this is old news."

  • The English house moving system is really weird,

  • so although we knew we were going to be moving into this house months and months ago,

  • nothing has happened!

  • C: Mmm. It takes like six months!

  • J: Just just a period of nothing

  • C: You look at a house, you like the house, you...

  • J: Offer on the house. C: ...put an offer on the house;

  • C: the offer is accepted, but you don't actually buy the house until like six months later

  • J: And that whole time, anything could go wrong.

  • C: Yeah, and that whole time someone could just be like, 'Actually, you know what? I've decided not to sell my house,'

  • or 'You know what? I've decided I don't want to buy a house.'

  • C: And it's like what? You've just wasted six months.

  • J: But we have a preliminary date, and that preliminary date is SOON!

  • C: Which is good, because it means the horrible things are less likely to happen. J: Good, very good.

  • J: Yes, also I'm scared. I'm afraid

  • C: I'd be more afraid of losing the house or losing our buyer.

  • J: Yes. C: And then having to start a whole six-month process again.

  • C: If someone said, 'You're moving next week,' I'd be like, 'Oh, good.' Wouldn't that be better?

  • J: Yeah, I mean, I'm going to LA in exactly a week's time C: I know, but...

  • C: People were saying to us yesterday you can always pay people to help pack all your stuff. J: That's true.

  • J: Though I hate paying for anything.

  • J: But I think I might have to do that.

  • C: Mine's more about like the stress of I wouldn't like--I'm a bit of a control freak;

  • I'm not sure I'd like people just to come into my house and like pack things up

  • because I'd be like 'I don't know where anything is.'

  • J: No, same.

  • C: I won't know what boxes I put things into. J: I think I'm also a terrible control freak when it comes to things,

  • J: because I just want them to be neat and placed properly in the box.

  • C: I think they do a better job than we probably do because they're professional.

  • J: You'd think that... C: And they have to make sure that nothing breaks.

  • J: Yeah, but maybe they just wrap things in loads of [both] bubble wrap

  • and then they just shove it in a box and then we take it and we're like, 'What even is this?!'

  • C: Yeah, I think they probably use up more boxes.

  • J: Whereas I'm very much 'I want to make boxes that we open at the other end' so they know what's in them.

  • Like things--everything from our house that I want to go into bedroom two

  • should go into a box that says "Bedroom 2."

  • C: Anyway, domestics.

  • C: Let's talk about something else!

  • J: So! We decided to make a video to test how annoying we each are,

  • doing the BuzzFeed quiz: 'How annoying are you?'

  • J: We're gonna find out!

  • This video was suggested by one of our channel members, Jessica D.

  • Hi, Jessica! Amazing name.

  • If you would like to become one of the Kellgren-Fozard Club, you get access to behind-the-scenes videos;

  • you get my little face after your name with a tiara or a crown depending on how long you've been a member.

  • C: Dog emojis. Tilly dancing. J: Yeah, you get dog emojis!

  • J: Right, are we ready to find out how potentially annoying we are? C: Mmhm.

  • J: So how we're gonna answer this question is for each other.

  • C: Yeah, like how annoying I find you.

  • C: The problem with quizzes: You know what it's quizzing you on.

  • Like the psychopath test. So, if you're a psychopath, you just answer it so that you don't get a psychopath result.

  • C: You know? All quizzes should be like you don't know what the outcome is meant to be.

  • J: Well, I think that's the aim of a quiz. I think just a badly written quiz gives away the answer.

  • C: No, the title of a quiz gives away what the quiz is for. J: Oh, I see.

  • C: This is like 'How annoying are you?' J: So, basically, BuzzFeed quiz should be titled 'Which bread are you?'

  • And then we'll answer it and it will be like 'highly annoying.'

  • C: Yeah, exactly. J: Pumpernickel.

  • C: ...OK. J: That's a bread. [Cymbals clash]

  • C: (Q1) "What is your normal speaking volume?"

  • (A1) "Pretty average; people rarely struggle to hear me, but no one tells me to be quiet, either."

  • (A2) "I'm constantly having to repeat myself because I speak so softly."

  • (A3) "Pretty normal unless I'm super excited and I get a little out of hand."

  • (A4) "I don't speak, I yell."

  • C: I think you'd say you're pretty normal, unless you're super excited and it gets a bit out of hand. Yeah.

  • C: (Q2) "Are you often late?"

  • (A1) "I'm always ten minutes early."

  • (A2) "Sometimes, but I do my best and try not to be later than ten minutes."

  • (A3) "I don't think I've ever been on time."

  • C: Or (A4) "Sometimes I don't even show up."

  • C: I think, "Sometimes, but I do my best..." J: I try my hardest!

  • C: Yeah, I'd say sometimes you're late, but you try your best not to be later than ten minutes.

  • J: It's always with the best intentions.

  • C: (Q3) "What do you do when someone gives you a compliment?"

  • (A1) "Immediately deny it and tell them how deeply, deeply wrong they are."

  • (A2) "I'm too shocked to respond."

  • (A3) "Smile and say, thank you."

  • (A4) "Compliment them back."

  • C: I think you'd smile and say thank you.

  • J: OK. I do often do a compliment, though.

  • On the street when people are like, "Oh, my God, I love your dress!"

  • And I'm like, "Thank you! Love your hair."

  • C: Yeah, but not always. J: Well, sometimes if it's like an old man, I don't know what to say.

  • C: Yeah, I'd just say you smile and say thank you.

  • C: (Q4) "How fidgety are you?"

  • (A1) "I literally do not stop moving."

  • (A2) "Only when I have been sitting or standing still for an exceptionally long time."

  • (A3) "Fairly average."

  • (A4) "I am a picture of serenity."

  • C: I would say you're a picture of serenity. J: I don't really fidget.

  • C: No, you don't fidget.

  • C: (Q5) "Which of these sounds most like you when we're watching a film?"

  • (A1) "Entirely engrossed, not paying attention to the rest of the world."

  • (A2) "I tend to have a lot of questions."

  • (A3) "If I'm among friends and not in a theatre, I'll make jokes throughout."

  • (A4) "I can't stop eating popcorn."

  • C: You're entirely engrossed. J: Yes! All of the other options are terrible!

  • J: No, you should be concentrating on this amazing film that so many people have put their artistic work into.

  • C: To be fair, when we went to see the Marvel film,

  • that was quite annoying for me,

  • because, yes, you were entirely engrossed,

  • but that does not always suggest that you are not being irritating throughout the movie.

  • C: Because...

  • she just kept going [emotes] and grabbing my arm, and then literally like squeezing it!

  • J: It was 'Endgame!' Come on!

  • C: And I was like, 'I can't think, you're hurting me!'

  • C: And then she'd be like [mimics excitement] and I'd be like, 'Lady!'

  • J: I have so many feelings!

  • C: (Q6) "You're on the toilet and finished the loo roll. What do you do?"

  • (A1) "Leave it there and carry on with my life."

  • (A2) "Get a new roll out, but put it on top of the empty one instead of replacing it on the hanger."

  • (A3) "Replace the loo roll, but not put the old roll in the bin."

  • (A4) "Replace the roll and recycle the old one."

  • C: Er, you replace it and recycle it.

  • C: But when I say "recycle..." J: To be fair, "recycle" -

  • J: we don't, we give it to the dogs.

  • J: It's their favourite plaything.

  • C: Yeah. J: And then Walter eats it.

  • C: Tilly's like 'Yeah, let's play, baba!'

  • C: 'Let's like throw it around and play chase!'

  • C: And then Walter's like, 'Yeah, let's do that for like 10 seconds' then he's like 'END OF GAME!' [Mimics excited munching]

  • C: (Q7) "What do people most often say about your walk?"

  • (A1) "They say I stomp and they can always hear me coming."

  • (A2) "Nothing. I don't think there's anything particularly unusual about my walk."

  • (A3) "They say I walk too quietly and can never hear me coming."

  • (A4) "They say it's very brisk."

  • C: "Quiet." I think you're quite quiet, actually.

  • C: You pad along. J: I'm quite light on my feet.

  • C: Yeah, you are.

  • C: (Q8) "You're at a traffic light that has just turned green, but the car in front of you hasn't immediately moved. What do you do?"

  • C: I mean, you don't drive, but we'll pretend.

  • (A2) "Honk, hooooonk, then tell them to move their fat arse; some people have places to be."

  • (A3) "Wait. I'm sure they'll start driving soon."

  • (A4) "Try and change into another lane."

  • J: You don't know what they're doing.

  • C: It says it's just turned green and the car in front of you hasn't immediately moved. I'd say you'd say wait.

  • J: Yes, like a reasonable human.

  • C: No, I would honk.

  • J: Course you would! C: Because it's like--because I'm not being rude!

  • C: I'm not being rude! I'm just-- J: You're just helping them.

  • C: Well, they're obviously looking at their phone. J: They may have not noticed.

  • C: I get honked. If I'm like, you know...

  • at the green light and I'm looking at my phone and then someone honks me, I would be like...

  • J: Not that you ever look at your phone whilst driving.

  • C: I'm not driving, it's stationary!

  • C: (Q9) "The waiter gets your order wrong, what do you do?"

  • (A1) "Eat it anyway; pretend it's what you wanted all along."

  • (A2) "Eat it, but don't leave a tip and leave a bad online review."

  • (A3) "Politely ask to have it corrected."

  • (A4) "Ask to see the manager, demand compensation or a refund. It's their bloody job."

  • J: Politely ask to have it corrected. C: Yes.

  • J: Jesus.

  • C: (Q10) "You're in a meeting and your colleague mispronounces a word several times in a presentation. What do you do?"

  • (A1) "Immediately correct them."

  • (A2) "Ignore it."

  • (A3) "Don't say anything during the meeting, but let them know afterwards."

  • (A4) "Snigger."

  • J: Wait. With Clara,

  • I do correct her English,

  • but that's to help her.

  • C: I think you immediately correct them, but I think that's also because you're...

  • lip-reading and deaf.

  • C: Like, if someone says something wrong, you don't know what they're saying.

  • C: So then you kind of work it out-- J: I tend to repeat words.

  • C: And then if it's a word that's obviously wrong, you'd be like... J: 'Pineapple?'

  • C: Yeah, and they'd be like 'duh duh duh' and you're like, 'Ooooh, you mean dah dah, dah.'

  • C: And then they'd be like, 'Ah, yeah.' So I don't think it comes across rude when you do it.

  • J: OK. C; But like obviously if I did it...

  • J: Oh, OK. I get you. C: I'd be like, 'That's not how you say it.'

  • J: Yeah.

  • J: I'm just checking I got it right. C: I mean, to be honest, I'm the one who always mispronounces words anyway.

  • C: Aren't I? J: But I love it.

  • C: Like "tubberware." J: You're so cute, though!

  • C: (Q11) "How long does it take you to reply to a text?"

  • C: Depends who it's from.

  • C: (A1) "Immediately."

  • (A2) "Within the hour."

  • (A3) "Immediately in a flurry of multiple texts."

  • (A4) "Whenever I can remember."

  • J: Whenever I remember!

  • C: I get a bit annoyed if you don't. My 'Helloooo?!'

  • J: Yeah, you'll send me twenty texts and then I'm like, 'I was in the bath.'

  • C: Yeah, well, I worry, because if you're used to like always having you respond

  • immediately and then you don't, I'm like, 'What's happened?'

  • J: Yeah, to be fair, part of the reason I respond to you immediately is for safety. C: Yeah.

  • J: To let you know I'm still alive.

  • J: Choose an emoji! C: Aww, they've come up as question marks!

  • J: Question mark, question mark, question mark.

  • J: Oh, I don't think BuzzFeed thought that one through.

  • C: Shall we go for the smiley face one? J: I'm gonna say smiley face, because...

  • C: Aww! J: Oooh!

  • C: You're 36% annoying.

  • C: I'd say that's about right.

  • J: "You are only occasionally slightly annoying, but, hey, who isn't?"

  • J: 36%! I will take that.

  • C: I think you're like--yeah, I think that's kind of true, you're only occasionally slightly annoying

  • C: but most of the time not. J: OK.

  • C: Yeah. J: Cool.

  • C: I'm definitely more annoying than you are.

  • C: Right.

  • J: Q1: "What is your normal speaking volume?"

  • J: People really listen when you talk. I'm gonna say pretty average.

  • C: That's funny that you say people seem to listen when you talk.

  • J: Yes, if we're in a group situation

  • Claudia's not the loudest, but people stop talking to listen to Claudia.

  • C: Mmm.

  • C: Because I always have something to say that's worth listening to.

  • C: That's what my English teacher said at school. J: An extra 10% annoying right there.

  • J: Q2: "Are you often late?" (A4) "Sometimes I don't even show up."

  • C: Yeah... I will always show up... J: You do show up!

  • J: You show up!

  • J: Not when requested. C: I think occasionally I have been like...

  • C: 'Yeah, I'm coming...'

  • 'Oh, no, I'm running late...' 'Oh...' And then I'm like, 'I'm not coming.'

  • J: Because it gets so late, you're like, 'Oh, wait, the party's over.'

  • C: Yeah. So, yeah, I guess that counts as not showing up. But I wouldn't just not show up, I'd tell someone.

  • C: So that doesn't count. J: It was your intention to show up.

  • C: Yeah. J: Sure.

  • C: When we first started dating, we went to one of my friend's dinner parties and we were early

  • and they were like, 'Wow, Jessica, you're such a good effect on her.'

  • C: We got there an hour earlier because they'd told me it started at six,

  • rather than at seven.

  • J: Yeah, just so you'd show up!

  • C: Because, normally, if they told me it started at six, I would arrive at seven.

  • So we got there at six and they were like, 'You're actually here really early.'

  • J: So bad.

  • C: Yeah! J: They were so impressed.

  • C: But now you're just late with me.

  • J: Mainly because you drive me places!

  • J: I have no say.

  • J: Right. (Q3) "What do you do when someone gives you a compliment?"

  • J: (A2) "I'm too shocked to respond."

  • J: No, you have a high self-esteem.

  • J: (A3) "Smile and say, thank you." (A4) "Compliment them back."

  • J: Smile and say thank you. C: Smile and say thank you.

  • J: Yeah.

  • C: But I'm too shy to come up with a compliment sometimes, and because I'm already a bit shy that they've just complimented me,

  • it's easier just to say, 'Oh, thank you.'

  • J: 'Thanks, bye.' C: Rather than, like, 'Oh, thanks, your hair looks so nice!'

  • C: Yeah, you're a bit more like that, to be fair.

  • J: (Q4) "How fidgety are you?"

  • (A1) "I literally do not stop moving!"

  • J: Tick. C: Yes, that's me.

  • J: (Q5) "Which of these sounds most like you when watching a film?"

  • (A2) "I tend to have a lot of questions."

  • J: Questions. C: I'm probably a mixture of, "I can't stop eating popcorn"

  • C: and "I have a lot of questions."

  • C: In the cinema-- J: She asks the questions around the popcorn.

  • C: In the cinema, I don't ask questions.

  • J: You just eat popcorn. C: But at home, I would.

  • C: Because I don't wanna annoy other people, but I don't mind annoying you.

  • J: Yeah, yeah. C: And I'm not doing it to annoy you, I'm literally just wanting to know the answers.

  • J: 'Wait, who's that?' 'How's that?' 'Who's related to who?'

  • J: 'Did they get married?' 'What happened?!' C: You know why?

  • C: It's because in the cinema, I am paying attention, but at home I'm like not paying full attention.

  • C: So then I miss a bit and then I'm like, 'What? What's happened?'

  • And you're like, 'Well, if you were watching it...'

  • J: (Q6) "You're on the toilet and finished the loo roll."

  • J: "What do you do?" C: I know. When I read this one out to you, I was like, 'Mmm...'

  • J: [Annoyed] "Leave it there and carry on with my life."

  • J: That is you.

  • C: No! I sometimes get a new one out

  • and I just leave the old one there, don't I? I don't always give it to the dog.

  • J: How many times have I sat on the toilet and gone, 'Oh, great, it's just the roll'?

  • C: But you know what? At work... J: Yeah.

  • C: I always replace it and I put it back on--and I put it into the dispenser, and I get rid of the roll.

  • C: But at home...

  • I don't know, it's weird. I have different standards.

  • J: Well, in the new house--in the new house, to combat this behaviour,

  • we're going to have the extra loo rolls in a place that is reachable from the loo.

  • J: (Q7) "What do people most often say about your walk?"

  • J: I'd say nothing.

  • C: Yeah, it's like-- J: It's just a normal like stomp stomp.

  • J: (Q8) "You're at a traffic light that has just turned green,

  • but the car in front of you hasn't immediately moved. What do you do?"

  • J: Honk.

  • C: I mean, when it says "immediate," to be honest, I would wait a little bit

  • C: and then I'd honk. J: A nanosecond.

  • J: (Q9) "The waiter gets your order wrong, what do you do?"

  • J: Oh, I know this one.

  • She's so British.

  • J: (A1) "Eat it anyway; pretend it's what you wanted all along."

  • C: If they were like, 'What would you like?' 'I want my steak medium-rare,' and it comes and it's like really well done...

  • I'll just be like...

  • 'Oh, that's not really how I wanted it.'

  • C: And I'll just be like, 'Look, it's like leather, Jessie. Look, it's like leather; I might as well have not have ordered this.'

  • 'Oh, my God, it's like the worst steak I've ever eaten,' but I just eat the whole thing anyway.

  • J: And my entire meal is just...

  • complaints.

  • C: And then they come round, 'Everything all right?' 'Yeah--'

  • J: 'Fine! Everything's fine! Here's your tip!'

  • J: 'Bye!'

  • J: It's like, um...just--just tell them.

  • J: Anyway. C: No, I am getting a little bit better at that.

  • C: But, to be honest, I need to have had a glass of wine or a beer or something to feel a little bit more...

  • at ease to say, 'Sorry, this isn't right.'

  • I just feel like I don't want to make fuss.

  • J: So British. C: I know. Even though I'm paying for it.

  • J: (Q10) "You're in a meeting and your colleague mispronounces a word several times in a presentation. What do you do?"

  • C: I wouldn't immediately correct them.

  • C: If it was like lots of other people around. I think in like a work meeting...

  • To be honest, I'd probably ignore it because I'd expect someone else to step in and correct them

  • because there's some other more...

  • C: opinionated, confident people in the meeting. J: Sure, sure. Sure, sure.

  • J: (Q11:) "How long does it take for you to reply to a text?"

  • C: I always-- J: I mean, to me, immediately in a flurry of multiple texts.

  • C: No... J: To someone else...

  • C: To everyone else, it's just immediately.

  • J: Right, choose an emoji: Question mark, question mark, question mark, smiley face.

  • C: I like the second question mark.

  • J: Sure.

  • J: Ah, you are 59% annoying! C: Yeah.

  • J: "You can be pretty annoying."

  • "That's all right, though. You probably make up for it with many excellent qualities."

  • C: Yeah, that's true. J: You do!

  • J: Aww, I love you.

  • J: I don't--aw, you're so cute.

  • When we first started dating, Claudia told me that there are three really annoying things about her:

  • C: I did. J: That she leaves her hair everywhere.

  • J: That she fluffs her pillows... C: That sounds weird.

  • C: I mean, my hair from my head like...comes out of my head.

  • J: Yeah, yeah.

  • C: I don't, like, leave other random bits of body hair. J: It's just everywhere.

  • J: What's the third one? C: I can't function without a cup of tea.

  • C: In the morning. J: Oh, yeah, can't function without a cup of tea in the morning.

  • C: I was like, "Don't talk to me until I've had a cup of tea."

  • C: "Or make me my cup of tea."

  • J: To be honest, though, I don't find any of those annoying.

  • C: To be honest-- J: Love! It's a really weird thing.

  • C: To be honest, there are more annoying things about me, probably.

  • C: There's that thing I do that you really find annoying.

  • C: When I've got like a cold... J: Oh, God!

  • C: When I've got a tickly throat and a blocked nose... J: Kills me.

  • C: You know when it's not quite enough to like blow your nose?

  • Because it's not in your nose, it's like at the back of your throat.

  • C: So then I do that, like, inward...

  • snort thing.

  • C: Which, yeah, is--which I don't think--I mean, it's not very nice.

  • I mean, to be fair, that's another sort of like toilet roll situation where I wouldn't do it at work or in public,

  • but in front of you, I'm like, 'Yeah.'

  • J: I don't know, it's partly that the noise just catches my hearing aids.

  • I don't know.

  • J: My hearing aids don't register all noises, but that one they really do!

  • C: Oh, no, the other thing you told me as well. J: Yeah?

  • C: This is making me sound like a disgusting human being right now.

  • C: But you said don't burp.

  • C: You said, "You can do a burp if it's a normal burp, but don't say 'burp' when you burp."

  • C: And I didn't even realise I was doing it.

  • J: She literally--if you watch her when she burps, she goes, "Buuurp."

  • J: Why--why do you need it? Why? C: Yeah, but when I sneeze, I say "achoo."

  • J: You do!

  • C: Or I go, "Itchy!"

  • C: 'Cause I'm actually a programmed robot.

  • J: What are my annoying things?

  • [Crickets chirp]

  • J: OK, well we'll just end the video there, then.

  • C: One of your annoying things is that you can get excessively loud.

  • J: Yeah. I know.

  • J: Editing the sound on the videos we do together is so hard,

  • because my volume is up here and your volume is here.

  • Sometimes, yeah, and also, like, when we're out socially, I used to get more annoyed about it, but I kind of--I think I can manage now.

  • C: But sometimes I'll be telling a story

  • and then you just like butt in and finish the story, but in a way more, like,

  • elaborate, louder way and then everyone finds your story hilarious, and I was like...

  • 'I was telling that story'

  • C: But now I just--either just let it--I just let it go

  • C: and I'm like, 'Yeah, OK, fair enough.' J: You told me not to do that, so I don't do that.

  • C: Yeah. Oh, OK, maybe that's why I haven't realised it's not--it doesn't annoy me any more because you don't do it any more!

  • J: I don't do it any more. C: Yeah, it really used to annoy me.

  • J: [Loving noises]

  • C: Like when my friend thought it was absolutely hilarious that you said

  • "I find you the most interesting person I've ever met," she just could not stop--

  • C: She could not contain her laughter. J: She went into hysterics!

  • C: She was just like, "What?! Have you heard Claudia's stories?"

  • J: So, we're gonna put the link to this quiz down in the description below.

  • Have a go. Tell me what percentage of annoying you are.

  • C: I'm... 23% more annoying than you.

  • C: That's quite a lot.

  • J: But I love you! C: Aww, I love you.

  • J: Thank you so much for watching.

  • Please subscribe if you are new and share this video with your friends,

  • who may also want to discuss how annoying you are.

  • C: [Falsely upbeat] 'Let's do this fun quiz. Yeah, yeah? Be really interesting.' [Angrier tone] 'Jessie, you're 85% annoying!'

  • C: Tilly's like, 'Let me go. You're annoying me.'

  • C: OK. J: Bye! Mwah!

J: Hello, lovely people!


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我們有多討厭...?// 傑西和克勞德 (How Annoying Are We...? // Jessie And Claud)

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