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So this is a bit of a blast from the past.
So some time ago, one of my colleagues made a comment about sync being boring, and I thought we'd take that comment on examine it in a little bit more detail on what I could show.
That was actually a zinc is quite exciting because you could use it as a basis for what is basically a pocket flames.
Wait, did this experiment there was a beautiful yellow flame came out of this, But I'm told I know from reading around that actually this flame should be blue.
And we think that it's yellow because I did it with this syringe here, which has, we think, sodium contaminants that get into the flame and hence make it yellow.
And we'd really like to see this blue color because this was a description of it the very first time this compound was made over 100 years ago.
And so today we're gonna try this with this syringe.
Now, this syringe is made out of plastic, and the idea is that there shouldn't be any contamination from this in the flame and together with some of the new very high speed cumbers that we've got access to were hoping we could get a glimpse if there's blue flash in flight.
This is di files ink in this syringe.
And as you can see, it looks harmless.
Yeah, Looks could be water for all anyone would know.
Okay, here we go.
So it's about 900 0 here we go.
Yeah, that's a blue.
Well, we could see blue.
So that's the most important thing.
What you doing there?
I'm gonna do it again.
My passion for day fells in comes from the phrase we use is pira for ick pira for it means it spontaneously catches fire in air Wait, You dropped.
You see, when the oxygen exposure to the drop that's is maximized the blue colors maximized.
Yeah, My guess is, as we see more more material It looked like a writer.
Yes, because you see blue right on the edge is things.
Compound was first discovered by Franklin.
It describes in his original notes how he had a glass vial full of this compound and he cut the top off and put a few drops of watering.
And he says, at that point I observed a spontaneous blue flame about a yard long.
In fact, Actually, that's not true, because I've re run Franklin's experiment, and what happens is that you generate a massive cloud of steam.
So what I think happened is that Franklin bottled it.
He put a couple of drops in, saw this huge quantity of white steam vapor coming out.
At that point, he just threw the flask away from him.
And as you've seen, it's the contact with the air that generates the blue frame.
So he suddenly got a massive increase in surface area, I think, and that's what led to the beautiful blue flying.
Now I think it's time for the control experiment where we go back to the original glass syringe and see if there's a genuine difference or not.
Well, I never in that one as well.
Ah, I'm a little surprised by that, and I'm starting to wonder if the last time I did it I simply squirted out too quickly because I think what we've definitely seen today is the slower you release this material out into the world, that the better the chance of seeing the blue scientists and me thinks we need to do some more exponents.
Come back.
Come back a disco or something like that So you can see that again.
A discharge of high potential discharges going across this treatment your body can't metabolize copper properly is actually inherited disease.