Whenyouawesome a question, theiransweris I don't knowwhy.
So I'llsay, Isthiscoughgonnaguyandthey'llsay, I don't know.
Am I goingtogetbetter?
I don't know.
I goill a weekbefore I cameintohospitalwithfluandthen I hadtogotothehospitalbecause I had a stabbingpaininmybackandtheytoldme I had a respiratorytrackedloveofrespiratoryinfectiondidn't swap.
I calledmydoctorfourdayslaterand I said, I'm notgettinganybetter.
And I wastoldjusttokeeptakingtheamoxicillin.
I'm 39 and I'm healthy.
Eventhenurseswhoare, like, amazingOh, what?
Oh, runningoutofprotectiveequipment.
So a nursecameinthe, um, todomystatstodomyhopes.
Andshewaswearing a a clearplasticbagonherheadbecauseshe'd runout.