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So you remember in the past tweeted and we don't to really big numbers in particular in the past with Graham's number and tree three.
So you remember Tree three was this number that was that was so big that even just to prove that it was finite, there just wasn't enough time left in the universe.
To do that, you would have a universal to reset itself before you ever got to complete the proof.
It's just stupid.
It's just you can't even picture it on.
Grand Name was so big that if you thought about it, your head would collapse to form a black hole.
So these are two really crazy numbers.
But what I really want to talk about today is kind of crazy of crazy.
I want to talk about On Over, which combines both on that's tree of Graham's number.
I'm worried the universe is gonna collect way.
We need to worry about that.
As you might remember from from those original videos, both tree three on Graham's number, they both the rises in sort of a sequence ticket.
Let's let's remind ourselves what where Graham's number came from, sort of very briefly to get to Graham's number.
We started out with something which alcalde G one, which was three arrow, arrow, arrow, arrow three.
Right now this is a really big number.
Now, just to remind you what these arrows were, if I have three arrows three, that just means three to the three.
It's a fancy way of writing three to the par three, which is of course, 27.
If I take a double arrow, Well, that just means doing a repetition of the single arrow.
In this case.
Three times that would be three arrow three, arrow three, which is three to the Arrow 27 which is about 7.6 trillion.
I think it is okay.
And then if you had three arrows, well, that's just repeated double arrows.
Okay, so that's just repeat repetition of the double arrow.
So that's three to the three to the three, which is again three double R A.
7.6 trillion, which is basically a power tower of three.
So three to the three to the 3 to 3.
And so one that is 7.6 trillion.
Is this is just stupidly big numbers on actually, the first sort of wrong on the ladder of Graham's, Graham's flat little rain sequence is actually has four hours, so it's a repetition of three hours.
So this is the first point on grand sequence, but then you go up.
Graham, what's wrong?
Graham told us to do was actually to sort of build this sequence, or he would then go to G to where the number of arrows itself was already this huge number.
Okay, so you actually now have G one arrows on the arrows.
As you can see from this making it was really, really big toe, actually.
Now, when we start putting really big numbers in the number of arrows, we get crazy big.
And he carried on with this sequence until you got to G 64.
Which was this Graham's number.
So you have this sequence one start for this G one due to until all way up to G 64 you can carry on right.
This defines the sequence which you could call G n, which is basically related to the one before by taking the number of arrows that you had before.
So you related like that.
So this defines the sequence.
The tree trees also gave to see who's never remember from that video.
The trees are basically is this idea of you play a game with with a finite number of seeds, different types of seeds and you try to grow trees.
And the idea is, how long can this game go on for?
So if you have one type of seed, then the game can last a maximum off.
Basically one go tree.
One is one tree too.
So if you have two different seeds, is three and then if you have three different seeds, then the game literally goes on for potentially gone for absolutely ages.
This number is massive.
It's a really, really big number.
It's actually bigger than grains that but that's what I told you.
Okay, so we're gonna think a bit more about that.
But this is a truly truly gargantuan number on dhe.
But of course, you could carry on with this sequence.
You could try tree 43536 in general, some tree end.
And you could even think, of course, about tree of Graham's number.
So that's what we want to think about.
Now There we have two sequences here.
Right on.
The real question I want to ask you is Which sequence is better?
So let's ask this question.
Let me write down way.
We've got these two sequences we got tree event on.
We've got G event.
So we got the trees in the G's.
OK, we can build this number tree of Graham's number, right, which is basically Tree of G of 64.
But I could also think about going the other way around.
What do you mean by that?
I mean, do the trees first and then do the G's seven other ways.
I'm going to start playing the game of trees first and then I climbed grams ladder.
So what?
I mean by that I mean take tree in this case of 64 on, then evaluate that Ingraham secrets.
So I'm doing it the other way around.
So here I am, climbing grand ladder 1st 64 rooms on.
Then I'm playing the game of trees here.
I'm playing the game of trees with 64 instead of seeds.
And then I'm climbing grain flooded.
So which of these numbers is bigger?
Okay, which is bigger.
Oh, can I have a guess going.
I got the impression from you in the previous videos that trees are more powerful, so I'm going to say that one's bigger.
But that's got training.
Yeah, but it's you're giving the tree less juice there.
You're only giving the tree 64 juice and there you're giving the tree Graham's number.
Do I think that's a beautiful way to put it actually ready.
And you are right.
But let's let's actually explore this a little bit more.
Let's do with a much simpler, simpler pair of sequences which are basically just powers.
So I can imagine sequence where p to the end is to to the answer, basically take take the 22 to the power of whatever number I'm interested in on quadratic ce.
Okay, so basically, take ends.
If you give me an I give u n squared just two different secrets the night of these anywhere near as powerful as tree or G.
But they'll they'll illustrate the point now, as you would put it in this case, the exponents.
This one has more juice.
Okay, this is more powerful than a quadratic exponents grow more quickly than quadratic ce in this case, we could study and asked which is it better to do first or last?
Okay, which is gonna take us to the bigger place?
Let's look at this.
And let's let's start with maybe an equals one.
So if we do que first, we take the quadratic of one, okay?
Like, is me one?
And then I have to do pee, which is gonna take me to to Okay, so I'll get to it, I do it the other way around, so I'm going to start with one.
I then need to take its power.
That's gonna give me, too.
And then I need to take the quadratic, so that's gonna give me full Okay.
So you can see if I do.
For an equals one, actually, doing this guy last actually seems to win.
Okay, That's not feel quite right.
Let's try a bigger number.
Let's do any course.
So I take the quadratic first that takes 3 to 9, and then I take the power.
Okay, that takes that gets me to To To the nine, which I think it's 512.
Quite big number.
Not a studio the way around.
Okay, so we stopped with three.
We take the power.
So that's two to the three, which is eighth.
And then we take the quadratic 64.
So you can see here the minute we went to a slightly bigger number, Actually, it was indeed advantageous to do the big guy last.
And actually, as long as you take and bigger than two, it's always gonna be better to do the big guy last.
So it is.
It is true.
You're right.
The big guy.
The most powerful guy is the one that you should do last if you want to get really, really big numbers.
So now let's go back to tree and G.
Now your intuition says that tree is bigger.
It's correct.
But what's the mathematical way of sort of measuring that.
Is there a mathematical measure for that sort of thing for how fast a sequence grows?
Okay, Is there a measure of how fast tree and grows?
Is there a measure for how fast G N grows or any other sequence?
OK, on the res on dhe for these grand statements is the thing that we use it.
It's something called the fast growing Hierarchies So we're gonna start off with a very sort of function that does grow, but it doesn't grow very quickly.
Okay, so we're really, really started for basics.
And that's the success of function.
So there's a very simple guy is basic, Just says, take and go to the next one along.
It's counting.
Makes it is the first thing you let it school.
So two goes to 33 goes to four and so on, Right?
It's growing from its growing sequence.
It doesn't grow very quickly.
Okay, But this is this successful mission is the basic for a basis for all the seed for all these fast growing hierarchies.
Okay, so I want something gross.
Obviously, this doesn't grow fastest Real G.
I think we can agree that right.
Okay, so let's try and get something that grows a bit faster.
But this is the seed for everything else.
So what can grow a bit faster?
Will you define half of one?
Okay, which is defined as doing this guy and times.
Okay, so I'm gonna do f lots of times, but I'm gonna do it.
End times on it.
So what is this another way of writing.
That is just F zero to the end of end.
So what am I really doing here?
I'm doing?
I'm adding one toe end and times.
Where's that going to take me?
That's gonna take me to to end two times in.
Yeah, I'm getting that s o n to having one to end end times that's gonna take me to it.
So you can see this is already growing more quickly.
This almost starting one each time.
This one is no doubling its not much faster grand function, but it is a faster grand function of success.
A guy, okay?
And he's done it.
But we've built it from that successor seed.
Okay, so let's carry on.
Let's try F two.
We're gonna define it the same way we're basically gonna say do f one and times on it.
Okay, So what's this gonna give you?
Well, this is basically saying multiplied by two and times, so that's going to give me to you to the end times that.
So now we've gone to an exponents.
Okay, so we've gone from successes.
It's a multiplication.
So it's like, Bye.
Doing repeating repeated succession thio exponentially ation by doing repeated multiplication I can carry on.
OK, what's the next guy?
Well, that basically says, do this.
And and number of times.
So what's that gonna give me?
Well, I don't write it down.
This is gonna be something that's more like the double arrow.
This is actually gonna grow more quickly than that guy slightly, but it's the same similar sort of, you know, sort of growth rate, but it's slightly more more quickly than that.
Okay, so this is what we call Tek Trey Shin.
So you've got successive multiplication explanation.
This is now a saturation on.
I could carry this on.
Okay, I could just carry on defining in the same way by repetition of the one before next one would be plantation, hex ation and so on and so on and so forth.
Okay, I could do loads of these.
Right then.
I got a whole time.
One for every interview, right?
All the way up.
Okay, great.
Now this gives me a hierarchy for for this giving a measure for how fast functions grow.
I can measure him again, these guys.
So you could have f 101 100 after the Google f f f f of Graham's number even.
Okay, my question is, is do these numbers grow faster?
Or which went?
Where does where does the G sequence?
And then it treating was appear in this In this hierarchy, it is faster than some of them.
I'm no others, you know.
What you think I know?
You've got a cheeky smile.
So I think that I think you're about to pull something here.
I mean, presumably because this everything is in infinite could just keeps growing.
It must get to a point at some point where I can use it, So that's a good point.
So it's certainly true that for a given value of end, So I put, say, some large body event in here.
I could get a number that was bigger than Graham's number.
But that's no, I'm asking.
I'm asking.
Do these sequences do any of them grow more quickly than Graham sequence or the tree sequence?
So, for the same value of N, are they going to give me bigger numbers?
I feel like you must be able to get there because because the way tree works and the way Graham works is like set in stone.
Where is this thing?
You could just keep making bigger and bigger until you kill it.
It's fit for purpose.
The answer's No, none of these.
Even if I carried on all the way through all the introduce for all the natural numbers, there's never gonna be a sequence that was faster either.
G g sequins, all the tree.
Seems that both busted.
So they're both of the tree energy.
They grow quicker than any of these, any of these.
And that's, like, low.
That's what I'm gonna do now.
Okay, So how can I measure them?
Well, the problem is, is that you're just eating with finite.
Look what we have here.
What have we built up here?
So I kind of think we owe you.
See with that.
With that sequence of functions, have zero f one F two, right.
They will have an index.
Zero Next one was one.
Next one was 23 and so on.
And in principle, I could have had any.
Any natural number.
Okay, Arbitrarily, large.
But I was restricted to the natural numbers.
I could go one beyond.
I could go to infinity.
What comes after these numbers.
Well, there's also something important to distinguish about these numbers is that they had an order, OK?
They, you know, have a notion of hierarchy.
F North doesn't grows faster.
F one doesn't grows faster, Zeph two and so on the indices.
We were important that they came in order.
So you can really think of these numbers these indices as more like Ordina.
Lt's rather than cardinal numbers.
Cardinal numbers tell you how much ordered all numbers add a bit of order to that The Adelina.
It's fair, second and so on.
Once you've you know, you've gone all the way through the natural numbers.
Where is it?
Where to go next.
Well, infinity, right, So I can talk about infinity, which I just right is the orginal infinity I write is an omega and that's basic to find is the thing that comes after all the others, all these, all these finite or journals.
The thing that comes after is old know infinity.
That gives me away to climb a bit higher.
So I'm going to define a new type of function.
Okay, that's labeled by this guy.
How am I going to do that?
so I'm just gonna draw some of the acts that we've already already created.
Okay, so let me just draw a few of them, so f one of one.
Okay, F one of 2 to 1 after two.
Okay, So here is some of the some of the acts that we could carry on right in all directions where you quit an integer in the place of the end.
Yeah, Exactly.
I'm actually gonna look at their values now.
So, you know, if I go along this way, I'm sort of changing the argument, increasing the argument.
If I go this way, I'm increasing the index.
Okay, so let's just plug in some values for what these guys are.
This is two for this is sick.
So indeed, I grow as I grow that way.
That was that.
Was that doubling?
So this guy's to this guy's ate this guy's 24.
This guy's to this guy is 248 bigger number.
This next guy.
I'm not gonna write it out because it has 121 million digits.
This guy's huge.
That escalated quickly.
That's it.
That's it.
Escalate quickly.
They won t o vacant the things just got out of control quite quickly.
Amazing thing is, you're only an F three here that escalated really quickly.
F can go like millions.
And you still say when?
Nowhere near the power we need to deal with.
Grinds number very, very true.
But the list.
But what I want to do is I want to create create an F, which I'm gonna label with only good that grows more quickly than anything that's gone before.
So how do I do that?
Okay, well, what's the quickest way Aiken grow in this picture?
I start out over here.
What's the quickest way to grow straight long diagonal, right?
You go straight longer to go this way.
You get looking to stash your something 121 million digits.
If I went to the next step and I went to F 44 that I think this guy somewhere between 10 3 hours, four and 10 3 rows, five it's in, it's in the interval.
Okay, so going along with agonal gets you really big really quickly.
In fact, it's much more fast growing than anything that went before.
Okay, so that's what we're gonna call fom again.
Something The base of the guy that picks out the growth along the diagonal so we can define that.
So we just write.
That is f of omega of end.
We're gonna define as after then.
Well, then that's basis and pick out the diagonal.
So this will be the first position.
Second, there's already 121 million digits.
Fourth already.
This stupid nous all the way down there.
We're just going to get crazy.
We're gonna get a really, really fast growing function.
Now, what kind of function is is this gonna look like?
Well, actually, you can show this.
It's kind of generally gonna be greater than something that goes like this, where you've got n minus one arrows.
So this is like kind of building up the arrows, which might sound like something that we've done before, Which is how we built Graham's number.
It builds up the arrows to the index kind of went on the arrow, which made you get really, really big.
That's why these other functions thes guys were never able to do as well is great.
Okay, because they went really hitting the index on the arrow.
The arrow pointed on the arrow makes it grow much more quickly.
So this guy's doing it is doing much better.
Okay, we can talk about next order.
No one asked that we go.
Okay, The one after infinity.
That's kind of weird.
I'm just gonna call it having a plus one.
Now you might say whatever it is that that's clearly nonsense, right?
You're talking about infinity plus one.
But isn't infinity plus one just infinity?
That's not really true when you're talking about Ordell's, depending on how you define it, what I really mean by this I mean the thing that comes after what went before, what comes after omega.
Okay, so by definition, it's not the same thing.
You can't really do that with the Cardinals, but you can with orders, because the order matters.
Okay, so I can quite reliably talk about something that just comes after this.
This ordinary infinity is the next one along.
How do I get that?
Well, I already know how to add one to my sequence of fast grand functions.
I just did it the usual way, right?
Dio effort.
Having a plus one is just on application of this guy and times.
OK, there's half of omega, and and now this is starting to terrify me now, because look how fast this guy grew.
This was This was this was growing with reporting.
Macy Index indices going on the arrows.
This guy's just gone off on one now.
This is even faster than that.
This is This is mad.
I don't even wanna think you can relate this to these.
Calm my chains, But I don't want to go there.
But how big This is great, but I don't need to stop.
I could carry on, all right?
I can I could just go get this too, and so on.
Keep going.
I could keep the finding these functions this way, right?
Eventually, I would run out of things to add to.
What do I do then?
Well, Ijust add, here we go.
So I would define a gnome ago this limit of this.
I would then add something on top of that.
Which was this which I call omega too kind of next level of Ordell's.
Okay, But I don't need to stop.
Then I can carry on.
I can do only get soup plus one on.
All the while, I'm defining new functions this way.
Okay, You know what?
Let me get two plus two.
Keep going until eventually I run out of finite numbers to add, and then I just sail.
Next one is gonna be only get two plus only good.
Which I'm gonna call every good times.
Okay, but now look what I've got.
So all the while and functions, they're coming along for the ride there.
Just going mad right now.
So what's next?
Okay, so, Well, what I've built now, I've managed to get well, there's, like, an only good times.
One which is just Oh, my God.
I've also got only good times, too.
On only good times.
So I can start building this sequence.
Oppa's Well, okay, just by doing these these repeated editions, Okay, well, eventually I'm gonna run out.
What do I do then?
Well, I say the next one along is only good times only go, which is only a squared.
So I can talk about function, which is growing like f omega squared, which is why I don't even know what it is, right?
It's mad.
It's just gonna be something crazy I can carry on building.
These army guys only go to the only go when we get to the only get to the Omega.
Only get to the only get to the only get to the only get did it today until I run out.
Well, what do I do then?
Okay, well, then there's another old you know what you call Epsilon North?
Just kind of like a nordle.
That's just Whoa, it's just way out there way bigger than this guy way.
Begin Any of these on this?
If there's a growing function which is labeled by that as well, it came back thinking about how fast that grows.
Okay, you can carry on.
There's a whole system of that you can play with this play With this sort of technology all the way, you have it silent.
You can define apps.
I don't know what you can build up more and more upside.
I'm one.
You could even start talking about asylum with an index which is Upsilon North itself.
And then you can have another index which is upside on Epsilon north on you can grow, grow, grow, grow, grow Your next thing is is called, but the next one is called.
Sorry, Zita.
Number on, then is an eating on there.
And then eventually you keep going and use thes thesis things called Veblen hierarchies on all this.
And then eventually you get to a point where you've got something which is just off the scale.
Massive orginal, which is called gamma zero.
It's called The Fat Woman shoots orginal.
It's the largest thing that you can create using these kind of Riker shin methods on this thing called Kevin hierarchy, which we're going to.
The point is, his efforts that can come along for the ride doesn't even bear thinking about what f of gamma zero grows like.
Okay, this is a crazy Lee fast growing function, right?
I mean, look, well, just it was so far away.
We didn't We didn't even bother to describe it.
Okay, so but to the $1,000,000 question.
Well, the tree $3 question.
Okay, where does where does the G sequence the grain sequence on the tree sequence lie in all of this?
So what?
What f what function do we build that's gonna keep pace with Exactly which?
Which of these efforts can keep pace without a G or tree.
Okay, let me tell you, let's do it.
G first G we can handle.
Okay, G does and grows fast.
Is f omega plus one.
It doesn't grow so fast that you kind of see why.
Already at F o Mago, we're starting to see the sort of index appearing on the arrows.
Which is kind of like how graves numbers built.
Okay, so Graham sequence and grows.
It doesn't go any faster than this guy.
Okay, what about tree?
Tree grows fast in this, it grows faster, even grows faster than this guy.
Tree grows faster than this, so none of these guys can handle tree The tree secrets grows faster in all of them.
Now, you can go beyond gamma zero if you want to.
It all gets really quite messy.
So I'm not gonna go that safe to say that tree is off the scale fast growing even faster than this guy.
Whereas we could handle G.
So the answer.
The original question was that yes, in the tree does have a lot more juice than G.
So tree of Graham's number is bigger than Graham tree Essentially, if you'd like some more from this interview, or maybe you'd like to watch some more videos about really big numbers or you'd like to learn more about trees, check out the links on the screen and down in the video description.
There's some stuff there we'd love you to say.