I'veleft 2 to 3 timesthisweek, twice a daytogetsomefreshair, maybeonce a day.
Ifitallat 5 30 everysingleday.
Justtotake a walkonce a weektothegrocerystoreliquorstore.
I needwine.
Lastweek I didnotleavethehouseatall.
I'm leavingthehouseabouttwotimes a week, notincludingmydailywalkseveryday, once a day, leavingthehouseaboutonce a dayfor a jobtogetsomefreshairandthengobytheliquorstoreeveryotherday, once a dayinthemorningtogoon a walk.
Andthatwastogotothedoctor, Uh, notreallyleavingthehouse 2 to 3 times a weekforessentialsandtakingbillsthat I prepareformy 84 yearoldmother.
I'm leavingonceortwice a weekfortheessentials I'vebeenleavingoutlikeeveryotherday.
I havetoleaveatleastonce a day, maybetwiceifit's a beautifulday.