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  • ALICE: Banana.

  • Banana.

  • Banana.

  • Banana.

  • CELINA: Oh, thank you, Alice.

  • And banana to you, too.

  • ALICE: Banana.

  • CELINA: You know, when I was little, I loved learning

  • silly-sounding words.

  • And I would say them over and over and over again, just like

  • Alice does.

  • CARLO: Yeah, me too.

  • One of my favorite words was snorkel.

  • I loved saying that.

  • Snorkel.

  • CELINA: Snorkel?

  • You know what I get a kick out of?

  • Tweezers.


  • Oh, don't you know any silly-sounding words, that are

  • fun to say and hear, that feel absurd coming out of your

  • mouth and tickle going in your ear?

  • CARLO: Words like snorkel.

  • CELINA: And tweezers.

  • CARLO: And flapjack.

  • CELINA: And snoot.

  • CARLO: Not to mention hubbub.

  • CELINA: And mugwump.

  • CARLO: And tweak!

  • CELINA: Tweak!

  • CARLO: Snorkel, snorkel, snorkel, snorkel--

  • ALL: Snorkel, snorkel, snorkel, snorkel.

  • CELINA: Flapjak, flapjack.

  • ALL: Flapjack, flapjack, flapjack.

  • TELLY: Mugwump, mugwump, mugwump, mugwump.

  • Ahaha!

  • Mugwump, mugwump, mugwump, mugwump.

  • CARLO: Flapjack, flapjack.

  • Flapjack, flapjack, flapjack.

  • CELINA: Snorkel, snorkel, snorkel, snorkel, snorkel,

  • snorkel, snorkel, snorkel, snorkel.

  • Snorkel!

  • Very good, Alice.

  • LEXINE: I know another silly-sounding word.

  • Aardvark.

  • TELLY: How about bassoon?

  • CARLO: And fussbudget.

  • ALICE: And rutabaga.

  • TELLY: Sassafrass!

  • CARLO: And smudge.

  • CELINA: Hey, how about flibbertigibbet?

  • TELLY: No--

  • flibbertigibbet?

  • ROSITA: Is there really such a word?

  • CELINA: Certainly.

  • Oh, how I love the liberty of saying words like flibberti.

  • ALL: Fliberty, fliberty, flibbertigibbet.

  • CARLO: I could repeat from now 'til noon, sassafras,

  • fussbudget, rutabaga, bassoon.

  • ALL: Sassafrass, fussbudget, rutabaga, bassoon.

  • TELLY: Not even a pile of chocolate fudge could please

  • me more than saying smudge.

  • ALL: His mouth loves the feel of saying smudge.

  • Smudge, smudge, smudge!

  • Oh, what a pleasure it is to speak, when we speak words

  • like aardvark--

  • TELLY: And flapjack--

  • CELINA: And mugwump.

  • ALL: And tweak!

  • CELINA: I'm gonna tweak your cheek.

  • CARLO: Snorkel, snorkel, snorkel, snorkel.

  • TELLY: Mugwump, mugwump, mugwump, mugwump.

  • LEXINE: Rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga.

  • CELINA: Snoot.

  • Snoot.

  • ALL: Flapjack, rutabaga, aardvark, hubbub, bassoon,

  • mugwump, tweezers, snoot, sassafras, smudge, fussbudget,

  • snorkel, flibbertigibbet, and tweak.

  • ALICE: Banana!

  • ALL: That too!

ALICE: Banana.


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芝麻街。Sesame Street: Silly Sounding Words (Sesame Street: Silly Sounding Words)

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