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Oh, no worms This week, we'll carry on with that next week.
Instead, this time is something much more exciting.
It's the one lone Koda viewer showcase, 2017.
I started this channel in February this year with the aim of just capturing some silly thoughts I had about technology.
After a few programming videos got some hits, I saw there was no opportunity to create a small community surrounding the channel, and it turns out I'm not needed to do very much.
People be more than willing to show and demonstrate their code.
So in this video, we're going to take a look at the viewers who have been inspired enough to create some code based on someone, loan Kodori type things or have done something quite similar and want to show that off, too.
I found it both very crumbling because people using my stuff but also really inspiring, and I'm hoping that you do, too.
One of the first videos I made was a code at your own synthesizer video, or we did synth from basic principles on.
Gregory here has created one using SD Ella's the back end instead of a Windows library, allowing it to be portable for Lennox now by Foreign Away, My most popular video this year has been the code it yourself retro arcade racing game on.
This is a really nice version of it by New Major or Johan, who recreated it in JavaScript.
And I like this because it showed me the code pen dot io website, where you can play with the code and see the results in real time.
He hasn't quite maintained the aesthetic feel of the asking that I like, but nonetheless, it's very smooth.
Which leads me on to the second most popular video, which is the code it yourself Tetris.
Lots of people have been asking questions about this video.
On here we see D cruises attempt.
They say they been inspired by my version of the Tetris in their version, trying to recreate the Nez version using an A I bought here to play two games of Tetris simultaneously.
It uses C++ and S F.
M L for the graphics.
I think it's aesthetically very pleasing.
I like the glowing cells on.
I like the prediction of where the pieces are going to fall.
This next video is a little oddity.
It's not directly based on any of my videos put.
Neil's been a great contributor to the comments on Guy Thought This had a nice, nostalgic feel to it, using the command prompt to display on old Skool Cube based maze.
Very nice, too.
And as you can see, it's got a map where you can see where you've explored so far.
That's something we haven't done yet on the channel, like a fog of war sort of thing.
And if you're really quite not slight, very clearly is, you can recreate a first person shooter using nothing but the DOS bat file format.
Yes, take a deep breath.
So this is a recreation of a ray casting engine using nothing but bat files and bat Syntex.
I've included this just because it's so bonkers.
It's got to be seen by everybody else.
Now the next few videos have been really humbling.
This one by six shows a recreation of the council game injured in Java, and it's actually quite a faithful recreation.
As we can see, there's only a few methods that need to be overridden by the user, and he's taken it as far as being able to implement my code it yourself worms game on.
But we can see that here.
If you look at the code, it looks very similar to the C++ code I've created.
You know, job is not a 1,000,000 miles away, really, And I was just really impressed.
This is an animated GIF that he sent showing the engine working and performance is good and it's a very faithful recreation.
Another recreation of the council game engine here But in C sharp, this time by Rob.
When you go through the code, there's lots of things that seem eerily familiar to me, which is really great.
And he's also created a demo application off the coded yourself snake game to show it working.
And here it is.
It's a slightly different version of Snake.
It's got its own rules, but it just goes to show it's not that difficult to create a console based application in different languages that have the field on the look of an arcade game Good on Europe while we're on the topic of Snake.
This was a submission from Leo owner who's got a great YouTube channel full of Java and oddly X 86 assembly language based videos like this implementation of snake in nothing but X 86 70 language.
I think it's a really impressive example of just how low level you can get and still achieve really pleasing results.
Never be afraid of using the computer for the things that it can do.
General Lee, probably not in it, took the idea of the council game engine but decided to implement a 3 20 by 2 40 V G, a based system step so it doesn't use characters at the console.
It draws actual pixels, but given the constraints, it's quite surprising what it could do with it.
Eso exposed little example, shows the palate available and the sub size of the window that you expect to be using.
But he also went on to create a version of the first person shooter engine.
It's really nice.
The quality of the Texas sampling is great, as is the performance of his engine.
The first person shooter engine was translated to other platforms.
Here it's shown in linen.
Using a lib is the background on this was by Henrik.
It turns a little slowly, but that's just because of the turn Speed coefficients.
The performances in the thousands of frames per second.
And here is a version that I couldn't get to compile, unfortunately from Rohan.
But this uses end.
Curses is the back end, and there he does include a screenshot showing that it looks just like the first person shooter engine.
But this gives me some hope that next year will be able to get some linens versions off the council game engine open running so all of the linen people can play along, too.
Here's another first person shooter submission from Steve Jukes.
This one, as you can see, is running on a Mac, and it's running at a high performance.
It doesn't necessarily use any of the council game engine stuff, but he did say he was inspired by the ray casting algorithm that I'm using the back end.
I think there's a really pleasing mellowness to the look and feel of this, the pastel shade.
It makes it look quite 16 bit.
Steve Dukes also had a goat, creating his own version of Frogger on some hard work, and we can see here on this led matrix.
Little frog tried to cross the road.
It's good to see Frog Essex of locals.
One of my favorite videos way Can't talk about hard work without talking about one of the most valued contributors to the one loan coded channel.
Which is, of course, Breck Martin.
First, I'm going to show Rex Port off the retro racing arcade game to the PlayStation Portable.
This is one of the coolest moments him certainly my coding career, because I finally say, I've had a game released on a commercial platform such as the PlayStation Portable on.
Breck went so far as to maintain the nasty looking field, too.
But Brick being Brick, he's not so keen on the software.
That's the least interesting part on Breck spends a lot of his time, and if you haven't seen it, you must check out his channel.
He builds his own computers from scratch.
Here we can see it's got a giant dot matrix display connected to a whole bunch of circuit boards, which is sold it of himself on his program, The little microcontroller here to run some games that may look familiar, And of course, the 1st 1 is Tetris even makes the controllers wreck, always likes to play a little bit of one upmanship, biotics Flor at the end of his demonstrations back also took time to implement some of the game of life algorithms on this good display on the cellular or to martyr Video has been quite a popular one this year.
I think it's introduced people's way of thinking about computation before.
Well, they have it after the other 30 submissions that have received, I think they were the best ones.
If you have submitted something, I've not shown it.
Please don't be offended.
It was probably quite similar to something that I've already shown when I started this channel.
I never expected to be in the position by the end of the year, where I ve got over 2600 subscribers on people desperate to show me and sent me some code.
The discord server is quite active and people showing their examples on there, too, and I'm frequently surprised by the sheer quality on the effort that's going into your projects.
I think it's great, and I think this little community is only going to grow stronger and stronger in the new year whilst compiling this video on looking through your code and looking back over my videos just makes me think how far this channel has come in such a short time.
And so I'm going to end this video with a clip from my very first trial of blogging on.
No matter how you celebrate your festive season, make sure you have a good one.
Spend some time away from the computer and take care of yourselves.
Welcome to the one lone Kota Block.
My name's David You can find on Twitter's Jammy decks.
This is my first video blogger, So chances are you'll see a big fat zero next to the views.
Or is it just just down there on duh.
I'm really going to be a technology in the just blow of of of a stallion.
Welcome to the one loan coded.
Hey, welcome to the one lone code of love.
I'm David, otherwise known as Jeffrey Decks nine.