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  • Hello calculator fanciers

  • A bit of an unusual one today people have been sending in calculators for me to unbox. Which is very sweet of them

  • I think some people have calculators

  • They think should be unboxed by a professional

  • And it's very considerate of them to send them in so I'm going to go for the record of most calculators

  • Unboxed in a video sight unseen so let's get into it

  • First up one we've been sent in here at the South Surrey And Associated Regions Calculator Appreciation Society

  • for professionals and amateurs and no indication where or who has sent this in

  • So let's, I mean this is more of a calculator

  • I'm bagging so far, but I'm going to allow it well padded so it doesn't get damaged

  • It's come with a note please funny clothes free calculators

  • Which I hope you will unblock over the time for that and frankly

  • Three is cheating [of] somebody going [to] unbox one of these we're either going to do the scientific calculator with cover

  • We're going [to] do the home and office scientific calculator, or we will do the wilko

  • Scientific calculator make sure you get your sums right vote now

  • Yep, it's the wilko so let's get into that one let's pop this thing open using

  • scissors for when you're doing speed unboxing

  • I mean, you know I like my specialist tools

  • but sometimes you just need a multi-tool for everything and

  • We are in ok in no time for instructions in a speed unboxing is it a cover?

  • Yeah, okay. It is it all it's got a little stand. That's nice and

  • Let's fire it up. So we'll do a simple test to open all the way around it's a root 2

  • equals x Root 2

  • equals 2

  • It works [ok] you can see how someone saw the calculator and thought this this would be a good one to unboxed at this

  • What a drab little kit, there's very little going on here in this particular calculator

  • And so I don't think it wants any further tests

  • I'm impressed that someone had the enthusiasm to send it in but I mean

  • It's [just] it's not it's it's it's no gak co is what I'm trying to say [here]. [so] we'll pop that

  • In the not particularly exciting pile and move on to whatever this one is okay, and we have

  • All this is exciting it comes in a smaller

  • Unmarked box wow what could it be [I] mean, I'm not fluent in all

  • Barcodes so that I mean if you are fluent in but then barcodes spoiler alert, that's already given away

  • What's going to happen, but I don't know so it's okay

  • right [oh]

  • My goodness already, okay. It's not a rectangle. So I'm already more exposed than what [that] it's a keyboard, okay?

  • Well, let's test it first before we get too

  • Excited, how does it even turn? How's it turn on?

  • Is it solar-powered needs more luck nothing light, okay?

  • Where I can and it's on [alright]

  • So if we give it enough charge, [I] feel like we should do like the harmonic series. What are we going to do five?

  • times

  • six

  • Okay, it works okay, so it's a straightforward stuff with clear on okay on Doubles is clear

  • That's not very useful [off] is off on his

  • Con is on and doesn't play any sounds so if it played music as I was typing I'd be impressed

  • But sadly it doesn't they were

  • Keyboard calculator up next a oh hopefully labeled

  • This is the box that through useful think I've done enough unboxings to recognize a box when I see one

  • So let's get although use electrical tape which is [a] nice touch

  • Obviously professional circumstances, I wouldn't just be hacking at it with scissors and ripping it open but given

  • We're just doing you know a fun little unboxing of one of the amateurs have sent in with a letter

  • number file, I'm having to present

  • you the

  • staff

  • Device a device that looks and behaves like a normal digital clock if you hold down the middle button while turning it on so it

  • becomes a calculator oh

  • My goodness. Oh wow this looks this looks dangerous

  • It comes in bits. How on Earth did this not get flagged up by the post this would not look good on an x-Ray?

  • So okay, and that's all that we've got all the pieces

  • Seems to be the main body of it. This is a

  • Dangerously homemade-looking power supply. [I] don't

  • Wow, I mean it must be legitimate. They've written it on in tip x and the European

  • Socket very little something in the name of my organization which starts self sorry and associated regions which would indicate I'm doing this in England

  • And I'm unable to plug that in because we have Queens

  • voltage over here

  • Until [I] can't plug that into it is this European socket warranted work

  • I believe we had a vote on this recently so I'm going to file this away for further investigation up next okay

  • This one's comes Via Amazon. Let's cancel there

  • Okay, that was a very straightforward. This is almost a trivial unboxing. It's just open. Oh, okay. No, there's more [legal]

  • Still not fully worthy of an unboxing yet

  • and we have

  • well

  • Texas instruments

  • [okay], someone has sent us in a Texas instruments because on people get very upset that in America all their calculators

  • Come from Texas, and we don't tend to [have] [many] over here in South sorry, so an associate regents

  • So someone is finally cracked and sent me in a Ti the ti

  • 30x [-] ass. That's an unnecessary level of versions. That's been through without a correct name so let's turn it on and

  • All it already comes with a calculation [preloaded] so it's already got two asterisks ^ asterisk times tan of something

  • [that's] to help people if you're using it, and you're not familiar with doing calculations as an example one or maybe in the factory

  • that's just that that's a

  • Texan testing it or actually if you rotate it. It's like a little smiley face. I appreciate all the feedback

  • Everyone gives however misguided it may be and I know everyone [wants] us to do More, Texas instruments

  • So we will do we've heard you you voted [with] your calculators. We will do a Texas

  • Calculator special, so I will get a whole bunch. We'll have a look at some don't worry. We will get around to Texas instruments

  • Thank you for sending it in

  • Okay, and this one. I mean

  • Unboxing it is trivial. We can already see it. This was actually it wasn't posted

  • Which is why it's already open this one someone came and gave it to me at the Manchester Science festival

  • So they wake up as it here is a calculator pen so let's get in there and have a closer look at it, and I

  • There are no surprises what we saw on the outside

  • it's exactly what we all look at the instructions there has to be a new record for the

  • compact and efficient placement of instructions and looking at no unnecessary information

  • I don't even use both sides there like that's all we need why print double-sided when you can just fold it in half

  • Afterwards and cram it in there

  • and they vary uk patent on they figured you know someone else is going to try and beat them to market, so the

  • crossover pen calculator market [it] says auto power off and

  • It's very efficient the moment. I turn it on it's off again

  • so

  • Is there no battery in that I mean if only there was some other way [to] use this without all there's not there's a pen

  • Right so obviously I can to the pen pen doesn't work the pen is also also auto off

  • What is this can we commit we should better get in there dude

  • Wow, so it's got ink in there. Maybe it's just been

  • Okay, so it was a [fair] [nick] [ever] gave this to me what I'm saying to question how much they really liked me

  • So I mean look at that. This is clear this isn't aged this is an aged product

  • [I]

  • don't know how

  • this went so long and people are able to resist opening it to get out the calculator pen this is clearly a product of a

  • Legal loophole somewhere, it's like you're not let a calculator

  • But you can bring in a pen or you have to do all your mathematical working out by pen and they've gone

  • Not a problem. [I] will do all [my] working out bike pen

  • right, so there you [I] [mean] full points for creativity, but

  • You have to take it into the shop and get it looked at properly because this is a vintage model

  • And it's [Gonna] need a proper

  • Refurbishment and a going-over before it's in a state for me to unbox and review it here

  • We go once at the world record. So next one up another anonymous Little Sack, I

  • Get into this

  • Oh my goodness second mystery box and so again if you know your barcodes

  • Them up your spoiler. [they're] all my goodness. It's

  • Transparent

  • Okay

  • Okay, that's kind of cool. Okay. It's a guard. It's a guide everyone. It's okay

  • I can remove that safely, [and] there's no way. That's gonna work. There's no way

  • I don't know what I'm pressing

  • Clear what oh my goodness often my desk is just dense with working out and notes about

  • Calculators and all sorts of math, and you go well what am I going to put my character?

  • I want to cover up some of [my] mouth now

  • You can put it down and you're not you're barely

  • losing any of the mass you had available before so I can get up quite handy, and I guess as a

  • professional

  • Unboxer if I've got another calculator. I want to unbox and I want to do some calculations at the same time

  • So I'm not under lee I can calculate I can unbox two at once like I'm barely

  • Obscuring the one behind it okay this one has already been opened

  • Because it wasn't labeled as the calculator on the outside and so I opened it thinking it was normal post

  • And oh my goodness, and this is it it was the casio Data [count]

  • 100 and oh this is intriguing you can schedule a telephone call to tell someone a secret

  • I mean, it look like a particularly nice narrow thing

  • But should this situation ever occur you can do some calculations at the same time this because this is a new [generation] of calculators

  • So the box is already open that it is still here. I mean, it's missing missing a little tab there

  • Which is a bit, it's a bit sad, but it's got

  • The what on Earth?

  • Operation manual haven't got time for that in the speed unboxing

  • It's got is that a note is that [all] okay? It's the receipt from the original purchase

  • okay, that's quite nice, [so]

  • Someone has bought this cow you later in

  • December 8 so the 14th of December a year that ends in [8th]. I mean. I'm gonna guess

  • It's oh, there's a tap. [oh], thank goodness okay, so there's that missing turns from the end there, so this has been purchased

  • I assume in

  • 1988 I could be wrong. This is why you should always use the full with the complete [timecode]

  • various appoint, let's not use that

  • someone's paid 17 pounds 75

  • P back in the day from this from John and that's actually I mean I know a lot of people

  • Try hard when they want to be a serious calculator collector

  • and they send them in I try and be encouraging and I always say keep all your

  • Documentation if you can't show the providence of the calculator

  • what is the point of having it in your collection and someone here is actually kept the

  • [original] sales receipt from a Branch of the John Lewis partnership so well done

  • Someone out there you're you're halfway to being a serious

  • calculator

  • Appreciator I mean I'm a little confused

  • Partly because this is a very new device and partly because I appeared of woken up in the year 2041

  • Which I mean, I had I mean time flies when you're unboxing calculators, but that is ridiculous

  • This is here because [in] some calculators if you press up up down down left right a bit

  • You know you can unlock special modes to the square root test

  • Times 2 Square root

  • equals

  • Eat nothing what times? Oh I didn't I it's probably before to

  • realistic buttons wow equals [Rf] is rounded down

  • That's not good, [so] I'm going to put that in my curiosity pile

  • think you've ever sent that in and I will have a closer look at one birth is going on there and

  • Maybe it maybe I can tease out its secrets who knows

  • And I'll keep the original tab can go in there with [a] receipt that I mean that is a pretty complete collection. I'm impressed and

  • finally in our attempt the eighth's calculator because you always do powers of two and

  • You sixteen I mean no no human could unlock sixteen taxes. Oh, haha

  • So some comedian out there. I mean, I don't really go into the jokes and

  • Comedy that someone thinks they're hysterical and they sent me in an abacus

  • [oh], I almost think I shouldn't even give it the the decent even unboxing, but I am professional and I refuse to

  • [let] down my

  • standards

  • Okay, [so] this sticks clear entry function isn't working properly some of the previous entry is still in there

  • yeah, that's a hard reset and

  • what is this someone's ah [there's] a

  • Manufacturing default and the display is there's like a dead pixel on the display of this abacus flip

  • note two dead pixels okay, so I guess I can turn into a

  • Calculation with this let's let enter in just this maybe that's seven

  • And I'm going to divide to [1/7] and then multiply by seven again

  • So there you are an abacus well done from up there thinks they're hilarious

  • And I guess I mean is it's quite a funny joke sending in an abacus

  • I can appreciate that that someone out there [is] a comedian but a

  • calculator unboxing video is no time for joking around so

  • It's just it's not appropriate [but] thank you to everyone who did send in proper serious calculators?

  • It's been fun doing a speed unboxing. We'll be back with [some] proper serious unboxing soon

  • This should be equal to the main tricky

  • What age group is behind that well clearly from the front children and amusement know hang on yeah?

  • It's a suitable only for Nobel prize with [anything] [that]

  • We want they're putting them all back in [altered]. So here it is there so we're going to be into the wall one hundreds

Hello calculator fanciers


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B1 中級

速度拆箱--計算器拆箱#9。 (Speed Unboxing - Calculator Unboxing #9)

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