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  • If you want to check a normal number if it's prime, a small one, you just see if any numbers divide into it.

  • You can get slightly smarter. You've only got to check if primes divide into it,

  • and you've only got to check if primes up to the size of the square root of the number you're checking or not.

  • And so you got a few shortcuts you can make.

  • This number, however, when you're finding ... look at the size of this thing, right!

  • There's no way you could just go through and check every conceivable prime factor of this number

  • to see if it itself is prime. In fact, there's a much more clever way of doing it.

  • We'll, I have successfully divided it up by three, so I don't know if that technically doesn't count.

  • I mean, I've taken a prime, and I've split it up into three parts.

  • Albeit, not three equal parts.

  • If anyone is curious, it's 1,490 pages, but I've double-sided them.

  • so it's about 250 pages a volume.

  • Okay, so you want to find primes. Previously I showed you the Lucas numbers.

  • Which I prefer to Fibonacci numbers. These are the vastly superior "Luca" or "Lucas" numbers. They start with 1 and 3 instead of 1, 1 Fibonacci

  • and they carry on like this. You get 4, you get 7, you get 11, I need to make sure I get this correct.

  • otherwise it'll be very very embarrassing. What's that going to be? Fift... 47.

  • So there's the first one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

  • So Brady, can you give me any number, one to ten inclusive. What would you like, one to nine, - or ten? What do you want?

  • Five

  • Five! All right, we're going to see if five is prime. Now a lot of people at home, because people who watch Numberphile tend to be into mathematics know that five is prime - spoiler.

  • Let's say we don't know. Say "I don't know if five's prime or not? Let's double check."

  • I'm going to count along to the fifth Lucas number. One, two, three, four, five. I'm going to subtract one off that number.

  • And if I subtract one I get ten.

  • And then I check: is ten a multiple of 5?

  • And it is.

  • And because ten is two times five, ten is a multiple of five, I know five is a prime number.

  • WHAT?!

  • Probably.

  • So, give me another number that's not prime... just you know six. -six -SIX!

  • I wonder if six is prime. Let's check six.

  • One, two, three, four, five, six. Take one off.

  • Seventeen. Seventeen is not a multiple of six. Six is definitely not prime.

  • And so this Lucas test will rule out a number that's not prime.

  • So you can comprehensively prove that a number is not prime

  • by using this test, even though you don't know what any of the factors are.

  • If it does pass then we call it a Lucas pseudoprime.

  • It's very likely it's going to be prime. It's not guaranteed at this point.

  • This is a very easy test. It's a good first filter

  • to check if a number is prime or not, and you don't even have to look at its factors.

  • So for a number this big, first of all we need something a little bit more clever and secondly we want to be sure.

  • Right so we want a similar test which guarantees that it's prime if we find it. And that's what I'm going to do now.

  • All right, for the big fellows we're going to need a different sequence and again it's our friend Lucas. What a guy. What a mathematician. And a guy called Lehmer who we never met because he lived much later after him and he was a French and American

  • but together they came up with this method which uses the following sequence. You start with four this time

  • and after that you square the previous number and subtract two.

  • So four squared is sixteen. Sixteen subtract two is fourteen.

  • And then we do the same thing. We square fourteen, and we subtract two and you get 194.

  • You then square 194, subtract two, you get 37,634.

  • They get big very quickly. So the next one's a bit of a monster. So you got from 37 thousand something something something

  • up here to one billion, four hundred and sixteen million, three hundred and seventeen thousand, nine hundred and fifty four.

  • And then now, you can feel what's going to happen, we're about to square this guy. We're getting roughly twice as long each time.

  • The next number, hold on, is two billion .... it escalates very quickly and you get some massive numbers in there.

  • and actually it becomes incredible very unwieldy very quickly to do anything with it.

  • We'll fix that problem in a moment.

  • Let's start by proving the number is prime.

  • We're going to use a small Mersenne prime on this sequence to start with. I'm going to use seven

  • because it is one less than two cubed.

  • So the way you check a Mersenne prime against this list, is you take the power, which for seven is 3. You subtract one off that

  • which is two. And you find what's in the second position in the list.

  • So the second number is fourteen.

  • And you see if that is a multiple of the number you're checking, seven. And it is!

  • Look at that.

  • So fourteen is a multiple of seven, so seven is definitely prime.

  • ???

  • Let's recap on that very quickly. If you've got two, to some p prime power there minus one

  • and that equals some mystery number.

  • If the p minus oneth position in this sequence is a multiple of that number, that number is definitely prime.

  • And there's no ifs or buts or maybes. We know it is absolutely prime. And if it's not a multiple of that number, it's definitely not prime.

  • And so this is a primality test. You can check if a number's prime or not. And you never have to look at its factors.

  • This is what Lucas used.

  • He managed to prove that two to the one hundred twenty seven minus one is definitely definitely prime

  • by finding the one hundred and twenty sixth term in this sequence.

  • and proving it was a multiple of that number that came out the other side.

  • He also amazingly

  • managed to prove that two to the sixty seven minus one is not prime.

  • But he never found a single factor for that number.

  • He was able to prove this is not prime without finding a number that divides into it.

  • I think that amazing. It was much later on, decades later, someone actually found what the factors were.

  • We knew they were there. We just didn't know what they were.

  • But we knew it wasn't prime.

  • That prime is actually the biggest prime that was found by hand.

  • All primes after that have been done by computer.

  • So to check this number here, what we'd have to do

  • is continue the sequence, find the seventy four million, two hundred and seven thousandth, two hundred and eightieth position,

  • and check if it was a multiple of this monstrosity.

  • Now that actually is going to take a ridiculous amount of computing power.

  • You can see how big these numbers get.

  • They're going to get ludicrously large.

  • So actually that is not a good way to go about it.

  • Let's make our life easy.

  • Because when you're search through for this guy here

  • all you care is whether or not the seventy four million, two hundred and seven thousand, two hundred and eightieth position is a multiple of it or not

  • all you really want to know are the remainders once you've divided by this number.

  • And so as you go along

  • you don't have to keep track of

  • the entire Lucas Lehmer sequence

  • you just need to keep track of the remainder

  • mod this number as you go along.

  • So you can keep simplifying it down

  • each step of the way.

  • And we can do a quick example, if you want, to show how that works.

  • One of my most absolute favourite Mersenne primes is eight thousand one hundred and ninety one

  • which is two to the thirteen subtract one

  • And so to check this number we'll have to find the twelfth term in the Lucas Lehmer sequence.

  • But we only have to find it mod 8191.

  • So to start with it's the same. You'd have four, you'll have to square that you'll get fourteen, you'll square that you get 194

  • let's get these right.

  • Then the next number should be 37,634

  • but that's bigger than the number we care about

  • And so actually we need the remainder of that number

  • once we've divided through this number.

  • In that case it's only four thousand, eight hundred and seventy.

  • That's easier.

  • And then we square that, subtract two, get the remainder once we remove multiples

  • of the number we care about

  • and you end up with three thousand nine hundred and fifty three followed by

  • five thousand nine hundred and seventy.

  • And you can see this time, these are staying much more manageable in size.

  • Okay then, one hundred and twenty eight. And the twelfth term is zero.

  • If you square that, subtract two you get a multiple of eight thousand one hundred and ninety one.

  • and because that zero with no remainder, we know whatever that massive ridiculous number should have been in the sequence

  • it's definitely a multiple of eight thousand one hundred and ninety one.

  • Therefore that is definitely prime.

  • And we didn't have to check a single factor of that number.

  • Okay, so this is what the computer at the university of Missouri did.

  • Although obviously it does a slightly more efficient version of this

  • and there's nice things you can do with the way it handles the binary versions of these numbers

  • Anyway, it's a fancy version of

  • going along this sequence

  • finding the result

  • modulo this ridiculous number

  • But you can do that just by subtracting it off until you get a number smaller than it

  • so that's not so bad

  • Once it got to that position

  • it looked at the answer

  • there was no remainder

  • and normally there's a remainder

  • the vast majority of the time you'd check a number of this size

  • spend a month on it. The computer would get to the end

  • and go, "Aww, there's a remainder."

  • Well, it's a computer. It's got no emotions.

  • It would just send back the remainder to the central server.

  • On this occasion it was zero.

  • The computer had no idea what it had done.

  • It sent that off back to the central server

  • and that was it.

  • We had found the biggest prime number known to humankind.

  • So the problem is

  • this method only works for Mersenne primes.

  • But the problem is that every single time you do it

  • it's a month of processing work

  • all right. So you think, how many -

  • I mean this is millions and millions of months

  • but obviously we only have to check

  • the way Mersenne primes work and there are some fantastic Numberphile videos on Mersenne primes

  • You only got to worry about prime values up here.

  • If this hadn't been prime

  • if that had not worked

  • the next one we checked would have been the next prime up after this.

  • So we're gradually ticking up through those primes.

  • You're right, in the bigger scheme of things there aren't that many.

  • But it's still it's a month every time you want to check one, so.

  • I mean definitely, everyone download GIMPS,

  • the computer program, and run it

  • and maybe you'll be the person who finds the next one of these.

  • Matt if they put some of the world's more high-powered computers

  • onto the case here

  • for like a few months,

  • would they burn through this.

  • Like is it silly that we're just using little small computers in universities?

  • Yeah, it's a very good point.

  • If we had very big high powered computer

  • like if Google went "yeah, you know what guys? Borrow the server."

  • You know what, I reckon if Google wanted to they could just go and find the next one.

  • If they just say, "everyone just stop searching for a day, we've got something to do with our computers."

  • But then again, I mean, what are they going to achieve, they're going to find a bigger one

  • and then everyone's like, "Oh okay." and start searching for the next one.

  • I mean the point of this is kind of the hunt.

  • And the fact that thousands of people run the program

  • and any one of those people could find the next one

  • that, for me, is the beauty of the project.

  • It could be anyone sitting at home running their computer

  • could make a substantial find like this, they could contribute

  • something to mathematics

  • And for all of eternity you would be the human that found prime number

  • What would it mean to you if your computer found the next big one?

  • OMG! I would be so excited if I found the next- I would -

  • I would absolutely love to find it.

  • Very small confession; I don't run GIMPS on my computer.

  • I run a competing prime number searching outfit called PrimeGrid.

  • And PrimeGrid searches for other types of primes.

  • They look for like Germain primes and other ones.

  • And so currently GIMPS has the top fifteen biggest primes, they've found them all.

  • PrimeGrid, is a lot less likely you'll find a prime, which is a bit sad for me.

  • But if you do find, in a few categories, they're going to come in at something crazy big.

  • And so I like- I play for the underdog.

  • So I support PrimeGrid because I like the fact that they are doing different types.

  • I mean these GIMPS guys are just in it for glory.

  • They're just going for easy - low hanging, easy big ones.

  • They're just picking them off one after another and getting all the recognition.

  • But you know, I like the fact that, as we speak, at home my computer is doing maths so I don't have to.

  • So the question everyone has is "what does it begin and end with?"

  • Ending, I don't have. Everyone loves the last number.

  • But the trouble with the last number is you know it's not going to be an even number, you know it's not going to be a five, you know it's not going to be a zero. Turns out it's a one. There it is.

If you want to check a normal number if it's prime, a small one, you just see if any numbers divide into it.


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A2 初級

他們是如何發現世界上最大的質數的 - Numberphile(數字愛好者) (How they found the World's Biggest Prime Number - Numberphile)

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