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These are all people that I should be telling every day how amazing they are and how appreciative I am of them.
But, you know, I'd rather send inappropriate means.
Hey, this is Gabrielle Union.
And these are my thank you's.
So the first person I want to thank is Jennifer Lewis.
I've talked about Jennifer Lewis a lot.
She stars on blackish We didn't fight for civil liberties so Grandma could vote in sweat pants.
But I haven't said it to her directly in a while.
So you say there's a letter from Gabrielle Union, but she won't.
Dear Jennifer Lewis, It's Barbie, bitch.
Okay, I don't know if you remember giving you that name on the set of the brothers.
I always talk about the advice that you gave me.
I thought I needed to be the 20 Central.
Yeah, You said if you're gonna be a bitch, say it with love.
Be awaiting, bitch.
Be a smart bitch.
You're gonna be a bitch.
Be a bitch.
That the mother remember?
I said that and I have tried to switch up my bitches.
But you were always there to be, like, coming.
Pull me over.
Pull Tamela Jones over.
Ali Over.
You never stop pulling me over anytime.
I see Look me in the eye and you give me words of wisdom and encouragement and love and the hard truth.
No other way, baby.
And I've always appreciated you for that.
I always thought I was special.
Find out.
You do this for every woman that crosses paths with you because you're not interested or invested in our failure.
You got that right.
My dog is an asshole.
Uh, about, uh, come here That I thank you.
And every woman that comes across you thinks so.
I love you.
All right, little girl.
That moved me very much.
Let me tell you how proud I am.
Your success have a beautiful family.
I can't wait to see that, baby.
But you've grown your warmth and your passion.
Keep doing it, sweetie.
Keep going.
I love you.
So my next thank you is my little sister.
Usually I talk about my older sister and her influence in my life, but I don't think I have ever thanked my little sister Tracy.
This week was a really, really rough week.
And my little sister d MD me after a post.
And she was like, Keep going.
You're inspiring.
Not just me, but so many of us.
I love to tell people that you're my sister, and I was just like, uh, okay to treat the union from your coolest sister.
Hey, Trace, It's Nikki.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
I know I don't say it enough, but you're the shit.
You're always super optimistic.
I always used to say that you're a glass half full kind of person, that even when the glass is bone dry with cobwebs in it, that's super chip.
But that sort of enthusiasm and light is needed, and you're always right on time.
So thank you, little sister Love.
Nick, Thank you so much.
I'm shaking.
I'm a little nervous.
I wasn't sure I was gonna cry or not.
I did get a little teary, a little choked up.
I have always thought that I am, like, be a pity me of little sister and anything that my older sisters did I wanted to do.
And I always want to make them proud.
And that has definitely been the case with Nikki.
And I think it's an amazing thing to watch her grow.
As I've been growing as a person, I have nothing but the highest respect for you.
You are always teaching and inspiring not just me, but everybody around you.
I think you're the shit.
Um, but you've always been because I've been chasing after you, whether I knew it or not my whole life.
So, uh, so Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Here's Thio Endless abundance and prosperity and success and love and light in your very own words.
Thank you so much.
I love you.
My next.
Thank you is my former publicist and now head of my production company, Holly Shick.
Or we had a facetime call with a writer that we were trying to impress.
All your kids barreling in and you're juggling it all and still being a kick ass.
You know, boss chick that you are, and we closed it.
We close this deal, and I was just like, dear Holly, it's gabs.
As you say.
You are an amazing mom.
You are an amazing wife.
You are an amazing CEO, and you do it all with humility and grace and a kick ass spirit.
And I always appreciate you treating me like a star even when I felt like a loser.
And now we're doing amazing thing.
Honey, you are doing it.
You're killing it.
You're crushing it.
And I'm I watch you.
I'm inspired by you.
I'm in all of you and I love you Jabs!
I don't even know what to say.
You make me cry with everything you say.
Just cry just like that.
I'm the lucky one.
I am so lucky to get to learn from you.
I learned from the best and to be inspired by you and everything you D'oh!
And outside of just inspired me to do better and live better you and hire others You make me You make me ask you.
She does make me happy every day just inspired me and millions of others to be the best we can.
The best moms but workers lives best friends and just the realist.
And for that I thank you I love you on DDE Here's to many, many more years.
I love you.
I got I want to say hi to you Hike off!
So the next person I want to thank is Patty Felker.
Patty Felker is a longtime attorney.
I usually correspond with her via email during a negotiation, and sometimes I don't always tell her how bad as she is.
She's always like If you don't stand up for yourself, no one else will.
And if you don't see your value, no one else will, especially for, you know, black women, women of color, marginalized voices.
They tell you you should be happy that you know you're in the room or you have a little last seat far away from the table, and you should be grateful for that.
You should take whatever they offer you on Dhe, she reminds me.
No, that's not enough.
That's never enough.
And it should never be enough for you because you should know your worth.
Dear Patty Felker.
It is your longtime client, Gabrielle.
I just wanna say thank you for always reminding me of my worth and of my value and discouraging me from taking one for the team when really taking one for the team is wrapped up in my low self esteem.
So I appreciate you for always reminding me of my worth and always leading from the front on demanding that your clients are paid exactly what they are worth, even when we feel worthless.
So thank you, pig embryo.
To be honest with you, I was so overwhelmed with emotion that it really took me some time to think about why my eyes are welling up.
I was a kid in the sixties and civil rights movement, and in the seventies it was women's lib.
And then the eighties came and I went to law school.
I had a professor in criminal law, and as we were discussing a rape case, he pulled me aside after classes that would never be a successful lawyer because you're way too passionate.
And I said to him, other know, people in the world that one passionate attorneys And then thankfully, you came into my life.
And while you're thanking me for reminding you, I needed to thank you for being the type of person and client that would allow me to battle on your behalf.
I can't always again two people to agree to let me fight the fight.
But you were raving.
You're a warrior, and it is people like you that will make the world a better place for others who have been disadvantaged.
And I want to, You know, there's Muchas you.
Appreciate me.
I appreciate you as well.
Thanks so much for just being in my life.
Thank you, guys.
I could not have done it without you.
I I appreciate you.