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  • Hello, subscribers.

  • Hello, Others.

  • David Hoffman, filmmaker.

  • And I'm about to show you a clip from a film I made to help teenage boys understand testosterone.

  • I've been fascinated with testosterone ever since I was 13 years old and all of a sudden without warning, really.

  • I began to fight horribly with my mother not my dad, but my mom constantly blaming things on her.

  • My whole life changed, and no one really explained the effect of the hormone testosterone when it hits the body of a teenage boy.

  • You know, there was an A any film on testosterone, which was really interesting because this boy and this girl on nine years old at 10 years old and they're friends and all of a sudden when he's 13 he no longer can talk to her.

  • All he sees is breasts, lips.

  • He completely changes his friendship with her, which she does not understand, and he does not understand.

  • I experienced this.

  • I experienced an inability to really see girls for a while as beings other than sexual beings, because testosterone was in my body.

  • So before I run this clip, which was made for high school kids to understand testosterone I thought I'd give you a few facts.

  • Okay, Deeper voice.

  • You know about that buddy here?

  • Acne, bigger muscles.

  • You know about all of that?

  • Probably.

  • You also know that testosterone helps grow the prefrontal cortex of boys who without a prefrontal cortex, they can't see the future.

  • They just take risks all the time.

  • They just do stuff, and then later on, you find out.

  • Wow, that wasn't such a good thing to do because you don't have a prefrontal cortex till you're, I think 18.

  • Well, maybe even 23.

  • It's part of the reasons that boys are so dumb with a young and do such ridiculously wild stuff.

  • Drink and drive get into fights, all testosterone.

  • So I wanted to make something that could be running the schools that would help boys understand testosterone and my team and I made this little film you're about to see.

  • Does it help?

  • I don't know, but it's used by more than 1000 schools.

  • Pressure.

  • It's all in your head.

  • They say, do it.

  • They say, Try it.

  • They keep pushing.

  • The pressure is on.

  • Oh, Louis, you're going to Sheila's party.

  • Course.

  • I man, she knows it wouldn't be a party without me.

  • Who's got the hot war?

  • It's getting intense in there.

  • Hey, how's it going?

  • She want?

  • What are you doing inside Lewis's head?

  • I'm going to show them what kind of pressure can build up inside someone's brain.

  • Come on.

  • I'm not gonna regret this.

  • Know it's interesting, really?

  • Come on.

  • Lewis's friends must be hassling him, so the pressure goes up.

  • Stick it out, Lewis.

  • She little nerve.

  • Your girl.

  • She like What's his name?

  • Alan.

  • His friends mentioned Alan.

  • Watch the secrets and envy gauges jump him and his friends lose their laughing at his jokes.

  • Is their pride near losers.

  • Losers.

  • Yeah, I hear you think sure was dissed you all of her school.

  • Oh, rumors, Riel.

  • Pressure builders.

  • This'll mess him up.

  • I'm gonna mess him all up Completely.

  • Major pressure.

  • I'm gonna miss him.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • He's gonna skim with the gun.

  • You ain't got oh, friends laughing at you.

  • That's gotta hurt.

  • Who told you that?

  • Jason?

  • He said he got crazy, Tried to buy a gun thing, Wouldn't know what to do with a gun.

  • And then what are you calling a punk?

  • Who you calling a punk man.

  • You going on a Louis?

  • I heard you were looking for one of these.

  • Oh, the ultimate pressure.

  • Ultimate pressure.

  • Peer pressure.

  • Numero uno.

  • How much?

  • Nothing.

  • See the family and me.

  • We've been watching you call it a test called holiday Test.

  • You know, maybe you want to hang with the man instead of the boys.

  • Hang with men instead of the boy's.

  • All right?

  • Sure, man.

  • Call it a test.

  • Hang with men instead of the car.

  • It's too much pressure.

  • What's he gonna do?

  • You know you can handle it.

Hello, subscribers.


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B1 中級

我做了這個幫助父母與他們的十幾歲的男孩。 (I Made This To Help Parents With Their Teenage Boys)

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