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  • hi guys welcome back to my channel if you are new to the channel welcome join

  • us there's lots of buddies in here today we're gonna talk about eight items

  • I no longer wear I do this edit I would say every like two years or so to try to

  • figure out which items eight I can just get out of my closet so there's no

  • clutter and be what attracted me to them and why I no longer wear the first item

  • I know all the where our big hats and I invested in some really good big hats

  • and I've been to like a phase where it was all the rage for me I have to say

  • though I have some really really nice ones from Australia that I ordered

  • online I didn't go to Australia for I had I wish I did for some reason like

  • something just stopped doing it for me so I have about six of them sitting in

  • my closet this one is action is our one that I got a long time ago and now I

  • feel like I am all about that beanie life it's just easy and actually keeps

  • me warm oh and you know what else I'll tell you exactly what happened when the

  • wind blows the Hat goes with the wind that was the reason I stopped wearing

  • them anyways this doesn't go anywhere so now I have like several beanies that are

  • my go to my favorite one to this day is from the dollar store then I had like a

  • really strong face I would say a year and a half ago where my train hats

  • English boy hat whatever you call it I was all about it and I still like it

  • it's just like now feels too trendy for me second item I no longer wear and this

  • is I have to fix the sentence because it's

  • not that I no longer wear that is that now I choose very carefully where I wear

  • them to because they are still so beautiful and I cherish to shoot so much

  • but these 120 millimeter stilettos just don't work with the 30 year old Valyria

  • I'm becoming this doesn't work I do still on these I've had it for like

  • eight years and they still can make an outfit look like top-notch so I'm not

  • getting rid of them there's just really few occasions throughout the year where

  • I choose to wear them and most of them I make sure that I'm not obligated to

  • stand or walk for too long instead of these I started buying more of this

  • I started going towards the claw heels something that still give me that height

  • and elongated look but that won't kill me and I won't have to line back for

  • three days after wearing them so definitely changed my heel game

  • completely and I'm fine with it look how pretty that the next fashion

  • item I no longer wear our big logo belts I remember these were all the rage and I

  • did used to wear this one also the bitchy one that was like a big big trend

  • wasn't actually pretty belt that was happening on sale last year I came in

  • and got one for myself and I got the bigger buckle and I did wear it I

  • enjoyed it but I gave it to my mom I feel like right now just like where I'm

  • going with my style it kind of like evolved from there and still a beautiful

  • belt and a lot of people still wear it so it's just something that I'm kind of

  • like Kate I'm done with that why I'm going for our more mutual belts this is

  • even not so mutual this is shiny but first of all I don't wear so many belts

  • in general but when I do I'm kind of go for something that's less of a statement

  • and more just have functionality if it's like to cinch the waist and then I let

  • the outfit actually be the focus rather than the belle being the focus here's

  • another version who in New York when I wore this like big blazer and I just put

  • it to have the waist to be more defined I just want to make a disclaimer all the

  • stuff that I'm not wearing right now there's me no one wear them in the

  • future maybe yours is gonna come out with some with amazing belt with their

  • logo on it and I'll come in and buy it the next item that I no longer wear and

  • this has been for a while now are actually big julep II obviously you can

  • tell a huge huge shift in the market in general with fashion of going for the

  • more dainty more delicate pieces and I have to say it works so much better for

  • me and now I'm going towards more of this dainty delicate feminine look and

  • these are actually Leia by valaria me valeriani I'm really really proud of

  • these I curated my absolute favorite ones and you guys can check it out I'll

  • put it all in the description box next fashion item that my

  • no longer where are first of all the really really high

  • skinny jeans I feel like they're called a boyband she's the field that was what

  • was happening there and I owned Oh quite a bit of those but with time I needed to

  • get more into like a comfortable fit that actually works for me so not only

  • that I've stayed away now from the boyband jeans but I also started to wear

  • less and less jeans with rips so before I actually had quite a bit of these a

  • lot of them I actually got rid of but I still have this this is actually one

  • from Topshop I still wear it unlike a more kind of super casual run out days

  • now I feel that I go for more first of all lighter wash I don't own dark dark

  • jeans as much as I used to but also no rips something more classic obviously

  • mom jeans fit so it has to be high-waisted I would say that's the

  • majority of the fits that I own these days then we have our mix and match

  • metals so before I used to be very very specific with not mixing metals

  • whatsoever when it comes to jewelry or in general even if I like have a bag

  • with like a gold medal I would never have like a belt with a silver medal but

  • I feel like now I actually love the look of it with jewelry as well like even

  • here I started mixing the rose gold with the white gold there's a mix of both so

  • I'm not so strict about it anymore and the same with fashion and clothes I

  • usually don't like get too obsessed over it because I feel like now it actually

  • brings like another cool aspect to your look and then we have sunglasses

  • you guys know I launched my sunglasses line and they're Leia Bible area and my

  • absolute absolute favorite shape is the cat eye

  • no doubt about it this is all I wear because I really found it to capture the

  • essence of like my style it has this timeless yet chic look to it and they

  • just can upgrade any outfit so easily so I have these in quite a bit of colors

  • have the white ones I have the black ones that are my go-to basic everyday as

  • well as the tortoise and we have my like fun color ones that I wear especially

  • the convocations and these are wear more during the summer I have to say so these

  • are the mirrored red ones and all of these are available I really wanted to

  • make sure that I find the best price with the best quality for you guys so

  • you can check it out on shop Lea calm but when I started wearing these I

  • completely drop these other styles that I used to wear a lot so big sunglasses a

  • little 70s chic used to wear these a lot not so much anymore probably four go to

  • Coachella Music Festival I'll run these again and I also used to wear bigger

  • square shade which don't really tell the story of Who I am

  • so badly next item that I used to wear a lot and this is a staple in a lot of

  • closet so this is by no means me saying that you need to stop wearing it it's

  • just something that I found that I haven't worn and white a bit and

  • that surprised me by the way as well like a lot so that one item I'm talking

  • about is leather jacket I haven't worn a leather jacket in a very very long time

  • in my opinion a leather jacket is such a great piece to have in your closet for

  • some reason I'm like over it so this is one in Istanbul NC Agha

  • and this I actually purchased probably like eight or nine years ago it wasn't

  • flirting but I also knew that leather jackets is something that you're the

  • best one and you have it in your closet for a very long time so I'm definitely

  • not getting rid of it I'm gonna wait for a time where it will come back to me and

  • just like feel more authentic to me but right now that's not the case so no more

  • leather jackets for me but I swapped it with a lot of other Blazers Tinashe a

  • lot of books structured a lot of different kind of oversized look Blazers

  • and then with a lot of different overcoats I found that overcoats and

  • general gist you can play around with it more I have a few different prints to

  • them different colors and it's just like another thing that can upgrade or

  • downgrade your look so I've been really really enjoying pairing overcoats with

  • casual clothes with a night out the date night it really goes either way let me

  • know what are some of the fashion items you no longer wear thank you guys so

  • much for watching and I will see you next time

  • if you're interested to watch my designer handbag collection click here

  • thank you guys so much for watching

hi guys welcome back to my channel if you are new to the channel welcome join


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8件我不再穿的衣服和我用什麼來代替它們? (8 Items I No Longer Wear And What I Replaced Them With)

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