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  • I'm a senior consultant in New York City, and I make $110,000 a year.

  • I have about $110,000 in savings, 50,000 in my borough, one K 20,000 eh, my Roth IRA and 40,000 in savings and other investments after taxes.

  • My take home is $421,500 a month goes towards I rent about $60 a month goes to my utilities.

  • $500 a month goes towards my savings and other investments.

  • I spend about 34 $224 on monthly subscriptions.

  • I travel a lot for work.

  • So when I'm not traveling, I have a Y seven yoga membership that leaves a little over $2000 a month.

  • Suspend, I would tell any 22 year old Thio allocate a certain number of dollars a month that automatically goes to your savings.

  • The money in my checking account.

  • Whenever that gets over $10,000 my savings, I typically will transfer the remaining amount over that to my investments.

  • Just that that money isn't sitting there.

  • It's in investments and growing.

  • And here's my last credit card bill Yankee Stadium, 43 70.

  • My friend was in town and wanted to go to a baseball game, so we went Thio Yankees game and got beer and nachos.

  • That is not unusual.

  • Purchase.

  • I dont goto many Yankees games, but there a lot of fun.

  • Tara Massu Restaurant, 39 50.

  • Kiki's New York 25 48 7 11 for 18.

  • Probably a mask Order of taquitos.

  • Big fan of tippy toes from 7 11 Juice Press.

  • 10 89 Flat Iron Green Cafe 3 54 I grabbed a coffee between two client meetings that I had Fairway Market 37 08 I was getting groceries for the week.

  • Trader Joe's 9 79 honestly, was probably Ford a single bottle of wine after a rough day at work.

  • It's a very common occurrence to get a single bottle of wine After a difficult day at work.

  • Frontier.

  • 1 98 20 I met my friend in Denver, too recently got engaged, so I was flying out to celebrate.

  • Oh, the next one is TM 6 2020 My family was in town and I bought Broadway tickets for us to go see frozen as a family I did.

  • I treated because they paid for the flights here and all the entertainment the other nights.

  • This was my treat to them.

  • Very generous.

  • I know this is my most expensive purchase from the month, but a rare one at that.

  • My family doesn't come in very often, so I figured it was worth it.

  • Hu Lu, 30.

  • No sex.

  • I need to watch the Bachelor on a weekly basis with no commercials.

  • It's very important, so you pay for that up.

  • Charge the rack house, Denver 12 79.

  • Skyline Beer Garden, 8 19 Lulu Women, $58 In preparation of my trip to Denver, I needed a new crop top for the hikes, so had to had to purchase that.

  • Duane Reade 11 95 lift.

  • 15 78 Up tie.

  • New York 22 65 Jamaica 56 99 0 my flight was delayed five hours going to Denver, so I posted up at the bar for a bit.

  • Wendy's laundry and dry clean.

  • 2080.

  • That was for sending my laundry out for the month, which is probably something that should be more frequent.

  • Amazon 90 58.

  • Amazon is one of my most frequent purchases Amazon now, specifically because I live on the sixth floor of a walk up so they carry my groceries up six floor, which alone, I think is worth the price.

  • Grubhub 13 0 for every Sunday I get Ty.

  • So that was for my Sunday tie ritual.

  • Forget me.

  • Not New York, 2115.

  • There was a three hour wait at our restaurant, so we stopped by the bar.

  • I feel like I typically tried to eat at home when I can, but when I have friends in town, it's definitely an excuse to go out.

  • Metro North Ticket 41 25 I frequently go to Connecticut on the weekends in the summer because my friend has a house out there.

  • New York City Taxi 2075.

  • I take a lot of cab.

  • Service is of the city, I would say Yellow taxi number one just cause of the convenience.

  • I hate having to find my uber driver left driver.

  • Sometimes the pain total charges 24 70 for the month.

  • That's my monthly money breakdown.

  • One thing I was just in general with Piers.

  • I think money should be talked about more.

  • I think people should talk about how much money they make, how they're saving what they're investing in and kind of opening up the door for that conversation because I think that would encourage a lot more people to get involved in investing and looking at other ways to invest their money rather than just putting it in the savings account.

  • I didn't have my family or study finance.

  • I would not even know what to do with my money.

  • I mean, if I didn't go out to Barnes and Noble and buy a book on it, I feel like it's kind of a big question mark.

  • Yes, I did buy a few books from Barnes and Noble to apply to my finances.

  • Everybody, big nerd.

  • When it comes to that, I really like personal finance.

I'm a senior consultant in New York City, and I make $110,000 a year.


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紐約市高級顧問如何花掉她的11萬美金的薪水 - 誠實的賬戶 - 魅力四射 (How This NYC Senior Consultant Spends Her $110K Salary | Honest Accounts | Glamour)

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