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  • What we've got here is a piece of software that Martin Pollack off period of videos commissioned back in the eighties enable people their level students toe test their chemistry knowledge.

  • And if you look on pig out of videos steps they were running into storage space.

  • You'll see a video where Martin and I get this up and running on the BBC Micro and actually started working is the interesting exercise and all have a later how we can actually get the software off the BBC Micro onto something that we can run on a modern computer, a PC and Mac, even a phone or anything else, which has got the right sort of emulator.

  • It's relatively easy to look at images and videos and those sorts of things but programs harder, right?

  • Most images, perhaps, and this is perhaps not the city.

  • A good idea.

  • We tend to compress, so we compress into take up less space.

  • And so we got a J peg.

  • We can access it because it's so ubiquitous.

  • We could just act, is it?

  • But I should roll my SLR thinking about it.

  • I'm not so certain.

  • And the 22 years down the line raw files will be that easy to access.

  • Now chances are she with a pretty common canon DSLR.

  • So chances are that, yes, that will still be supported.

  • But it's making me think about it, actually, should I go and convert them into something more convenient?

  • So it's counterintuitive in some respects a Uriel Sheeting rule to preserve as much possible quarters you can.

  • Actually, you might preserve the files for longer if you put them into a compressed format because they're more common.

  • Exactly.

  • So it's past breasts.

  • Keeping them in exactly the same for a piece of software is that we need to be able to decode the day.

  • It's so any media, we need to be able to decode it and use it now.

  • For some, like an image file for a video that was a relative straightforward, he could write one when he gets to something like Martin's chemistry games.

  • We can access the data on this.

  • We can start to see what some of these are.

  • This looks like it's a basic program, so that's Logan.

  • That that's that's That's one of the programs.

  • Well, let's have some of the others, so they obviously looks like the periodic table calcium civilian titanium.

  • I suspect this is the one that you have to guess what was in there.

  • We could start to see what's going on here and start to see bits of because we understand it seems you compressed it.

  • You need to know how it's compressed before you can run it.

  • So it's a good argument that you should keep your data in an UN compressed format.

  • But then, of course, that takes of even more space and storage is plentiful, but it's not exactly cheap, so you probably going to compress it.

  • But if you're gonna do that, do it in a file for much.

  • There will be a common textiles.

  • Put them inside dot ZIP files.

  • Don't use some weird and wonderful wacky compression format that you found that will save you 1% extra on the file size 10 years down the line, chances are will probably still be under unzip zip file, possibly not the weird and wacky format that you might've used when it comes to programs on a system like this, not any really toe copy the data and the program.

  • We also need to emulate the complete system that we're going to run it on.

  • So, for example, if I want you to get Martin's games working on my Mac on a PC, not only do I need to copy the data off this disc, and that in itself is an interesting issue because I have a five and 1/4 inch floppy drive in the BBC Micro.

  • But I don't have one in my Mac on Didn't have a USB five recordings for protection.

  • What has take say that the problem never been one produced.

  • You get free and half inch floppy drives with the USB output, but not five and 1/4 so we still need to find an interesting way of getting the data off.

  • Now we could find a PC with a five and 1/4 inch floppy drive.

  • I'm going over there.

  • The drive doesn't work, unfortunately, but we don't need to write software to understand the disc format.

  • When I actually did to do this is this machine is networked?

  • This is on earlier networking system called Econet, which Acorn developed, which I can then get it onto the are Commies, and then that's got a free and 1/2 inch floppy disk drive, which I can use a PC format to copy it over to the max.

  • So if we look here, I wrote this program.

  • What this actually does is it reads each sector sector by sector, track by track off the floppy disk.

  • We get there and we just write out to a file one sector after another on we store it on the network.

  • Until eventually we got a copy of the file sitting on the Arkham Edie's.

  • In this case, it's called Kem Image and Can t damage I then copied them via a floppy disk onto my Mac using the floppy drive over here.

  • And then I can use a BBC emulator.

  • How many?

  • Every laters confront the same time?

  • Um, quite a lot.

  • In fact, I have a machine running a BBC emulator, Mac plus emulator NT four on Dhe enemy emulator at the moment so you can run quite a lot on the standard machine.

  • That was really full speed, but you can get things that one machines can be like.

  • These things pretty well taken on open source.

  • Emulate for the BBC Micro called B bam.

  • I didn't write it.

  • I just hacked it to run nicely on my Mac.

  • And so if we start the emulator on Weaken booted it and we should say exactly the same software running on the modern computer.

  • But again, we're having to take it on, emulate the whole machine to run it.

  • So when the archives software, we probably want to at least archives something that can rolling the software as well.

  • In this case, an emulator will be sufficient.

  • And you can write these emulated anything.

  • There's even a Java script BBC Micro Emulated, which means that we could put this in the Web page and then you'd be out of Run it off that break key in the lock up, right?

  • Oh, and it starts up.

  • Except that sound computer was a lot more visceral in those days.

What we've got here is a piece of software that Martin Pollack off period of videos commissioned back in the eighties enable people their level students toe test their chemistry knowledge.


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