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  • Today we're going to do some live coding, and we're going to do something which

  • sounds impossible, but is actually quite natural and practical, and that's

  • programming with infinite data structures. And we're going to be using

  • Haskell for this, but it doesn't matter if you don't know anything about

  • Haskell, because I'm going to explain everything in a simple way as we go

  • along. The first thing we're going to do, is we're going to start up the Haskell

  • system which we're going to be using, which is called GHCi.

  • And if you'd like to try this stuff out for yourself, this is freely available

  • online - just search for the obvious thing. Before we start thinking about infinite

  • data structures, we're going to do a little bit of computation with a simple

  • finite data structure, which is a finite list. So here's a finite list in Haskell.

  • It's just a list of numbers between 1 and 20, and it's written 1..20. And if

  • we ask the Haskell system to evaluate that, and we'll just expand it out, to

  • give the numbers between 1 and 20. And then we can think, well what can we

  • actually do with the finite list? So, for example, we could sum the list up, and we

  • get the expected answer 210. We could say, well maybe we want to square all the

  • numbers between 1 and 20. So we can "map" the squaring function over the list from

  • 1 to 20, and we get the first 20 squares. What else could we do? Well, maybe we want

  • to filter out the even numbers from the list between 1 and 20, and we can do that.

  • We just write "filter even" from 1 to 20. Or if we want to be a little bit more

  • fancy, we could combine everything we've done up to this point, and we could say:

  • what is the sum, of the squares, of all the even numbers between 1 and 20? And

  • hopefully 1,540 is the correct answer. So here's a little example of a finite list,

  • 1 up to 20, and then we've seen four small examples of simple kinds of computation

  • which we could do on that finite list. But the video today is about infinite

  • data structures. In particular, we're going to be talking about infinite lists.

  • So how do we do infinite lists in a language like Haskell? Well, it's very

  • simple. Rather than writing something like 1..20, we just say 1.., and when

  • I press return, this will be the infinite list of all the natural numbers

  • beginning with 1. And this is going to go on forever, but I can interrupt and you

  • can see we've already got up to about 196,000 here. Okay, so it runs,

  • it runs quite quickly. So this is an infinite list. So what can we actually do

  • with an infinite list? So let's try some of the things which we tried before

  • first of all. So maybe we can sum it? So let's try summing the infinite list of

  • all the numbers beginning with one. And I press that, and of course this doesn't

  • actually work, because there's an infinite number of values in this list,

  • and we try and sum them - it's never going to finish. So I need to

  • interrupt this one here. Let's try something else. Maybe I can try filtering

  • the even numbers from an infinite list, and hopefully this will work?

  • And yes it does. What we get this time, is we get the infinite list of all the even

  • numbers. Okay so you can see there's no odd numbers in the list here. What we're

  • actually doing, is we're taking an infinite data structure as an input,

  • we're taking an infinite list, and we're processing it, and we're giving an

  • infinite data structure as an output. We're taking an infinite list in, and

  • giving an infinite list out, which is quite an interesting idea. So let's try

  • another example. Let's try filtering all the numbers less than 100, from the

  • infinite list beginning with 1. And this kind of works, but not quite. There's a

  • little problem at the end. So we get all the numbers from 1 up to 99, which is

  • exactly what we expect, But now it's just sitting here, and that's because it's

  • basically trying to find another number which is less than 100. And it will never

  • succeed with that, but it doesn't know it's not going to find one, so it will go

  • on forever. Ok, so I have to break out of this one. And this again illustrates the

  • idea that when you're programming with infinite data structures, you need to be

  • careful. We tried to sum an infinite data structure, and it didn't work,

  • it just went immediately into an infinite loop. We're trying to filter

  • here from an infinite data structure, and it gave us the expected results, but in

  • the end it just hung. So you need to be careful with this kind of thing. Let's

  • try one more example. Let's try taking 20 elements, from the infinite list

  • beginning with 1. And this of course works. We just get exactly what we expect,

  • we get the numbers between 1 and 20. We're taking an infinite data structure

  • as an input, we're taking the infinite list of all the values from 1 onwards,

  • and we're getting a finite data structure as the output, we're getting a

  • finite list of all the numbers between 1 and 20. How does

  • this kind of behavior actually work? And it's to do with the evaluation order

  • which you have in your programming language. Most languages are what's

  • called strict, or eager. And that means when you have a parameter, like this

  • infinite list, you completely evaluate that parameter

  • before you try and do anything with it. So if you're in an eager, or strict,

  • language and you try and run "take 20" of an infinite list, it's never going to get

  • anywhere, because it will just attempt to evaluate the infinite list, and that will

  • never stop, and you'll never actually get any result. But languages like Haskell are

  • lazy. When you have a parameter in Haskell, you only evaluate it on demand.

  • So, the demand here, is that we want to take 20 elements from the infinite list.

  • So the two parts here, "take 20" and the infinite list, they kind of collaborate

  • together and say, well, we only actually need to generate 20 elements to proceed,

  • so we don't actually generate the entire infinite list. So in Haskell, when we

  • write one up to infinity, it's not really an infinite list, it's a *potentially*

  • infinite list, which gets evaluated as much as required by the context in which

  • we use it. There's some small little examples. Let's maybe trying something a

  • bit more interesting now. Let's try and write a program which generates all the

  • prime numbers - the infinite list of all prime numbers. So let's remind yourself

  • what a prime number is. So a number is prime if it's only factors, so that's the

  • numbers that divide into it exactly, are 1 and itself. So for example 7 is prime,

  • because it's got two factors, 1 and 7, but 15 is not prime, because it's got four

  • factors. So let's write a program to do this. So first of all, we're going to

  • write a small function called "factors", which is going to return all the numbers

  • which divide exactly into a number. So if I give it a number like n, I'm going to

  • return all the values x, such the x comes from the list 1 up to n. And if I take

  • the remainder when I divide n by x, then that had better be 0. So this is just

  • running over all the numbers between 1 and the given number, and I could be

  • clever here and write square root of n, but let's just keep it simple - you run

  • over all the numbers between 1 and the given number, and you just check is the

  • remainder when I divide one by the other zero. So for example, if I say what's the

  • factors of 7, I just get two factors one and 7, so that's a prime number.

  • And if I say what's the factors of 15, I get four factors, 1, 3, 5 and 15,

  • so that's not a prime number. And this tells us basically how we can

  • define a very simple program to check if a number is prime. I can say, a number n

  • is prime, if and only if, if I look at its factors, if I get back exactly the list 1

  • and n. So that's my definition of what it means to be a prime number. Now I can

  • check that this actually works. I can say is 7 a prime number? And it says true,

  • because it has exactly two factors. And I can say is 15 a prime number? And I get

  • false, because it's got more than two factors. Now we've got all we need to

  • actually generate the infinite list of all prime numbers. And we can use, you can

  • do this simply using the filter function. If we just now filter, all the prime

  • numbers from the infinite list beginning with one, then as soon as I hit return,

  • this thing will start generating the infinite list of all prime numbers, ok.

  • And you can see here, it's already gone quite far, we've got up to about 16,000,

  • and you can check that all of these numbers are actually prime. But actually

  • this is quite a modern laptop, we'd expect this program to run much faster

  • than this, so what we'd like to do now is see how we can take this simple means of

  • producing the infinite list of all the prime numbers, and actually make it go a

  • lot faster, by using a 2000 year old algorithm. Did they

  • have algorithms 2000 years ago? Yes they did, the ancient Greeks discovered

  • many things, including many interesting algorithms. So here is a 2000

  • year old algorithm, which is called the sieve of Eratosthenes, after a Greek

  • mathematician, and this is a very very simple algorithm for generating the

  • infinite list of all the prime numbers. So let's see how it actually works. The

  • first step, is we write down the infinite list, 2, 3, 4, all the way up to infinity.

  • The second step, is we mark the first value p, so that's going to be 2, as being

  • a prime number. And the third step is to remove all the multiples of p, so

  • initially that will be 2, from the list. And the fourth step, is that we go back

  • to the second step. So it's a very simple, four step process, for generating all the

  • prime numbers. And an interesting observation here, is that

  • infinity occurs all over the place in this algorithm. We're writing down an

  • infinite list at the beginning; we're removing an infinite number of elements

  • from an infinite list in step 3; and then, we're having an infinite loop in step 4,

  • because we're looping around here, forever. So let's see how this 2,000 year

  • old algorithm actually works in practice, with a little example. So the first step

  • in the algorithm was we write down all the numbers from 2 up to infinity. So

  • let's stop at 12, but of course, in principle, we go on forever here. Then the

  • next step is, we mark the first value in the list as being a prime number. So

  • we'll say 2 is our first prime number. Then we need to remove all the multiples

  • of 2 from the list, and let's do this by putting a small barrier under all the

  • multiples of 2, so that's the even numbers - oops, forgot 11 - and we'll think

  • of these barriers as kind of stopping these numbers falling down the page. So

  • we imagine the numbers trying to fall down the page now. So the 3 will fall

  • down, the 5 will fall down, and in general all the odd numbers will fall down,

  • because the even numbers are stopped by a little barrier. And you can think of

  • this as being a sieve. This is why it's called the sieve of Eratosthenes, because

  • you're blocking some numbers from coming down the page. And now we go back to the

  • start again. So 3 is a prime number, and then we put a small barrier under all

  • the multiples of 3. So 6 is already gone, 9 and 12, and then the numbers that are

  • not stopped by the barrier, or sieved out, they come down the page. So 5 comes down,

  • 7 comes down, 11 comes down. And we continue. 5 is a prime number. We remove all the

  • multiples of 5; the numbers come down the page, and so on. So you can see the basic

  • idea here - we're generating, in a very simple way, all the prime numbers. We're

  • getting 2, 3, 5, 7, and eventually 11, and so on. So that's the algorithm. What we're

  • going to do now, is think how can we actually implement this in our a

  • programming language. And we'll see that we actually only need a two-line

  • program to implement this. It's a very direct translation of the

  • 2000 year old algorithm into an actual working program. So let me start

  • up an editor, and we're going to write a program now. So we're going to generate

  • the infinite list of all the prime numbers, and I'm going to define that by

  • sieving the infinite list starting from 2.

  • So the first step of the algorithm, was we write down all numbers from 2 onwards.

  • So that's what we've got here, and then we're going to pass it into a function

  • called "sieve", which we haven't written yet, which is going to do all the other

  • steps for us. So what does sieve do? Well, sieve is going to take the list apart. So

  • p will be the first thing in the list, so that's initially going to be 2. And ps

  • will be everything else, so that's 3, 4, 5 etc, all the way up to infinity. And then

  • what we're going to do, on the right hand side, is we'll keep the first value, so

  • that's like marking the first number as being prime. And then we're going to

  • recursively sieve something. So what we're going to do, is we're going to sieve out

  • all the numbers which are multiples of p. What this part in the brackets here

  • does is, is it takes the infinite list of all the remaining numbers - so 3 all the

  • way up to infinity - and it's going to remove all the multiples of 2. So it's

  • just running over the list, and it's removing all the numbers which are

  • multiples of 2. So this will remove the 4, the 6, the 8, and the so on.

  • And then we just call ourselves recursively again. And this is the entire

  • program. So actually, the program is shorter than the English description we

  • had of the algorithm. It's useful to actually think, how does each step

  • actually get represented here? Well the first step was, we write down the numbers

  • from 2 up to infinity, which is here. The second step is, we mark the first value

  • as being prime, so that's the value p here. The third step is, we remove all the

  • multiples of p, so all the multiples of two initially from the list, and that's

  • the part here. And then the final step is, we run the algorithm again from step 2,

  • and that's calling the sieve function. So we've got our program here, so let's see

  • it actually working. So let me start up the Haskell system again. Good, we've got

  • no errors, which is good. So let's run the prime number program. And here we get all

  • the prime numbers again. So it gives exactly the same results as the simpler

  • algorithm, which we wrote before, but it does so a lot more quickly. And if you do

  • some simple experiments, for numbers up this kind of size, it runs about 10

  • times faster than the simple algorithm which we had previously. So what could we

  • do with this? Well we could do a whole bunch of things. So, for example, if I

  • wanted a hundred prime numbers, I don't now

  • need to write a program which generates 100 prime numbers, I just take the

  • infinite list of all the prime numbers, and I take a hundred. So I've kind of

  • separated my "control" part, which is taking a hundred numbers, from my "data"

  • part, which is having an infinite list of primes. And this idea of separating

  • control and data, using infinite data structures, is a very powerful way of

  • thinking about programming. And I can do other things as well.

  • So for example if I wanted to say, give me all the prime numbers less than 100,

  • I don't need to write a separate program for that now. I just take my infinite

  • list, of all the prime numbers, and I say "takeWhile" less than 100, and I get that.

  • And in many languages, if you wanted to write these two separate programs, you'd

  • need to write some separate programs, basically. But if you can manipulate

  • infinite data structures, you just have your infinite list of primes, and then

  • you can do whatever you want with them afterwards: you can select what parts you

  • like. Just to conclude, let me do one final little example, to do with what's

  • called twin primes. So twin primes, are primes

  • which differ by two -- so 3 and 5 are twins, because they differ by two; 5 and 7 are

  • twins, because they differ by two; 7 and 11 are not twins, because they differ by four.

  • So how do we write a program, using what we've already done, that generates all

  • the twin primes. So first of all, let me say what it means to be a twin. So, I'll say a

  • pair (x,y) is a twin, if y is x+2. So for example, if I say is 3 and 5 a twin,

  • it will say true; and if I say is 7 and 11 a twin, then I get no. So how do I use

  • this to write a program that generates all the twin primes. Well what I'm going

  • to do, is I'm going to generate the infinite list of all the twins, and I'm

  • going to simply filter twin, from "zip" of primes and "tail" primes. So there's a

  • couple of bits we haven't seen before here. What does tail do? So tail takes a

  • list, which could be infinite, and removes the first thing. So if we write tail of

  • primes, what we're going to do is take the infinite list of all prime numbers,

  • and throw the 2 away. So we'll get 3, 5, 7, 11, etc. What zip does is it takes two

  • lists, and they can be finite or infinite. So suppose I've got two lists of five

  • numbers. What zip does, is it pairs up the corresponding elements in the two lists.

  • So it pairs up the first thing, the second, third, fourth

  • and fifth. So what it's going to do here with the infinite lists, is we're going

  • to zip, the infinite list of all the prime numbers, with the infinite list of

  • all the prime numbers apart from the first one. So what we're going to get

  • coming out of this zip, is an infinite list of pairs, of each prime number and

  • the next prime number. So we'll get 2 and 3, 3 and 5, and so on, and so on.

  • And then all we're going to do, is take that infinite list of all of those pairs,

  • and filter the twins out of it. And this is enough to generate all the twin

  • primes. So I can test this out. Here's the infinite list of twin primes. And

  • this is a one-line program to do this, based on a two-line program which we had,

  • to generate the infinite list of all the prime numbers. Going back to where I

  • started, programming with infinite data structures sounds impossible, but as

  • we've seen today, and I hope to have convinced you, it's actually quite simple,

  • and natural, and practical. That's all because Haskell is lazy?

  • Yeah it's because of laziness. So you can do this in other programming languages,

  • but essentially you need to fake lazy evaluation in some way. And languages are

  • providing a bit more support these days for doing that and there's...

Today we're going to do some live coding, and we're going to do something which


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無限的數據結構。無限的數據結構:走向無限和超越!- 電腦愛好者 (Infinite Data Structures: To Infinity & Beyond! - Computerphile)

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