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we're back in mind.
Crafts, Hard core survival Because I forgot about something.
Let me even see if I could figure out and remember how on earth I play this game.
I haven't played anything for like, at least two weeks.
Especially not Minecraft.
And especially not in this world.
Let me try.
Remember, one earth is going on here.
At least I know that I've completed Minecraft.
Look at it.
Scan it carefully.
And when I say scan it carefully, I'm actually testing you.
I'm testing you on.
What is going on here?
There's something missing.
What is it?
What is it?
You should have seen it by now.
It's that right here.
There's a gap in every single one of these.
There's no gaps with tiny gaps, but no enough gap to fit in another advancement.
Anyway, look, there's a very, very obvious gap here and that's because there is one Maur achievement.
I know I spent ages during the last three and it wasn't even the last three.
I don't know what to say either, to be honest with you.
Luckily, this last one is very, very easy on it is to do with crossbows.
So We need to go back to where we came from.
I don't know what I need to grab from here.
Actually, uh, please don't shoot me.
Please don't shoot me.
I don't need this right now.
What we do need to do is get home.
But I don't know what I need to leave here and what you take with me.
I do need leads.
I'm gonna grab those.
Don't even think I need any of this with me.
Like, none of the stuff that we're gonna be doing today is dangerous in the slightest.
Let's just take all of these before Gwen decides to make us all slow and stuff.
I just do a quick sleepers.
Well, before we fly home, got carrots with goods.
I feels weird to be back.
I didn't think I'd be back here so soon, but I've forgotten something.
It's classic.
Classic meet always forgets stuff, right?
I don't think I need anything else.
Everything here is going to stay here just for now.
So let's go ahead and get home.
Because what I want to do is oh, no type anything.
Don't type.
I want to get home because I want officially conflict.
Let's call this 110%.
Maybe even 105%.
Either way, I didn't really complete it.
There's a seat.
There's actually two secret achievements.
The 1st 1 is how did we get here?
Which you have already done Because it doesn't come up on the on the advancements board until you completed it.
This just won't show up the same with this because normally they're all gray and stuff on There were grayed out so that you can know what you need to do, but this is one of those that is just hidden until you accidentally do it.
I don't know how you would actually do this one, though, because it's not something you would just do by accident.
I'll tell you what it is in a minute, but I need to go and see what kind of crossbow I've got.
I feel like I've got one that could work, but I might need to upgrade it a bit more.
I'm also on running out of fireworks.
This is not good.
O g straight through.
Just going something.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Skinny junior air.
All this is really awkward.
Let's grab some of these before any signs.
I think you know I have to do.
There we go.
But science beautiful.
Let me just do one thing I was meant to do.
This is the beginning of the episode.
I completely forgot that we were on the other side of the world.
Skinny Junior, the second skinny junior up the top I've got Your dad was slain, completely slain in combat.
What a hero.
But absolutely zero go in the cross fire.
Courting my crossfire Will is what makes the even worse.
And he didn't get killed by anyone else.
Didn't get killed by an evil wrongdoer.
Okay by me, right?
So we're gonna put a little gravestone here.
This is the worst gravestone you ever seen.
No girl likes you.
Look at it.
That's tragic.
That's a real thing.
Is still gonna be tragic, But at least it is one higher.
Let me put this.
I be skinny.
Died a hero kiss.
Oh, so bad.
I can't believe it.
That is a That's a pretty big gravestone, guys.
I promise.
If you got a name tag, I will not kill you anymore.
Is that the second cat that I've killed order to get struck by lightning before.
Carl, remember?
Don't look at me that way.
Just stay away from arrows.
If you see one coming your way, dodge it.
Oh, about these guys too.
You guys okay?
That should be three of you.
123 goods.
I'm watching you guys.
I'm watching you.
Oh, and I do need to make sure that I name one of you guys as well.
I don't even know if I have any name tags.
Because I said when I completed Minecraft that the final thing that I would do would be to name you.
I have one name tag that is going to be the one that does the business.
Right now we're going a little bit distracted.
Let me gets walls of men to do today.
So where is my crossbow?
I don't know which one it is, but I'm pretty sure I have one piercing three.
We might actually be okay with this piercing three.
We have a book for that.
I'm sure we had a book or a Villager for that.
The only problem is I think our villages mar being killed.
The ones that we need because these guys died.
I'm not quite sure how that the cat really didn't do its job, but somehow these guys died and I needed piercing from one of them.
I don't think any of these guys have piercing.
I don't know how these guys died.
It shouldn't have happens.
I'm gonna need to reroll try and get piercing again.
Unless Oh, you know what?
Let me see if I can get in and combine it.
I'd need piercing three, though.
I've got some spare cross posed.
Now, I should tell you the reason for this.
So the achievement that sits right here is called our ballistic.
I don't even know what that word means.
I guess it means kill lots of things at the same time.
Because what you need to do, you need to kill five unique Bob's.
It can't be like five cows or five chickens has to be five unique mobs a zombie, a cow, a chicken, a pig and a creeper.
They all have to die through one arrow through piercing because what pacing allows you to do is for every grade it has.
So currently I have piercing three that will go through three mobs.
So at the moment I can shoot this arrow, it will travel through three mobs, killing four in total.
Well, I need this to go up to number four.
Could make it five.
The means kill them all at the same time with same arrow, similar to what we did with the Phantoms with five unique mobs.
So let me see if I can get a little bit of luck.
It would take a book.
I'm gonna take this crossbow right here and see if I can just straight up in charm one.
Because that would be phenomenal if I could do that because I feel like I had piercing because I needed to get piercing for this.
Like I had piercing somewhere.
It's not this guy's it.
Hello, friends.
I know I've locked you in here, but let me see what's going on.
Shall we, Uh what do you have?
Never mind taking your big, deep breath of air while you can.
And you'll often use your oxygen wisely.
Friends use it wisely.
Let's Syrian and shine this and see what we get.
So across both Boom facing three.
Let's go Okay, give me the leftist.
So we should be able to make piercing three piercing three and then combine them into piercing court doesn't work.
I don't know what to tell you.
Where's the laptop is loose.
Where did I put it all?
Even though I'm super organized and still can't find things when I need them.
Not great.
Right Then let's part the crossbar in here.
That in there.
So that's piercing three.
And now he should be able to combine these two.
I just need Thio.
Shoot this over here.
Why do I still do these things that went so far?
Why would I shoot an arrow in this vicinity?
So disrespectful to skinnies memories?
Oven idiot!
Now I should be able to combine these two if I've done it correctly.
If I haven't Oh, yeah, and it's only seven levels.
That's exactly what we need right now.
We need to just capture some animals, so we need some slime balls on spraying.
We got plenty of that.
That makes six leads.
We got seven in total.
We're gonna need to line up a selection of mobs.
I could do it the dangerous way and get, like, all the aggressive mobs, but I feel like that could be too risky.
So what I'm gonna do instead is grab some weaklings.
That's right, Some weak little punks.
So I probably grab some fence posts.
A cz Well, and then I used to lie in these bad boys up, line them up for their death.
It's pretty barbaric.
It's barbaric.
I tell you six.
That should be fine.
Where is slaying going to happen?
It needs to be nowhere near here.
I can't even pull out an arrow in front of Skinny Junior.
The second or skinny Junior the first, right?
This seems to be a pretty good experimentation place on.
Could be like the umpire off this whole experiment, so we need to make sure they stay in place.
Actually, that's That's a good point.
I need to make sure they stay in place.
How are we gonna do that?
I need a way for them to just stay where they are.
I could I could just put them all in the same pen, right?
If I attach them Alito one of these?
That should work.
I bring them into here.
Yes, yes, yes.
Yes, Yes.
You don't know what I'm thinking, but it's gonna work now.
We need to find some animals.
A rabbit would be a good one, but I think they're gonna be pretty hard to capture even if we've got leads.
When it's getting tonight Time.
This is This is really fantastic.
I'm so happy I can actually employ one of my cows.
I'm gonna cheat.
I'm gonna grab one of my cows.
Actually, this is a horrible thought, but I actually have five animals ready to go.
I've got cats.
How the evil one is the only one left in the beds are very strange.
He hasn't killed me yet, though.
I've got plenty of cats.
I got sheep.
I've got bees.
I've got everything ready to go.
But I don't feel like I should really be taken anyone's life right now.
I've done too much of that, so I'm not gonna do it.
I'm gonna go and find some organic gardens due to the cows.
There's too many cows.
Feels bad, but I might just do it for anybody.
You're coming with me.
You are the chosen one.
No one else.
Get out.
No one else.
I just want him sort out that we got.
No, Get back!
Get back right now!
Get back!
Get back to me!
Oh, jeez.
You think this is funny, huh?
This isn't all he's gone.
He's actually got is a couple in their 400 Minecraft days, right?
You're coming with me.
You are not gonna be leaving this.
So you are the 1st 1 If I had enough name tags at name you number one because you're going to be the 1st 1 to eat an arrow to the face.
This is find some more animals like this is gonna be after the stress and time that it took me to do.
The other achievements of the lawsuit, even even I feel like this is gonna be easy.
Remember I said that.
Remember I said that to animals.
You've got a pickle on dhe chicken.
I'll have to make sure that all the right amount of health as well as I feel like a chicken with diet to one arrow.
But a pig would die to two.
I don't even know if that's true, but I feel like that's that makes sense.
They're only tiny.
Beg a old cheese.
Did you just You just lost me a lead.
You know how valuable those things are, buddy.
Come on.
I know you can't swim.
Well, Cugat, tiny trotters.
But come on, at least attempt to walk with me.
Are you kidding me?
Come on, Cheese, golden carrot.
You know what?
Coats, man with the golden carrot.
Mind you, he's probably heard me shouting about what is going to happen to him.
So maybe that's why he doesn't want to come over.
That's understandable.
So come on.
There we go.
Thank you.
Gonna make it easy for you.
I'm gonna make it a ll downhill.
Okay, We'll be down here, but from this bit.
There you go.
You've made it.
You passed the test.
Where is there we go.
I don't know how I'm gonna line these guys up correctly because this is three out of the five.
Grab these guys popping right here.
I need to make sure that hits them all.
I have to do it from here.
Always gonna be tasty.
I wonder if you can.
Can you do villages?
Just thinking of this guy.
I don't want to kill him a card.
Do it.
We've got a a cow, a pig and a chicken.
Let's grab a sheep.
There must be some sheep left over from the great Cheap escaped from before I never have.
Where he won more than the sheep migrated far.
There's one areas You should have migrated a little bit further.
My friends come here but you And then I just need one more.
I will owe the chickens over there so I can't use chickens.
Come with me.
I could use bees, but I don't want to do it.
The bees are so precious.
You eating on the way?
This is like his last meal on death row.
Things is dark.
Who knew the last episode of Minecraft?
Hardcore Be so dark.
I couldn't do it Squid as well.
But they won't survive long enough out of water.
And it could also be ironic to do a dolphin.
But we must save the dolphins, not eat them.
Right, This is number four.
Number four, Meet number 23 and one.
You're gonna be good friends just for a little while to make the super easy.
I could just grab this lama, but I feel like they were vital in creating and credit Lama.
So I can't quite do that.
And I stole them from one of those traders.
So I just need one.
What other animal could I use while the friendly animals are there cats, we ridiculously hard to capture, and it won't stay in one place.
What other friendly animals are there that I don't mind putting an arrow through the head?
Is it gonna have to be a horse?
I really don't want to do it, but I think it's gonna have to be a horse.
Oh, I'm a bad person.
All he's been in for so long as well.
I feel really bad.
Actually, the horses have a lot of health.
Well, this one doesn't have a lot of now coming up.
Let's go this way.
I could just befriend him and ride him into the sunset towards death row.
But I don't really want to do that.
That feels a bit barbaric.
It's barbaric what we're doing anyway.
But I feel like this should be the guy.
He's been here since Day one is gonna help us at day 617.
Only Goodness.
Let's go.
Come on, buddy.
You should call your buddy, that this kind of Ah, the paradox is happening.
I'm gonna have to do a little research on how much health each of these animals has.
I'm pretty sure the chicken has, like, four or five hearts, so we should be able to do enough damage of one arrow.
I need to get them low enough so they all die at the same time.
All right, let's pop you.
Does this work?
There we go.
Here are five animals.
123459 He's killed them all with same arrow.
By all means, put them, like in the same lace so they will die.
Only mumble off by bundle them together.
This might actually work, right?
It's Houston.
Quick research on how much health everyone has to bear with me.
Okay, so the minimum amount of damage that latitude can do, it's six.
So I need to get all these guys down to six.
The chicken, is it?
Six already won.
How much?
How much is a punch?
22345 That's gonna be pretty low now.
12345 Which one's already punch?
12345 The only one is the horse has a lot of health.
Theoretical hell, for I feel like these guys are all ready to die now.
But I don't feel like they're in a good line.
That is really not.
So I'm gonna have to make a little pen for them because I need them to be in a line unobstructed so they can't get out.
Okay, Be right back.
This just doesn't feel right.
This doesn't feel right.
A door of punching animals so they will die quicker.
It's awful.
Let's try and get them all into just one pen.
And then I could shoot the arrow downwards and hopefully I go.
I didn't have my my wings on.
Hopefully that means that.
Then I could just shoot the error and they will die.
That's the plan.
I could've killed one of these guys too.
But there are dead.
They can't really die.
I could just ah just put him down here into ah one.
My own thing.
There we go.
Pig has got the idea.
Right, guys, here we go.
This is it.
Getting the pen get independence.
Death hole kind of morbid, but it needs to happen.
So you guys can be undone.
Thank you for your service, but you can go in there so you can be undone as well.
I still don't know if this is gonna work.
Kind of horse even fit down here.
Who knows?
Let's find out.
Right, Sheep.
You need to go in there as well.
Get in there.
Come on, buddy.
You know you want to go on.
Get in there.
There you go, buddy.
Now it's just the horse.
I don't know if the horse is gonna fit.
Let me see if I can get chicken to move along.
So I gonna try and get them all into just two blocks, if I can.
It's not gonna work, is it?
I don't know what I've just done.
Oh, no.
They get irate.
They getting crazy.
They're moving around.
Jesus is not gonna work either.
And now is against nighttime.
Okay, also be back for you.
This is why is this so hard?
I've had another idea.
I've had another idea.
I've got it.
This is going to work.
I just don't know how much health they have.
The only thing that can stop this from working is me missing the shot or them not having little health enough.
You know what I mean?
Enough help.
I can't even think of the words brain working today.
It's probably a good thing that this achievement isn't that difficult.
So you guys need to come this way.
It just needs to be in a straight line.
All right?
This need to be in a straight one, So chicken needs for this way.
Pushing down, pushing down.
There we go.
Can you move, please?
Come on.
This way.
This way, buddy.
Okay, Maybe not.
He doesn't want to move.
The leader's gone through the rounds on.
Come on.
Why did you want to be down here?
This is the smallest little section.
Guys, I don't have the capacity for this right now.
You know what?
I'm gonna let them choose their own way.
Whichever way they filtering automatically is where they're gonna go.
Pig, I'm gonna need you to cooperate, though.
Get through.
There we go.
So now I can stand at one end and fire them.
It should work already.
A force can fit down here.
It force can fit down here that I messed up you two fat heart because I was gonna happen.
I think horse conf it.
Oh, look, he's standing, like, literally on thin air.
How am I going to do this if I put you like sideways down here?
She tried to escape them sideways.
Doesn't even work.
Um, And why I choose a horse?
Why I have to choose another animal.
It's small enough to fit down here.
I lived.
You can't think of any more animals right now.
Oh, and also that another idea to hang these guys from the fence posts.
But the problem with that is that they will bounce up and down and are potentially miss my shot.
Otherwise, I would have done that.
It would have looked so much nicer than this.
Oh, no one's I fall in.
Oh, horses falling down.
Okay, this might work.
Actually, this might work, but I'd have to wait for horse to be in the right place.
I think that would work, right.
I might just try it.
The problem is, if I miss and it's all gone wrong, I'm gonna try it.
I mean, it's a bit longer.
I'm gonna do it.
Is everyone in position?
I need horse to move across the bit.
And then I'm gonna shoot you all, okay?
And then you have to die.
You have to die, Boss.
You freaking kidding.
May Look, Lee will die.
It's adjusted for Wow!
I just had to kill a horse.
I can't believe it.
Now I gotta start again.
So angry.
He wants to be next to me next.
I'm not messing around it.
Oh, you come in.
You're coming.
Come this way.
This way.
Right now.
Don't bring a friend with you.
Don't bring a friend with you.
No one.
No one else wants to do this.
I can't believe it.
I had it so set up.
That was it.
I did Four of them in one Go.
Come here.
Me Right out into the pit of death.
Thank you.
I mean the pit of a note to call it.
I don't see a pit of death in front of them.
It's gone from one pitch to another.
This looks awful.
Have an idea.
I want to make this look a little bit cooler.
We don't wanna pit.
That's nonsense.
We want something better than this is the other cow.
I should have chosen that one.
Yeah, I need to make this look nicer if they're going to die, Die valiantly.
Is that even a word?
Chicken reborn.
That's so cute.
Wait, I need you.
Wait a second.
Come here.
Come here.
Right now.
Chicken chicken.
Way to go.
He's disappeared.
Is the magic chicken?
Never mind.
So we're gonna make a little platform for these guys so that I could line them up properly.
It's gonna be up a little bit and then across.
So we need it to be at least five across.
It's a cow is gonna go here.
I think chicken should be last, actually, because it's so small.
So do one gap to gap three, Gap or gap five.
He's go a little bit further, and then we should be able to line up properly.
Let's do this.
I'm off to find a chicken.
A chicken that would die properly this time, right?
I use a horse.
That horse had so much health.
Chicken, chicken spite.
Chicken spotted.
I would say you I just heard a pig coming up.
Come in.
Need a pig at all.
I don't know what to kill.
Do I know you want to kill Wolfe.
So I've got pig chicken.
I can go and get a sheep from the other sides.
And I just need one more animal.
It has to be uniquely different.
It can't be the same.
So cons do five chickens that have been really easy, right?
You fixed to their You fixed.
So there.
I'm gonna need the chicken.
So chicken, come with me.
It's not gonna hurt.
It's gonna be fine.
Come this way.
Don't put on the whole and then you're gonna come up this ladder here, also known as the staircase.
I know it doesn't look like one.
I promise you it is.
Here we go.
See, this guy likes to behave himself, and you are gonna go over here somewhere.
Why have you chosen your chosen?
This one?
You're gonna stay right here.
So now I just need to dio next one there.
I don't think he will come down from there.
I'm pretty sure he won't.
And now we need to get the pig up here doing exactly the same for this all look cooler.
I'm only doing this for style.
Points was pushed This piggy man, it used to be so much easier to push Minecraft animals now.
It's a weird right, Mr Pig.
You're gonna stay right there, My friends.
See what you see, what I'm doing here That I could shoot straight down there.
Right next up, cow, before it gets the night time.
Come with me, dude.
Come on.
Get out that whole onto the barrier of life.
Come here.
Don't fall off, cow.
Do not fall off.
Where's your chosen block now?
I fall off.
Come on, A little further.
It's getting dark.
I'm scared.
Hey, there we go.
Right, I'm out here.
I need two more animals.
I need a sheep and insert animal name here.
I've just had a thought.
I didn't weaken the animals first, So when I punched them, they're gonna fall off their purchase.
Why is this happening to me?
I found a sheep E.
I didn't pay him.
I paid him to come across, but that means he should be able to do whatever I want him to, except to go up one block.
Slots come from, but he work it out.
So I'm gonna need a week in these punks anyway.
So let's just put this back.
The 12345 That's how much I punished them last time.
And they seem to survive.
So you have to do the same to the other two and get them back up there.
So give me a sec.
I don't know.
I'm making it more difficult for myself.
One, two, one.
Oh, jeez.
They're foreign office.
Well, this is a nightmare.
A sheep is in place.
So if I smack you two more times, you should be ready to go.
And pretty angry you two more times as well.
Get away from the cactus, please.
So you should be ready.
But this doesn't work.
I'm doing the pit method again.
This is just for again style points which don't actually exist.
Running pickles.
You've got over further, my friends, and then you are that perfect.
Let me select our final animal.
There's four animals.
Now we need one more.
And there's no normal passive ones.
They're easy to get, so I'm gonna have to do something else.
There must be rabbits here, right somewhere.
And they have really low health.
I think that we have, like, three or four.
Well, the animals have run away.
There's one.
I'm coming for you, buddy.
You are.
Come here.
Come here, you.
Can you even lead a bunny?
You can.
Okay, right.
You're coming with me.
This is gonna be really hard to get just into one place because they bounce around like crazy, too.
Maybe we should try and grab too, just in case.
Come on.
At least you come up the blocks properly.
Right out.
I will get you.
Oh, Jesus.
So fast.
Yeah, I got to.
Okay, let's go.
Yes, friends.
Oh, my goodness.
Let's go.
This should work.
They only have three or four heart points, so it should be killed by an arrow straight away.
I need to weaken them.
It'll then?
As long as everyone else is weak enough, we've got ourselves the second secret achievement.
Oh, careful.
Careful there.
Do you know how yourself your precious they jump fast as well?
Let's go, bunnies.
Look at these guys.
This is why I wanted to do it.
It looks hilarious.
Okay, so you need to go in there.
I need to undo what you should've done that.
And to undo one of you.
To validate you on there you.
You're coming with me.
Hopefully they stay where they are.
So I don't wanna have to do this again.
Come, appear coming for you, little punk.
They kind of just do their own thing, which is fine, but not what I really, really need you to do something specific.
Look at it.
It's so don't come on up the step.
You good?
Ah, I think this rabbit is broken.
Not quite sure what it's doing.
Get up to step.
Oh, my goodness.
You're gonna die The cows.
Like what are you doing?
Trying to get my rabbit up step.
Come on.
Why doesn't it do the last one?
I'm so confused.
Does anyone know what's going on here?
Let's take the lead off.
Try and push it up.
Oh, yeah, it works.
Okay, We pushed up.
Now I just need to get it in the right place.
Fall off.
You will die if you fall off.
Somebody don't look at me with them eyes.
Yes, it's all in place.
Five animals.
I sentence you to death.
Okay, This is gonna be it is actually complete in Minecraft.
I'm gonna call 110% okay?
Because you got a secret achievement going on.
Let's see if this works Police work.
There's no I don't even know if there's any more to the other side.
I'm nervous, but this better work.
This took way less time to complete the last one.
So I'm not as nervous is the last one we did.
But let's get this our ballistic.
One shot and we should get it.
Three sick one.
Yes, way did it.
I told you there was another one.
They didn't believe me.
I don't know if that's true, but just for dramatic effect.
You didn't believe me, did you?
You didn't know it was gonna happen.
I'm gonna set the other rabbit free, actually.
Feel ready about.
I just made him which his friend I know.
I don't look at me like that.
I didn't mean it.
I'm going to go and sleep.
We did it.
Let's go.
L There it is, right that I told you it's in the random slut.
Now everything is full.
And also I didn't realize that they had different outlines.
I think one of them's like advancement.
One of them's challenge.
And then there's secret and there's only two secret achievements in Minecraft.
One of them.
I didn't even know this was secret on this one.
Is the other one really random?
I don't know why that's the thing.
Because you never be able to do that on accident.
You might be able to do it.
You won't even be able to do it by accident When you're doing the, um when you're doing that, the phantom one, Which is when you need piercing before Because you need five different, unique Bob's.
There it is all ballistic.
I need to look up.
This murder this word means, but I'm sure it means something aggressive.
Kill five unique mobs with one crossbow shot Allah to you're a legend.
Oh, that's where you win.
You had pretty well.
I'm gonna keep you alive just for that.
And now we just so happen to have just one single named Tiger left.
You know what that means?
This is going to be the end of this.
It's too funny.
This is the ending ceremony.
I'm gonna take this name tag and I'm gonna name the dog that you've wanted me to name for this whole time.
Are you ready?
This'd this is the actual This is the real final episode of Minecraft.
Until I figure out what to do with the next, I feel like I wanna add modes to it one at a time, though, and see how long we can stay alive in Minecraft hardcore.
We could even get, like, the craziest, like mutant creatures up in here.
We could get loads of crazy mods in here and see if we can just make Minecraft harder than hard core.
If that makes sense.
Still on one life with totems, But we still could risk everything.
But here we go is you're ruining the mood torch.
You're ruining the mood.
Stop this.
Get out!
The naming ceremony is about to happen.
Which marks the end of my craft.
Hard core.
I don't believe it.
Guys leave a like If you enjoyed this Siri's, it will continue by Just need to figure out how to continue.
And when I want to do it soon because I'm ready for new challenges.
I'm ready for new things along with my brand new dog Bones.
Bones, You're beautiful.
That the guys are all of you guys been waiting for me to name you for ages on.
This is the name that they chose.
Guys, I can't believe it.
I actually feel we're ending this because now I know that this is actually the last episodes of, like, Season One.
We could be want to season to kill five unique mobs of one crossbow shot.
We've done every single advancement in Minecraft without dying once the world is survived.
But will it survive another season?
Who knows?
Guys, I hope you enjoyed If you did leave a like they were greatly appreciated.
If your brand new to the turnovers well, pleased that subscribe button.
We just just blow this video to catch up with.
Why do with Minecraft hardcore next?
And thanks for being with me on this crazy over 610 Minecraft day journey.
Thank you so much.
Guys love you all.
And I see a suit.
Good bodes by the way.