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  • Hey, and welcome back to Terreri.

  • A epic, bro.

  • Look at Ikey.

  • A tower.

  • Just look at it.

  • Look at this beauty.

  • So many people choose to live here.

  • Look how many people live inside this beautiful hotel.

  • I guess it's hotel like he at this point.

  • It's amazing.

  • Except you, Connor.

  • No one wants to hear it calling.

  • There.

  • You can leave now.

  • So you guys told me that if I put the handgun here, he's like, Oh, you could make a Phoenix blaster.

  • Seems pretty good, but we need health stone bars to make it where you get had a stone.

  • Well, of course in hell.

  • Let's go, gamers.

  • Hopefully this works.

  • Okay, A little awkward making our way downtown.

  • Walking fast faces past.

  • And I'm home.

  • Bam.

  • But who gets scared?

  • Getting scared?

  • What?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Hey, Connor.

  • Your low life weasel eyes.

  • But I just thought I'd say that.

  • Let's go again.

  • Gamer's way.

  • I hate Connor Cheeks.

  • This scared me.

  • OK, it's coming up.

  • There it is.

  • Okay.

  • It's important that you make your passage to hell safe as possible, because you never you never know what's gonna happen.

  • All right, Here we go.

  • Hey, I wonder what kind of people I meet here.

  • That's so weird.

  • Everyone in hell.

  • It's a verified Twitter account.

  • Dare to make this jump.

  • Oh, yes, I do, baby.

  • Okay, so now I have we also have this now Obsidian skull.

  • So I should be ableto not take damage.

  • Never mind.

  • Never mind.

  • I'm literally on fire.

  • Okay?

  • Yeah, This is the hell Stone out.

  • Stop a mine.

  • Hell.

  • Stone all day.

  • A mine has stone all night.

  • Oh, God.

  • I gotta make sure I get it as well.

  • Yes.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I'm dying.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • How many did I get that I get enough.

  • Oh, nice.

  • Okay.

  • So we can make it now.

  • Never mind.

  • Yes, Suck it.

  • Connor, I want to make this.

  • Can I make it now?

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • What's the molten helmet?

  • Damn, that's really good.

  • Okay, I made a p p.

  • I made a people gun.

  • Can I use it?

  • I don't know why it's so funny.

  • It's like a ziff.

  • There were guns in mind, crime or something.

  • I think one of these guys sells gun related.

  • It's the one with a south and Max and I think all right.

  • All right, let's head out.

  • We're going to the jungle.

  • There's a boss battling there that I really, really wanna.

  • D'oh!

  • Oh, actually, I forgot.

  • Damp.

  • I need to talk to Stinky call Nurse Stinky.

  • So I think he can improve my shield as well.

  • Just within Obsidian skull.

  • Oh, epic.

  • I have that.

  • Nice.

  • That's really good.

  • Immunity to knock back immunity to fire blocks.

  • Oh, dear.

  • Hey, Bunny, What is wrong with Mae?

  • I'm so sorry.

  • I apologize deeply.

  • That looks right.

  • Strange plant.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, God, It's coming right for me.

  • Oh, thank God.

  • I also have a flare gun.

  • I don't know if that's good or not.

  • That's kind of cool.

  • Maybe I shouldn't waste it alone.

  • How many weapons there are?

  • It's just like somebody Ways to play it.

  • It is like Minecraft meets the darks.

  • Well, OK, we've entered the jungle, gamers.

  • Sorry, Mr Beast, but I need to build another house here, Sucker.

  • Peopie do it.

  • Okay.

  • Um bed.

  • Okay.

  • Does it work?

  • Yes.

  • Okay, so now we have our little base here And that means if we die, which I never do.

  • God, I hit the pats.

  • Well, let's go down and find this stinky queen bee or whatever.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Okay, I don't know.

  • You could do that.

  • That's awesome.

  • Manslaughter way.

  • Got a chest here, which have clearly you still ready?

  • Well, what is this?

  • This is another bio.

  • What is this?

  • What is this?

  • Grand night?

  • Whoa.

  • Night vision.

  • Helmet.

  • What?

  • Oh, wow.

  • That works so well.

  • You kidding me?

  • What is this?

  • Improves vision.

  • Well, that was a lie.

  • Okay, this looks rare.

  • What is this?

  • Flipper ability to swim.

  • Okay.

  • Teleported to random location.

  • That's funny.

  • I think it's time we just start bombing.

  • This is fun.

  • And I like it.

  • I like when people go put food.

  • I bombed all day.

  • I bomb ball ninth.

  • Okay, A lot of treasuring the jungle.

  • A 10% movement speed.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, God.

  • I'm drowning.

  • I didn't realize.

  • Oh, God, no air.

  • Sweet air, huh?

  • Oh, Curtis, No.

  • Uh oh, God.

  • Too busy getting loot.

  • All right.

  • Good thing we build a house.

  • How do I find the B So water to Jesus Christ.

  • Whoa!

  • Purple item.

  • I've never seen that right.

  • What was it?

  • Immunity to poison.

  • Lame.

  • Okay, I still see bees.

  • As long as there's bees.

  • There's hope to kill more of them.

  • Yes, English.

  • Oh, hello.

  • They're throwing a party without me.

  • Nice.

  • More health.

  • Whoa!

  • Oh, this is this.

  • Ah, dynamite it.

  • Go!

  • Boom, Boom!

  • Okay, Boom!

  • Oh, God, no!

  • What blew up?

  • So much more than I thought.

  • Uh, I think I have to return home.

  • I have too much stuff on me.

  • And I heard there was a party without me.

  • Invitation name?

  • Where party is.

  • Think we'll have a little party hats?

  • That's so cute.

  • Wow, What a party!

  • Everyone's just Chile.

  • There's balloons in the back, huh?

  • This game is adorable.

  • You're invited.

  • All my friends.

  • Good thinking.

  • Okay, I can make these.

  • Nice.

  • Nice.

  • I can climb walls now.

  • Knives, I can make diving gear.

  • That's so cool.

  • Who can almost make lighting boots cool?

  • What's an ANC?

  • Agli.

  • Okay, tell the porter random location.

  • 321 go.

  • Where am I e?

  • I don't know.

  • I made a mistake.

  • I'm just sending that man.

  • It's so fun.

  • Thio.

  • It's like when I find a game.

  • I really like the fact that I can play it as a living is always, like mind blowing to me.

  • All right, We're back in our gorgeous little house.

  • Absolutely gorgeous where they be.

  • Where be am I getting trolled as they're actually no being here?

  • Maybe the bees by the honey.

  • Of course I'm so stupid.

  • They must be right.

  • The Queen bee is in the honey, Of course.

  • Oh, my God!

  • I'm so stupid!

  • Whoa!

  • Oh, they don't like that.

  • Oh, yes!

  • Look at that!

  • So she must be one of these.

  • Oh, What is that?

  • Is that it?

  • Queen Bee has awoken.

  • Oh, God, that's terrifying!

  • All right, I'm gonna shoot her.

  • I should have built platforms.

  • I'm from the herd.

  • Mother Fricker?

  • Yeah, You can't hurt.

  • What?

  • This already filled with hair it and death, Death Queen Bee has been defeated at.

  • Yeah, I did it all by myself.

  • If only took me so long to understand.

  • Be wax.

  • They should drop anything good being made.

  • A grenade explodes into swarming bees.

  • Why does honey look like pixelated genitals in enemy?

  • Because it's from horn.

  • Nia, I'm sorry.

  • 340 life now see?

  • There's more B stuff there and their weight it Drop the weapon.

  • Okay, look, I'm the be master now.

  • I killed the remaining beads because they gave me this armor.

  • So now I'm epic.

  • Next thing I wanna do is I want to go to the snow area.

  • Everything.

  • We've been there.

  • Alright, here we go.

  • I don't know what's down here, bro.

  • Is that blood?

  • What is this?

  • Why?

  • Certainly really nothing down here.

  • Maybe there's something epic down here.

  • Like who knows who's keeping tranq?

  • I don't know.

  • Okay, well, I just kind of sucks.

  • There's nothing here.

  • This is why I left Sweden.

  • Water walking booths.

  • Okay.

  • No!

  • Oh, God!

  • You idiot!

  • Ah!

  • Damn it!

  • Hey, guys, help me Plate.

  • Aria.

  • Hey.

  • Yeah, I can't The Queen bee.

  • Yeah, uh, got the full armor.

  • It's so easy to kill three of them.

  • All right, this is new.

  • Is that What is that?

  • A sheep rash floor superfast.

  • I don't really know what to do.

  • At this point, I feel like I've done everything.

  • All right, Let's go to hell.

  • Gamers, we Well, it's awkward, E Okay.

  • Are there killing my bees?

  • There you stop.

  • They're invincible.

  • That's awesome.

  • I like them.

  • They're cute.

  • I'm not sure where to go to beyond.

  • Oh, God, Not there.

  • That was close.

  • Jesus, I don't see any house stone.

  • Oh, wait.

  • They're everywhere.

  • That's right.

  • I don't know what's hurting me.

  • Have to tell because they're so small.

  • Those things.

  • I hate them.

  • Well, what is that?

  • Whoa, whoa!

  • What just happened there?

  • Okay, I'll take it.

  • I'll take it.

  • Hello, Mr Demon.

  • Could be Just break into your house, because that's what people do.

  • Apparently done.

  • I hate how I can't see what lobbyists in the foreground and what's in the background.

  • It's really hard to talk.

  • Whoa!

  • Jesus!

  • How can I open door?

  • Thank you.

  • Did I get a wooden doll?

  • I think I got what I want.

  • Okay, we got one.

  • How nice.

  • We got one.

  • So now we just throw him in Lava and epic fun.

  • Time begins.

  • Epic.

  • Yeah, I'm going to drop it in lava.

  • Calm down, gamers.

  • I want to try and get the better armor first, because I think I can get that quite easily.

  • I love the Hornets.

  • They're so good.

  • The black chest.

  • I don't see a black chest.

  • You mean that one?

  • Where?

  • Open the chest.

  • What chanced?

  • That's where you guys are smoking Top left.

  • Don't ever call me Dummy.

  • Only I can call myself, Dummy.

  • This one.

  • Got it.

  • Hell, Bo Helling Bowl.

  • Lame garbage.

  • Thanks for the garbage.

  • More health Stone.

  • Give me.

  • Give me.

  • Give me a nice is a good spot.

  • Nice.

  • Just a couple more.

  • I think we should be good.

  • I have 55.

  • Maybe that's okay.

  • Hey, an obsidian bed.

  • Who wants it?

  • Actually, maybe I'll keep it.

  • Oh, God.

  • I only gave me 18.

  • I can make it most and helmet, but wow.

  • Molten fury can make the grieves 15.

  • Damn obsidian.

  • Okay, there it is.

  • Bottled water, fire blossom, water leaf and obsidian.

  • How did I get bottled water from sand?

  • Okay.

  • I knew that I could make glass.

  • Okay, then.

  • How do I make it a bottle?

  • Oh, there we go.

  • Now, can I make a potion?

  • Question Mark a.

  • Connor.

  • What?

  • They've gotta take.

  • Let's go to the nearest source of water.

  • There's no water.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Are there no water on the surface, I have three hornets.

  • I guess it's awarded literally right there.

  • Well, that was a lot easier for it has to be on the surface.

  • What is happening?

  • Why not?

  • It's like having 500 people yelling at you to do something.

  • Listen, if you guys were consistent, that'd be a lot of help.

  • More helpful.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, you literally just crafted in the water.

  • That makes sense.

  • So come on.

  • Ah.

  • All right, we're almost there.

  • Where do I make this skin potion?

  • Lettuce.

  • Thank God.

  • I could make three nights.

  • Nights.

  • Well, that was fun.

  • Torture.

  • Good thing I saved the son.

  • To be honest.

  • Okay.

  • Far in the bottle.

  • People say so.

  • Cloud in a bottle and far.

  • Najar.

  • Violent cloud will be a violent fart.

  • Then please say yes.

  • Notice.

  • Does that not?

  • Make it worse?

  • I can already double Jim.

  • Now.

  • It's fleeting.

  • Fart in a jar allows holders the double jump.

  • I could already do that.

  • Great.

  • Excellent.

  • It's better.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • It's better.

  • All right.

  • For 12 years, Sorry.

  • Nine year olds.

  • I'm so I mean 19 year olds.

  • Okay.

  • So let's make sure we drink the potion.

  • Let's do a little test here.

  • I'm alive.

  • Excellent.

  • All right.

  • Just got to make sure I look at the Can I blow this up?

  • Why is everyone saying f o that shot the stream with that?

  • Okay, well, this is about 500 times easier.

  • Jesus, I wonder how my bees air doing in this long.

  • But they did not drink the potion.

  • Doesn't matter.

  • How do you fart in llamas?

  • Well, no, that was four minutes.

  • Uh huh.

  • But to him, it of an idiot.

  • All right, that was 100 and five.

  • That only gives 35 But I can craft in staff.

  • Nice.

  • What's gonna make you could make the breastplate nice.

  • And that's it for now.

  • Okay, let's drop down again.

  • Gamers.

  • How many imps can have?

  • You don't have one.

  • M I got the m thing you guys were begging about.

  • I got the chest place and I got the legs need a bit more.

  • I want more Kuze, I hope.

  • Take deep breaths.

  • Shut up.

  • I don't have the molten pickaxe yet.

  • I have not made remote and pickaxe yet.

  • Okay, I'm drinking Bardstown, I swear to God.

  • Third up, we hit rock bottom gamers.

  • Here it is.

  • What happens if you go down?

  • Rock bottom Question, Mark.

  • Kind of want to try Loki.

  • I'm rock bottom.

  • Being gamers feels good.

  • Man making fart noises.

  • Hey, Hey.

  • All right, so some of that I can right click on the imps.

  • How do I put them back?

  • I want more IMS someone who I have more.

  • Now, I don't know how that happened.

  • Okay, Anyway, hell for Barker's Little, little, little, little little damn son.

  • All right, now we can make the helmet.

  • Helmet bun.

  • Okay, let's switch out the B outfit as much as I don't like to be up, that molten is where it's at.

  • Gamers.

  • All right, said bonus.

  • 70 extra Millie.

  • Mellie damaged.

  • Jesus Christ.

  • Which weapon then?

  • Fatal fire.

  • Great sorter.

  • Feel like I have to cut this.

  • Cool.

  • Make the knight's edge.

  • What?

  • The fact that I make then Whoa, look at that massive Dude, that's Whoa, Whoa, bro, Show this sword to Connor.

  • Connor, head.

  • Connor, look of this sword.

  • Pretty ethic, right?

  • What?

  • I could make knight's edge.

  • I have them aromas.

  • I don't lie.

  • I just need a blade of grass, and I need the blood butcher.

  • All right?

  • I clearly don't have that.

  • Okay.

  • Damn that sound, though.

  • All right.

  • I'll show it to him and he says, Oh, I could make it through a life Bain, Marie Mazza and Blade of Grass.

  • So I just need a blade of grass.

  • And do I have, um, aromas.

  • I've been in the jungle so much today.

  • All right, here with you.

  • Some e girl in my house.

  • You say that you're any girl?

  • Trixie.

  • She's definitely girl.

  • Lava lamp.

  • But party hat was Is another hornet.

  • Oh, did I actually, and blow it up by accident.

  • Welcome to the hood, motherfucker.

  • Yeah, e a 360 baby.

  • Right.

  • Two more singers, then I'm out.

  • He's all right.

  • This is our last.

  • Yes, I am.

  • Out.

  • Get the freak out of my house.

  • I'm playing terrarium, huh?

  • Nice celebratory fart.

  • Okay, Grass sword.

  • The, uh, Connor Connor smother should just be able to craft it.

  • Raised my sword, huh?

  • I thought I had them all.

  • Connor.

  • You lying demon altering corruption.

  • Well, well, well.

  • Looks like we have foreign adventure again.

  • Where were were time to place a beach bar?

  • Well, well, well.

  • Looks like we having some fun with our demon.

  • And, uh, yeah, yeah.

  • Playing beach ball all year.

  • Damn, The farts are really like They're really making me flying.

  • 321 Let's go, Pippi Plumpy plumpy your mama ho Yeah.

  • Did it pain suffer pain suffer home time.

  • Play with ball.

  • Show to Connor.

  • The sort again.

  • A Ghana A God Broken hero's sword.

  • Where the fuck am I gonna find that?

  • So I clearly can't have it now.

  • So shut the fuck up, then.

  • Have you heard of that?

  • Have you heard of being quiet?

  • Good re force sword.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • It's better not break it costs.

  • Okay.

  • Reportage.

  • I did it.

  • Who?

  • Okay, let's doing that.

  • Do nak Mmm demonic.

  • That's pretty good, isn't it?

  • We'll go with that.

  • Whatever's if I show Connor the little thing of himself, he doesn't want to hear it.

  • There's an AG lit and surface ships near old bed.

  • Oh, you mean my old house.

  • You've got enough to lie to me.

  • Oh, uh, thanks, guys.

  • Yes.

  • Damn.

  • Whoever remember that prompts to human.

  • That's funny.

  • Oh, it's so expensive.

  • I didn't realize I just wasted so much money.

  • Uh oh, no.

  • I thought it was like one gold before.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, Resting peace money.

  • Oh, no.

  • Rest in peace says it's fine.

  • I know too far money in this game.

  • It's a game.

  • It's all good.

  • I'm not crying.

  • I'm not crying.

  • Show Connor.

  • I'm sick of King Kong.

  • I'm gonna throw his thing in the lava and be done with it.

  • Chop shop, chip.

  • Hey, Bridge.

  • A super long one.

  • All right, that somebody the most dangerous bridge O town.

  • So between here with that makes sense, we're gonna be a little longest bridge.

  • Okay?

  • I wanted to be one Freddie platform.

  • Okay?

  • Don't judge me.

  • It has to be pretty.

  • Shut up With the bridge building a bridge.

  • It's actually not bad.

  • Not a bad kid.

  • It's most beautiful bridge this town has ever seen.

  • Build the bridge.

  • They said Okay.

  • I am complained more.

  • They do.

  • Okay, that's cool.

  • All right.

  • Time to throw Connor and Lava.

  • Yeah, Let's do it.

  • 321 Uh, asking bats.

  • Baikonur Never liked to you by dude.

  • He kills people like I slink Terrarium boyfriend Confirmed Story first.

  • Bam!

  • Connor, You're rich.

  • Conner.

  • It's not your house.

  • Think so?

  • Only I can kill Connor.

  • Backup.

  • Where's Connor?

  • Where's that scumbag?

  • Come back on Earth.

  • There you are, you scumbag!

  • What if I don't want Connor in here?

  • Get out of my house.

  • You don't live here.

  • Why have you not telling me?

  • Connor you piece of shit.

  • I hate you!

  • One day, one day you'll learn screw held and screw you, Connor, Or she went to how Oh, okay.

  • I'm scared.

  • What do I do?

  • Do I run?

  • What do we do?

  • You know, valley shooting me be names O g says crisis.

  • Terrifying you.

  • Yeah, death damaging.

  • And like I'm not doing enough that man, I feel like I did not build this bridge.

  • Lion up.

  • This hitch is not lager liars, branches.

  • I live it up.

  • Oh, I, uh Oh, by God, never doubted for a second that I would not be able to do it.

  • Well, that was so easy First, uh, all right.

  • Okay.

  • Literally.

  • The entire show.

  • I went.

  • It's It's long enough.

  • You got it.

  • Oh, God.

  • Who summoner hoo hoo!

  • Who should I summon him again?

  • Are gamers?

  • I'm gonna end that there.

  • So your guys on the flippy floppy all rights, much like be enjoyed that episode and subscribe epically check out the merge supercab yet and bye bye.

  • Three whole.

  • For too long you have been farting.

  • Now you're entering a new era, but you shall craft booth the hour of smells and poop grades is coming.

  • Marzia Edgar.

  • And but towns need your the time or you will face crawlers.

  • It's all about when you are seated on the porcelain throne 40 is the game to play.

  • I'm not supposed to have my opinion of attack, but that prizes.

Hey, and welcome back to Terreri.


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Terraria - Part 5 - I beat the HARDEST Boss on 1st TRY!世界紀錄。 (Terraria - Part 5 - I beat the HARDEST Boss on 1st TRY! world record)

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