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  • Still, I just wanted to interrupt this video because I need to make an announcement.

  • Did you guys see the video I made where I celebrated 100 million subscribers?

  • It was the video I was really excited by.

  • I talked about my journey from going to 0 to 100 million subscribers.

  • It did have a brand attachment to it, which maybe wasn't the most fitting place, but it was a cool products, so I thought it wouldn't matter.

  • When we were planning their collaboration, we thought it would be nice to donate to a charity as a way to celebrate.

  • I made the mistake off picking a charity that I was advice instead of picking a charity that I'm personally passionate about, which is 100% my fault.

  • Usually when I pick a charity, I take my time.

  • I find a charity that I'm really excited about and actually passionate to donate to.

  • So when I uploaded the video talking about the charity, it was very brief.

  • And people could tell something was off the whole Internet just didn't believe in.

  • Like why is he donated to his charity?

  • Look at his face.

  • Full conspiracy mode.

  • Ah, and, uh, it was very interesting to watch that unfold.

  • To be fair, I saw it as an opportunity to put an end to the old right claims that has been thrown against me.

  • It wasn't to try and clear my name or save Grace.

  • If it was, I would have done a years ago.

  • But after the Christ church tragedy, I felt a responsibility to do something about it because it's no longer just about me.

  • It affected other people in the way, and I'm not okay with that.

  • I've struggled to figure out how to do that, but this was not the right way to go about it.

  • I knew it wasn't perfect.

  • But I also didn't know a lot of things that surfaced throughout this whole thing about the charity that doesn't fit at all.

  • So I understand why people had concerns about it, and these are things that I would have known myself.

  • I had just taken my time.

  • This whole thing was planned during my wedding, and the honeymoon and 100 million was coming up a swell, so it was all very rushed.

  • It really doesn't feel genuine for me to proceed with a donation at this point, and I in said, wanted to actually do take my time, keep the intent that I had, but just doing it with the right charity and doing it properly.

  • I just wanted to make that clear.

  • I'm sorry for all the confusion.

  • And I'm sorry for messing this up.

  • That's what I do.

  • Let's get on with the video.

  • Ah, welcome everyone to lie.

  • Leave your entries in the brandy grows every Why not?

  • Very epic Marzia Schelberg.

  • I just had to explain to Felix what popped the cherry actually means Jack Septic, I I feel like I failed him as a friend.

  • This is what friends are for.

  • To explain to me always.

  • I'd still don't know if I fully understand you pop the top of the champagne.

  • Hello?

  • Getting down, Voted by peers.

  • Wait, This got really 69,000 up boats.

  • Thank you, Piers.

  • Very cool.

  • Getting down.

  • Voted by Pew ts being one of the few people that will everything appears down votes I get harassed by the community.

  • I become famous for being hated.

  • Insert Tanner's mean I don't even know who you are, but congrats to 69 outputs.

  • That's epic pity pie.

  • I think I forgot something.

  • Nine year olds.

  • If you forgot that, he wasn't important.

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • 100 million, bro Face we've already done in here.

  • It's a little tickle.

  • That's right.

  • We've changed it to a bro.

  • Tickled Pink.

  • I think it's better.

  • I think it's got potential to catch up.

  • Obligatory GoPro Jim.

  • I expected vi sauce for that's even better.

  • Very epic spend.

  • After seeing all his friends die, his husband die and feel ex leaving Okada I didn't see it that way.

  • I'm sorry.

  • No cute.

  • I promised a guy a bro fist at 100 mil Us at 100 1 milk.

  • So that was a frickin line tickle.

  • Here you go, bro.

  • Tickle Don't like it so much.

  • Jesus, What's wrong with the My offer to make you a Custom 100 Mille Award Still stains?

  • All you have to do is say yes.

  • Mr.

  • Pye, Did I just say it?

  • Oh my God!

  • I mean I'd be honor Bobby Dukes is the one that made that think The down vote play button.

  • You know I'm proud of this.

  • Yes, Mr Pye Yeah, Put that out.

  • What?

  • I bet thanks to wifey for reading this so epically.

  • Everyone like that.

  • You think I could do the do it better than Thor?

  • The first Villager to ever get a profession?

  • Must have been like it took about a walkout.

  • Dammam slow.

  • Let's get get me.

  • I just find banked on the beach.

  • Hope you like it.

  • I just had to explain.

  • What is it made?

  • What?

  • What does it make?

  • Meanwhile, in Australia, Dinner bone.

  • Oh, that makes no sense.

  • If it was named dinner bone, he would be upside.

  • Why is it another skeleton horse?

  • Cringe pubes.

  • Don't forget to repair the electric.

  • Oh, I can repair it with those the membranes of the flying things Epic.

  • I heard it was easier to just He's mending, though, So Okay, you caught a Felix.

  • What?

  • That's impossible.

  • That's literally impossible.

  • I wouldn't even exist in Minecraft What they added Felix to mind crap.

  • That's happy.

  • Then you can sit up.

  • Your butt must be hurting so much.

  • Seven.

  • I broke my It happens to the best of us at least once in your life.

  • Don't deny it.

  • Reason, Adam lyrics.

  • Shit.

  • What pity pie could past bleep theories In late 2022 bro.

  • Tickle the fattest bro.

  • Tickle will come if we might.

  • I'm kidding.

  • I'm not playing into that anymore.

  • But the fat is bro.

  • Tickle Maya's old Now she doesn't want the same food anymore.

  • What does that sign?

  • She says, Old and sassy.

  • She's like, No, I'm not having you, Screw you.

  • You've been feeding me the same food every single day for years.

  • I mean, it's kind of understandable, isn't it?

  • You wouldn't like eating the same food every day I had to get, However, no problem.

  • I feel like my as more of a person than the dog sometimes cause she she always communicate stuff to us.

  • If she wants to go out, she'll go to the door.

  • If she wants food, she'll start petting the bowl.

  • If she wants cuddles, she starts patting my face.

  • All right, What is this?

  • You know how pubes goes like Bing bang Bing Bing Bong's Well, I know what it means.

  • Oh God.

  • If being it's one and bang zero, it would be 10110 in the binary number system that is equal to 22 in normal numbers.

  • 22 in letters is bebe.

  • If you pronounce Bebe.

  • It sounds like Babe.

  • I think Felix is secretly telling us that.

  • But you figured me out, huh?

  • Huge.

  • Puts all of its pets in danger in one episode, nine year olds.

  • Hey, how dare you say that!

  • It's my fault.

  • I was just trying to have fun of tribal aid.

  • I was just trying to have fun on a trapper lead.

  • What a pity.

  • Pie Snake pitty Part snake.

  • That's awesome.

  • Copyrighted Jack Septic.

  • I got married to Oh, my God.

  • Congress Relations at the celebration.

  • I'm a little disappointed we didn't play that song at the at the funeral.

  • I almost said at the mayor marriage thing.

  • I don't like cheats that much either.

  • I feel cheated.

  • I love cheese.

  • What kind is your favorite kind of cheese?

  • Yes, it's relevant.

  • Cheese is over.

  • It's relevant.

  • I like melted cheese.

  • Melt that melted.

  • Smelt it.

  • Hello?

  • It's different.

  • What?

  • I've seen so many of these action understood The mean watching the show, understanding the basic plot through means.

  • You know Mr B's.

  • I bet you never filled the pool with roses before Mr Beast are.

  • You're challenging me?

  • That's right, Mr Beast.

  • I challenge you know If I'm gonna challenge Mr B's, I need something better to challenge him.

  • Come on.

  • It's not a frickin pool full of roses.

  • That's link.

  • It should be a pool full with G fuel and he should drink the whole thing.

  • Hey, I'm wearing the same shirt.

  • This is the dumbest subreddit of all time confirmed and I love it.

  • Thank you guys.

  • I actually know where that buddies from.

  • That's amazing.

  • You couldn't live with your own failure.

  • Where did that bring you back to me?

  • I watched endgame and now I appreciate these mean even Maur feels good man from finally part of the Kids Club.

  • Let's pop this is it all about this?

  • It makes more sense.

  • You popped the cherry.

  • Hello book.

  • It makes a popping sound.

  • Hello?

  • It doesn't make a popping sound when you freak, does it?

  • So why is it called Popped the cherry?

  • Explain the scientist.

  • I want to hear it.

  • Unless you're scientists.

  • Don't even bother commenting pop sound or no pop sound elaborate watching sled do a 360 over her down.

  • Oh, what the sheep change color of his council to read so he could warn Felix about the dangers of Red Stone.

  • Oh, my God.

  • This blow my mind in pieces or Oh, God!

  • So it's Council of Watership.

  • Good.

  • Is that what that means?

  • But what?

  • They're sheep evil.

  • I'm so confused.

  • What?

  • Felix and my says wedding cake must have been like, Yep.

  • Get in the boat, Felix.

  • No beautify reaction.

  • I mean, it gets to be p pooh poohed know, do people put was really good.

  • That's really good.

  • I understand now the influence I have it's a person that there's another person behind the mean I will never rate to pee pee poop words again.

  • I'm sorry.

  • When pubes As would you guys freak a creeper but realize that most creepers are 10 to 20 minutes old.

  • What?

  • That also?

  • Yeah, Africa creeper Bendis sexy ass over.

  • He'd be begging for a deeper Oh!

  • Oh, man, he'll go.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Everyone, come on!

  • That was that big.

  • Let me have fun away.

  • Ah, let's look, You poor elaborate that at this very moment thousands of screens broke.

  • I am living the best life.

  • I want one of the standards collapse when Felix is slowly becoming better at writing if you like.

  • Red Stone is one of those things that looks complicated if someone else explains it.

  • But when you do it yourself, it's so easy and basic.

  • I like I always feel really dumb when I watch other people.

  • But then you put the stuff and it's like, Oh, you make the plea plop, Go baby Bob, It's simple.

  • This is brilliant, but I like this plastic YouTube comments always liking the original, no matter how strict down.

  • And it iss never changed your tooth.

  • What you don't like?

  • The new intro.

  • I wanted it to be stylized in a really funky and weird way.

  • I think the black and white it's just like it's literally a placeholder.

  • It's funny for a while, but I don't know on that day, man can remember Oh my God Damn!

  • My teeth are fricking huge, dude, I imagine they just keep going.

  • My God me at the beginning of Peter's video, me.

  • And if I was wearing big brain merge while he was trying to figure out what a coconut was called Goddamn mind crept confuses me so much.

  • Why are they know if they were coconuts in Minecraft, I would have known what it was.

  • At least if there was Papa Hyman Ill If I said it if it was popped the cherry up.

  • Oh, my God, That's amazing.

  • How many of them do you think we'll keep living?

  • Leave your votes in the Commons Now what you see through the microscope?

  • What, the back here?

  • Yes.

  • Jesus Christ!

  • That's terrifying Girls talking.

  • Oh, my gosh, I hate my hair.

  • I hate school!

  • Uh, do you like my dress boys talking?

  • Would you guys freak it?

  • Creeper?

  • Leave a comment and spice like in this video, if you would freak a creeper, that's what I thought.

  • That's a tickle.

  • That's a bonus.

  • Next surprise.

  • Take thistles.

  • Brilliant, but I like this finer taste.

  • The first Villager, like a pay peered, useless stuff.

  • Much defense Get may Very good.

  • May I have a characters?

  • Were they about to go crazy?

  • Get crazy.

  • That's brilliant.

  • Normal people would go pro.

  • Felix, we've got bread.

  • I I really appreciate that nose hair coming out.

  • I'm really glad that was in the shot.

  • Sheriff, If the one raid is in two weeks, don't forget to bring your end their posts.

  • All right, gamers, you know what to do.

  • Don't forget your beds.

  • You're in there Perils your finest diamond armor and to enchant your leggings.

  • Okay, let's go.

  • Amazon When your order.

  • Same day shipping at 11.

  • 59 PM Apparently, you can use Blue Wise.

  • I don't know how you get blue eyes, but that makes it even faster.

  • We're gonna get blue ice.

  • Mark my word.

  • We're going to get blue ice 2018.

  • What?

  • That is so dumb.

  • You guys, Listen, this isn't no judgments.

  • Just smash it like on the video below.

  • Just move on.

  • No one's going to say anything.

  • No one's gonna judge.

  • No one's gonna make you feel bad for what you believe in being forever for gotten by pooch.

  • Oh, really?

  • Okay, Yeah, I forgot the parrot, but really I hope we catch a good mean There's no fish to catch because of climate change.

  • Your life is in danger, Pinguin.

  • I said fish.

  • Get in the boat.

  • I said I even said Bish inhales Oh my God!

  • You can make bells with red Stone bases happy.

  • This person tried toe.

  • Unlike your phone me after.

  • Remember the crazy thing I did four years ago?

  • I don't deserve friends.

  • Why is that?

  • Why can't my brain just for not forget.

  • How can I forget things?

  • Pretty sprain.

  • Okay.

  • I have so much cringing material up here.

  • Can I just remove the lead?

  • Like brain sucks, Marcie adding links to every shot pitches it can.

  • We appreciate the c g I that went into making the vlog.

  • I mean, funny depression.

  • And I taught my doctor breakfasts and it made me smile.

  • Hope it makes you smile too.

  • Oh, the first guy who discovered science give me a man begs with their sheep for forgiveness.

  • 2019 polarized.

  • Why did I not?

  • Whenever I watch the blocks, I'm like God, there were so many chances for me to mean these moments, but then I realized no.

  • Okay, not my entire life has to revolve around you two names.

  • Okay, Felix, don't sit in front of your computer all the day.

  • Go outside and enjoy your honeymoon.

  • Isn't it dope?

  • But you can use it.

  • Wireless, though.

  • Come on.

  • I had to try it.

  • I was playing Peeing simulator.

  • And yes, I shut myself.

  • What?

  • You haven't tried to per simulated citizen after 50 million Astros.

  • I can't do it.

  • Oh, my down.

  • Just now it's still relevant.

Still, I just wanted to interrupt this video because I need to make an announcement.


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我的一億大獎破了!- LWIAY #0091 (My 100 Mil Award BROKE! - LWIAY #0091)

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