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  • I'm so good and so Well, I'm I'm actually outside your hotel.

  • What room number are you?

  • 35?

  • Seven.

  • Okay, Bye.

  • Bye.

  • Hi, T o yea.

  • This'd sensational.

  • Looking for you when you laugh.

  • I Oh, my God.

  • This is like everything you think they are.

  • One way with our way.

  • It's gone.

  • Really well.

  • How long have you been in this room?

  • So far.

  • Has been in for a week.

  • But this was halfway over that side drinking today, so I just bought a leftover bottles.

  • I only one rose a with a glass.

  • Next.

  • Yes, I believe I feel like there might be a life time of his life.

  • Oh, my God.

  • What you gonna inversely?

  • What is the handbag?

  • It's a Chanel.

  • Let's buy yourself some bite for you.

  • An ex boyfriend off.

  • Oh, God.

  • What?

  • You know, the first thing that's just winking at me is the Gabba scum.

  • Heartburn and indigestion.

  • Yeah.

  • What have you got?

  • Issues.

  • I felt like a gassy thing.

  • No.

  • From one end.

  • It's busy in here.

  • It's very, very busy.

  • You got the delicious makeup, sat phone charger, house keys, right.

  • She's old school.

  • She's very old school.

  • Just find that listening to music from my iPhone drains.

  • What is the last song that you've listened?

  • Thio Grail, Jay Z and Justin Timberlake.

  • And then you've got car keys.

  • Ferrari.

  • So what are we doing today?

  • We're going for drinks.

  • Yeah, We're going to get tipsy.

  • Andi, it's my data.

  • Let leaves before I go back to work.

  • Okay, So what's going on with the clothes?

  • This is to pick an outfit for tonight way.

  • Want to try some things on my watch, which is just going for drinks with the gas?

  • You bring someone back later.

  • In fact, she's prepped.

  • I'm feeding this.

  • She's getting married.

  • I'll just be here waiting.

  • Just like a sort of like, uncomfortable uncle.

  • How's it going?

  • Hey, that looks excellent.

  • Hey, says available.

  • I'm ready for action Way.

  • Basically looked like some kind of like dodgy 2017 bride and groom.

  • Wait, Maybe just got married or something.

  • What about tonight?

  • You could always like pop pop back or something.

  • It would be good to connect, you know?

  • I mean, I actually don't like this when I hit it off, I'm actually quite cute underneath.

  • That's why.

  • So you dating anyone?

  • Ugo I got that.

  • I think we owe it to staying.

  • Classic car.

  • Darling, I have been wanting to get you in this bed.

  • Basically, I'm, like, happier now than I have been for the last couple of happy.

  • Really?

  • She is talking.

  • So what is the longest relationship?

  • I have relationships, like, once every two years.

  • That last for that maximum six months.

  • So you're basically commitment?

  • Yeah, I think it's due to like being the care were growing up.

  • My mom, he was mentally ill.

  • So I spent all my childhood being responsible for someone's emotions.

  • As soon as, like, things get really deep with the guard, I freak out.

  • How you getting this out of the wind bed?

  • I'm telling it all easy to lease a lot while you're saying, bro, come on in.

  • I want to come on my yard here.

  • That fucking calm blaze.

  • Yeah, You're really waiting me out.

  • He's on one of my cousins were very still.

  • Do you not like horning?

  • I have means that you have a vibrator.

  • Rapid.

  • Is that like a warden?

  • Progress.

  • Get in that.

  • Maybe, like once every two months.

  • But I'm jacking off slash having sex a lot.

  • I just feel like dinner or whatever you like.

  • Why the hell?

  • No, no, no.

  • No way.

  • So you've always been, like, pretty open about having work done to a vase.

  • What have you had done currently?

  • I've got to live here.

  • And it's about this area.

  • I'll show you bitch from 2012 there.

  • Really parking that stuff for nearly full.

  • Really?

  • Like a semi hard?

  • Is it coming from a place off strength or off?

  • Insecure comes out weakness with me.

  • Are you ready to go?

  • I am ready to rumble you.

  • This has been a pleasure.

  • I'm excited.

  • It's just a guard.

  • Let's go.

  • You just take a photo of us.

  • Go get the Texas trip in your mind.

  • Just levels.

  • Get the fuck up.

  • Now I'm saying, like, just give me one.

I'm so good and so Well, I'm I'm actually outside your hotel.


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B1 中級

和Tulisa一起做好準備! (Getting Ready with Tulisa!)

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