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  • warning.

  • Big clucks inside.

  • Today's gonna be a good one.

  • Hey, welcome back to mine, crab.

  • Yes, I know Minecraft again.

  • But you guys been loving the Minecraft videos so far.

  • And I've been playing around with some Minecraft Mars that I've found literally an incredible one.

  • But that would also explain why there's random stuff happening that nothing to do with the more I want to show you today.

  • Including little guy on the bomb, right?

  • Yeah, I have no idea.

  • Weighs about.

  • But he's copying me.

  • And I've got magic carpets as well.

  • I'm not quite sure why, but that part is pretty cool, I guess.

  • Interesting.

  • It's super cool.

  • Oh, um, just messing around.

  • You can have this if you like, because today we're gonna be opening this chest right here.

  • And as you can see, by the top row of this chest, things were about to get aggressive, Riel.

  • Aggressive.

  • So let me collect all of this stuff real quick.

  • We're gonna need a bow, but you need arrows.

  • We need a sword.

  • We gonna need basically a stack of golden apples.

  • I'm ready for battle and terrorist is looking particularly epic today.

  • So we're gonna be sporting is called the Ender Chicken boss.

  • And also the chaos.

  • Chicken boss?

  • Yes, You heard me.

  • No dragons jumping chickens and I'm going to summon him inside to the lab here.

  • I know tourist is not a big fan of me doing this because it could cause big destruction.

  • But that could be funny, right?

  • His hero walking away for Be great.

  • Okay, To summon this, we need a obsidian one block of diamond and one egg.

  • And then we're gonna need the same thing again, but with a dragon egg to someone, the more powerful chicken.

  • But I should probably take this stuff just in case the whole thing explodes.

  • Travis, I'm in survival mode.

  • I'm scared.

  • Okay, fair enough.

  • So let's plopped down the block of diamond in the middle.

  • And then we need to put obsidian all the way around.

  • And I don't want to misplace this because I haven't got a diamond pick.

  • But we're good.

  • And then finally, I need to throw the egg.

  • This is the bit where you need to leave no trace.

  • You need to leave.

  • Stop following me.

  • It's gonna get dangerous.

  • Here we go.

  • I don't know whether to throw it from over here.

  • I don't know if I can.

  • Let's see if I can What?

  • Suit three.

  • What?

  • Wow.

  • Fine.

  • Here we go, dear.

  • Right.

  • Bam!

  • Oh, here we go.

  • End a chicken it.

  • That's up.

  • Okay, that's not getting quite big.

  • Oh, that's really big.

  • Trust are away.

  • Stay away.

  • Stay away.

  • Don't even go crunch it.

  • What do you doing?

  • Dude, this is huge.

  • Rarest doesn't care.

  • Whatsoever is a standing beneath it Looks pretty cool.

  • Actually, uh, it's got legs, and I think it's a good thing it's hatching.

  • That doesn't sound like a chicken.

  • Oh, are you doing okay?

  • I'll get my gold.

  • Not who I'm going to go now.

  • What is that doing?

  • It's not even going ahead or anything.

  • It is attacking the Aye Aye.

  • Back off, buddy.

  • Oh, it's going ahead.

  • OK, yeah.

  • This was a bad idea.

  • It fires lasers.

  • Dude, this thing is insane.

  • It's got a force field.

  • That looks amazing.

  • To think it's gonna fire a laser.

  • Me?

  • No, it's just gonna charge.

  • Okay.

  • Uh, yeah, This is definitely wrecking the loud Got a mate.

  • I'm supposed to whack them.

  • Cheeky attendees going for with the fisticuffs.

  • You here?

  • What is this chop message?

  • I think I'm gonna die.

  • It's blown a hole in the Oh, my goodness.

  • Okay, What it's doing, it's sporting and flying ender eggs.

  • Okay?

  • Yeah, We're in big trouble.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Exploded!

  • A massive hole in the lab Trailers is destroyed looking.

  • I'm gonna eat another golden apple and try and take this puppy down.

  • It's got a force field, though.

  • I think that's what that little chop message was trying to tell me.

  • Come here.

  • Come here.

  • Right now.

  • So charging around.

  • There we go.

  • Yes.

  • Okay.

  • Perfect.

  • So this has a lot of attacks, All of them.

  • Very, very powerful.

  • And very, very scary.

  • I'm gonna try and hit in the head as many times like an while.

  • He spins around and sends exploding eggs my way.

  • So powerful.

  • It's like something from an anime.

  • You're crazy.

  • Absolutely crazy.

  • What is that noise?

  • I think he might be stuck.

  • You start okay yet you're not stuck.

  • You'll only be lonely alone.

  • Leave me alone.

  • Let me alone.

  • What?

  • Okay, we're almost down to half elf.

  • This is a good thing.

  • I don't know if he takes more damage of you.

  • Him in the throat.

  • But Jesus for his laser coming strong thing is crazy.

  • More golden apples.

  • More Nam's.

  • And I was going to keep on firing these arrows.

  • He's not my crazy, powerful apparently his twin.

  • The Chaos Chicken is insanely powerful.

  • It was like it's loads of gas and just explodes out.

  • What is this?

  • Where did you come from?

  • Get away!

  • I got bigger things to deal with.

  • We've almost We've almost killed him.

  • We almost killed him.

  • What are you doing here?

  • Go!

  • Leave!

  • Why is he staring at me?

  • What?

  • Why is he staring at me?

  • You're not gonna do anything.

  • Okay?

  • Is he is gonna do something so powerful.

  • Where am I?

  • I can hear him.

  • Oh, I can see him.

  • What is going on in that trailer?

  • Somatic scared for you.

  • I'm scared for your life.

  • What is going on?

  • He's He's dying.

  • Who's hurting him?

  • Tourist?

  • Is that you up silverfish?

  • Why's the silverfish charting him?

  • He's so mad.

  • Look, this is weird.

  • I'm just gonna finish him off and see what happens.

  • Here we go.

  • But but one more is that is that he said look, goes.

  • He's spending Yes.

  • Rate on May.

  • That's so much experience.

  • 38 40 0 my goodness.

  • You You are the M V.

  • P.

  • S.

  • In the end.

  • I'm just gonna I'm gonna kill you, though.

  • You're taking my credit for killing the big end of chicken.

  • You to get out of here, please.

  • Okay, I got 66 levels from that.

  • That's absolutely insane.

  • Well, that was the end.

  • The chicken, boss.

  • Now we need to see.

  • Here's a more powerful cousin, the Chaos Chicken, which is promised to be even more powerful.

  • He has Maura.

  • I'm attacks a cz.

  • Well, apparently he looks different.

  • So what better way to wait, West tourists.

  • Where is he?

  • But a dress.

  • Where did you go to be run away?

  • Hope he didn't die.

  • He should be fine.

  • I would have seen a message if he would die it.

  • Where are you?

  • Grimm's over there.

  • So he's okay.

  • He has no idea what's going on through your es lo.

  • Um I have no idea.

  • So while he's not looking, let's try in so many in this guy.

  • Here we go.

  • But it worked.

  • It worked.

  • I'm gonna munch this while I watch your hatch.

  • It says Chaos.

  • Chicken at the top.

  • I have a feeling this is going to be epic.

  • Well, it does take a bit longer.

  • How cool that is.

  • It's called the green instead of the purple.

  • I'm ready to fight.

  • I'm ready to go.

  • Really can't find terrorist anywhere.

  • I'm guessing he's stuck underneath the ground somewhere because of all this destruction.

  • Here it comes.

  • It's charging up.

  • Oh, I just know it's got charge up bar at the top.

  • It's legs will pop out any second and we'll be ready to play for me.

  • The legs showing them legs.

  • Show me.

  • Um hey, Whoa!

  • Look at them pins.

  • Put his own boss music.

  • Could you hear that?

  • He got me in one shots.

  • You've got to be kidding.

  • He stomped on me and killed me instantly.

  • And he's no even fully formed yet one of these particles.

  • What is he doing?

  • All those traitors.

  • What's going on, buddy?

  • Don't be.

  • I've got this under wraps.

  • Oh, my goodness!

  • No, no, no.

  • He's talking.

  • I don't even know what he's saying.

  • Hello.

  • How are you know I used to meet you.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • Don't growl during ground.

  • Please don't go is exploding things all over the place.

  • This guy's definitely more powerful.

  • It is doing the same time.

  • I want full diamond armor and I've been scrambled.

  • I don't think I could do this.

  • He's so powerful, I can't even hits him.

  • He's in the air.

  • How am I supposed to hit you with my sword trippers?

  • Look out!

  • Please!

  • Look out!

  • Cover!

  • Buddy!

  • Being a beef at.

  • Come on!

  • Come down to my level so I can smack you.

  • I can't believe you come in your shoes.

  • It's actually kind of cool.

  • Jealous?

  • Come here.

  • Come down here so I can talk to you properly.

  • Tourist has no idea what's going on.

  • Don't don't know that Move!

  • You idiot stars out!

  • You survived.

  • He's down there somewhere.

  • There is no I can't even get close without him destroying me.

  • I have got my arm.

  • Or did it?

  • I did!

  • I did it!

  • Okay, we get it from afar now.

  • Duties poop it out.

  • Them things.

  • Those are the things that kill me straight away.

  • He keeps re genin.

  • He keeps rejecting his shield.

  • I got it.

  • Yes, You die now.

  • Okay, You kill me instead.

  • But it always firing at, but he's missing, and I'm kind of okay with that.

  • Where you going?

  • Hey, Come back in.

  • Great.

  • He's fighting something.

  • What are you fighting?

  • Oh, not me.

  • Not me.

  • Not me.

  • I didn't say anything.

  • I didn't say anything.

  • No, He's like Godzilla, but worse.

  • He just keeps rejecting this shield, which is a big problem Flat.

  • Got you.

  • I'm gonna get your toes.

  • You don't like that?

  • I'm close.

  • This bow was taken like 10 minutes.

  • Bye.

  • Mocha And I've died about 1000 times.

  • I can't even hide underneath because he's gonna destroy me.

  • Come on, we can do this.

  • Is you doing?

  • What is he doing?

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Oh, I see him.

  • I was gonna say I thought you re charged up until, like, full health again.

  • I was not doing that again.

  • Look at this.

  • What did he drop?

  • What is this file of affirmation ingredient To craft a flying thing.

  • We want you to drop the thing for a magic carpet.

  • How is that even possible?

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

  • What is happening?

  • Whoa, I don't think Is that supposed to happen?

  • That was freaky.

  • It's like he's haunted the world.

  • Do you see that?

  • Order is going on?

  • But so with Well, that was quite the, um that was quite the experiment on this.

  • This is gonna be a very, very expensive mistake for me.

  • Um, look at this.

  • It's absolutely destroyed.

  • I think you destroyed part of the satellite as well.

  • He went up there.

  • He was angry.

  • This has been one of the craziest bosses that I've faced in Minecraft trust.

  • Charles coming up, I'm a little bit worried to come up to him.

  • He's gonna have his angry face on.

  • Andi is not very pleased that I did all this damage Terrorists Droz.

  • Is that worth it?

  • Buddy?

  • You okay?

  • You're upset.

  • No, Lord, don't say that.

  • I'm so sorry, buddy.

  • Come on.

  • What would make it worth it?

  • Ah.

  • Okay.

  • You know what guys trust said If you even like on this video that he might forgive you, but I don't know how many likes is going.

  • T o is gonna make up for this.

  • We need to make a lot of diamonds to try and rebuild this.

  • I definitely should have spawned outside, shouldn't I?

  • But you know what?

  • It was cool.

  • I enjoyed it.

  • He's never gonna talk to me again.

  • Guys, that you have it.

  • That's what happens when you spawn in the end of chicken and also the chaos chicken the to these crazy bosses I have ever faced inside Minecraft.

  • If you enjoy this, please leave it like that.

  • Be greatly appreciated.

  • If you're enjoying more Minecraft content, that'd be great.

  • Subscribe to feel pride new as well for more Minecraft on also different videos every single day.

  • You don't wanna miss out.

  • That would be bad.

  • And if you're in the UK, I am bringing my brand's new never before seen live Show two of the UK Very soon you get your tickets in description below, but get them soon because they're going quick.

  • But thank you so much watching.

  • I got some money to make to try and try and fix this lab and I'll see you next time.

  • Be capital round Chickens, guys.



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