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anyone who created.
I think all of the rebels, people and all of the unwanted people should host a little meet and greet in Anaheim, California, on the same day.
Zzzz bit gone I'd love to do it tohave Shane and his friends supporting my convention is literally the most jaw droppings here jerking emotional thing to have ever happened to me.
Like I literally every single day, once a day get brought to tears at the fact that Shane loves me and supports me.
We're never getting in because there's no way to fucking get in way.
Yeah, okay, this is there's a lot going on right now.
Um, I am about to go interview Tana Tana Mojo about a lot of things.
But we've been filming all day today because a bunch of stuff happened that I'm gonna get Thio.
I literally don't even know where to start.
I'll serve it.
Tana con wa supposed to be Tana's version of vidcon.
It's a convention where you can meet your favorite youtuber.
It's inclusive and anybody can come And it was being marketed as like a free version of it con.
If you guys wanna leave me suggestions of places in Anaheim to throw a free me angry I've got in this here, let me know I'll find a place and I'm gonna do it.
And this all started because Tana made a video about Vin Kong where she was saying, Oh, they treated her poorly.
Not only did Vidocq on decided last minute not to make me a featured creator, but they decided it would be better if they banned me from their event for life.
They were, you know, doing one of shady things to YouTubers.
But every year you guys do everything in your power to make it hell for me.
But only after I promote the shit out of your event.
And don't you think that's fucked up?
She wanted to create her version of it, but better.
I would love to make the shit bigger, better and freer than video.
And then when that video went out, a lot of YouTubers started tweeting about it and kind of like sighting with her.
Like a lot of YouTubers, we're like we you create team Tana.
And reportedly there are already 80 confirmed creators to attend your Miranda sings Ricky Dylan Casey Neistat, Bella Thorne.
It was pretty crazy.
His tan is one of those people were She's very polarizing.
A lot of people don't like her.
A lot of people think she's a mess like they don't trust her.
They think she's lying a lot, but for some reason this specific thing everybody was like I'm on team Tana.
Personally, I hope it does well because the success of others and people being more independent in this community leads to more success for others being independent in this community.
So then Tana Khan became reality.
She was planning a convention the same weekend as Vidcon.
It starts tomorrow at the same time Vidcon is happening right down the street from God, literally within walking distance.
On this convention, she was saying was gonna be free or have really cheap V I p tickets.
And I would love to me, You guys are free because there are cancer free and all your favorite creators were gonna be there.
She texted me and she was like, Hey, I totally understand if you don't want to come, but like it would mean the world to me if you did, and I said Yes.
I've been on YouTube for a long time.
I was literally at the first call back in 2009 or 2010.
Hey, Shira Lazar coming to you backstage at Vidcon with Shane Dawson.
How was it?
Because this is the first ever pecan conference of its kind.
When it was just 1000 people, it was a few YouTubers and it's really small.
And I was there in my fucking ugly, vast straight in here.
So can you sign my book, please?
Of course.
And I did that because the Green Brothers, you know, asked me to do it, and they wanted me to support them, and I didn't.
So that's why I decided to go to Tanna con because I wanted to support Tina.
She's trying something new, And I was like, You know what?
Hey, Conventions.
I've made a big on forever.
I hate this shit.
Let's do it.
So I didn't really do much research on anything.
I didn't really know anything going into it, except for the fact that, like my face, was on the list of people next to Bella Thorne, I don't know.
And I was gonna do me and create I was like, All right, sounds good.
Like this wasn't my convention, okay?
I wasn't a part of the planning.
I wasn't a part of anything except for the fact that I was like, Sure, I'll come.
Which now, in retrospect, is the worst decision I think I've ever made.
She created her own event called Tana Con.
And it got shut down today.
Not on Lee was tank on failure, but it was a safety hazard here.
I need everybody to move it out.
What is in this parking lot?
With no bathrooms, no water, no water caused riots.
It caused so many thousands of people to get sunburns.
Third degree burns on their bodies were in line for almost five hours.
As you can see, I am burns.
Actually, this hurts.
People were passing out.
Nobody was even getting into the convention center.
The convention center wasn't even a convention center.
It was a hotel lobby the size of a chipotle eight.
And they were acting like 5000 people in there.
Which is crazy.
This is crazy.
To what?
So you end up, you end up right here, but you start waiting back here.
And then of course, it was canceled.
Can't be too many people.
There's a lot of drama involving Matt, and you have James Charles going on a Twitter rant.
I was with him when he was ranting, and I mean, I know he was getting a lot of shit for it, but I agreed everything.
Saying this was a mess was a mess.
Tana wasn't taking accountability.
She wasn't returning anybody's phone calls or texts.
Her team was being confused and like not helping, either.
Everything about this Waas, it's like every we've been on Children.
All right, boys, like the captain said, Nice and cheery, so there's no panic wedding dance now it got cancelled.
Thank God nobody got seriously hurt.
But now we're left in a place where I don't know if anybody's getting refunds.
I haven't been able to really talk to anybody.
But even more confusing, I've been hearing some crazy theories that maybe all of this was planned to fail.
It sounds crazy, but why else would they have a hotel lobby where it says on the website it fits 1000 people?
Why would they sell 5000?
Also, in all the videos of people at con, everybody purchased tickets.
Everyone featured fucking traitor.
I have not seen a single mother.
She has seen any people that claim they got free passes or anything.
No, no.
She said that there were seven separate lines for V I, p and regular.
But whenever I went through the line, there was no difference at all.
Nobody saw anybody with a free ticket, which is the whole thing.
Oh, Cam is giving out free tickets, and I would love to me, you guys are free to cause a rock concert free.
Where are they?
And then the big story was 20,000 people showed up.
And that's why we can't lose 20,000 fucking crazy teenagers showed up and ruined everything for everybody.
It Well, she expected about 5000 people to show up.
20,000 people showed up.
Then you look at the actual footage and it doesn't not look like 20,000 people.
Everybody that's been there that I've talked to, you said no.
Maybe a few $1000.1.
And then you start to think.
Okay, what if this whole thing was bullshit?
There wasn't free tickets.
What if everybody paid $65 for a ticket and freer, then video and What if 1000 of them were inside on the other 4000 paid to be there were outside waiting to get in.
But there was literally no room.
So it wasn't a riot.
It wasn't like a bunch of crazy people saying Fuck vidcon.
It was kids who paid money to be there, standing out the sun, burning their ass off.
Now, the reason this makes sense to me is because number one who the fuck is good times?
Touring company?
Who is that?
I've never heard of them.
I don't know what they are.
Are they even rial number to look at this picture?
Okay, this is a picture of a group of 20,000 people.
This is what it looks like.
All right, Now, this is the supposed 20,000 people that were outside of town a con, huh?
That's not the same.
Now, I know a lot of people are gonna be like Shane.
Shut up.
Why do you care so much?
Who cares?
It's not your convention.
Nobody blames you, like get over and move on.
I've heard that from a lot of people on the Internet, in my life, people are just like you stop giving so much of a fuck about this.
The reason I do is because I went into this thinking, Oh, this satanic on Theo.
You know, it's gonna be all tennis fans, and maybe I'll be walking around and it's like, Oh, there's there's the grandpa of you to bow that Shane.
Well, that old guy who does conspiracies cool, but like where you're for Diana, why would anybody who watches Tana give a fuck about me?
I don't know.
But when I saw all the footage and I saw the kids making videos that were there, so many of them said they went there specifically to see me.
Oh, I think now I mean, there was kids who flew there to see me.
As soon as he announced that he was going, I bought a ticket, and then I was like, Oh, no need to fly.
You need a hotel and stuff.
Can I afford all of this?
No, but I did.
I was like, Oh, that's really cool, you know, like Shane Dawson doesn't really go out to conventions.
I spent $2000 to fly from Hawaii.
Well, that's another thing.
I don't even know if I'll get to meet Shane tomorrow.
I paid 1000 just to be here with my plane to gate and with the hotel.
There were so many people walking around in my picture and my other merge and with the Illuminati pop sockets.
And I think that's when it really hit really close to home.
This isn't tannic on anymore.
This is like all of us, Khan and all of these kids.
We're fucked over, and I'm part of that.
You know, my face was on the fucking website.
I told people Come see me and they got nothing.
Really, really got They got fucked.
I'm gonna say this right now.
The main reason why I bought Tana con tickets and like, beg to go on like my mom got this week.
My birthday was because of Shane, because I've been watching him for 10 years.
Like since I was, like, literally 12.
And it's been like eating at me.
I have been not sleeping.
I even was up at five AM doing Instagram live.
Just talking about it because I needed to talk about and everybody around.
He was sick of hearing about it, and I'm sick of just people being like, I'll make it better, like I will you And I think the main reason I want to really figure this shit out is because I'm mad.
I'm mad that all of these people that paid money were lied to.
But more importantly, they were disappointed, and they thought they were gonna have a really fun, awesome time Tana made this whole video about Oh, this could be better than they caught.
It's me so much fun.
This is for you guys.
And like it was fucking If I was Tana, I would be to the point where I wanted to literally move out of the country.
That's another thing, too.
I want to talk to Tanna and be like, What the fuck were you thinking?
Was this your fault?
Whose fault was this?
And why haven't you figured out a way to fix it?
Because there's only so much tweets can actually d'oh and somebody needs to pay for it.
So So I guess the last thing I want to leave you guys with is a question.
I think a big part of it was gonna be like the constant back I said.
But the guy Michael the guy who was the CEO CEO of whatever good times is I don't even know if that's a real thing.
I don't Is it a company?
But in all the footage that people have in common, like all the crazy chaos, the rights, whatever you just see this guy with, like, bleeds blond hair like a Gucci necklace scarf fame, he's just a Segway ing around.
The convention like set went like it was the craziest thing I've ever seen.
Man, that would be crazy.
What's going you, literally?
I texted.
I was like, Hey, I need to talk to somebody about literally something, he said.
I'm so sad.
I invested every penny in this to make this work.
I'm gonna lose my house over this now I'm thinking like everybody's blaming him, saying that Tana Khan was a nightmare because people who organized it were scamming everybody.
But were they were?
Was it Tana Tana?
No, I wanna interview both of them.
Yeah, that's well, that's interesting.
That's crazy, right?
Like in the at the same time, I didn't think about that.
Oh my God, because it's not even about, like, exposing like drama T.
It's literally not t.
It's like there's some fucked up shit going on, and I want to know what it is.
And I'm sick of seeing like public statements about it from like, People's Twitter's.
I want to hear what the fuck happened, and they're just gonna wait for it to go away.
I know that what company is owned by 22 20 year old guy in a Segway like, What is that?
I'll take requests.
Three Importantly, I want to hear from the people that were there.
I already talked to one girl, Caitlin.
I saw video.
She posted where she was showing sunburns.
She was talking about, like how she flew out to me.
Specifically, me and you guys, my friends.
So I met up with her.
I took a picture with her and you can see in our center in the picture.
It's crazy like that.
Her whole chest was, like, literally crazy, right?
It makes sense, though.
I mean, they were standing outside for four hours of the sun, just beating on you with obviously not anticipating that.
So you don't have, like, a hat or some screen or anything to cover yourself up.
There was these two girls.
I saw tweeting about this and they came from Florida.
That's another thing people are like, Oh, she and calm down.
Like most people were from California.
Most people were just from Vic on.
Like, you know, I think a lot of people feel about here for this.
Then when I have the list they sent me the list of people that are repeated for my specific meeting.
Most of them went off for most of them are like Texas.
I also just want to know.
Like what?
They should be done.
It's cold out.
I know.
Okay, I'm nervous.
Are they gonna be mad at me?
I don't know.
I put my name on this thing.
I'm on the flyer.
Belafonte born and like, whoever else.
Like, was it partially my fault for not doing my research and being like, Oh, what the fuck is this company?
Is this even rial?
I guess you should have thought about that.
Let's go.
Sorry, I'm not showered this very way.
Just wanted coming.
You're from Florida?
Welcome to Tannen.
Let's go inside.
I think you've been standing in the sun.
It's so good.
You know We're used to it.
Water this time around.
What would have happened if you didn't know?
Or did you not get the email?
I didn't bring enough food for everyone.
E experience that things were really I'm sorry.
Dirty is your magic also.
Wait, wait.
Um, it smells in here because that's my pooping out there.
But you, the whole house, that's the Gucci bag Hide in the closet.
Because I feel that you really I just realized No.
What was number two?
Yeah, Yeah, I know.
She might have some, too.
I don't know.
Oh, my God.
People were, like, kind of covering me.
Those people were coming to save her.
People were like, You're really I mean, it was just kind of like I mean, she was already like to hydrate the point.
We I mean, granted, we should have showed up with water, and so we kind of just did you just ridiculous.
Like, I remember the words of one mom walking around.
It got so bad.
We're like family was making for eight hours.
She was just like my daughter's been sitting here for hours and I don't think they came from Canada or something.
and they were saying And the thing is, though, like we just we felt so bad little time knowing that, like, we didn't want you guys.
I think it was on you we didn't like.
And you have no reason to think that.
But for the longest time, just thinking, you know, we can't imagine what she must be thinking right now.
Like this.
Honestly, Like I know you said, and your video, it wasn't Tanika on why we don't want a panic on.
We came for you like somebody looking for you.
And we were just We were holding on hope and we just We knew as soon as like, I want to sing an hour and we just knew wasn't that happen.
But, I mean, we just try to hold on.
We don't want you to be upset me like we're speaking.
We're here for everybody that wants to meet you.
I wasn't trying to I just don't like show fucked up over this.
I know.
It seems like maybe it seems fake or something.
I literally haven't slept in so long.
I feel so awful.
I like thinking about people out in the sun for that long and kids and there's no water.
And then you guys were just, like thinking, Oh, well, at least we're gonna meet some of our favorite YouTubers.
At least that's gonna happen.
And then that fucking doesn't happen and you leave bird.
And then here I am like, there was nothing you could've done.
I mean, we were, you know, of course of the time, we're like, you know, this job, why didn't manage it sooner, But it's like she didn't know anything that was going on.
We made it.
We were Unfortunately, after being inside, you were way so.
But the thing is, I can tell you right now I can verify everything that you said in your video.
There was no security, nothing in terms of a bad check When we when they canceled the event, we thought shooting was going on because they knew that I didn't kick back.
We're doing our best, though, to make sure that every single person being let inside was going through a double triple security pass.
It felt like we were in a conspiracy.
How your time?
I knew I view there were not 15,000 additional people there.
There was not a chance.
We were in the building.
We circle around, we saw a group like the group does come in.
Those were people that were waiting in line.
Those were all the rest of the 5000 people.
I never got it.
We had all 5000 people inside of Tana Corn today.
They were not 15,000 people.
15,000 people.
Please imagine like the Super Bowl, you know, like I don't even know what to say.
Like, was there a thing where you guys genuinely thought it was like way went to the front to get water because I was, like, about, like, feet?
I thought there was a shooting.
No, there's overcapacity.
Crazy's part is Christina Grimmie thing was like a mean, great people, like get this truly was even 5000 people.
They can't believe something.
I agree.
Really Talk to people walking with duffel bags back.
Big backpacks, news checking They were and I mentioned Andrew Way originally purchased two V i p tickets.
I wanna say, like a record to bath for Tamika was announced.
Those tickets we never confirmation we were charged it.
I still have like the receipts.
I know the lady she said, Oh, I'm sorry.
What was the name of reserve under?
And it was completely lost registration, and it was just a nightmare.
I just like I told the girls, like, who was running this?
I said, I know it's not like that That was just on the subway going around like So who is in charge of this?
And she's like, Honestly, I don't really know.
I'm just like here, working this part you have inside I want to fuck wasn't tartness because it wasn't Tana Can Akane would not be Tana con if it wasn't for each and every fucking one of you theorize that the guy on the subway, I find it hard to believe that because I mean this guy's a year older than me, and I'm not saying on high and mighty, but I can't order convention.
Tanis himself like it.
She can turn herself, and the funny thing is to I don't have it saved anymore.
But as soon as I tried to go back and find those tickets, I had the tab saved.
I refresh the page and it literally said Page not found.
It's like organization or page linked to scams like that's exactly what it is that I'm not joking.
I'm not exactly that.
I mean, dead serious.
I don't have it anymore.
Was on my laptop, but it literally said, linked to scam, please.
River over something like it literally said that.
You know, we were under the impression that we were gonna be invited to, like, all meet ups, like we get fast pass for one.
But you could go to as many as you want in the fine print says you're trying to guarantee the one way and also how fast past working.
5000 people have them.
I e like, I don't know what that means.
Like Tana was told that it could fit 5000 people, do you think?
Not a chance, not a chance.
There was going to say 200 people where that was where we were.
And that was the biggest part of a lot.
But what can I do?
We'll continue to do to make this up.
I'm gonna be real with you.
There's nothing that's gonna make everybody happy.
The suggestion that you put out, I think are the best solution in terms of like making me for those that are local.
Clearly, we're seeing people who aren't local.
Some people were the comments, she said.
Young girls have come to Egypt.
I thought That is not realistic, I it's horrible, but it's just not realistic.
Even just making a video like you are making these, like live streams of announcements.
Just you.
Acknowledging the situation was already such a light years ahead.
That is the whole day after like like the first day of panda car was happening.
She didn't say one word like on Twitter.
And then when you said something and now a lot, because like no one else was acknowledging the problem questions or just completely being ignored, everybody's confused, disappointed.
Wait, you guys did You guys are soupy from me that we are thinking about to the street.
Come over here.
They sent me a list and it looked shady.
It was like it was only 390.
There's no keeping a lot of chance.
There's no way, way Oh, no.
Did you guys get like the V I.
Yes, we have the passes and everything like that.
Do you?
I just kept I mean, it was This is like eyes at that point.
We were just like you know what?
It's something.
It was kind of like we reached a point of, like, you know what?
At least we can say we were here.
This literally is like, this is what they give you at the hospital.
Like to put your shoes feel it literally is like, That's not even materials like plastic.
Let's do it on.
Oh, well, you got more than I did.
E I just math quick.
So parents three times their ticket price.
So this must be this must be an expensive ass calling thing.
This Gucci princess.
Okay, this must have been from the Gucci store because I would never stickers.
You know, it looks like something from the doctor on duty, like Gucci princess.
I mean, that's so ironic.
It's like you guys were all standing out e like they got a Gucci friend says it's been six hours.
You know what I'm doing?
I got tweeted condom.
I heard that it like I heard that it was like, I mean, like, really achieved.
It's like Trojan.
I mean, e think anybody use that.
Thank God gave you guys condoms because you guys are what is Trump.
Everybody was without water.
There were a few people who actually got one model daughter.
And it was literally that steam room victorious where they all took one cap full.
It was I'm not exaggerating.
Tana is going to go and pretend that she cares about people right now by giving water so that people are gonna get in because this whole event is cancelled for the day.
There were people literally clapping because there was one person handing out bottles of water within light and even every like 100 increments.
It so hard to think that people, other people could put other people through that thing if this was truly planned to make it as chaotic as it Waas.
And I hate to think that too, just, you know, get their name out there, get their crowd out there.
Any publicity's publicity for them?
Unfortunately, and that's the first make into mine.
It's like, you know, it's a bad reputation, gets their name out there.
You really think that that whole thing, this whole company could have just been like I didn't even think about that?
You think it could have been set up to fail so that it would be like this.
I think so.
A company is not going to care about one single.
You two were.
Unfortunately, Santana was the face of this.
Tana was the one that took the fall.
You think about it.
They didn't come for the organization.
First they came for Tana Furs.
Can is not the person of Lane here.
It's the company.
And that's when people started questioning it.
They're not gonna get a terrible one.
You to proof.
It means that they get their name out there type of way, using a company by the name of good times.
I don't blame Diana for this.
So do you think that there was no free tickets?
Do you think that was a scam?
I think so.
The whole thing was just about money.
It was It's the saddest thing because it's so many people came there with hopes of meeting just their favorite creators.
Just being there for Dana being supporters doing what they did.
Well, motto to meet your fever.
That was hooking.
Yeah, I was the whole thing under loved here on your feature.
Fucking wake Tanna con.
You're not gonna get kicked out of you unless you do something.
So are you shutting the whole event?
Are you here now?
I have to interview that guy.
Which c o of good times?
Michael Weiss.
What would you say to him?
I would say, Were we as fans and the creators were our safety and well being considered first, was that the number one priority?
Because if it was your liners, So as I was talking to the girls who came over, um, I got a phone call from Tana and I went to the other room and she was just freaking out.
Andrew came over when I was talking and we started recording phone call.
Yeah, I mean, way we're trying to hold out.
She don't know we're filming.
And, uh, here's I feel like it doesn't matter my you doing people because I can't keep doing this to people like just everything.
I get it.
I understand you're going to the fullest extent.
I think, you know, after talking to these kids, it's like they just want to hear us talk about they want to hear you talk about it.
Even if you don't know everything they just want like more I drink.
I've been really afraid for the past.
You need about staying anything negative about Michael all the time because it's like, no matter how you did me like, it's my fault, They I agreed I should have listened to people.
You work with him.
I should have done your research.
But, you know, I just don't know.
I don't know what to say, but you talk about the fact that I would like to have a venue and possibly sizes mild.
Michael literally got people from.
And I'm like, Marriott delighted me about the guy saying those things I do.
I just take full lane.
I I think we say everything.
I want to interview Michael to know right after I left all of us here without transportation, back to L.
And like all the people, I want to go with Palin.
From the time I sold out for Gabby.
She's so upset, I don't even know what to say.
Where are you right now?
Well, I think we have to do this tonight.
I think we have to get this out as soon as possible.
I'm, like, terrified.
Like I feel like I just don't have the answers that everyone wants.
My holy can say what, Michael, hold me.
And then I went and did my best.
So, like research, like I have meetings.
He had people tell me everything.
You know what I mean?
Like, I believed him gets popped up, fucked up.
My fucking fans have to go through anything like this.
So, so, so fucked up.
Michaels, I like I don't know what to do to make it right.
But obviously, like with any of your help, I trust you.
You think that this should be my response?
Like your video?
Okay, I agree.
That's what I'm afraid I was.
I think with other things in the past, I go very, like, impulsive and just say everything And, like, I don't want people.
So you don't know what you're saying.
You're lying.
Whatever I want, like, just be able to talk like, you know, I think people trust you trust me enough.
And they know that I'm not like this bullshit.
And I'm not gonna bullshit so fix it with the people that bought tickets.
I'm just terrified, letting people who love me the most down I did.
I don't know how to come back.
I we're gonna do it.
I got you.
I love you.
I don't know why Even have it in your heart.
We had a chance for me to talk to try to make things better.
You were the best person I will ever know.
Thank you.
Of course I love you.
Keep me posted.
Please, please get me closer.
He left town.
Let's I was gonna figure out, like, where did you go?
Where does he live?
Text guy.
What the fuck that sounds like.
That's like Bernie made of.
Bernard Madoff has just been sentenced for the biggest investment fraud in Wall Street history.
Okay, Just texted and said I'm doing a video about all of this, and I want to interview all sides and make sure it's balanced and not bullshit.
Are you around, Michael?
I mean, even if it's just like a phone call.
Oh, my God.
I just got a text.
Oh, my God.
There are thousands people crying their terms, and she just fine.
You're good.
You're good party.
Like, why do people look up to that?
That sounds really means there's so much more wrong than two people outside.
And that's the first problem that you think that that's the only thing wrong.
Well, this is taken quite a turn.
Oh, my God.