Mycareerdriedup, and I'm 27 workingasanicecreamman, I wrote a bookaboutworkingatanicecreamshop, whichisthisplacerighthere.
Butnowit's closeddown, and I juststarted a jobat a sushiplacedownthestreet.
It's December 6 2006 andwell, letmejuststartbysaying I'm happytoseeyou.
Um, yeah, I don't rememberexactlyhow I discoveredYouTube, butonce I discoveredthatpeopleweremakingvideoblog's andliketalkingabouttheirlifeandstuff, itjustsoundedappealingtomelikeif I wasfrustratedaboutsomething, I wouldcomehomeand I wouldsay, uh, like, I getallangryandtalkaboutit.
Allof a sudden, onedayoneofthemwentviralovernight.
I was 15 yearsoldandnotthatcool.
Thenallof a sudden, there's thisgroupofverysupportivepeopleamongst a massive, angrypeoplealso.
So I remember I message I justsenthim a messageonYouTubethinking, Youknow, I don't knowwhatthebusinesscaseshere, butlikeclearlythispersonistalented.
I didn't YouTubevideosveryintenselyforlike, a yearand 1/2.
I think I made 100 and 50 videosinthatperiodoftime, and I wasgettingfor a whilemaybe a 1,000,000 views a weekorsomething, whichis a wholelotbackthenandthen I stoppedafter a whilebecauseitjustfeltlike a lotofpressureandfeltweirdIn a way, itfeltliketherewasmaking, makingfriendsandconnectingwithpeople.