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  • Jim and I love you so much that I handed the stop before We get too far in this video.

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  • Man has spent $150,000 on numerous surgeries.

  • Can't feel his face all to look like his K pop idol, Jim, and he wants to look like Jim and oh, oh, you know I'm not gonna lie.

  • I had the k pop bug bite Me, too, But I think you know there's a limit.

  • There's a limit to everything.

  • My God!

  • All right, let's watch this.

  • Well, I want my life to revolve around K pop on about my entirely up to look like women needs be Jessica's For me, he's perfection.

  • I just kind of wanna I mean, he's not wrong.

  • If you gotta pick anyone to look like Jim, and that's not a bad pick, at least maybe if you're Korean, at least I don't Oh, God, I don't want to be me, But it's gonna be hard about my entire look to look like Jimmy is gonna stay my cape up I go, yeah, Oh, no, Jim!

  • And from beaches is this Cape of Idol.

  • He's like a 12 year old teenage girl trapped in an adult man's body.

  • That's what this is, because that's what they would do, right?

  • BTS, baby.

  • In 2013 I'm getting Bar Baker wives from This is what is his old universe bait marker.

  • The Korean version.

  • Mark Baker thistles his current hostile alive.

  • Unless one from the Replicator.

  • You know, you can have your own hair, son.

  • Right, Jim, And change our style.

  • I have to change it to because I don't know.

  • I want to pay him.

  • I have a question like okay, Pop stars us what?

  • He wants to be him, but he also have a crush on him.

  • What is that?

  • How does that work?

  • It's getting creepier as we go.

  • These are some of my shoes that these ones, they're very, very, very striking.

  • Especially with the spikes on the K pop stars.

  • Where this particular brand as well these ones were expensive 10 my God.

  • 7 90 This one was my most expensive clothing item.

  • 753 How did they always afford this?

  • This is why some people needs to be poor.

  • Okay?

  • Ofan poor women actually borders in the fake love video.

  • So I'm super obsessed that where All the time It's so Yeah, this is very special to me because obviously Jim in war, the same one I'm gonna go on a limb here and say this man is obsessed with Jim.

  • And if any one of you fuckers ever do this on me, I will shoot you.

  • I will shoot you in the face.

  • I don't have guns, but I'll figure it out.

  • Okay?

  • Pop stars have so much pressure before they even become famous.

  • They have to train for four years.

  • They lived together and trained eight hours a day.

  • It's all manufactured the way they look, the way they performed a look.

  • Incredibly perfect.

  • Yeah, that's the whole thing, right?

  • It's old manufacturer.

  • They all do surgery in Korea.

  • It's old.

  • Just cos producing these stars, like, out of a treadmill.

  • And you want to appropriate that when I actually watch the images, I cried just cause that's a beautiful.

  • That's definitely normal.

  • You guys have a crying watching my videos.

  • That's okay, though one is actually an original fighter.

  • Oh, when I think how long ago this was maybe like see, he looks fine.

  • You look fine.

  • You don't have to look like J main.

  • You don't have to look like Jemaine.

  • You look better there.

  • I'll say it.

  • You look way better there gives the thing with plastic surgery is like, Yeah, I understand you have some part of you that you maybe want to change, but you look like plastic surgery.

  • It's not like a natural look.

  • You looked like surgery happened to your face, and I don't understand how that is helping anyone had very bad acne.

  • When I was in school on, I had a very last time.

  • I checked.

  • You don't need surgery for acne.

  • Where's all the acne, then?

  • I think my nose is very big.

  • It's horrible.

  • I can't.

  • It's very hard to look at it.

  • I don't even recognize the person I come.

  • I just don't even seem to relate to this person.

  • It's it's weird.

  • I had all of the fatty tissue.

  • Ah was gonna be a British Caucasian.

  • But I would like to look as close as possible to Koreans like Korean pop stars.

  • And Jimmy wants to look as closely as possible to Kirby.

  • That is so weird.

  • That's weird, right?

  • That's what I hear.

  • He's like my version of like in Japan.

  • I don't know.

  • This could be me guys.

  • He undergoes surgery on Ben.

  • He's supposed to meet up with his friends, and they judge it afterwards.

  • And this is where he gets really French.

  • So what do you guys think of the new look then?

  • It's obviously very different.

  • Like what do you think the eyes are?

  • Is taking me a little bit of time to just do, actually, because yes.

  • Do you know it's still made?

  • You feel like it's still mail?

  • Do I look more like Jimmy?

  • I don't ever want to picture you.

  • Start.

  • Oh, my God.

  • You're upset a little bit because you're outside.

  • I just don't want you to get to a point where you can't do anything.

  • I mean, well, I think we cross that threshold.

  • Heaven.

  • We looking at how he used to look, I'm not gonna get addicted.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, say it.

  • Do you know, I don't think I've done that much.

  • You know what?

  • How do you think you know?

  • He's Is he?

  • You know, I don't think it's an addiction.

  • I just think it, sir.

  • I have a strong interest in pursuing my my gold.

  • They don't I don't have anyone doing this eyes.

  • Really.

  • It's very common thing in Korea.

  • In Korea.

  • Wait.

  • You know I'm obsessed with Korea or yeah, they do.

  • I heard about this.

  • They do the puff underneath the ice.

  • Actually, that's very popular.

  • I think.

  • I think that's the surgery.

  • You did.

  • Why do I know this?

  • Yeah, it's a trend because it's it's a thing.

  • In Korea, it is a point like it's weird for me.

  • Think of a good equivalent that doesn't sound too races.

  • So I'm just not going to say it, But it's weird.

  • That's mine.

  • That's not my goal.

  • I want to look Korean.

  • What even is Jimmy?

  • Jimmy O.

  • I don't want to get a lateral can for Busty with its cutting incisions here and kind of cutting the skin out.

  • Then it's already planning to make the eyes more of an almond shape.

  • I don't want to look like a wants to make the eyes more of an almond shaped.

  • You basically want, like the typical Korean eyes.

  • Imagine leaving coming back.

  • He's got chin implants.

  • It looks exactly like the Chad mean He's got the haircut, He's got the big nose, He's got the muscles.

  • That would be amazing.

  • I'm not addicted.

  • I just want to pursue perfection.

  • So now a year later.

  • Ali has not 100% reach his goal yet.

  • He's not evicted.

  • Okay, stop it.

  • He's doing a couple more surgeries in Korea.

  • Transfer Gangnam style.

  • I know that reference.

  • It's like that song that he already looks so different form into a K pop star.

  • It's gonna be very painful.

  • No, actually, changing my race, cultural appreciation.

  • But you are changing to look exactly like a Korean person.

  • And that's what you said in the last video.

  • You know, I'm not changing my race.

  • I'm just trying to look exactly like another race.

  • Cultural appropriation, gold, total appreciation.

  • I like that.

  • I'm not going to see my new fight.

  • They're going to see these are new friends.

  • Things are different friends.

  • It's one of those that goes through a cycle of new friends every year or what's happening, or he has more than two friends.

  • Maybe that's it.

  • I can't really do that.

  • Oh God on their bodies and I feel for them in the way.

  • So now that I'm back in Korea, I'm really trying to find Jim in.

  • I'm going to all of his favorite hangouts, favorite places.

  • I love you, I love you so much Saturn hand d S r may are made.

  • And what about the BTS stands?

  • Think about this guy because they're the most insane people on the planet.

  • That's a very not everyone, not everyone.

  • Some of the mind.

  • I think that's pretty fair a man.

  • And they would go very harsh on him.

  • So I was able to release the K pop music video, which I never dreamed would happen before my dream and hopefully meeting women.

  • Most important reason that I mean career is obviously for my beautiful transformation, which I'm about to undergo.

  • He's doing another surgery.

  • Guys 1st 500 didn't do the trick, but he's not addicted to have him in my stallion, though, isn't it?

  • Look at that.

  • And also he's literally me.

  • With Japan, I better reducing my cheekbone, which I'm having the bone shades down.

  • So he's explained to his friend what the surgery procedure is, and I really love this big.

  • It's coming.

  • I know it's gonna be paying with some very painful I know, but it's an amazing hospital.

  • Amazing medical teams on his weapon.

  • You know, if a person clearly has done a lot of surgery already, looks at you when you tell them about your surgery that way.

  • And maybe that should be an indicator that maybe you're doing a couple too many of the surgeries.

  • That's is my Korean People love me that you every memorial do Every man will you distant in the sand with you saying that society.

  • But there's always that look at the changing planes.

  • Like those shining planes, it's to make it stick out more Lima holding this I am finally back in London.

  • It's now being two months since my surgery hates us.

  • Christ, he's a potato.

  • Damn you swell up alive.

  • Thanks for that picture.

  • All right, so now it's time to reel for the friends, the friends, its name, You know, you may find a solution.

  • I've got something to tell you guys.

  • You might not take it.

  • Well, yeah, I think he had a face behind it.

  • What did he know?

  • I'm so confused.

  • I can't tell the difference.

  • Am I crazy?

  • I can't tell the difference.

  • He looks from place.

  • Exor Gery to place exert before.

  • Okay.

  • I told his mom totally.

  • Go tell your mom.

  • Yes, please.

  • Where does it you know?

  • It makes me happy and I look, I look 18 now so I can hide my real age.

  • Uh, okay, sure.

  • We'll go with 18 shirt, the whole con.

  • He thinks he looks 18 0 no, I can't actually remember my 1919.

  • I'm always done.

  • Just need to do my eyes And the lithe No Michael Jackson.

  • I'm Jimmy.

  • I'm not Michael Jackson.

  • I'm Jimmy and I'm not going that way.

  • I'm only your only I'm not Mike Jackson.

  • I'm Jim.

  • And I'm Jim in your only, um, Ali.

  • Yeah, that's right.

  • Uh, whatever.

  • It's comedian.

  • I'm sure Jim in will know me by now.

  • He must know.

  • Did you get me?

  • God, I wonder what Jim and actually thinks.

  • I have a quick question about the ring, though.

  • Are you married?

  • No.

  • No, actually.

  • But this is Jimmy.

  • Chairman Raymond just to remind me Jim in every day so I could feel Germans energy and stuff.

  • T o what you like about me, Jim, and has your most beautiful smile.

  • Got the most beautiful lips and the most beautiful sweet eyes.

  • He's incredibly funny because he's always forgetting his bags.

  • That's always a fun equality of someone.

  • My favorite stand up comedians always forgets their banks.

  • That's hilarious.

  • That's probably some cape up in joke that I don't know about.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Keep up stands watching this video.

  • We're actually the exact same restaurant that semen and BTS frequently came to enjoy meals.

  • What the Eat BTS eat What?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Is that the holy sanctuary of BTS?

  • They probably just came there in eight.

  • Why did you come to this restaurant?

  • She's Army Army.

  • You're filming in the background.

  • I think he's sitting on the same to say Yeah, his butt has touched where he eats.

  • She's talking like this is a church and she's a priest.

  • And Jim is gone.

  • That's how this sounds like.

  • This'll is my dream.

  • So I shake your hand and I touched him in for you.

  • It's Oh, my God!

  • Amazing.

  • The Church of BTS.

  • It wouldn't surprise me.

  • Came with some dreams.

  • Just maybe you shouldn't pursue.

  • Actually, I don't I don't want to.

  • Just from one got that food looks amazing.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Okay to write this up, The reason I find out about this because he recently went on Dr Phil, it's pretty funny.

  • I'm not gonna lie There's a funny clips in there, but it's more or less what we just saw on Lee.

  • It seems like a decent guy.

  • As a person, he doesn't seem I've seen way worse people in Dr Phil put it that way, then you know, he says in his videos.

  • From what I gather, he's doing this to be happy, right?

  • So there's nothing wrong with then I'm doing what makes me happy.

  • I'm for in my dreams and then he has a song that, that is I am perfection.

  • That's a song that's the lyrics of a song.

  • I think Let me take a look at me.

  • Flawless is me.

  • I'm more than just a pretty great great lyrics.

  • And then he goes on Dr Phil and he says, You know, Dr Phil is like you feel like you need to be someone else and he confirms to say I never feel good enough.

  • He isn't happy with himself.

  • That's the problem with this.

  • You're never gonna be happy trying to pursue someone that you're not.

  • I think it's totally fine if you want it, learn or take from other people some bits that you'd like, but just blatantly being What is that stupid expression?

  • I hate expressions, but is I'd be yourself because no one in the world can be better at it than you or something like that.

  • I know it.

  • Yeah, it's stupid and cheesy, like this comment as well.

  • To be honest, he doesn't even look Korean in the slightest.

  • He looks like a middle age Englishwoman who had plastic surgery.

  • He doesn't even pronounce Jim and Red Courage.

  • He doesn't even know how to pronounce Jim.

  • And it seemed to me watching that interview that at least he knows he has a problem.

  • But he still feels good doing the surgery, So that's his way to cope.

  • I feel like if he didn't he wasn't addicted to this.

  • He would have been addicted to something else, and I feel for him, I'm not gonna lie.

  • I feel bad that he's gone undergone all of this because I doubt he's actually happier that way than he was before.

  • Maybe he likes to tell himself that he is.

  • It's an interesting story, and nevertheless, that's it for this video.

  • If you guys enjoyed it smashed like subscribe and I see you guys tomorrow break never happened, Frank never happen.

  • It will happen.

  • Actually.

  • A You haven't been training on pixel ings.

  • We'll get on it.

  • Ranked PBP matches are lying.

  • Don't call yourself a gamer, Lester Pop here in beauty ice Pick Sterling's Find the tears, get fame points, make 19 year olds crying and unlock new Irene I epic.

  • Oh, did I mention your pick?

  • Slings?

  • You're welcome.

Jim and I love you so much that I handed the stop before We get too far in this video.


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A2 初級

他花了15萬美金做了BTS JIMIN的樣子。 (He payed $150 000 to look like BTS JIMIN)

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