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seven years I've been doing this seven years.
I've been on YouTube.
It just past that.
The first video I ever uploaded to my channel, which many of you know as the metal gear solid four Old snake solid snake impression That was not very good.
We'll get to that in a second, but that's the first video I ever uploaded on my channel.
And it has since passed.
Seven years since that has gone on has changed, and that is the fastest seven years I think I've ever had in my entire life.
But only did we just passed seven years on the channel, but we also just past 23 million subscribers on Child.
We've had two milestones hit in rapid succession within a week of each other.
So before I start anything before I start reminiscing.
And before you start doing anything in this video, the first thing I wanted to do was say thank you to anybody who's ever been here to anybody who's ever watched my channel where you were here on the first day, which, let's face it, no one was here with the first day, or you just joined yesterday or anywhere in between.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you for letting me do what I do here.
Because when I started off this channel, I did not in my wildest dreams.
First of all, I ever think that it would ever take off, let alone get to 23 million subscribers.
And I did definitely never think that I was gonna be doing it for seven years.
I honestly have no idea where I would be without this channel.
Right now, everyone keeps asking that question of what would you be doing if you weren't doing YouTube right now?
Honestly, I could not give you an answer because I had no idea where my life was going before I started this channel.
It was one of the reasons that I did start doing this because I had no idea what else to do it my time with my life, with myself.
I was very sad.
I was miserable.
I was very depressed.
I didn't know what was going on.
So I started uploading videos and hope that people would watch them and hope that anybody would listen to me.
And I would find some sort of purpose and drive in my life.
So to say that a feel lucky that that actually happened is a complete understatement, because I could not be more grateful for what I have been able to do here on this platform.
YouTube has completely changed me as a person.
I know I wasn't a bad person before I started doing YouTube, but I'm definitely a much better person than I ever could be by doing this because I've met so many different people in the last seven years.
I having to do this and having so much responsibility and so many people and eyeballs thrust upon you at once has matured me faster.
90 other experience in my entire life and to have all these people sitting around and watching what you do and being so involved in it and seeing so many different walks of life.
Within that microcosm, I guess it's not micro.
It's 23 million people, but going out on tour, going to conventions, sitting down, reading comments, going to social media, meeting other YouTubers and just going out in the road and talking to so many different people in so many different avenues of life in so many different races, religions skin colors, faith's beliefs, sexual orientation, so many different types of people I've met in those seven years.
It's made me such a better person, and I cannot be more grateful for that as well.
I was a very sad, depressed early 20 year old in a log cabin in the middle of the woods, freezing my absolute ass off with no riel friends to talk to day in and day out on you.
The friends that I did have.
We got along and everything, but we never shared a lot of the same interests, and I I just sat at home alone, watching videos, playing games all the time on then.
Doing this has I've done so many things doing YouTube.
I've I've accomplished a lot of my wireless dreams.
I've gotten to play video games as a job.
I've gotten to have so many of you guys out there watching what I do and being so involved in it and so loving and caring and supportive and allowing me to do weird, wacky, crazy, wild things all the time and really support me creatively.
I've gotten to go out on tour and meet a lot of you in real life gone to conventions and seeing how much this has meant to you in real life, I've gotten to meet people from Make a Wish whose wish was to come and meet me and divulge about how much this channel meant to them and how much my energy and my positivity has meant to them.
I've met so many people who have been in low parts of their life who really related to the channel on, really looked up to me and really wanted to either do what I do or just be along for the ride and have fun with it.
I've gotten to meet some of my celebrity idols.
I've gotten to go on talk shows and I run the biggest talk show in Ireland that I grew up watching.
I've gotten to do so many charity life things.
We've raised over almost two and 1/2 $1,000,000 since last year for people in need and so many different charities, and I've gotten to work with so many amazing people.
I've gotten to meet some of my best friends that I've ever had in my life, who I wholeheartedly respect and enjoy hanging out with.
I've gotten to meet some of the most loving and caring and supportive people in my life because off doing YouTube and that's only scratching the surface, there's so much more in that in those seven years.
It's been such a dense seven years that I feel so completely undeserving of how much love and support has come my way, that all I can do is spend the rest of my time doing YouTube trying to send that love and energy and positivity back out into the world because the world has given me so much already.
So no matter what happens on YouTube, no matter where I go, no matter where I've come from, no matter what my mentality is now or what it was before, just know that no one can be more thankful for all of this than I am because it has meant so fucking much to me to do.
Over the years, it's it's been the best thing I've ever done with my entire life and always will be.
Nothing will ever top the experiences that I've had here now and hopefully going forward.
This is not the end.
I I'm determined.
Two have not peaked.
Yet I have so much more potential and energy left in me that I have yet to explore so many other avenues doing YouTube.
But please never, ever doubt how thankful, how grateful and just how much love I have for doing this on for you, for this community, because you guys are not to get all sloppy about it and not to try and sound like and blowing smoke up your ass and get all like, Oh, I love my friends.
But I seriously do, because this is the coolest thing I've ever done in my life.
And I'm so happy that I get to do it day in and day out, and I never want to lose that feeling.
It's so easy to get lost in it.
It's so easy to forget where you come from.
But thank you for keeping me honest.
And thank you for still being here.
If you started off watching the channel years ago when you're not here anymore.
At least you gave it a shot.
Thank you.
If you showed up in the channel and you didn't like it, at least you gave it a shot.
If you're still here, if you just showed up.
Thank you for still being here because I couldn't do any of this without you.
I get very doubtful of our things from time to time.
Maybe it's that imposter syndrome kicking in the A lot of people who do this type of stuff have because there's times when I sit down and really think about what it is to have a channel of this size and a community of this size, and to have done some of the things that I've done on it.
Just It almost feels like a different person has done them.
Because you get those moments when you feel down and you feel sad and you just don't want to record and you feel like man, people just don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
That little voice in your head creeps in and starts to take over, and you kind of have to push it out on every now and then.
I think that it's crazy that I get to do this.
Maybe that's a good thing.
Maybe that self awareness kicking in is a good thing, because again it keeps me grounded and accuse me remembering that I didn't always get to do this, and it could have easily just not happened.
It could have given up way early on and none of this would have happened.
It could have been yelling into a void, and no one could have listened.
So all of these things that have married together that have allowed this to happen?
I never want to forget that, because that's that's the energy on the motivation on the power that keeps me going because material things and numbers and money and all of that stuff.
I mean, sure, that's great.
But at the end of the day, it's not the thing that made me start off doing it, and it's not the thing that kept me doing it.
So that's why I'm always saying that I never try and forget where I came from, and I'm so thankful for all of you being here.
And like I said, keeping me honest and keeping me on the right track for the most part anyway.
Well, real lean left, right or will wobble a small red every now and then and nobody's perfect, and I sure as hell fucking I'm not even close to being perfect at all.
I fuck up constantly.
Uh, sometimes you just don't see it, but I'm always fucking things up.
But I'm glad that we're still here.
And we're still on the path and that those that wobbles can always course correct.
Then we can get back on track and just make cool shit.
But I knew it anyway.
Enough of that.
Let's get into the funny stuff.
All right?
Have a nice old super tae anos nice old copper lanes gold blend.
There is people know what I'm talking about.
Great t.
Um, but what I wanted to do was go back and look at.
Of course, we goto uploads and let's sort by old stuff because we have to go back and watch the I've gone over this video tons of times of channel already.
I've watched it a tone of times already, and people still ask me every time to go back and do the impression off solid snake for metal gear.
Solid four.
So that's what we're doing here today.
So this is uploaded November 12th 2012.
So, as I said seven years ago from now it has 1.3 million views.
Oh, my God.
I'm sure I've got a few comments on here.
Yeah, five years since this was uploaded.
Things sure have changed since then.
Thank you so much for being here through it all six years ago.
I had originally planned on doing more stuff like this, but when I started recording it, I realized it didn't suffer men.
So this is I was replying to.
Somebody threw this one back back then the replace would show up as like at somebody.
I can remember how they really showed up.
Then Google Plus came in and it was post somebody.
And then they got rid of Google.
Plus so it doesn't show who I was replying to any more.
This makes me cringe.
No, you know, like, seven years ago.
That's one of the first comments I left.
I was probably one of my first haters.
Can I kanai sort by no newest First, there's 13,000 comments right now, 38 minutes ago, an hour ago.
People are still commenting on this.
Oh, yeah, because it hit seven years.
All right, let's listen to this bad boy.
There's no music.
There's no I think it's just my voice in the log cabin.
I can remember myself sitting at the on my bed with my laptop.
Open the countertop on.
I had my webcam.
I couldn't record my face at the same time because I was using the Web cam to record the voice.
And it was on my Tashi by laptop, and it sounded like ass.
More has changed.
It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity.
There it is Earth necessity, it supposed to say, or ethnicity.
But the way I was doing, the voice, they said Earth necessity.
Also, you realize that this picture is not in 16 to 9 ratio.
Yes, it's 16 to 9 ratio, not 16 by nine.
You know that the two dots it's ratio.
It's a in the series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines.
But how much of this did I do?
And its consumption of life has become a well oiled machine.
Hey, uh, there's a minute 22.
They do.
The whole monologue has changed.
When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine.
I did the entire thing.
Let me just let me just hit you with a fat a fat intro.
Medicare solid four intro so we can hear the actual thing.
And you can all hear how amazing my impression actually waas way.
Are you telling me that that's not the exact same?
More has changed because it's not.
I was so convinced back in the day that I sounded identical.
I even recorded it, listen to it and said, Yeah, that's pretty damn good and then decided to edit it and uploaded which this minute 22 video, which is cheeses even.
This is 10 80 p.
I guess it's a picture in a voice, but this took me probably about two hours.
It's no longer about Nations ideologies.
Okay, okay.
It's no longer about nations, ideologies, Earth necessity.
No, honey, no, no.
I'm trying to think of things that I haven't talked about in regards to this video because I've reacted this like four times by now.
But the original idea for the channel was I was so obsessed with voices.
I mean, I still am.
That's why I like doing voices in games and changing my voice around because that was the stuff I used to always do anyway, with my like my college friends of my high school friends back in the day, and when I started off doing YouTube, I was like, Well, everyone's doing, Let's plays.
Everyone's doing the thing where they just talk over video games And I I thought I wanted to be different.
I was gonna do it where I would be characters from those games, doing a voice from the game while playing the game.
I am very glad that that did not work out because I don't think it would have exploded the way it had on.
I don't think I would be where I am now.
If I continue doing that, some people have definitely done that since it was by no means like a unique, original thing to do at the time, either.
It was just what I wanted to do.
I originally wanted to do like Bane from the Dark Knight rises be like, Wow, James, what do you think of that?
But I love the metal gear.
Solid metal gear.
Solid three is in like my top five games of all time.
I love metal gear.
Solid one is well, I think metal gear solid one has a bigger impact on society and we live in one.
Um, I think it's probably story wise and overall.
Better game, but metal gear solid three had a bigger impact on me.
I love forests.
I love camouflage.
I love sneaking around in forest and that kind of stuff, and I liked the characters more.
Ah, now I didn't like that.
I like the end fight the most, but I just felt like there was so much more to do in that game.
It was so unless it was so much less restrictive than the first game.
But metal gear, solid one and three were some of my favorite games ever to a didn't appreciate when I was younger.
I appreciate it a lot more now when I'm older, especially in current social media times.
It has a lot to say about that and society.
I've seen Joker, but also metal gear solid four then came out such huge hype.
Everyone absolutely loved it, but I hated it.
I hated it when it came out, I thought it was a crappy metal gear story.
I thought the game place socked.
I thought all the soul and foreign off a metal gear game was all sucked out of it and I haven't played it since.
I planted like twice back then on everyone back to it.
But I did like this opening cut seen and I wanted to do that.
So that's why I'm always like I always have such huge respect, and I'm always obsessed with voice, actors and sound design and that kind of thing, because playing video games is on watching cartoons and stuff, of course, but that was like, Oh, man, somebody's doing that voice.
Somebody's job is to record them doing a cool voice and acted out as a character on that blew my mind.
The people could do that for their job, and here I am, doing something that I didn't even know you could do is a job.
Back then, I was uploading videos.
I thought that was cool.
I thought, Oh, maybe somebody will watch it If I told that person back then, seven years ago, the 23 million people would be on their channel.
I would have lost my mind.
It probably would have scared me into not doing it because I was a very insecure, very scared, very lonely dude, and all I want to do is go back and give that guy a hug because he fucking needed it at the time.
I mean, we all need a hog every now and then.
But I was in a very rough place and I did not like who I waas on.
So many other people in my life were cooler and doing cool things.
And then I finally found people on the Internet who were doing this as their job like way later.
I wasn't I was just uploading videos, thinking it was cool.
And the way later I found out that people were doing it as a job.
I thought people were just doing it for fun.
Like I waas did the snake impression seven years ago.
But then my next video.
After that, it was November 29th 2012.
So we're coming up almost seven years, and that's it was it was a little chunk of time between videos then, um, but then I kept pumping them out, and I was like, You know what?
I love dark souls.
It was the first time I'd ever played it on PC.
When that came out, I started doing that.
Then I really got into Battlefield three.
I started doing that.
No one gave a shit about my dark souls play through.
Understandably, it was pretty bad.
I was crapping commentating.
I didn't know what I was doing.
I know what you are all waiting for.
Your waiting for me to redo the impression you're waiting to see if seven years off practicing, they're solid.
Snake impression has made it any better.
And oh, boy has it.
Are you guys ready?
Okay, let's get the music in the background.
Here we go.
No, My headphones are not on.
I can't hear it.
I can hear it.
I can hear it in my head has changed.
It's no longer about nations, ideologies, earth necessity.
It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines.
And its consumption of life have changed.
I realize that I'm not even trying to do the impression I'm trying to do an impression off my impression.
But there you have it.
Solid snake.
Seven years later.
Colonel, can you hear me?
Let's see what you guys have been saying cause I tweeted out a thank you for being on YouTube for seven years and people have been replying to it in droves.
1300 replies onto this tweet.
So because we're here and we're on the platform for seven years and we've hit 23 million subs and we've we've done so many cool things.
But again, I need to stress how important it is for the community aspect of all of this, because without you guys, one of this really exists.
I I can yell all I want at video games and put it out there into the world.
But if you guys are not watching, it doesn't go anywhere.
I don't get to do anything else.
All the cool stuff I've gotten to do is because some of you started watching my videos in the beginning.
Who's here from the very beginning, By the way, I don't lie.
I don't like it when people say like it from watching you.
People come up to me in public and be like every morning you for, like, 10 years, and I'm like, Well, I've only been doing it for seven.
Um, like you don't need to pretend you've been watching longer than you have.
I still appreciate you, but I really I'm curious of anybody from the very beginning is still watching.
It doesn't matter if you if you haven't but sound off in the comments how long you've been watching the channel?
And again, No judgment.
If you started watching from what?
From finding this video Doesn't matter.
You're still here on.
I love and appreciate you.
Um, but again, I want to throw it back to you guys.
I want to see what you're saying because the community site of YouTube is my favorite aspect of doing any of this.
The community People interacting, making jokes, seeing how you react, making cool, foreign the eagle content and freaking people out and seeing how you reacted and seeing all the founder and everything community is awesome.
It's the best part about doing this.
And I love interacting with you.
So let's let's look at what you guys have been saying that so many gifts while Jack, congratulations.
You honestly deserve everything that you have.
You're such a nice person.
And thank you for giving us a laugh every single day.
And just to see you is amazing.
We love you, Jack.
Keep doing what you're doing.
Thank you.
We love you too, Sean.
I'm really glad I started watching your videos on 2015.
You always make me laugh.
Either I'm sad or happy.
You're the best.
I haven't met you because I've never left Greece.
I want you to be happy and always be successful.
Thank you very much.
That's very sweet.
That gift.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Leslie.
Seven years ago, old seven years ago today, Old Snake became the first impersonation shown uploaded to YouTube.
I think that 22 year old lad would be proud of the amazing creator.
He's become on all around, compassionate person who in every way that matters remain the same.
That insecure, lonely guy would be proud of you, Sean.
I'm sorry, too, at you with this, But I tweeted this at midnight, my time.
Just to show you how proud I am of how far you've come for.
That's so sweet.
Thank you.
I'd like to think that 22 year old me would like who I've become.
I think that I've in all of what I've done you can.
You can talk about this, the subjective entertainment value off the channel and the videos I upload and whatever.
That's that's fine.
But as a person, I think that my morals have stayed in the right place.
When I when I started off doing this, I've always wanted to just make people happy.
I wanted to make people laugh, entertain them, try and do well by myself.
And also just try and give back to the world in general.
Um, Early's just interact with it on a scale bigger than myself to see if other people were out there.
And I think that we've managed to maintain that.
Thank you for being you, Sean.
And deciding that you want to do that.
Thank you for welcoming us.
And thank you for being amazing.
Thank you for letting us help you.
And thank you for helping us.
You're amazing.
And I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we love you.
You've become one of my greatest sources of happiness and escape from life.
Crap on.
I just love your genuine personality.
And yeah, pretty proud of you, Jack.
I have been watching you as long as a lot of other people.
And it's been an awesome time.
My favorite youtuber.
The fact that you stick to what your channel is is amazing to me and shows how passionate you are about what you do.
You have your own way.
You don't do trains.
You do what you feel like doing.
And I love you for that.
Keep it up.
You deserve all of this and more.
Sean, Euro.
One of, if not the most incredible person this world has to offer.
Thank you for everything you do and everything you've done.
No so proud of how far you've come, Jack.
And I'm glad to have been here for four years and counting.
You're doing truly amazing things, like raising hundreds of thousands of dollars or various charities, and you're still able to connect with your community.
You help me find some of the best people in my life on better bond with others.
Your vids picked me up when I'm down.
And I'm proud of how far you've come since I first saw your bids back in 2012 or 2013.
I can't remember the exact date.
We love your show.
And you always brighten my days.
That can be very Derek a times.
And you've helped me through so many hard times in life without even knowing it.
You're like a best friend and I've never even met you.
That's a pretty special connection right there.
We're supposed to give me feel ease.
Congrats, Jack.
I'm sure you are.
I'm sure me and your other fans are super proud and thankful of you.
Every time you say top of mourning, you bring smiles to millions of people in the entire world, hope to see your amazing videos and hope to meet you in the future.
If there's any chance, love you text up.
You're an amazing YouTube.
You need to believe in yourself and your ability.
You're good at what you do.
You make people laugh, you brighten people's days, and your accent is wow.
It takes a special kind of person to do all that.
And B J you Oh, you're being too nice.
You absolutely deserve everything you've gained in these past seven years.
Thank you for doing what you do in helping so many people in the process, including me.
I love you, and I can't wait to see what great things you'll be doing next.
The fact that you have brought so much joy to all of us, please keep making videos as long as you can.
Most of us would be no, her near where we are today.
If it wasn't for you, you've changed a lot of us.
You've done so much good for all of us.
Especially me.
Thank you, show.
Well, likewise.
As I said, I don't think I'd be the person I am today without all you guys on all this love and support.
It's just so nice.
You guys are such a really nice, wholesome, genuine community all the time.
You're so welcoming and accepting and loving all the time on.
I really appreciate that.
I want to read more of these, but I don't want it to seem like it's turning into, like, a vanity project or a narcissistic thing.
I I wasn't reading these just to try and build myself up.
I really just wanted to see what you guys were saying.
Seems like So long ago we watched you play games from your little cabin in the woods and now look at you.
I can't repay you for all the times you've made me smile.
When I needed it to come this far and B is grounded and loving as you are.
I'm very proud, showing you deserve everything You saved me from so much loneliness.
Been with you since 2013 and I will never stop growing with you.
Thank you for the laughs.
Thank you for putting us first.
The money you have raised has changed lives and you will continue to love you forever shone, Jack.
We're all family.
No matter When we arrived, some like me joined when you were in the 100 thousands.
Others are just joining so they don't know about those videos.
But we all can go back and watch them.
They may be terrible, but they came from a good person.
Hey, what you saying?
Some of them are pretty bad, but yeah, my very, very early videos are pretty cringe by now.
But that's good.
Cringing things are good.
It means that you've changed.
You've grown and you could look back on a different version of yourself and just see the chronology of where you're going and where you've come from.
That's cool.
Thank you for your very, very lovely, sweet, incredibly supporting and loving messages.
It means the absolute world to me that I can go to Twitter at any moment on, like any moment of the day and I can tweet something and those people there to interact with it, I just talked to Not everyone can afford that not everyone will afford.
That doesn't mean, he said.
Not everyone has that.
Not everybody is able Thio do that in their lives on dhe.
I'm incredibly appreciative of it.
Thank you so very, very much.
For seven years on YouTube, it's been a wild, crazy right.
We've done so many crazy things so far on guy.
We have even scratched the surface.
Yet I have so many big plans for things that I want to do next year that are all bowls in motion that are going to take a while to get done.
But when they are done, I'm very excited about what's gonna happen with, um, Andi.
I hope you are, too.
I mean, can we talk about them yet?
So it's hard to get excited for something that you don't know what's happening.
But just trust me when I say that I'm trying to do some really cool next level stuff for myself creatively, and I'm really excited for them, but also thank you so much for 23 million subscribers.
It's crazy to think that this is where the channel has ended up.
I think back when I got the shot out from Felix, I was 2500 subs and I don't even think he was at 23 million subscribers at the time, and somebody had asked me what it would be like if I got to 20 something 1,000,000 subscribers on.
I said it would never happen.
And here we are, about to cross over into halfway to 30 million.
It's absolutely bonkers.
So just thank you so much from the deepest bottom ist depths of my heart.
I cannot stress enough how thankful I am that I got to do this kind of thing's deep.
But I can't even speak anymore on.
Even though I said that I have big things that I want to do next year that does not change what the channel is.
I want to do bigger, cooler, more ambitious things.
But I also want to keep doing this silly, dumb shit.
I want to do all of the dumb shit that I can and still connect with you guys and have you along for the right on.
Just involve you in this crazy, wacky wild right, That is the jacks up the guy YouTube channel journey.
So I hope that I'm still doing your proud.
I hope that you're also having a good time of the channel.
I hope that you all feel loved and welcomed.
Um, if not, then let's keep trying.
Let's let's get us to that place on.
If you are there, let's just keep pushing it.
Let's have positive vibes.
Let's keep that positive train rolling.
Let's just have fun.
There's too much negativity and animosity in bullshit in the world and why it's so much energy.
Just let's just have fun This crate.
Dumb shit.
Cool shit.
Let's just have fun altogether on smack like buttons and high fives and all that stuff that we've always done since we started off the channel.
Is that fun with it?
That's what you choose should be about.
But thank you guys for watching this video.
It's a little longer than I intended it on being, But I really appreciate you.
So thank you for being here.