字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi again. Welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam. Today's lesson is phrasal verbs. 嗨大家好,歡迎收看engvid.com.,我是Adam,今天的課程要介紹片語動詞 Okay? We have phrasal verbs with the verb: "turn". Again, remember: just like vocabulary, 好的,今天要介紹有關turn的片語動詞。再次強調,學片語就跟背單字一樣, remember them, practice them, use them over and over again, you will remember them very 多看多記多練習,只要你重複使用這些片語,你就會印象愈深刻,然後就會記起來了 well. And again, remember: phrasal verbs: usually or almost always more than one meaning. 好的,要記得片語動詞,通常或幾乎都有一個以上的意思 Okay? So keep that in mind. Let's start with: "turn on". So, of course, 再次強調片語動詞具有多重意義,絕對要銘記在心。那我從turn on這個片語開始吧, all of you have some sort of electronic equipment at home; you have appliances, you have stereos, 好的,你們家中一定都有各種插電的設備,有家電類、音響、電燈等 you have lights. You want to "turn on" lights and then you want to "turn off", dark. Okay? 你會要「打開」電燈,然後「關掉」電燈, So that's the easy one. "Turn on": put power to, as it were. Slang: to "turn on" means 所以,turn on就是指供給電力,打開電源。另外,俚語常說turn on是指令人感到興奮的 to get someone excited. Okay? Or to create an interest in. So, if a woman is wearing 或是觸發、刺激你感到有興趣。所以,如果有個女人穿著細肩帶又寬鬆的夏天洋裝 like a nice summer dress with like really thin straps, and like very loose, it's a turn-on 這對很多男性來說,可能就是一個觸發點(刺激你引起興趣/性慾的事物) for a lot of guys. Here, I'm using it as a noun, a "turn-on". That woman knows how to 在這裡turn-on是名詞的用法。女性知道怎麼表現來引起男性的興趣/性慾, turn on men. Men can turn on women in other ways, hopefully not with a summer dress at 同樣的,男性也會用他們的方式引起女性的興趣/性慾。當然,應該不會是穿著一套清涼裙裝在路上現身才對 the same time. Okay? It's slang. Be careful with it. Something turns you on, it gets you 好的,這是個俚語,要小心使用阿。某事物引起你的興趣, excited. But you can also turn on... a teacher, hopefully, will turn his students on to the 另一方面,你也可以使某人對某事感興趣,像是老師就會透過教學,讓學生對他/她所教的課目感興趣 subject that he's teaching or she's teaching. If you want your student to study history, 如果你要你的學生對歷史感興趣,那麼你就要教導他們學習欣賞歷史的價值 you have to turn them on to it; make them interested, make them excited about it. 讓他們對歷史感興趣,讓他們對學習歷史有熱忱 "Turn off", again, the opposite. "Turnoff", notice here: hyphen, here: no hyphen for the 再來,turn off表示「關閉」,相對於turn on是相反的意思。名詞是turnoff,要注意當變成名詞時,turn和off之間的"-"要去掉, nouns. But to "turn off" means to make someone lose interest or to disgust someone, to make 但片語動詞turn off是指令某人失去興趣,或是感到噁心 someone go: "Ulgh, no I don't want any of that." Lose all interest, lose all excitement, 不感興趣或好奇,甚至避之唯恐不及 not be able to do anything. It's a turnoff, so something turns you off, like a bad smell 因此無法有任何進一步的動作。turnoff名詞是指令人興趣缺缺的事物,比如說一個難聞的味道 will turn you off in pretty much any situation. Okay, "turn up". Now, if you have a stereo, 會讓你倒胃口。好的,接下來是turn up, you want to "turn up" the volume, make it louder. Okay? The opposite will be "turn down". 是想你有個音響,你想要turn up音量,就是調大聲;反之,它的反義就是turn down I didn't write it here, but "turn down": lower, "turn up": raise the volume. But "turn up" 我沒有寫在白板上,但是turn down是指降低,而turn up 則是調高音量。 can also mean to discover. Okay? So, I was reading through the book, I was doing some 但是turn up 也有可表示發現的意思。所以說,我在翻閱書本、查資料時 research and an interesting piece of information turned up, something I wasn't expecting. Okay? 你突然發現一個有趣且意料之外的訊息,這時就可以用turn up But "turn up" also means to appear. I invited a lot of people to my party, but twice as 另外,turn up也有「出現」的意思。我邀請很多人參加我的派對, many turned up, means appeared, they came. Interesting. 當天到場的人卻多到邀請人的兩倍之多,此時的到turn up就是指「出席、現身」的意思 "Turn over": again the physical, you turn something over like if you're cooking a steak; turn over字面上直觀可只把某事物「翻面、翻轉」,就好比你在煎牛排, cook it on one side for two minutes, turn it over, cook the other side for a couple 先煎其中一面兩分鐘,翻面後再煎另一面幾分鐘, of minutes, so flip. But "turnover" in terms of like business, if you have a restaurant, 意思就等於"flip"翻面。但是變成名詞turnover時,多屬於商業用字,如果你有家餐廳, you want to turn over your tables as many times as you can, means you want to rotate 你想要想追求翻桌次數越多越好,也就是說希望客人的流量不斷循環 their use. So somebody comes in, they eat, you clean... They leave, you clean up, you 所以,當客人來吃飯、你維持整潔,然後他們離開你再清潔環境 get the next person. So this table has a good turnover. Okay? You can use it more than one 就會有新的客人再光臨。如此一來,你的餐廳就會有很好的業績(當日客人流量) time; it's like rotating the cycle of its use. Then we talk about "turnover". A good 這就像是一個有周期的循環,客人會源源不絕地來。再來,我們要談turnover這個字, restaurant must have a high "turnover". If it doesn't, then it must have very expensive 一間好的餐廳都會有很高的營業額,如果沒有的話,那麼一定是因為他們的食物太貴, menu prices or menu items or it will go out of business. McDonald's, for example, has 或者這間餐廳經營不善,面臨倒閉危機。舉例來說,麥當勞有很龐大的營業額 huge turnover. That's why they make so much money; always busy. 客人一直來,店裡總是忙碌待客,這就是為甚麼他們這麼賺錢的原因 "Turn around": sorry to show my back to you, but I turned around and now I turned around "turn around",抱歉給你們看我的背面,如果我再「轉身」回正,我就會再次面向你們 again to face you. Okay? So that's again, the physical, so the physical turn around. 所以呢,從直觀的動作來看,turn around就是指「轉身」 But "turn around" can also just mean change. So last week, my boss agreed to give me a turn around也可以表示「改變」,比如說上週我老闆同意幫我加薪, raise, but this week he turned around and decided not to; he changed his mind. Okay. 但是這週卻反悔決定不給加薪了。turn aound在這裡是指「改變心意」的意思 "Turn in": so when your teacher gives you a test, you write the test, at the end of turn in是「繳交」的意思,當老師發放考卷,你作答後在考試結束時繳回考卷,這時turn in 就是「呈交、繳交」的意思 the class you have to turn it in; submit. Sometimes we say "hand in", it's the same 有時候也可以用hand in代替turn in,兩者的意思是一樣的 thing. You can also "turn in" a criminal to the police. So you know that this person did 當你知悉某人有犯罪或是做了違反社會大眾的事時,將這個人移交給警察管理, something bad, you call the police, say: "Yeah, he did it." So you turn him or her in to the 這時你可以用turn in某人to警察,表示將他們移送法辦 police. Now, also used in slang - and don't ask me why because I don't know -, "turn in" 好的,接下來也是一個俚語的用法─turn in也可指「上床睡覺」─別問我問甚麼這樣用,因為我也不知道 also means go to sleep. Okay? "Oh, I'm tired. I think I'll turn in. Goodnight." Go to sleep, 「噢,我好累喔,差不多該上床睡覺了,晚安」這句裡的turn in就是去睡覺的意思 turn in. "Turn to": when you're having a hard time 當你遇到困難而且你不知所措, and you're not sure... You need to speak to somebody, you need to have someone to help 你又需要跟別人吐苦水,或是需要他人祝你一臂之力,就可以用turn to表示「向某人尋求協助」 you, you can always "turn to" your friends or your family. Okay? Means approach them, 你可以向你的朋友、家人求助,也就是有向他們提出訴求 go to them, tell them your problems. It's very important to have people to turn to at 尋求一個避風港,把你所有的困難或疑問都向他們說。尤其是當你歷經非常大瓶頸,向他人求助更顯得非常重要 hard... in hard times. Okay. "Turn out". "Turn out" as a verb, now it could turn out是一個片語動詞,它可以解釋為 mean to push outside, like at nighttime, you... like Fred Flintstone, ever watch those cartoons? 「把...推到外面」,像是《摩登原始人》(不知道你們是否聽過這個卡通?)會在晚上把他的貓推到家外 He turns out the cat. Not as common. But "turn out" can also mean to result. Okay? So, again, 這用法不常見,反而是turn out用來表示「結果是...」使用最頻繁 I did some research and it turns out that my thesis was completely wrong. I have to 所以說,我做了一些研究,最後「結果卻」顯示我的論文完全錯誤,所以我必須重頭來過 start all over again. Okay, not a good idea, but it happens. So "turn out", result, usually 是的,砍掉重練不是個好主意,但他仍會發生,即turn out等於result,而且通常是指意外的結果 accidental result. Now, "turnout", completely different from "turn out". "Turnout" is attendance. 而turnout和turn out的意思卻完全不同。turnout做名詞使用,可指「出席人數」 Okay? So I invited many people to my party and the turnout was great -- means many people 所以,如果我邀請很多人來我的派對,而且最後出席的人也很多,這就表示實質上有很多人來看 came. Okay? Now, I did forget to put "turn down". I apologize 很抱歉,我差點忘記要講turn down for that. I will put it right now. So "turn down" means to reject. So I asked this girl 我在這裡跟大家說明,turn down還有「拒絕」的意思。所以說,如果我要約這個女生出去 out for a date and she turned me down. Okay? She wasn't interested, maybe I turned her 但她拒絕了我的邀請, off somehow. Who knows? But she turned me down. And I don't have a date, too bad for 表示她可能對我不感興趣,或者我某程度上令她覺得噁心,所以被拒絕。所以我沒了約會,真是套遭啦 me. Anyway, if you want to practice these some 總歸一句,如果你想要多加練習這些片語的使用方法 more, go to www.engvid.com. You'll find a quiz there that you can practice these. And, 就上我們www.engvid.com.,你可利用小測驗來練習這些片語的用法 of course, check out my YouTube channel and subscribe if you like. And I'll see you again 當然,歡迎你們到我的頻道看看,如果你很喜歡煩請訂閱我們 real soon. Bye. 我們很快會再見面了,掰掰
A2 初級 中文 片語 動詞 客人 名詞 興趣 某人 活用片語動詞:TURN (9 TURN Phrasal Verbs: turn on, turn off, turn over, turn around, turn out...) 12515 853 Elaine 發佈於 2014 年 03 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字