字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Oh, there he is. 噢 ! 他在這 CinnamonToastKen Cinnamon toes. Ken:What up! Yeah!ヾ(^∇^) Pew:What up, bro!(ノ^∇^) Would a Minecraft, you know? Ken:Yeah! Yeah,bro!ヾ(☆▽☆) Pew:Bro!ヾ(☆▽☆) Well, whoever the years gone, why we come back to mon craft Because it's awesome. Ken:Minecraft,你知道,管他過了多少年,為什麼我們回到Minecraft? How dead Don't ever speak back to No, don't do it. Pew:因為它超棒的 Please don't. Pew:你好大膽,不準回嘴 Ken:啊—等等 We just started. Ken: 我看不見 Pew:…不,不要跳,我們才剛剛開始 We just started. Pew:不要跳下去 Don't tip that. Pew:我們得先解釋 ,為什麼我們在這裡 在這東西上面 We should explain why every year on top of this thing first, right? Ken:對…OK Okay. Pew:這模式... Ken:空島對吧 Right. Pew: 對,這模式叫作"Skyblock(空島)" So this is a hot book, right? Ken : 世界著名的 "Skyblock"? Yes. Pew:我不知道,但這是評價最高的模式 This motors called Sky Block with World Famous Scott Lock. Pew : 我從來沒有玩過,我完全不知道任何事情 I don't know. Pew : 除了,你從空中開始 It's like the top rated mind. Pew: 沒有任何東西,除了一塊冰和一些岩漿 I've never played it. Ken : 那裡面有冰和岩漿? Pew : 有冰和岩漿 I don't know anything about it, except that you start off in the sky with nothing but a pack of ice and some lava eyes. Pew:我……………(笑) Ken:你拿走了!? A love in there. Ken:你搶走了冰和岩漿 Pew:我或許拿走了冰和岩漿 There's eyes and lob. Pew:但是 Ken,你看那裡有一座島 I I mean, I I may have taken the ice and lover, but look also came. Ken:那裡有方塊… There's, uh, island over there. Ken:還有我們下方…啊 Pew:(推) There's a block. Ken:NOOOOOOOO! What's below us? Pew:好吧,玩家們,這集… Ken:你推我! 你推我! Anything off E? Pew:不…我沒有 Look. Pew:嘿,好,你回來了 A son of a bitch. Ken: SON OF A B**** You son of a biscuit. Ken:…我是說 YOU SON OF A biscuit(小麵包) I can't say the child friendly. Ken : 我不能說那個,這是闔家觀賞的 That's right. Pew:對…我們保持這集是闔家觀賞的 Well, let's keep it child friendly. Pew:好吧,那我們該怎麼玩?9歲的粉絲們 All right? Pew:實際上我不知道,你說你在很久以前看過 So how do we play this nine year olds? Ken:很久很久以前,沒錯 I actually don't know. Pew:所以我們應該先弄木頭,對吧? You said you watched. Pew : OH GOD,我做錯了嗎 It's like back, back, back in the day, way back in the day. Ken:什麼?! Yeah. Ken:你拿走了木頭?! So it makes sense to get the wood first, right? Ken:你瘋了嗎 Oh, God. Pew:啊… Am I doing this wrong? Ken:你瘋了嗎 What? Pew:啊,我把它放回去…好了 God would look crazy. Ken:我們只有這一個!!! Are you crazy? Pew:抱歉…我很抱歉 I can put it back. Ken:我們得靠這棵樹維生 OK, we'll have one block. Ken:這樹會給我們蘋果,這樣我們才能生存下去 All right. Pew:噢… Ken:不然我們會死 Sorry way Have to live off this thing. Pew:我們可以只保留最上端 This thing has to give us apples and stuff so we can survive or when the dough. Pew:這樣它還是完好的…我想 But we can keep the top bit. Ken:想推我下去?! Pew:…沒有 It will still be intact, I think. Ken:你就想推我下去 Pew:沒有 Yeah. Ken:為什麼你要蹲下? 覺得我會推你下去? Push me off, though. Pew:沒有 Property saying why you crabs, if you're worried about push. Pew:我覺得我們從樹開始 You all know. Pew:因為我們可以用它創造工作台,對吧 I think we start off with tree because we could make a workbench out of this one block. Ken:對、對、對 Right? Ken:我先搞清楚 Right, right. Ken:我要當個過度興奮、 Right. Ken:跟你一起拍片的人,對吧 Well, I gotta get my get my head straight. Pew:好吧,一人需要正常、了解遊戲怎麼玩 Hang on. Pew:而另一人需要又有趣又古怪 So I need to be the like, overexcited person is here with you, right? Ken:Wow! 快看這棵樹 All right. Pew:那樣太"安靜"了 One needs to be stale and understand how the game works. Pew:沒人喜歡 And the other one needs to be, like, really funny and weird. Ken:所以你有什麼? Wow, that's too silent. Ken:岩漿跟水對吧 No one likes it. Pew:對,但…你怎麼…我該怎麼… So you got You got what you get Lava and water right? 工作台:(掰~~~~~~) Pew:NOOOOOOOO! Yeah, but how do you? Ken:什麼?! 你… Yeah, but how do you know what? Ken:不~你這個智障!! No, you fool. Pew:我以為它不會掉下… All right, let's go. Pew:好吧,聽著,重新開始 Right now. Ken:等等不! 你口袋有我們所有東西 You have everything in your pocket. Pew:哦..... 00 Maybe I'll research the severed. Pew:也許我重開這個伺服器 Okay, we're back in. Pew:好了,我們重進了 Ken:重進了,玩家們 Back in, gamers, last time was just a test. Ken:你知道剛剛只是測試,別擔心。 Don't want was just a test to say what not to do. Pew:那只是一次測試,說明不該做什麼 Yeah, but we got elite sales. Ken:是啊,但我們有精英技巧,懂? Pew:嘿! You know, the old school mob craft pros, right? Pew:別推、別推 Play this game since before most you were born. Ken:老派Minecraft專家在此 Pew:沒錯 Yeah. Ken:你們多數人出生前我們就在玩這遊戲了 Pew:對 You're already your Children. Ken:懂嗎? 老早就 Pew:你們是小孩,你們是小小孩 Your literal Children now can't What? Pew:別、Ken Just looking. Ken:啥? 我只是… You're scaring the Children. Pew:你嚇到孩子們了,Ken,你嚇到他們了 10. Pew:等等,看起來像不像我站在外側? You're scaring the weight. Pew:Oh my god! 給個解釋,科學家們 Does it look like I'm actually outside? Pew:如果地球不是平的, 那這是什麼? 這是什麼? Ken:天哪! Oh, my God. Pew:你怎麼…OK 我們得接著繼續…我們得做點事情 Explain this scientist. Ken:OK!所以在儲物箱裡有什麼,我們有熔岩和冰 Pew:是的 Wow. Ken:OK! OK! 我想想…讓我看看我們有多少空間? Yeah. Pew:它們有多深? 三格深 一二三,對對對 If there isn't flat, then what is this, then, huh? Pew:三格 Ken:也許…好 What is this city's? Pew:不不不,小心、小心、小心 How do you? Ken:我覺得冰塊放在…這裡? Pew:冰塊放那裡? Okay. Ken:是的 Pew:你瘋了,Ken,你瘋了 We got to get going. Ken:我們有岩漿,對吧 如果我們打破冰會變成水 We gotta do stuff. Ken:水加岩漿變成鵝卵石,對吧 是這樣做吧? Okay, so So what we have in the box? Pew:把岩漿放那? Ken:對,把岩漿放…這裡,儲物箱旁的那裡 We have lava and ice. Pew:好,但拿好…你幾乎把它丟在泥土裡 我們需要每一塊泥土,好嗎 Yes. Ken:你對、你對,好啦對不起 Pew:拜託振作點 Okay. Pew:好開始了,OK Okay. Ken:OK! 會發生什麼,如果你打破冰會變水? I got I think we see you have any space. Pew:不不不,它不會它不會它不會… Ken:好吧,你怎麼把冰變成水? We have, uh, any deep, are they? Pew:如果我們把冰放在它旁邊,就好像"不"在旁邊 ,但就在它旁邊,懂我說的嗎? They're three deep. Ken:好好好 Pew:所以就這裡…ㄜ這裡,我們把它放在那裡。 123 Yeah, Yeah, three time, maybe. Pew:我該把它放在那裡嗎? Ken:我們可以試試看 All right, all right. Ken:我不認為它會像我們想的那樣 Pew:你不認為它會…OK! OK! OK! 那這樣怎麼樣? No, no, no. Pew:我們把它放在這裡 Careful. Pew:一… Careful. Pew:二… Careful. Pew:三… Oh, I think put the ice here. Ken:沒事發生 Pew:好好,我試試 But the ice there? Pew:一… Yeah, you're crazy. Pew:二… Can You're crazy? Pew:三… Well, you got lava, right? Pew:怎麼什麼都沒發生? Does the ice turning the water. Ken:等等,我們不能撿冰,對嗎 Pew:不能 If we break it, water in the lobby turns on the cobblestone. Ken:我不知道,也許我們可以… 挖它下方,然後從底部融化它或怎樣 Right? Pew :也許從上方,它通常從頂部融化 …基岩在這裡 How that works. Ken:基岩? Wow,鑽石在哪裡? Bro So, like you, uh, lama there? Pew:Bro,別bro我,bro All right. Pew:OK! 放、放、放、放那裡,對對對 Ken:OK!OK!OK! Put a lot of, like here in that one by the box. Pew:你準備好了嗎? Ken:好,我準備好了,我們瞧瞧 Okay, But grab that. Pew:這遊戲的冰是什麼東西? You almost made him put it in the dirt. Pew:我們試著搞科學 We need every block of dirt. 你知道,所有的評論都像是: "我好難堪,因為我們所要做的就是…" Every right. Ken:"你不瞭嗎" Pew:"你不瞭嗎" Yura, get your head together. Ken:好了,玩家們。好嗎? 我們知道我們在作什麼,我們可以的 Here we go. Pew:我們知道我們在作什麼, 我們只是向其他人示範不該作什麼 Okay. Ken:我們只是測試你的Minecraft知識 Okay. Pew:給你的Minecraft女朋友看這個影片, 然後你可以:"哦~~" What happens if you if you break the ice? Pew:NOOOO?! 你在作什麼?! Is it turned the water? Pew:吼~搞什麼?! No, no, no, he doesn't. Ken:那沒成功 Pew:(跳) Doesn't. Ken:等等,回來 Doesn't. Pew:你為什麼要那樣? 我告訴過你那樣行不通 Doesn't. Pew:我是Minecraft老手(veteran) Okay, how do you make the ice turned water? Pew:現在我得重開該死的伺服器 What if we put it like, right next to it? Pew:好了 Ken:我們知道我們…現在我們知道那是你不該作的 Like not next to it, but, like, right next to it? Ken:我試著告訴你 I'm saying Yeah, OK, OK. Pew:"Felix,你打破冰是行不通。"—CinnamonToastKen OK, like, uh here, we put it there. Pew:嘿,有橡木 Should I put it there? Ken:但是如何打破僵局呢? (雙關:打破冰) I mean, we could try. Pew:離我遠點 I don't think it's gonna work like we want it. Ken:你怎麼不阻止我打破冰 You don't think it's gonna okay? Pew:我跟James·Charles一起玩並不意味著我就是那樣 Okay. Ken:我們怎麼融化冰? What about this? Pew:也許你需要一些時間 Ken:也許 We put it here, but one, two treat, huh? Pew:或者也許是要…在基岩旁? Ken:但如果變成… Nothing. Ken:等等、等等, 也許把冰放在泥土上方,然後挖泥土下方 Okay, okay, I'm going for it. Ken:這樣,它不會將我們的水方塊變成鵝卵石 這樣對嗎? 12 Too. Pew:我不知道你的想法 我的想法是將岩漿放在基岩上 Weak. Pew:…我是說,冰在基岩上再放上岩漿, 但我們可以照你的想法,因為打破冰可行 Freaking. Ken:我知道我知道 好,看,我搞砸了。沒關係 Nothing happened. Pew:你的意思是把冰放在這裡,然後岩漿在下面 Way Can't pick that back up, can we? Pew:基石在這下面明顯有理由的,對吧? No, I I don't know if maybe you could, like, dig under it And then, like, melted from the bottom. Ken:所以不讓我們把自己挖到死,大概 Pew:不是,但為什麼…為什麼這裡沒有 Maybe from the top. Ken:沒有嗎? Pew:是啊,它沒有 It's usually goes from top. Pew:我認為是因為我們需要用到它 Ken:嗯,好吧好吧 This bedrock here, bedrock. Ken:告訴我該怎麼做 Pew:我不知道。我只是說…我只是用我的Minecraft眼看 Wow, we've Where's the diamonds? Ken:是是是… Pew:那麼有多少…它是三格深 It bro broke. Pew:一二,好吧,我們可以再挖一個 Don't even bro at me, bro. 土:(拜~~~~~~) Pew:不對,算了。 Okay, but put it, Put it. Pew:怎麼回事? 我算錯了嗎? 一二三, 噢,我耍笨 Put it that. Pew:我們丟了一塊,Ken Ken:Oh God! Yeah, Yeah, that's the right game. Pew:我們就在編輯時移除那一段。好,酷 Okay. Pew:讓我們嘗試點子…我們先試你的點子 Are you ready for this? Pew:如果不管用再試我的 Yeah, I'm ready for this. Ken:再放一塊在…放一個泥土方塊 Let's see it. Ken:在這裡,好了 Pew:好的。就像先前一樣。 What is ice in this game? Ken:不,我告訴過你把泥土放下面 We're trying to do science here. Ken:你只是站在那裡沒注意聽我說 You know, all the comments are like, I'm cringing so hard because all we have to do is to understand. Pew:哦,對不起 Ken:對,你是該 Look, gamers, okay, We know what we're doing. Pew:行,讓我們看著它融化 Will way we know what we're doing. Pew:噢哇,它融化得真好 We're just showing other people what not to do. Ken:看它流得 Pew:噢,我的腳太燙了 We're just testing your Minecraft knowledge. Pew:它還是冰冷的 Ken:所以你想要我把它放在上面? Show this video to your mind for craft girlfriend, and then you could be like oh, with no What are you doing? Pew:那我們之前做了什麼? 不,我想把冰放在基岩上。 Ah. Pew:我不知道。你知道嗎?讓我們來探索吧 What? Pew:也許這裡有其他的東西 It didn't work. Pew:Ken! 你著火了! 快! 跳… Go back. Ken:為什麼冰不能滅火? Why did you tear that? Pew:為什麼會發生那事? I told you it doesn't work. Pew:噢,我懂了,我懂了。你需要燒樹 I'm a Minecraft veteran. Ken:是那樣嗎? Pew:是是,就這樣 Now I have to restart the frickin service. Pew:樹沒有燒起來,這遊戲是怎樣 Ken:有什麼能燒? 岩漿能燒除我們以外的任何東西嗎? Okay, well, we know that now we know. Pew:只有你會燒 That's the way you don't do. Pew:好吧,讓我們環顧四周。讓我們用點腦子 Ken:我們都有一棵樹了,我不知道 Okay? Ken:我只是覺得你可以加某些東西進水中、 融化冰,你知道,但都沒用 I'm trying to tell you feelings. Pew:好,但給你個問題:"為什麼我們需要水?" It doesn't work. Ken:因為岩漿和水可以製造鵝卵石 If you break ice, cinnamon toast can do the New York. Ken:然後我們就能夠到那裡,因為我們石頭夠多,對吧? But what about the ice? Pew:是啊,但我們也可以剪下這些, 我認為它們會掉…樹枝 Oh, Booth, do you stop me from breaking the ice with your neighbor? Pew:然後我們得到更多樹,我們可以種樹, 更多樹更多木頭 James? Ken:所以等等,就這樣? 我們要坐在這裡,我們要等樹木長大 Charles doesn't mean I'm like that. Pew:聽好,Minecraft的規則不是我訂的,好嘛 我們必須到那裡。看,我快好了 How do we melt the ice is making for Maybe you need some time, right? Ken:這些應該是…每個島嶼都像是一個謎題, 我們必須弄清楚是怎麼運作的 Maybe. Ken:我們得到了我們需要的一切 Pew:好吧 Or maybe he needs to be if it turns into the next to back away. Ken:我們必須…我們因為水被批判,我告訴你 就是不知道怎麼作 Wait, wait, wait. Pew:噢,看,我從樹上拿到了一根棍子(打) Maybe put the ice on top of the dirt for a dig under the dirt. Pew:噢噢噢,Ken、Ken、Ken、Ken,我拿到了 So that way, it doesn't turn our block of water into a couple stones. Pew:那裡有一個樹枝 That make sense. Ken:我沒有用google,但我知道一個事實 I don't know what your ideas. Ken:打破這個冰塊,不知何故應該把它變成水 My idea is to put the love on the bedrock. Pew:我拿到了、我拿到了、我拿到了。你看 Ken:什麼?! I mean, the ice on the bedrock and put the lob over. Ken:(打) But we can do your idea because breaking there's work. Pew:我身上有東西,我拿著岩漿 I know. Ken:把你的樹從我面前拿開 I know. Ken:這就是你的樹的下場 Okay, look, I messed up. Ken:看招 That's fun. Pew:NO~ Ken:NO You mean put that, put the ice here and then put the law underneath. Pew:你本來就該種樹 There's clearly bedrock here for a reason. Pew:我得再重啟了 Right? Pew:噢~打破冰塊。OK So So don't dig yourself to death. Pew:兩個腦。讓我們試著玩Mine…小孩的遊戲 Probably No. Pew:好吧,我又來了 But why is it why is it not here, then? Ken:我現在正在查冰 It's not. Ken:它說你可以打破它並把它變成水方塊 It's not on this. Ken:創造水:"可以通過融化或破壞冰來創造水" Well, I think it's because we need to use it somehow. Ken:"如果在冰塊下方有另一個方塊,則" Okay. Ken:"當它破碎時,冰會恢復成水。" 真的? Okay. Pew:你只需要打破它 What? Ken:它就是這麼說的 Pew:如果它下面還有另一個。 Tell me what to do. Pew:你搞定你的蠢冰塊,這個男人要拯救地球 I don't know. Ken:Water~ Pew:Water~ I'm just saying I'm just like looking with my mind cracked ice. Ken:我辦到了 Pew:別跳、別帶著桶跳。OK,好 Right? Ken:我沒死,一切都很好,我只是淹在水裡。 Right, right, right, right. Pew:行,好吧。我在這裡發現了很多樹東東, 這真的很酷 So how money goes? Ken:所以…噢,不 什麼、你…為什麼? Three deep. Pew:什麼?! 它又變成冰了 12 Okay, we can do one more. Pew:你在幹嘛? No, never. Ken:為什麼? Pew:你在幹嘛? 你在幹嘛? Like. Ken:不~ What the hell did I count? Pew:那怎麼可能? Ken:是一個截水神通 Wrong? Pew:噢,我有一棵樹… Ken:我死了 123 I'm an idiot. Pew:好的,所以現在我們種樹 We lost the block in. Pew:瞧瞧這個 Ken:好 Oh, God. Ken:這樣…然後… Okay, We'll just We'll just edit that out, okay? Pew:不~你丟了個方塊。停、別再丟掉方塊 Cool. Ken:你才停,我正在製作鵝卵石 Let's try the ice idea. Ken:給我岩漿,把岩漿放在那個地方。 YOU SON OF A GUN Let's do your eyes like their first, and then we do mind if that doesn't work, we'll put a block right. Pew:我沒有岩漿。你沒拿嗎? Ken:我拿了。OK Put a dirt block right back here again. Pew:好,只是不要傷害樹 All right? Ken:NOOOOO~ Okay. Ken:行不通,這幾乎能行了,我們很接近了 Pew:它必須是流動的岩漿 So exactly like before? Ken:噢,好。所以,也許我需要… No. Pew:再重置地圖? 這就是我們要作的嗎?Ken I told you to put the dirt back down. Ken:是的,但我們上正軌了,玩家們 We just stood there, not paying attention to me. Pew:行,好。也許你問我、下、次、要做、什麼 Ken:就是你叫我做的 Oh, I'm sorry. Pew:這是最糟糕的Minecraft體驗 Yeah, you should be all right. Ken:這對影片有好處。 現在所有玩家都只是對著我們咆哮 Let's see it. Pew:不不不,他們知道、 他們知道他們永遠不會這麼厲害 Melton. Pew:你永遠不會變成這麼Minecraft Oh, wow. Ken:Minecraft,友誼的選擇 It's melting. Pew:所以現在…好吧,你作你的小…老兄, 第一試就中,我有一棵橡樹苗 So good. Ken:噢,你還在搞樹嗎? Pew:我們得…如果你認為樹不重要,你就不了解Minecraft Look again. Pew:樹是… Ken:別放那裡 My feet. Ken:放別處去,我需要空間作事 Pew:它、嗯,樹長大需要空間 That's looking. Ken:天啊,我是該怎麼做岩漿… 無限鵝卵石生產機 Hold how we are We are we? Pew:在這作、在這作,這裡,在這作 It's ice cold. Ken:上面這裡有多少空間,一二三四… Say, when you put on top of it. Pew:到那邊作,還有小心別弄丟方塊。 天哪,他惹毛我了 Well, what they were before. Pew:他們可以…嗎?可以可以,行了 No, I wanted to put the ice on the bedrock. Ken:所以我需要讓它維持在水方塊 I don't know, maybe. Ken:噢,也許我需要… Pew:你要什麼? 就先做水、先做水 Okay, you know what? Ken:所以我想我… Pew:做水,Ken Let's let's explore. Ken:好啦。嘿,那我在哪里作事? 我在哪里作事? Pew:你可以在這裡作 Maybe there's other things. Pew:就把水放這 Can your fire hurry? Ken:不,還沒準備好。等一下 Oh, I get it. Pew:Snither是橡樹(?),而你殺了它 I get it. Pew:別擔心,我… Ken:去它的橡樹 You need to burn the tree. Pew:不要靠近橡樹,我發誓我會(打)… 噢,對不起、對不起,我不是…該死的 Is that it? Pew:這距離打得到? Ken:你差點"薩諾斯彈指"我了。 Yeah, that's it. Pew:我會"薩諾斯彈指" 任何靠近橡樹的人 Okay. Ken:也許我在儲物箱旁工作,你可以種樹在… 好,我要開工了 The tree doesn't burn. Pew:好,聽著聽著聽著,水放這裡,然後流動岩漿在這裡,好嗎? What is this game? Ken:好的,我要放岩漿了 Pew:好 Anything burned? Ken:就在這裡 Pew:冰在哪裡? Islam. Ken:我有一個桶子了,對吧? Pew:是啊 A burn. Ken:冰放這裡… Pew:不、不要… Anything other than I see. Ken:打破冰…撈起水 Only you burn. Pew:你能不能聽我說 Okay, let's look, let's look around. Pew:需要流動的岩漿 Let's use our brains. Pew:岩漿必需、要、是流動的 This we'll get a tree. Pew:重啟伺服器(…又一次…) I don't know. Ken:到底是怎麼作的? Pew:我不… I just would assume that you can use something to make it into water. Pew:你毀了橡樹,每次我們重置橡樹就死了 這就是為什麼我很生氣 Melt the ice, you know, But nothing works. Pew:岩漿需要流動,Ken,好嗎? Ken:所以岩漿需要流動,水…好吧 Okay, but here's a Here's a question for you. Pew:水沒有關係 Why do we need water? Ken:流動岩漿 Pew:這會是500集的系列 Because the love in the water on a couple stone that we could make it all the way out there. Ken:讓我們試著擺脫第一集 Right enough watch, right? Ken:好好。我懂了。我明白了 Pew:看我第一試就打到橡木(樹苗) Yeah, but we could also we can cut down these, and I think they drop tree branches and then we get more trees have been compliant. Pew:噢,不,我沒有,因為某人…沒事, 等等、等等,有了、有了 The trees and more trees more. Pew:我有樹(苗)、我有樹(苗)。 不要靠近我的樹,不然我用木棒打你喔,懂嗎? What is it? Pew:現在,作你的事我會監督著。 So we're gonna sit here? Ken:好,所以,你挖這裡,倒入岩漿裡,對嗎? Pew:不對 We're gonna wait for trees to grow if we can make it across. Pew:不對、不對,岩漿需要流動。謝謝。 Ken:現在它是流動的了 Listen, I don't make the rules of mine crap, okay? Pew:撿起泥土,廢物 We got to make it across. Ken:我該怎麼作… Look, I'm almost there. Ken:我想在先做水 Pew:不不不不不,然後…然後… You're supposed to be every Allen's like a puzzle that we gotta figure out how to make it work. Pew:好,然後把… We're giving everything we need. Ken:嘿,我…等等好嘛 All right? Ken:我只是在…WTF我怎麼移動了? 先做水,這樣我就不會搞砸岩漿 We gotta make that. Ken:我一直在講… Pew:噓噓噓,Ken、Ken、Ken,… We got criticized the water. Pew:團隊合作, 團隊合作、團隊合作、團隊合作、團隊合作 I'm telling you how to do it. Ken:好啦、好啦 I don't know what you're doing right now, kids. Pew:岩漿放那裡,然後冰在這裡,然後水就會流過去 Look, I gotta stick. Ken:成了 Pew:我們有一個鵝卵石了,Baby It came from the tree. Pew:那真是有如史詩、那真是有如史詩 Oh, can't get chicken. Ken:(打)閉嘴啦! I got it. Ken:我們更接近了,也許我們只需要騰出更多空間 There is a tree branch there. Pew:為岩漿騰出更多空間。知道了 I didn't google this, but I know for a fact that breaking this I somehow is supposed to turn it into water. Ken:我們得到了一個鵝卵石,我們就快成功了 I got it. Pew:我們就快… Ken:這段修掉 I got it. Pew:還我橡樹(苗)…不准你說那些話 I got it. Pew:老兄,我拿到蘋果。我拿到該死的蘋果 Look what e had stuff on. Pew:噢噢,它掉了、它掉了… May I have the love of God. Pew:行了,好。好吧玩家們, 我有一棵樹(苗),我等等放樹(苗),其實我把它放這 I think your tree Take that. Pew:盡可能地讓岩漿流動 Oh, no trees to reset again. Pew:好吧,我們失去了一塊,沒關係。 Break the ice. Ken:水會跑到這裡 Okay, do brain. Pew:是的,但越多…越多流動空間就有越多的岩漿,所以如果有什麼… Let's trampoline must kid's game. Pew:也許我們應該移開這個儲物箱 All right. Pew:使岩漿流盡可能高地流下 Ken:你覺得可行? 知道我在說什麼嗎? I mean again, I'm looking up ice right now, it says you could break it and turn it into the water block. Pew:不不 Ken:流動的岩漿,對吧? Creating water. Pew:是的 Ken:然後我們需要流動的水,需要它們接觸 Ice could be used to create water by either melting It are being broken. Ken:所以我們需要隔離開 If there's another block directly underneath the ice block, the ice will revert to water when broken with. Pew:Ken、Ken、Ken Ken:我沒要作什麼 Really? Ken:它們必須流向對方 You just need to break it. Pew:放放放岩漿 Ken:撈起來? It's what says if there's another ride on me while you do your stupid ice thing, this guy is gonna savior. Pew:對對對,撈起來 Don't jump with the bucket. Pew:我們要作的就是盡可能高地放置它們。好吧, Ken:但它們要接觸。 Okay, Good. Pew:是啊。我們就放在… Didn't die. Pew:讓一讓、請讓一讓,讓一讓 Ken:我在讓了 Everything's fine. Pew:好的。所以岩漿從這一個… 把岩漿放上去 It's made around. Ken:它會流得到處都是 Pew:不不,那就是重點 All right, well, I'm finding a lot of tree stuff here. Pew:對對對,這樣就好、這樣就好 Did like this is serious now. Pew:我們想要盡可能多的流量 Ken:你想把水放在上面嗎? 好,我懂了 You? Pew:也許,我不知道我們應該把它放得多高, 也許我們作一點…噢,該死 Why? Pew:為我報仇 What? Ken:噢不,噢你還活著 It became ice again? Pew:我很好 Impossible. Pew:快做水,Ken Oh, the waterbender. Ken:我來救你了,別擔心 Pew:快做水 Oh, I got a tree. Ken:我救到你了 Pew:噢,謝天謝地 I'm dead. Pew:好吧。好了,看 Okay, so that we planned through. Pew:好吧,我認為這很好,除了… 噢,我們也救了橡樹(苗),這也很史詩 Look at this. Pew:所以,現在… Ken:OH MY GOD,我們已經盡最大努力了 Okay, so, uh and then, uh, no. Pew:不不不,這很好、這很好、這很好,而現在… You lost the block. Pew:我們拿…我們拿點樹 Cut! Ken:所有鵝卵石…還有樹 樹終於摻進來了 Stop! Pew:它們自由了 Stop losing blood. Pew:我是說樹 You! Pew:好了,然後我們需要更多的樹 Would you stop? Ken:這是… Pew:這真刺激,老兄 I'm making cobblestone. Ken:我們必須退出好幾次… Give me that lava. Pew:老兄,不不,不要even、steven、fleben But that love in that spot right there, you son of a gun. Pew:我要…在工作台創造。我知道怎麼作。 I don't have it. Ken:Yeah! Do it! Do it! Pew:當我沒說 Did you not take it? Pew:等一下我需要更多木材。這就是人說的 I'll get it. Ken:做把鎬子 OK, ok. Pew:我正在做鎬子,所以我可以掘你的臀…鼻子 Ken:別動我的鼻子 Just don't hurt. Pew:我們可以各做一把。你想要一個嗎? 不,我們要節省 Don't hurt tree. Ken:永遠不知道下次會有需要什麼? Pew:我在挖這個了 No, it didn't. Pew:石頭… Ken:看,它再製造方塊或者其他什麼。這就是我在說的 It almost worked. Pew:這是我在說的 Ken:這是我在說的 We're close. Pew:我在你說之前就說了 It has to be flowing, Lama. Ken:我在開始時就說了,我們必須做出無限的東西 Pew:帥呆了,我們最棒了 Okay, so maybe the okay, maybe neo room to reset the map again. Ken:我們做到了 Pew:這代表我們解決了糧食危機 And so is that what we have to do, kid? Ken:是啊是啊 Pew:我們甚至不需要種愚蠢的橡樹 Yep. Pew:我們不需要種你,你好遜,橡樹 But we're on the right track, gamers. Ken:我跟你說的 Pew:我跟你說的 Well, maybe if you ask me next time what it's gonna d'oh doing. Pew:好。你想開始造橋嗎? 我不喜歡橋,所以你來 Ken:OK! You're the one that just took me to do it. Pew:給你 Ken:丟給我 I worship my craft experience. Pew:那怎麼沒中了? It's videos. Pew:我就把它丟在水裡,你可以跳進水裡 All the gamers out there just raging their face off right now. Ken:我們在路上了,Baby Pew:老兄,我們真屌 Now they know they know they will never be this good. Ken:如果你要做石鎬嗎? Pew:不不不,我們說…它被稱為自然資源, You will never be this Minecraft on craft destroys friendships. Pew:我們要節省它們。做石鎬,瘋了 Okay. Ken:工頭PewDiePie,你還有更多材料嗎? Pew:噢,是的,當然,拿去吧,先生 All right, so now, okay, you do your little dude first. Ken:哦在水裡。我會撿起來。你撿了。 Try. Ken:不,我拿到了,四個 Pew:繼續 I got Anoke suffering. Ken:太棒了 Pew:你作得好。我可以說你非常聰明、非常英俊 Omar, You still doing the tree way? Ken:我們一直作,直到下一個謎題。然後我們又"不~~" Have you don't understand Minecraft. Pew:拿去吧,先生。團隊合作讓PP成功,Got'em If you think trees aren't important trees, then stop there. Ken:OH YEAH! 把它給我。OH YEAH! Put it over. Ken:我已經玩過一堆俠盜獵車手角色扮演和 There is the way I need the space to work. Ken:就像你離得越遠你的聲音越小,所以我繼續往前 Well, the tree needs space to grow. Ken:當我離很遠的時候,我得對你大喊 Pew:噢 Oh, my God. Ken:玩太多。噢對,我們在通話,不打緊。 Pew:不,這很好。大喊好,繼續 How am I supposed to make a lava? Pew:我們還需要多少? Ken:呃,我認為我們還到沒中途 Infinite copies. Pew:還沒到半途?! Ken:是,它離這裡很遠。我們會到的 Here, Do it. Pew:原來如此。那島上有什麼東西? Here. Ken:有一個仙人掌、一些沙子,另一個箱子 Pew:另一個箱子 Here, Do it here. Pew:聽起來有異國情調 Ken:是啊,你有這麼有趣的工作 How many spaces though? Pew:好,我們換班吧 Is it? Ken:不用不用,我很好 Even a little into three were there with their sticks and careful with the blocks. Ken:作得好好的 Pew:有時它們燒了真的很…就是它們掉進岩漿。行。你去肯吧 Gosh, he pissed me off. Pew:上吧,Ken,你是新礦工。天哪,我上了,玩家們。天哪, Minecraft中有座橋 Yeah, so I need to make it still water. Pew:你原本可以…你知道嗎? 算了 May I needed just like what? Pew:天哪,這好遠。這好遠 Do you just make the water for it? Pew:這要花上一輩子。挖快點,Giba Liba Ken:但它不斷掉進岩漿 Make the border. Ken:別再掉進岩漿了 So I think make the water kid. Pew:更換你的技術 Hey, where can I work? Ken:你更換你的臉。那樣跟我說話 Where can I work with work here? Pew:你知道我作不到,Ken Just put the water. Pew:不,我無法更換我的臉,而我想要 No, it's not ready. Ken:我有壞消息 Pew:噢 Hang on. Ken:鎬子快打破(break)了 Pew:什麼? Neither was Oak Tree and you killed Mario. Ken:壞(broke) Pew:好 Don't go near Oak Tree. Ken:鎬子壞(broken)了 Pew:不不 I swear I will. Pew:不,我浪費…我才剛鋪…好吧 Oh, sorry. Pew:好,你有一個,完美的。我會做一個新的。 Sorry I didn't distance. Ken:你有木材嗎? Pew:我有木材嗎? You almost done. Pew:什麼問題? 我當然有木頭 Oh, snap me rapping. Ken:你總是有木材,懂我說什麼嗎? Pew:是啊,我是樵夫。當然 I was standard step anyone that goes near Oak Tree. Pew:這很珍貴的。小心點,好嗎 Cool. Ken:謝謝,這是我們唯一一次給我任何東西 Maybe I'll work over here by box then and you can grow trees over. Pew:是嗎? 那數千訂閱和數百萬九歲兒(粉絲)怎麼說 Okay, I would but work. Pew:你抱怨越多,你看會發生什麼? 你失去了你的nei nei特權, Okay, listen, listen. Ken:你給了我這麼多訂閱 Pew:沒錯 Listen. Ken:每個人總是說:"你比起PewDiePie有這麼多的東西" But the water here and then you have long flowing here. Ken:我就想:你知道,它真的沒有你想得那麼多 Pew:是了,繼續挖礦 Okay? Pew:這就是當我們崩潰的樣子 Ken:它怎麼沒挖到? Yeah. Pew:我接住。我不知道怎麼回事 I'm gonna go put the lava. Pew:也許從我的方向挖它 Ken:它一直掉進岩漿裡 Yeah, right here. Pew:行了 Right now. Pew:老兄,這太冒犯了 I got a bucket. Pew:你把它們全部撿走了 Ken:撿起來,書呆 Right. Pew:我在試了。我是書呆,你是對的 Okay. Pew:什麼?! Ken:我的天哪, 你不能從我這裡拿走這些嗎?你不能帶走這些珍貴的鵝卵石嗎? Yeah, yeah, yeah, But the ice down. Pew:我在試了… 鵝卵石:(拜~~~~~) No, the ice back over that way. Ken:那掉出邊緣了 Following the way. Pew:我想打你但是… I don't about you ruin oak tree every time we reset oak tree dice. Pew:快點,我們得作完。我得去吃晚餐了,Ken。 這一集需要了結。快點 That's why I haven't really made the llama. Pew:給我鎬、給我鎬 Needs to be flowing Qin Gang. Ken:你無聊了? 瞧,好吧。天哪,有這麼多 So the lob Lavin is blowing in the water. Pew:丟進水裡,謝謝 What? Pew:我們一定要像智商2000一樣作這個 Ken:你到了嗎? It doesn't matter. Pew:接近了 Ken:你怎麼還沒到?! So okay, flowing lava to be 500 parts. Pew:因為你一直把材料扔下邊緣,Ken Ken:你要我作這個的 Siri's just try to get off the first island. Ken:我在作了,好嘛。我盡最大努力了。你知道嗎? Pew:好吧。看我全部接住 Okay. Ken:你就像寶可夢大師。你只需catch'em all Pew:哇! 這真的很難,Ken Okay. Ken:我知道 Pew:還有多遠? I got I got it. Ken:大概十格 Pew:好,要來了。你準備好了嗎? I understand now much me. Ken:職業玩家技巧 Pew:那是職業玩家…我正準備說那是多麼bro Get open. Pew:好。我們差不多快到了 First try. Pew:一、二…現在不要推我,三… Oh, no, I didn't get someone. Pew:四… Okay, wait, wait. Pew:五… I gotta I gotta go. Pew:六不要… Okay. Pew:七… I got you. Pew:八… I got tree. Pew:Oh yeah! Gaber,噢 Don't go in there. Pew:有個西瓜,還有南瓜種子 Ken:我們拿到什麼? My tree or I hate to stick. Ken:什麼?! Pew:這真是太讚了(打、打) Okay. Pew:感謝您觀看空島的第一集,這是… Ken:那是結尾?! Night. Pew:為第二集按喜歡 下次見 Do your thing and else all supervise. Pew:拜~~~ Ken:等一下,我丟了全部東西 Okay, so you'll pick up here. (字幕翻譯到這邊就結束了) Yes, Slob. (在你關閉影片前,我想說幾句) In here, right? (有個I am HeRe在PewDiePie的影片裡) No, no, no. (作了多國語言字幕) Lava needs to be flowing. (但我發現) Thank you. (他是用自動產生的英文字幕作英文字幕) Now it's flowing. (然後用自動翻譯翻成多國語言) Now it's pick up the dirt scum. (理所當然錯誤百出) I don't do this. (我只是純粹看不下去而翻了這集) I think I need to do the water first before No, no, no, no. (將來也沒有繼續作字幕的打算) And then I will go with the lob, Okay? (如果有其他喜歡PewDiePie的人) And then put that day on what? (希望可以接手,不讓此歪風繼續助長) Second? What fucking move. I just get the water first, so don't mess with the lava. You just can't kick in. Work together. Teamwork. Okay, Next team, work, team, work, team, work. Okay, Okay. Okay. All right. There. Put the lava there, then get the eyes here, and then the water will flow in. Okay, again. We got a cobblestone baby. That was I think that was big. Closer? Maybe We just have to make more room. Maurin room for lava. Got it. Okay, Okay. Okay. We got one Cobblestone. Yeah, we're getting closer it. Get it. Get it out. Give me back my own. Okay. Don't you dare say those words. Oh, okay. Dude, I got an apple. I got a freakin that. Oh, they dropped? No. There you go. Okay. All right, gamer. I have a true I'll put down a tree later. I'll put them to you. All right, so let's make the lava flow as much as possible, all right? Oh, all right. We're lost. It's fine with water. Will, like, run over this. Yeah, but the more the more spaces that it runs over, the more love will make. So, if anything, maybe we should remove this box and make the lava flow from really says hi as possible. So, like, just make sense to you. What? I would say not a flowing lava right yet. And then we need flowing water and they need to meet. We need like a separation can do anything. They have to flow into each other. They have meat. Put, put put. Put up the lot of you. Put up the line. Yeah. Okay. What we're gonna do, it's gonna place them as high up as possible. All right? But they'll just run into each other. Yeah, well, place Scoot. Scoot over. Scoot over. I'm Seo Jin. OK, so the lava will go from this one, the long one. It's gonna go everywhere. And that's the point. You good? Okay, way Wanted much blow. You wanna put a water on top of Okay, I got you. Yeah, maybe. Like I don't know how high we should put it. And, like, maybe it will make a little shoot. Ahh! Ahh! Avenge me. Me? Ah, you so lit, Fam. I'm fine. Water going, T o get water. You think? Okay. All right. See? Okay. I think that was good. Except we save oak tree as well. This is epic. So no guy. We've done this the hardest way possible. Thistles, Kid, This hickory, This is good and no, we grabbed our regret Is all the cobblestone But the tree The tree finally comes into play free. I mean, the tree. Okay. All right. On three. Yeah. Okay. And then we need more tree. This is most missus in penance. Kevin was getaway has ever been No, no. Don't even even sleep in my crumpet. And I know how to do this. My heart. Yeah. Do it. No, never mind. Do it anymore would do it. That's what person said. Do it. Make a pick. All right. I'm making a pic so I could pick your nose, Not my nose. We can have a picnic rejection. Do you want? No, we have to say you never know. We're going to be in the next time I'm picking this look again. It's gonna make that block over and over again. This is what talking about this is What? I was talking about this when I was talking. If I talked about this before you talk about this, I talked about this. The beginning. They were gonna make infinite freakin dirt. Also, we're killing it. You we did it. Does that mean we saw the food crisis? Yeah. Yeah. We don't even need to glow the stupid oak tree where I need to grow you. You suck oak tree. I tell you this, I tell you this. Okay? Do you want to start building the bridge? I don't like bridges. Okay. What? Here. Get into me. Look. How does that Mrs. I'll just put it there in the water. You can jump in the water. We're on our way, babe. Aided were awesome. Did you make a stone pick, Nana? We'd say it's called Natural Resource is and we saved them. Make a stone pick. Crazy Foreman. Peut pie. Do you have any more materials for me? Oh, yes, of course. Here you go, sir. Please go in the water. I'll pick them up. You pick them. I got them. I got four. Keep gone. Fantastic. You're doing great. May I say you're very smart and very handsome, Like you were getting along until, like, the next puzzle coming. Here you go, sir. The teamwork makes the peopie work. God, um oh, yeah. Even to me. Oh, yeah. Been played a bunch of grand theft auto role play. And, uh, there's like, a distance thing to your voice, like you get lower, the further you get away. So I keep a guy like yell at you in a faraway planet way too much. Oh, yeah, We're in the call together. It's fun. No, it's good. Yelling is good. Keep doing all right. So how many more do we need to get across? Uh, I don't think we're halfway it. Not even halfway. It's pretty far out here. We're getting We're getting there. Oh, I see. So what's over there on that island? Uh, there's a cactus and sand. Another chest, Another chest. Sounds like Celtic. Have you have such a fun job? Okay, let's switch that. No, no, no. Good. No, I have to. If I'm doing great now, sometimes they burn up. It's really not like they will land in the lobby. All right, Hugo, can You're the new of mine there. Oh, God. Here I go, Gamers. Oh, God. There's bridges in my crap. You could have you know, God, it's so far. It's so far there it is. Gonna take forever mine quicker, G believer. But he's jumping the lava. Yeah. Stop change your technique. You shave, you change your face talking. You know I can't do that. Can you know I can't change my face and I want you got bad news. Uh, it's about to break our white broke. Okay? The pick is broken. Oh, no, no, no. I waste I just Please. Okay. Okay. You have one. Okay, Perfect. I'll make a new one. You have the would Do I have? What a question. Of course I have the wood. You always have the would know what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm the Woodman. Of course. This is precious. Be careful. Okay. Thank you. That was beautiful. What was the only time you've ever given me anything? Oh, yeah. Like how about thousands of yes and millions of nine year old? You complain more, you see what happens. You lose your name. A privilege is giving me so many subs. That's right. Everyone's always like you've gotten so many self pity pot. I'm like, you know, it's It's really not as much as you think it. Oh, yeah. We'll keep mining. This is what it looks like. When way breaking. I caught it. I don't know how. Come on. Maybe mine it in my direction. It can go in the lava. That's so offensive. You caught them all up. Pick up, pick up. You're trying. I am a nerd. You're right. What? That Oh, my God. Did you not take these from me? You gotta take these precious cobblestones. I'm trying from my person. I want to punch you. But come on, work the finish. I have to eat dinner. Can this episode needs to finish. Come on, give me. Give me the pickaxe. Give me the ticket. You bored? Now? Look OK with the water. Thank you. Way must be like Ike you 2000 for doing this. You make it yet? So close, gamer. Have you not made it yet? Because you keep throwing the material across the edge can. Well, you wanted me to do this. I'm doing it. Okay? I'm doing my best. You know what? All right. Look at me. Can you like a Pokemon master? Just got to catch a movie. Wow, this is really hard. Can I know how many lives? Uh, product in? All right, here we go. You ready for this? Oh, God. Is he all right? Pro gamer Straight. I was pro game. I was just about to say how, bro, that was okay. We're almost across one too. Don't push me now. Three or fight sick. Don't. What happened? Oh, yeah. Gaber 00 yeah. Well, there's a melon, Will you? We get And pumpkin seeds. What? This is awesome. Thanks for watching part one of Skype. Look, this is Is that the smashed, like report to And I see you guys mixed ab Wow, By the way, I dropped everything. What? You never played two for? Similarly, you know, it's fun, right? I'm not supposed to give my opinion, but give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good. Not convinced yet. Okay, I'll cut Your dear Game is available for free, and that's a great price.
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