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Let me ask you, Rosie.
And you're worried about the Corona virus?
No, no.
Long cat.
May I got too much.
Oh, my party already I can deal with.
Sure you are.
About what?
The Corona virus.
Oh, God, yeah.
This way I approach to these things is always about, you know, get a film where a car leaves the road and ends up in a river underwater.
People that do this, they don't make it today.
Yeah, Once you go, they live always in films.
So I think they're the people Thio aspire to You haven't seen that film helping me It already.
I'm giving you all I've got here.
I wouldn't, but also I can.
All right.
So listen what we're gonna don't worry back way to set up a triathlon.
We gotta have three events tonight.
It's people you know that you can do at home little games that you can do at home.
The 1st 1 is we're going to kick off with a clay pigeon shooting.
So if you guys would like to come up to this end, I'm gonna get down.
Here s so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some toast in the toaster.
We're gonna fire it up in the air.
But you know what?
You're doing this at home.
Turn off your I'm gonna put a piece of toast in here.
I'm gonna fly it up in the air.
Your job is to try and hit it mid air with If you could bring on, please, some mashed potato on a spoon ises all stuff that you can do at home.
I'm glad we're making used to the food weeks loud.
Oh, shit.
I think I just broke a tradition thing.
Is the people who have self isolating?
I don't have any, Like a good book, A bunch of takeaways word.
They're gonna spend loads of money.
They're gonna borrow, like, the money, and they gonna fix 50 million potholes.
How do we feel?
How do you feel about the budget and the well, the part?
I was obviously done a big focus group and find out to find out what people really care about in life Powers is what it is.
But I don't personally found a pause.
I think there I'll miss him.
I think I see them very much is like nature, speed bumps.
I got night, make my cats in the boot, and I can do I can do to a few 100 in tonight.
Jonathan said, is it okay that leads.
Dennis was accused of swearing at a toddler in a case of mistaken identity and created the funniest Twitter storm I've ever seen.
Rosie never been mistaken for anyone.
Uh, no, I I can shave shy no one diver get Oh, Paul, It came a day and I have a say Mei Wu will enter Watcher in that way, Josh and Alex, You guys actually met list?
Yeah, it was lovely.
It was great.
That was us with those Dennis that was actually the original lineup for the last leg.
Way based Wake people at home.
What the top ways to lose a foot.
You said come by an accident.
If it's there, I'll give you the money myself.
Do you know what?
To settle the argument once and for all.
It was only fair that we invite him on the show.
Would you please welcome Les Dennis Wayne?
That guy was right.
What a disappointment.
Karaoke bars went viral this week so that you Internet challenge called way.