字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Eat the toilet paper, so it wipes on the way and 把衛生紙吃下去,一路到底就自動擦 Good evening, everyone 各位晚安 My name is Peter and I don't mean to brag but I have a very large brain just like the person who wrote this god-awful 我是Pewdiepie,我沒有要誇大 Reddit post 但我有一顆超大的腦袋,就跟寫這天才Reddit留言的人 so today we're gonna explore more people with big brains and perhaps 一樣大 You might find that you are big brain as well. I love this one 今天我們要來尋找更多腦袋也這麼大的人 You don't have a skeleton inside you you're a brain. You are inside a skeleton 然後你也可能 發現你的腦袋也很大 You're piloting a bone mech that is using meat armor. I never felt more 這篇很棒 Powerful, I mean technically you're not wrong big brain. Very large brain. I bet this guy can whip out a 不是你包覆著骨架,你是一顆腦,是骨架包覆你 Cobblestone generator in half a second my god, so we're all an anime Mecca. That's so cool. To be honest 你是操控骨骼機甲,再一層肉裝甲 It's not 我感覺自己超強(笑) Premarital sex if you never get married, baby 嚴格上來說好像沒有錯,大腦袋 您腦袋真的頗大 What? 我賭這傢伙可以在半秒內造出鵝卵石製造機 I've been lied to a 天啊 new scientific study 原來我們全部都是機動戰士 好酷喔 claims that fertility is hereditary if your parents didn't have any children chances, are you won't either 說實話,只要你不結婚 It took me a second but big brain that's I 那就不是婚前性行為 Understand this isn't minecraft 大腦袋! It's funny how we we tend to mimic our parents behavior. What you okay? I got one for you guys 花特 Here's one for you big brains. What smells better? (你沒玩過Tuber Simulator?) I'm sending 163 subscribers to BünyaminTV subscribers 我一直都被騙嗎 Nose I 根據最新的科學研究 Get it. I 生育力會遺傳的 Was like what is a nose smell like oh 如果你父母沒有生任何小孩,你大概也不會 You can't spell 我一開始想了一下 可是 大腦袋 v 我有看懂! Nine-year-olds write that down 這又不是麥塊 Things I wish I didn't know. Okay. This is not big brain. Get out of my sight 我們傾向模仿我們父母的行為這點很有趣吧 So I met a cute guy at the bar last night dance with him says he doesn't have a girlfriend 花特 We exchanged snapchat look him up on Facebook, and he doesn't have a girlfriend 你沒玩過... He has a wife 好我有一篇要給你們看 the gray 注意了大腦袋們 Everyone knows the smartest people in the world Socrates Stephen Hawking's Einstein 什麼東西聞得比嚐得還好 They all had very large heads 鼻子 Einstein's brain weighed only which is less than average adult male Einstein had small brain 好啦我懂 腦袋很大對不對 small brain 本來還在想鼻子聞起來是什麼味道 Here's one for you youtube lovers. What's the best way to download a YouTube video? 噢 Screenshot each second and play it on PowerPoint small brain 拼advertisements(廣告)時 Hey if the public 要把semen(精液)夾在tits(奶子)裡面 Bathroom door is locked 9歲小孩們 抄下來!!(笑) Don't forget to try and repeatedly open it and give the person using it and paralyze be expected 我真希望我不知道,好嗎 It's like when you're waiting for the elevator and the the button is clearly lit up 這腦袋一點都不大,滾出我的視線 But someone comes in anyway and decides to click it for you 我昨天在酒吧遇到一個帥哥 跟他一起跳舞 The door is locked 他說他沒女朋友 我們Snapchat加了好友 I'm sending 163 subscribers to BünyaminTV subscribers 我去FB上面搜尋他 But it I'm having a ship cut in your tennis balls in half allows you to store two more balls in each camp 他沒有女朋友 Thus saving space small brain. Very small. My brain is so tiny. This is another typical 可是他有老婆 problem with capitalist America, why can't they just they can clearly fit more tennis ball, but they chose not to 腦袋大 Disgusting people will stop showing you pictures of their kids if you whisper are freaky 大家都知道 世上最聰明的人 Under your breath when you look at their focus. Ah 蘇格拉底、史蒂芬・霍金、愛因斯坦 Wow 他們的頭都超級大 What a fantastic tip that had that is so helpful 愛因斯坦的大腦只有 ... 比一般成年男性的大腦還輕 yeah, I 愛因斯坦是小腦袋?? Like that one 小腦袋!!(笑) Only a fool would buy IKEA furniture 再給你們看一篇 Youtube愛好者們 Instead just download the instructions and keep emailing their service department to say that I'm missing a piece 下載Youtube影片有什麼最好的方法? until they ship me all the pieces over a six month period 把每一秒都截圖下來然後用投影片播 Swedish break this is an old hack everyone in Sweden 嘿如果某間公廁的 Does this come on don't waste my time being vegan has been so freaking easy 門是鎖著的 I literally just stare at the Sun and I'm full. Thanks 記得要反覆嘗試開門 讓裡面的人焦慮到爆 Photosynthesis. I mean, I never tried it so maybe it works. Ah 這就很像在等電梯時 已經有人按按鈕了 If you are behind someone at an ATM late at night 還是會有人走過來再按一次 Let them know that you're not a threat by giving them a gentle kiss on their neck 門是鎖著的喔!! See this is the kind of stuff that I wish 不要再開門啦!! People taught me when I was growing up. It takes 45 muscles to frown but only 10 muscles to smile 我在大便啊!!! Frown all day lose weight get ripped gains 把網球切半可以讓你每桶裝兩倍的球 節省空間 Damn Brian you've been working now. Yeah right now I actually feel it. Damn. I will actually get a big break 小腦袋!!超級小,我腦袋奈米小 My forehead will be massive 這是一個典型的資本主義問題,美國 The games 為什麼他們一桶不能... Apply garlic to freshly open cut or burn to immediately intensify the pain 很明顯他們就可以放更多球,可是他們不要 Thank you. This is so helpful. Oh 噁心 God, I've been barely injured garlic, please. What does that help? Okay. Here you go. Ahh 大家不會再給你看他們小孩的照片 I keep a fruit sticker on top of my head so that if cannibals ever eat me 只要你在看照片時 He'll have to peel the sticker off first giving me time to escape 低聲說「啊嘶」 How to learn anything ten 哇喔 Times faster I speed at the video times 真是一個不錯的主意啊 超有幫助的 1.5 so that I can learn 啊嘶 I'm sending 163 subscribers to BünyaminTV subscribers 嗚喔~ Damn oh, I'm sorry. You read books. I listen to audio books at ten times the speed 我喜歡這張 Oh, I'm sorry. You listen ten times the speed I listened at five RT books at the same time in twenty times the speed 到底是尛啦(笑) It's quick. It's easy and it's free pouring river water into your socks. Why would I do that? LMI? 只有白痴才會買IKEA家具 It's quick. It's easy. It's free you 因為我都下載說明書、每半年寫信跟他們說我少一個零件 Can apply that to anything really buying thirty five words it's quick it's easy. It's 讓他們補寄到我有了全部的零件 You got the point if you ever feel alone watch a horror movie late at night with the lights up 是瑞典腦! You won't feel so alone anymore 這是老招了,瑞典人都這樣做好嗎 Thanks, Satan. You're the best when a baby on board sticker is a little faded and beat up 拜託 別浪費我時間 You know the kid is at least a year or two old now and the car is safe to ram. I 全素他媽有夠簡單 Think I remember that one. 我只要看著太陽我就飽了 I think I keep that one in the memory bank 謝囉光合作用 Thank you very much poke your finger in someone's mouth while they are yawning to establish dominance 我從來沒有試過,也許可以這樣吧 Big brain weight might sell was does it to me? I've seen this one. I got a go pregnant in high school 如果你深夜在ATM站在別人後面 So I told my parents getting bullied and removed 在他們脖子上留個輕柔的吻 讓他們知道你無害 modern from 像這種東西我一直都希望別人在我長大時有教我 Require modern solutions 人皺眉會用到45條肌肉,但微笑只要10條 That is awful by the way, just so we adjust so quickly that is not big brain. That is despicable brain. Same thing actually 整天皺眉,就能減肥,練肌肉,大肌肌 Firing tip profiling tips knees on your knuckles before a fight in order to inflict poison damage 親愛的眉毛你有在努力嗎 現在喔 Damn, hell big brain 我確實有感受到欸 乾 我腦袋真的很大 Very big very large. Brain. Oh 額頭超級大 Oh, here's a good one. If you touch your pee-pee while you watch you can pretend like you were having. Oh 腦袋大!! Oh 剛切傷或燙傷時趕快敷大蒜,就能立即享受極致疼痛 That took me a long time. Okay? 謝謝你,真的很有幫助 Hey, oh my god taking a little weight off your check luggage that is actually big brain. I like that 喔天,我的傷口有點嚴重,請給我大蒜 We can't do that in I think European airports. They keep them like dang in 那個有什麼幫助?給你 How to get over your fear of the dark as soon as you turn the lights off starts touching peepee poo-poo 'i 我一直都會在頭上貼水果的標籤貼紙 Know monster was to see that 如果食人族想吃我的話 While doing it stare at the corner and whisper tenderly, this is for you. I 他就要先撕掉貼紙,然後我就有時間逃跑 Always thought about like in a horror movie if someone just does something really crazy to throw the monster off (人類是怎麼了) But I think this one takes surprise. That's extremely large brain. Not even I would think of that. Mr 如何十倍快速學習任何事情 President Jesus. Well that explains it 我用1.5倍速播影片,所以我學習可以 If you count their wine snug confuse them by using this move oh my god 十!五!倍!速!快!!! life hack pause and say you can show yourself now every time you're about to leave an 乾 Apparently empty room someday, there might actually be someone there and they will be really impressed 噢抱歉,你看書 I've been doing this for 29 years so far. Nothing happened very large brain 我用十倍速聽有聲書 Now if you have the biggest brain of them 噢抱歉喔,你聽十倍速 All you will be checking out represent calm /pd primer. It is epically big brain 我可是用二十倍速同時聽五本喔 We don't have any big brain merge stuff Spanish cool 又快又簡單又免費:把河水倒進襪子裡 Thanks for watching gamers smash like if you enjoy subscribe and remember to just take like life love 我為什麼會做這件事 Big brain my friend is so big. I don't know how to speak. How do I make outro place what you never played super simulator? 因為又快又簡單又免費 You know, it's fun right I'm not supposed to give my opinion 這根本可以用在所有地方 But give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not not convinced yet. Okay. I'll cut you a deal 買Pewdiepie周邊,又快、又簡單、又... The game is available for free and that's a great price 你懂我的意思就好啦 Swedish prey 如果你覺得寂寞,就深夜關燈看恐怖片
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 腦袋 貼紙 小孩 恐怖片 愛因斯坦 大腦人的想法 #42 [REDDIT REVIEW] 。 (Ideas from people with BIG BRAINS #42 [REDDIT REVIEW]) 10 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字