字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I 我想不到其他開頭了 Am run out of intros this is what I'm doing now. Okay, the why leave your entry? 就是這個動作的意思 close 好滴 lwiay Grab your favorite minecraft merch and let's get it gamers 把你的能量留在SUB REDDIT版上 What is happening 12 hour minecraft livestream at a hundred million subscribers? Come on gamers 而我也會準時收看下一集的lwiay It's my favorite part of the week after playing minecraft reviewing the luau means oh, yes 帶來了你最喜歡的麥塊商品 Finally bing-bong baby. Fuck 買一件吧 玩家們 My hue my craft house is epic. So that was a freaking look 發生甚麼事! Good bitch. Hey, you know if you want to be mad be mad at sigh that's why right side. I'm blaming you 一億訂閱將有12小時的麥塊直播 It was his idea. I was like site what's good idea of thumbnail? I 奮鬥吧 玩家們 Think at least I don't remember was it yeah, it's eyeful. Mr 這是我一週最喜歡的部分 Bies speaking the language of gods make sure you limit your video game time today. I don't want you to become super violent 在玩完麥塊之後 Remember before games war wasn't a thing lovely more hate them. Let's get real everyone loved him. Mr 評論liway梗圖 Dees spitting facts pity pie. I think my humor has become less childish over the years 噢 讚啦 終於 You think you're better than fart noises 冰 崩 冰冰崩 No one's better than fart noises, let's get the brilliant 12-hour Minecraft livestream at the hundred million. Oh 我的新麥塊屋子屌炸天 Are we at 99 yet? Come on gamers minecraft Vicky Felix trying to beat the wither using zombie pigmen "縮圖根本在騙" The wither is immune to all attacks from other undead monk except skulls from other withers 這句很紅 Definite. Oh, here's the thing. I knew okay. I just thought that would be a good decoy 如果你想要對Sive生氣 對沒錯 Sive,我在譴責你 There were all the people saying that they heal them and that confused me as well, but they definitely serve their purpose 這是都是他的主意 Okay Thank You Pig mate 我就問他"要選哪個當縮圖?" Very great. Hey guys. So today we finally build the cobblestone generator 我想至少...我不記得了 是Sive的錯 Yeah, I think I think it's time you can play something else in Minecraft we're still stuck on the club poster 我想至少...我不記得了 是Sive的錯 "SIve:NO" Otherwise, it's this episode 500 at this points men has enter the nether twice. Okay, kill two Mr.beast正在說著神的語言 Llamas, okay entered the freaking room 我來確認你有沒有玩太久遊戲 Okay, all without Felix permission just like a rebel teenager Spanish growing up. This is so cute 我不想你因為遊戲變得暴力 He also got married meanwhile in Hong Kong throughout the protests. Pure news. Say was oh my god 還記得嗎?在遊戲裡連打仗都不像什麼大事,還記得嗎 What do I have to do? I'll call Papa Gloria. She's been on vacation. She's been having a good time 愛或恨他 講實話 大家都該愛他 I'll get her on this stack. She's been playing Minecraft 因為Mr.beast正在訴說事實 When you forget to refrigerate your meatball, I don't like this. I don't even realise. What am I gonna do? I? PewDiePie:經過這些年, 我覺得我的幽默沒那麼幼稚了 Have to climb the meatball (模仿屁聲) What do I gotta do? 你覺得你的笑話比屁聲優嗎? People said I should put the red sauce on it like pee I should put like red carpet over it you dumb vault 沒有任何笑話可以超越屁聲,我說認真 You're a bunch of dumb balls. Okay, that's the worst suggestion I've ever heard in my life Swedish people "訂閱數到一億的時候 我會來個12小時的麥塊直播" Don't put tomato sauce on their meatballs. That's Italians. You dummy dumb dumb. We put brown sauce on our meatballs "觀眾:馬上來" (GOOGLE 創帳號") Honestly, you should probably just delete your YouTube account where ever it made that comment. Oh my god, that is the cutest 我們990萬左右了嗎 Who made this the Kiawah? Thank you very much. That's really cute. Then. We'll appreciate 加油啊夥伴 We can use Spence, okay? (左) 麥塊維基 Scared for shadowy noises see I notice it even when I was editing. I said it like three times in a row a night Felix:我要培養殭屍豬人軍隊幫我打凋零怪 I let one end because I needed a sentence now 維基:凋零怪能免疫所有殭屍豬人的攻擊 除了其他凋零發射的炸彈 I'm starting to understand what it's like to be an editor and having to cut through my speech impediment Jesus Christ 可惡 I can see say freak as many times as I want YouTube 呃... What are you gonna do people are saying that they got a mineral add while I said Frick Frick Frick, baby 我跟你們說 其實我知道 What are you gonna do YouTube breakfast? 懂了嗎? You can't stop the frickin e you can stop scared Peter pie, but you can't stop freaking me grandpa. I found your old stuff 我只是想要用殭屍豬人當誘餌 What is it? It's a damn shame 很多人都說殭屍豬人會幫凋零補血 I'm gonna tell you a great story 我也真的蠻困惑的 What you name your child is when after spend all well 但是 我相信豬人們是有幫到我的 OK? What is this poor people food Felix, excusing the peepee poo-poo armor for healing the weather during the second phase. The people are 謝了豬豬們 knowing that the Whizzer regenerates the 做得很好(嗝) Second. Why do you know what tell me everyone just goes don't showman him by the house. That's all I heard 各位,我們終於在今天完成了鵝卵石製造機 No actual help. You should sleep the nether Phoenix 我有時候想在麥塊玩些不一樣的 Can't trust you jab in heaven watching Felix literally making a sex dungeon 我們還在卡關 What oh, yeah. Hey, hey, hey Frick dungeon get it right gamer gaming week 而且這上面寫說我們卡到 gaming month 第500集 minecraft addiction good morning gamers 與此同時 Sven已經 This is the daily episode 69 34 Micro Micro must have passed away. But at least oh 去地獄兩次 Oh 是的 I'm a terrible parent 殺了兩隻草泥馬 The green parent that Felix trap waiting for Felix. Oh my god 沒錯 I'm so sorry. I 跑進村民的繁殖房 Need to retrieve him now the perfect birthday party does annex why we is that redstone 沒錯 What is redstone tastes like? 全都沒有經過主人的同意 Red, where's that shoot? You have hundred million YouTube subscribers 就像個叛逆的青少年 What's your next video? It's not Sven真的在長大 No one's gonna want anything else let's get real here, come on gamers 他真的好可愛 well 他還結婚了 our life game act 100 million 在香港反送中的同時 Subscribe end credits scene after peopie beats the wither fine. I'll do it myself "Pews新聞 救救我們" I love how epic that was legit. I was tearing up myself editing a night 我的老天 I appreciate all the nice comments me when I'm scrolling through this 當你忘記把肉丸冰起來的時候 Subreddit without watching the latest video 我不喜歡這樣 I'm always so confused. Big fan didn't watch the latest video fake fan 我根本沒發現 我要怎麼把這些綠綠的去掉? You see you need an extremely high IQ to understand PewDiePie *無奈* Ok, the Lord goes extremely in-depth her. He's probably thinking about other villagers him 要爬上那顆球 what if PewDiePie actually got the job he applied for at Mojang and the job was to become a youtuber again and 這要怎麼辦? Gain, a large enough platform to revive the game after it initially lost popularity. Oh my god 他們說我可以像在肉丸上淋紅醬一樣 Can you imagine how much minecraft gain from not hiring me? 就是...放紅色地毯在上面 Cuz instead I just went and became a youtuber and helped promote the game the KP saw on minecraft 你們這群笨蛋 Character is not because of your resource pack 到底在笨幾點的 Optifine has an add-on called caves with this you can wear capes in Minecraft and I gave you mine 這是史上最糟糕的意見 What that's so sweet. Thank you 瑞典人不會在肉丸上放番茄醬 That explains a lot of so confused peepee poo-poo 那是義大利人在做的事 Pink poop my first post here. Will you start it off? 你真是...有夠蠢 Extremely strong. You're never gonna beat this one. Trust me when you realize that if we never told Felix about swings tail health bar 我們只放棕色的醬在肉丸上 So one would most likely be dead. It ain't much but it done it work Thank You gamers 老實說 我覺得你應該直接刪掉Youtube帳號 It is actually really helpful because it's the only animal that indicates it, isn't it not knowing anything about Phineas and Ferb 或是刪掉你留過這種言的帳號 I still don't get it. Stop. Stop posting these what if Felix put both of us in the frickin chamber. No, just kidding. Just kidding 我的老天 unless 那真的是... Hey, what happened in the Frick chamber stays in the Frick chamber? It's nice and soft. I think you'll like it Felix 有夠可愛的!!!!! Look what you've done 誰畫的? jacksepticeye, looking good wanna play Minecraft Oh Kiwa畫的 謝謝你Kiwa betrayal 這真的超可愛的 you should use ikea bird feather and make an arrow out of it and kill the Ender Dragon with it for eventually that is actually Svan會很感謝你的 cool, but what you nerds don't know is that inner dragon is immune to arrows so 我們可以用Sven的墳墓 (口誤) Cringe these guys whose pulls cringe I'm a Minecraft veteran and even I knew that today's episode was freakin beautiful *被沒道理的東西嚇到* Oh, it was from a few days ago. Thank you guys Swedish people's first name Swedish people 其實我在剪接的時候有發現 What it is now like eight years any time here in UK, what does your name Kajal Berg cuz eulenberg 我大概說了3次有 Full of food and then you come back to Sweden me like Oh, mr. Shelburn. Ah 但是我不能剪掉 Just so good petition to name the place for Felix keep the villagers the ranch that is actually a good idea 不然那段也沒其他話可以補了 I like that we could build a giant. Dr. Phil face. Mmm. Oh 現在我終於明白 My god, yes, I saw this 當剪輯師是什麼感覺 We both had the same dumbass face as well 需要掩飾各式各樣的口誤 Hey, hey 老天 This is what happens when you're a Minecraft veteran brain goes infinity and beyond No, don't do this. Stop, please 你嚇不了我的, 你可以嚇到膽小的pewdiepie I don't get it. Nobody's born cool, except of course the person that brought Felix that Swedish King I 但是你嚇不了我的 Agree, I agree 爺爺我找到你以前的東西了 Gamers helping gamers. I can't believe this is the same person that made a two-time 2x2 piston door and automatic 這是啥? Fuck I don't get it either Sven來,坐下 For some reason whenever I play with other people Jack is the same Rangers goes 我跟你說個很棒的故事 insane Liebig get in the 什麼? 你的孫子叫Sven Last thing you hear before you never see your family again imagine one day 跟一隻狗的名字一樣? You're you're in your garden some Swedish guy walks up behind you. Think what a nice farm you got there 這是什麼 "可憐的豬豬們" That's when you know, it's over (左)"Felix責怪pee pee poo poo:" You can put stained glass on a beacon to make it different colors. Thank you "都是你們害的,凋零怪怎麼補血了" I know this you should know that I already know this. I like the creeper in the back too. That's good. Haha (右) "只有pee pee poo poo軍隊自己知道 凋零怪有第二階段" There's man and oh, please oh "和回血" Man, I thought people would get mad at me for like changing the weather 為什麼沒人跟我說過這個 I know I said like I'll never use creative mode, but clearly for some stuff. It seems like it's necessary 他們只跟我說 I won't use it for building. Okay, or getting material. Let me guess your home "不要在家旁邊召喚凋零怪" It was and it was beautiful, you know 我只聽過這個 Everyone lost their mind over the fact that I summoned the weather in my base despite the fact that people going for days 從來沒有實質上的幫助 Don't do it. Don't summon the weather in your base, you know the astronaut really wasn't that bad. I 觀眾"你可以在地獄睡覺" Kind of hope it sound like I'm Marv Avengers like aftermath of battle kind of thing 一群無法信任的人 Like maybe the meatball had blown up. I was like that would look cool. That would be like, oh, wow really cinematic an epic "當在天堂的water sheep看到 No, nothing happens Felix在他的墳墓裡造了一個性愛監獄" Stupid death the golden one stupid death to the diamond one died. Like a hero the dirt one. What? 什麼? What oh my god, yeah, I 哦對耶 Don't know what YouTube is gonna do maybe cool if they did something like that 是愛愛監獄 That's so cool magma block 搞清楚,夥伴 Yeah, I don't know how I got that 241 minutes like it's seriously hard to get them that long I printed Felix Minecraft world damn 遊戲週 That's awesome. I 遊戲月 Get that would look so good Wow pewds villagers 麥塊成癮 0.001 seconds after potato start falling from the ceiling what if 早安夥伴們 Yep, just an idea for when Dinnerbone, you know. Hey, no 這是麥塊日更第6934集 Fourteen-year-old boys talking about girls. So apparently if you throw food he may Marzia剛剛逝世了 Destroy it works. My frickin chamber is gonna be the most advanced thing ever. Oh my god. Yeah 但是我至少還有Sven I didn't notice this for so long. That's so awesome. I should have called them like GERD Yun or something 噢... Yeah, I'm good with names. I don't know what to tell you Brad editing sigh 我覺得好感傷 vanity Noooooooooo I love how it makes me. Look just in the same pewds in his own survival series piercing sky look, there it is 我是個不稱職的父親 See, I don't I'll blame Ken 啊 I'll blame can I don't care about area 51 in view to rewind doesn't have Jurgen Sven or anything about Minecraft 那隻被Felix關起來的綠鸚鵡 We read YouTube. Well, they will definitely have something about Minecraft put a tribute to Ikea bird on your shoulder 還在原地等著Felix That's such a good idea. Oh my god. Yes. Yes 我的老天啊 Absolutely, like a bird has died like four times 我對不起你 I 我要去找他 Don't know if I already reacted to this but it's okay 馬上! I'm like the dumbest person. I would like I would like to say the dumbest smart person but no 我告訴你,最棒的生日派對不存... I'm just dumb una bolita meets men, you know full well with this means don't you? Yes 那是什麼!!?? Yes, but I have accepted the offering they're sealing the fate of Swedish men's hands 那是紅石嗎? I will now accept the fair consequences, even if it means my own demise may Watership with "紅石吃起來如何?" The drama, what is this? 紅色的? What these days I don't get it. Yeah, stop calling my meatball mouldy. Stop. Stop it now stop "你有一億個訂閱者" Yeah, this is "接下來要發什麼影片?" This is what I was saying getting at earlier "今天又是個美好的麥塊日!" Yes, everyone would probably just make minecraft cringy again. Please please YouTube. You don't have to have me in it 沒有人要我做除了麥塊以外的 Yes, this don't ruin minecraft, please. I love all the fan art 以現實面來說 I'm taking like a small thing that happened and making it in look like a 來吧夥伴們 Thing Felix bonding with her inside bakes. He actually kills it without destroying his bangs at the third one *唱* 對 我們的#$%&& He's disappointed that he didn't destroy space. It's not what I meant 達到了一億 Relax, how I accidentally hit my younger brother still touched one how my brother tell him mom. I hit him sharpness five 訂閱數 That's good, I understand this much like if you understood this one Pewdiepie打敗凋零怪後的幕後 Don't spawn the weather near your house that same can stop me because I can't read "算了" Hey, you can't tell me what to do. You lost those privileges when you killed the first Jurgen. That's right "我自己來比較快" I'm not over you did it you crazies out of a break you did it 我很感謝有這些這麼好的留言 I don't know much. It was like buddy. Oh my god. It's that many huh. Oh 這就像我 "先看了subreddit" This is so sad everyone went "在還沒看最新影片時" Come on it added tension it added a drama you gotta appreciate it "非常的困惑" If you don't have hi select, what do you want me to do? Make it everyone's like Oh what you can do 你這假粉絲!! It's like you can spawn them in obsidian and that would make the fight easy. Like no no no pain no game "沒看過最新影片" You got to do it. Oh 假粉絲!!! My god, there's somebody good memes Garden of Eden has a frickin chamber God creates Adam and Eve also god, yeah 看到沒 What if we all live in the simulation and qtpie 你要有很高的智商 Is telling everyone to free I see you crying through your front camera, but I don't blame you. I grind you 才能看懂Pewdiepie That was beautiful OK? Council of Watership the council will decide your fate. Oh 她:他是不是在想其他女人 My god got a prank it 他:如果Pewdiepie當初應徵成功, 去了麥塊公司上班 I'll bring him back. Okay, I'll bring him back. Okay gamers. That's it for this week's Lawai 他:而工作內容是變成一個Youtuber There's so many more, but I gotta go back playing Minecraft 他:並在Youtube發展成一個有規模的頻道, It's much like a be enjoyed if you want to check out protect Sven merch 他:去拯救麥塊日漸下滑的人氣 I mean you don't have to but it would be pretty cringe if you don't have it next week. I'll finish up with another *驚訝* Song by party in the backyard and that's it for me for now. See you guys later gamers 你就知道麥塊省了多少 Sorry 他們原本該付給我的薪水 Now we live in together and I adore you. I will fight all those nasty zombies for you *笑* Was almost meaningless before you here best friends till the end. No one else can compare. We got a bond 因為我自己變成Youtuber之後 unbreakable, I love 也做了一樣的事 Unshakable sick just sleep here. Come into my bedroom Rochus. I just wanna free 你麥塊裡人物的披風 I've been the second but we had some dope adventures we cross the lattice see in every kind of weather sometimes 不是因為資源包 Outworking lost I can get a bit distracted, but I always knew you'd find me 那是OptiFine,一種外加的模組 So it never really mattered but stable was so epic and Jeff was so pathetic 有了這個,你在麥塊裡就可以穿披風 But when Dinnerbone and broke out when I did feel empathetic I saw when ride the rails I wanted to have a run 所以我把我的送你了 So even though it killed me at least I died having some fun 真的假的 Hey 你人真好! You can 謝謝你 What you never played super simulator 解釋了我好多疑惑 You know, it's fun, right pee pee poo poo! I'm not supposed to give my opinion but give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not "我在這的第一篇發文" Not convinced yet. Okay. I'll cut you a deal 你用這個當開頭? The game is available for free and that's a great price 非常的勇敢
B1 中級 中文 PewDiePie 麥塊 凋零 夥伴 肉丸 召喚 100,000,000 Subs - LWIAY #0087 (100 000 000 Subs - LWIAY #0087) 10 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字