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  • "We call it a new form of evil in the world. It's never been done by any government in

    我們把它稱之為這個世界上從未有過的邪惡 過去從來沒有一個政府

  • the past, to take a large group of its own people and say, 'We're going to kill you,

    會抓捕一大群自己的人民後, 不需任何法庭審理

  • without any kind of a trial, and we are going to sell your vital organ parts.'"

    就要殺掉你們 然後販賣你們的器官

  • "An individual from the United States or Canada, for example, could anticipate undergoing

    比如說 來自美國或加拿大的個人 可能期望在指定的日期

  • transplantation on a specified date."


  • "It's a crime against humanity. It's abhorrent and it needs to stop."

    這是反人類罪 令人髮指 它必須停止

  • Killed for Organs: China's Secret State Transplant Business

    為了器官的謀殺: 中共的秘密器官移植業

  • "If you're going to go to China and you're going to get a liver transplant during the three weeks you are there,

    如果你要去中國 在三週內接受肝臟移植手術

  • then that means someone is going to go schedule an execution, blood type and tissue type the potential executee,

    那就意味著有人會被安排執行死刑 接受血型和組織型檢查

  • and have them ready to go before you need to leave."

    在你需要離開前 這些要準備就緒

  • "Starting at the end of 1999 the number of transplants taking place just exploded."

    從1999年年底開始 (中國)器官移植數量簡直是呈爆炸性增長

  • China carries out more organ transplant surgeries than any country besides the United States.

    除美國外 中國是進行 器官移植手術最多的國家

  • But unlike other countries, China has no effective organ donation program. That's because culturally,

    但與其他國家不同的是 中國沒有有效的器官捐贈系統

  • Chinese people believe the body must stay intact even after death.

    這是因為中國文化傳統講究 死後要保留全屍

  • China's Deputy Minister of Health, Huang Jiefu, has suggested that there are


  • 7,000 transplants every year from the deceased.


  • And that more than 90% come from executed prisoners.


  • The number of criminal executions in China is classified as a state secret,

    在中國 死刑執行數量被視為國家機密

  • but Amnesty International's estimate is about 1,700.


  • "The numbers just didn't add up. There is just too large of a discrepancy there."

    這些數字簡直不合情理 這裡存在太大的出入

  • With only 1,700 executed criminals and no effective donation system,

    (每年)只有1700名被處決的犯人 也沒有有效的捐贈系統

  • where do the rest of the organs come from?


  • Zhao Shuhuan was put in a Chinese labor camp because she practices Falun Gong.


  • "Every labor camp I went to, they would give us a physical exam.

    我每到一個勞教所 他都會要我們檢查身體

  • They would take our blood and test it.


  • Every labor camp did the same thing."


  • "We estimate that in the period between 2000 and 2005, there were 41,500 transplants

    我們估計在2000年到2005年間 有4萬1千5百例供體來路不明的

  • which have no other explained source."


  • "I am absolutely convinced that over a long period from 1999 onwards,

    我絕對相信 1999年以來的很長一段時間裡

  • organ harvesting from prisoners has been taking place, especially of Falun Gong."

    從囚犯身上摘取器官的確存在 尤其是對法輪功學員

  • "The policewoman took us the hospital affiliated with the Masanjia Labor Camp,

    她(女警)領著(我們)到馬三家教養院 有(附屬)醫院哪

  • and I understood they were testing our urine and our blood for liver function."

    那個醫院 我的理解好像就是 驗尿啊 抽肝

  • "Doctors would come into the camps. They would look in their eyes, they would examine

    醫生會進入這些勞教所 檢查他們(法輪功學員)的眼睛

  • their organs with ultrasound and the like, and they were the only people in these camps

    用超聲波之類檢查他們的器官 他們是那些勞教所

  • who were medically examined thoroughly."


  • In 2006, two Canadians, international human rights lawyer David Matas and

    2006年 兩名加拿大人 國際人權律師大衛·麥塔斯

  • former Secretary of State for Asia Pacific David Kilgour started to investigate allegations


  • of forced organ harvesting in China.


  • They found at least 52 points of circumstantial evidence, including websites of Chinese hospitals

    他們發現至少有52個間接證據 包括中國醫院的網站

  • offering matching organs in less than a week.


  • "It's just not possible unless you have an unlimited source of organs. And these are

    這簡直是不可能的 除非有無限的器官來源

  • people who are alive. We are talking about live donors. The actual transplant surgery

    這些是活著的人 我們談的是活供體……

  • itself was the form of execution. These were living people that were killed for their organs."

    實際移植手術本身就是在執行死刑 這些是活人 他們因為他們的器官而被殺害

  • "It makes you think of some grotesque restaurant, where you go in and you pick your lobster

    這讓你聯想到 進入一家詭異的餐廳

  • in a tank. But these are human beings we're talking about."

    你走進去 從水池裡挑選你的龍蝦 但我們談到的這些是人

  • "The military is making money off of it, the hospitals are making money off of it,

    (中共)軍隊從(活摘器官)中賺錢 醫院在從中賺錢

  • the middlemen are making money off of it. And we talk about money; we're talking about

    中間商在從中賺錢 我們在談錢 我們是在談論

  • a multi-million dollar operation."


  • Journalist and author Ethan Gutmann decided to carry out his own independent investigation.

    記者和作家伊桑·古特曼 決心進行自己的獨立調查

  • "We had witnesses of disappearances, people who had been examined and had disappeared,

    我們有失?案例的證人 接受過檢查而消失的人

  • busloads, entire prison wards which had been emptied out.

    他們被巴士運走 整個監獄的病房都被清空

  • The signs began to look like something much, much bigger."


  • Like Tibetans and house Christians, millions of Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted

    和藏人及家庭基督教會信徒一樣 數百萬法輪功學員正因為他們的信仰而在中國遭受迫害

  • in China for their beliefs. In 1999, Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin issued orders to


  • "Break them financially, ruin their reputations, and destroy them physically."


  • Since then, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have disappeared without a trace.

    從那時起 已有數千名法輪功學員消失得無影無?

  • "What happened to the [people who] disappeared? As far as we know, they are still there in

    那些被失?的人發生了甚麼?…… 就我們所知 他們仍然在那些勞教所裡

  • these camps and many of them have been killed through organ harvesting,


  • but the rest are still there. And they're the organ data bank for China."

    其餘的人仍在那裡 他們就成了中國的器官資料庫

  • "Around 1999, there were around 150 transplant centers. Six or seven years later they had

    1999年前後 有大約150家移植中心 六七年後

  • 600 transplantation centers. This is an increase of 300% within such a short period of time

    就有了60家個移植中心…… 如此短的時間內 (移植中心數量)就增長了300%

  • without an organ donation program."


  • "Military hospitals get watched in China. There's nothing they can do without the

    在中國 軍隊醫院是被(中共)監視的 如果沒有中共中央的授意

  • Party Central taking note of what they're doing. Was this run by triads? No.

    他們是無法做任何事情的…… 這是由黑社會控制著的嗎?

  • This was run by the state. This was murder and it came from the state."

    不 是由國家控制的 這是謀殺 它來自於國家的操縱

  • "This is a crime against humanity. We should do our best to identify those specific individuals

    這是反人類罪 我們應當盡最大的努力

  • who are engaged in this, and put them on the list


  • of people who deserve to be brought to justice."


  • "In 2006 when this came out and we realized that they were killing prisoners of conscience

    2006年(中共活摘器官)被曝光時 我們意識到

  • for their organs, it was doctors that took the front line in trying to stop this."

    他們正在殺害良心犯 摘取他們的器官 當時是醫生們站在前線試圖阻止這一切

  • "Every day, there are a dozen people that are executed or killed for organs in China.

    中國每天都有十來人 因為器官而被處決或殺害

  • So we have to bring out the message. We have to inform medical doctors to stop this practice."

    因此我們不得不傳達出這一信息 我們必須告知醫生們停止這一做法

  • But it's not only the medical community that's getting informed. The US State Department


  • mentioned allegations of forced organ harvesting in its annual human rights report on China

    美國國務院2011年 在其年度人權報告中

  • in 2011 for the first time.


  • On October 3rd, 106 U.S. Congressional representatives signed this bipartisan "Dear Colleague" letter

    10月3日 106位美國國會議員聯名

  • to the State Department, demanding they reveal information on organ harvesting


  • that they may have obtained from their sources in China.


  • "This barbaric human rights abuse must be stopped,


  • but to stop it we first have to further expose it."

    但要阻止它 我們首先必須進一步曝光它

  • And with even more petitions circulating online, the issue is starting to get worldwide attention.

    隨著更多的呼籲書在網上流傳 這一問題開始引起了全世界的關注

  • But more needs to be done.


"We call it a new form of evil in the world. It's never been done by any government in

我們把它稱之為這個世界上從未有過的邪惡 過去從來沒有一個政府


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