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  • [music]

  • Hey it's me, Destin. Welcome back to Smarter Every Day. This is different, it's really

  • a big deal. I have been invited to go to the White House to sit down with the

  • President of the United States of America for 10 to 12 minutes to discuss

  • issues that matter to me and matter to you. This is a huge honour and I want

  • to get it right. The interview is framed as a response to the State of the Union

  • address which you can watch on Tuesday at 9 p.m. Eastern time at

  • I would love for this to be different. I want to ask questions about

  • scientific topics, something I care about. What about the personal things about

  • being the president? Wouldn't that be cool? We have a huge opportunity here. The

  • format is going to be really cool, they created a small version of my office that's

  • going to be there at the White House so we can just hang out and talk like we

  • always do, except the President is there. We shot a short promo for it out in LA and I'll

  • introduce you to the other two YouTube creators that's gonna be there with me.

  • Okay so we're in LA and they have created sets for us. This is the Smarter Every Day set

  • You got Ingrid

  • and sWooZie

  • - My good side. -[laughs]

  • This is where I'm at. [whispering] Gotta be quiet.

  • ["Hail to the Chief"-style music]

  • Ingird, you've got a lot of beauty stuff and many other things right?

  • - And life things, you know?

  • [music]

  • There is no other country on Earth where something like this could happen and I'm

  • extremely excited and honored to be taking part. So, here's how we're going to come up with questions:

  • Number one: click that link right there. It'll create a Tweet and automatically

  • populate the "YouTube Asks Obama" hashtag. Do that! I'll be filtering through those.

  • Number two: leave an intelligent, respectful comment on this video or number three: go to

  • the Ask Reddit thread I'm going to be making. People are going to be upvoting and downvoting;

  • we got to get the best questions in front of the Commander-in-Chief. I'm most

  • excited about your science questions, and about your fun questions for the President.

  • Anyway, please check those out and watch the thing. It's going to be live on January 15th

  • at So that's it! I'm Destin, let's get smarter

  • every day, together, at the White House with the President of the United States. Have a good one.

  • [music]



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