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Hey, guys, what's up?
Welcome to experience Tech.
I'm beneath, and in today's video, we'll check out how to change your Lennox boot animation are splash screen, and we're going to do that with the help of the Ply Moz Splash screen application.
Now climb out is a widely used boot splash application, which provides a graphical boot animation.
When you start or shut down your computer and also logs console text output to a locked file, it is used in many popular in its distribution like Meant, a boon to Madrid, Eva Elementary and many, many other.
Arch also has this application in its repertory, so it's extremely popular.
All right, so let's go ahead and start today's video and learn more about this application way.
All right, before we begin the demonstration, I would like to tell you that climate was developed by a developer name Ray's Troop or Fred Head, and it was first introduced in 2008 with the release off the door or 10 Cam Bridge.
All right, Right now I am on my elementary Lennox machine.
If you're using any other Lennox distribution, first check if climate is installed on your computer or not to do that, open up a terminal and type in suitable apt dash cash policy, blind moat and press enter type in your pseudo password and percenter again.
All right, as you can see it say's installed and gives the version number, which is actually the latest version.
And also do keep that in mind that in there being an insta relative like a boon to elementary they use is apt as its package man had been tool.
If you're using fedora or actually knocks, then your package management tool may not be up to.
In that case, you need to use the corresponding command to check if your computer has ply, moat installed or not.
All right now, there are two ways to install a new climate team on your system.
First is to install it from your repertory, and it is basically the same method that you used to install any other package on your system.
First, let's check those teams that are available in or repose.
To do that, type in pseudo apt gash search and type imply moat, dash team and press enter.
So as you can see, we have feud, apply more teams that are available in our repertory not to install a particular team.
For example, to install the team solar, you type in pseudo apte get in stall and the name of the teams it's gonna be playing Moat, dash, team, dash, solar and press Enter.
Now I have already downloaded this team.
In fact, I've already downloaded all the teams that are available in the depository, and that's the reason why it's a zero newly installed because ply more team Solar is already install on my computer and his off latest version not to install all the teams available in the repertory onto your system.
All you have to do is instead of typing the solar type in ass trick and then press enter on.
This will installed all the teams one by one.
So this is the first way and the basic method off installing Apply more team on your computer Now.
The second way is to download a team from 1/3 party Web site and then install it on your computer.
There's a great Web site norm.
Look, don't ark where you can find many prime oat boats pass screen, so that's good and download any one team for our demonstration purpose.
Let's download flutter shy and Rainbow dash boot splash.
Click on this and then click on download.
Forrester Download has completed.
Now let's open this in the file manager.
Okay, here's the ZIP file that we just don't loaded now.
The next thing that we need to do is we need to extract this file to our lib slash fly moat slash teams folder.
Now, if you do that from here and click on extract and go to lib slash fly moat slash teams folder and click on extract, it will say that you do not have the right permission.
So in this case, you need to open up the file manager with root privileges.
No, since Elementary uses the Pantheon file manager Soto open up an instance of file manager with root privileges.
Type in pseudo space.
Ben Teal dash files and no press enter.
All right now, as you can see, it has given us.
Ah, file manager withdrew privileges.
So now we'll be able to extract the content of this, the file to the live climb Oer Teams folder.
So just click right click on this open archives manager and click on extract and now go to computer lib, fly moat and go two teams and click on extract might seize extraction completed successfully.
So that's good.
Now close this and close this archive manager and closed it.
Root file manager All right now on the extraction has successfully been completed.
Next, we need to install the team right now.
Before we do that, let's check out the files under the extracted folder.
In these files colors dot climate is your mean file, and that is the file that we need to install now.
Does it slightly different process to the installation here.
Whenever you compare, start the default climate file that your computer uses is under lib.
Climb out teams, and it's deep default dot fly Martine.
Now this is the file that your computer uses venerate boots up or your computer shirts don't know.
What we need to do is we need to link our newly extracted colors.
Don't promote file to default on climate.
To do that, we open up a terminal and create a symbolic link so that deformed out apply amount will link to colors.
Don't play more, all right to do that, type in pseudo give a space update.
Dash or litter, natives give us peace.
Dash, dash and stall.
Give a space and deep part off deformed or climate, which is lib, fly moat, dash teams dash and deformed dart.
Don't apply moat, and then the name of the symbolic link is gonna be the same.
Deformed or apply moat and our colors don't apply mortifying so which is under lip slash plan.
Moat slash teams slash colors slash colors Don't fly moat.
I know what this command does.
Is it links?
Don't climate too deformed or climate?
So now just press enter.
Type in your root password.
Press enter again.
All right, we need to mention the priority also.
Let's give the priety as 500 present or the next.
Command that video type in a suitable space update.
Dash or the natives give us space dash, dash going fig and give the link name deformed.
Don't plan moat and presenter Now, As you can see, it gives list off all the finds that are linked symbolically to default dot Climate.
Here you get to choose any one link from a list off available symbolic link to default lot plan Moat that the default dot climate should point to.
So we have just installed colors Don't climb out, I think.
And which isn't a number two.
So just type in two.
And press center.
Priety, in this case is in case you do not choose any option than the filed with the highest priority will be chosen automatically.
All right, So I'm just gonna press two and then press enter, Okay?
It says it has successfully changed.
No, the next is to update our initial ram file system.
To do that, type in pseudo give a space of date dash initial i n neg t aram at fist.
Give a space and dash you as option impress into All right, So now it's done.
So it has abated our initial ram file system.
And now, if very stand the computer, you should see change in our boot and emission.
So let's go ahead and restart the computer.
All right?
So, as you can see, our boot animation has been changed to the latest boots splash screen, which we just in stores.
So this is how you change your plan?
Moat, boot, splash screen.
Pretty simple.
It's just the three commands that you need to run.
First, you need to create a symbolic link to your newly extracted dot climate file.
And then you need to convict you're deformed art climate and choose the option from the list off available teams.
And then at the end, you need to update your initial ram fine system.
All right there.
That was own.
And just before I wrap up this video, I would also like to show you Ah, small python strip that I created on just to automate these three steps.
So if I go toe route and of created this plan, Moz, don't buy a file, and it's basically just 78 line off court have imported a module called sir Process it.
Ask you first to enter the part to your daughter, climb out file, and once you do that, it gives.
Ask you to enter the priority and that song, and then it will automatically run all the other three ca months and change your boots plastering.
So let's quickly demo this file also, so type in pseudo and don't slash Apply more dot pie and type in the root password night.
Asked to enter the parts to your don't apply Martine File.
Now we have already changed our boots.
Splash screen, tow The latest colors don't climb out this time.
Let's change it to crow mix on the comics.
One folder we have comics don't fly moat So let me enter the part to this file So it's slash lip slash fly moat slash teams Slave crew mix one slash cruel mix.
Don't play Mort.
And just make sure that this no typos in there You enter the part correctly and now press enter No, the priority.
Let's give 9 50 in this case and press enter.
As you can see 9 50 it list our comics don't apply a moat file.
So I'm just going type zero to choose the first option and press enter?
Now it's updating our initial ram file system.
All right, so the update is complete, and at the end, it also gives the message apply more team successfully changed.
So this is just the bite on script that I wrote.
Now let's restart the computer.
All right.
Now our boots splash screen has been changed to grow mix team.
So that was all for today.
Guys, Thank you for watching this video I hope you like this video.
If you do kindly present like Burton, if you have any comment or suggestion, please type that in Indy commit box and a huge shout out to all these subscribers off my channel.
Thank you again for watching, and I'll see you next time.