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  • on energy.

  • You started out in theater, and when you were a student of theater student, you had a mysterious benefactor.

  • Did you know?

  • Oh, great expectations.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • I went to, uh, did a summer exchange at the British American Dramatic Academy of Baillie College in Oxford.

  • Um, I didn't have the money to pay for it, but one of my teachers at that time was she would come in for, ah, weekly class.

  • Phylicia Rashad.

  • Uh, people are a lot of people know from the Cosby Show.

  • She will come in and do a class at Howard, And so she wanted us to, you know, audition for this program.

  • And, you know, it was nine of us.

  • She got somewhere friends to pay for it.

  • And so my benefactor would ended up being dizzy watching time S o, you know, find out what you sound like him.

  • So, you know, the funny thing is, he he showed up at the New York premiere of Black Pant there, and I have never told anyone you know about that.

  • And, ah, you know, he comes in the back and he thinks he's sneaking in.

  • And Ryan Coogler, the director we're there.

  • And I'm like, you know, it's great to meet you big fan of your work.

  • I just want to tell you Thank you for paying for me to go to the accident.

  • He was like, Oh, you owe me money.

  • After black banter, you can pay me.

  • I just did a movie that he produced s so he got me cheap, Miss An all new episode of the Graham Norton show, Fridays at 11 on catch Up now.

on energy.


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我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 (Chadwick Boseman Owes Denzel Washington Money | The Graham Norton Show | Friday @ 11pm | BBC America)

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