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  • Hey, guys, what's up?

  • Welcome to experience Tech on Beneath.

  • And today's video is regarding two important terms related to Lennox releases, which is often misunderstood by many uses.

  • I'm talking about two popular release, model fix, release and ruling release.

  • So in today's video will check out these to release models in detail.

  • Find out their advantages and disadvantages.

  • And in the end, I'll also answer some common misconception about these two releases.

  • All right, so let's begin today's video, all right, So before we go into understanding this term, first, let me quickly give you a broad overview off howling.

  • Next distribution is actually made, nor any Linux distribution is actually a collection off software packages, which include your Lennox colonel System.

  • Software is like Shell Utilities X or Ex Server for your display desktop environments and other application programs like Firefox, their browser, library, office suite, et cetera.

  • Now all these packages are put together.

  • Then, after Toro testing and after ensuring that all these programs work well together, a newly next version is released.

  • But this was a very broad explanation off how the next distributions are made.

  • Now there are to mean released model and a Lennox distribution may follow any one of these release model to release its latest version.

  • First is the fixed or standard release model.

  • Now this is probably the most common released model, which is followed by majority off limits distribution out there in fixed release model, a new version off the operating system is released after the fixed period of time, like six months or one year.

  • Any particular releases a collection off later software packages at the time of developing that release, for example, Debian Operating System, which followed the fix release model and releases a new version off.

  • It's always after every two years, freezes its testing report 6 to 8 months before a new release issued.

  • You'd and no new packages are allowed to be added once the Rep oh is frozen Now.

  • All the packages in the frozen testing report are then thoroughly tested and in case off any issue or bugs required, changes are made, and finally there moved to the stable.

  • Rep.

  • Oh, and a new version off Debian is released now.

  • Major linens distribution that follows fixed release models are Debbie, in a boon to fedora and many, many others either, said It is a very common release model, followed by majority off lens distribution.

  • Now let's check out some of the pros and cons or fix Julie's model.

  • First, the pros.

  • It offers more stability.

  • And secondly, all the packages are totally tested and very fine that they work well together.

  • Now some of the corns are first packages are little old.

  • You have to wait for a new release to get latest updated packages and every new release have a new installation, amazed that you have to download.

  • Thirdly, the entire U.

  • S needs to be green stall or upgraded to get the latest version off the US All right, said the second release model is the ruling release model.

  • It has been there for many years.

  • It's not something very new, but awfully.

  • There has been a rising its popularity and adoption among users.

  • Now, in this model, the operating system is constantly being updated, typically by small and frequent updates.

  • So your operating system is always up to date with all the latest packages.

  • Now there is no release your fuel for its new version.

  • Rather, your operating system is constantly getting update.

  • There is only one insulation image file for the operating system.

  • But after a while, a snap short version off the operating system may be distributed with all the latest version of packages.

  • Now there's only one court branch off a ruling.

  • Destroy some popular examples off ruling destroyers are our clinics opens used tumbleweed and Google's chrome OS.

  • Let's check out some of the pros and cons off rolling release model.

  • Now the biggest ad wanted off a ruling release model is that you're working on a bleeding edge.

  • Distribute all the latest software packages.

  • Secondly, you do not have to download an installation image and reinstall the entire operating system to get the latest software.

  • Now the corns off ruling release model is for a beginner or for a noise user, the operating system can be little less table now.

  • The reason why I'm saying this is because in rolling release model, the software's are not updated automatically.

  • In fact, User is given the option to choose which software package he wants to update, so user is responsible for the stability off the operating system.

  • All right, so let me quickly show you what this means.

  • Here I am on the Ark.

  • Lennox packet search page.

  • Now, as you can see, there are many software packages that were updated just today.

  • That is 20 years off.

  • Remember now let's quickly find out one of the program.

  • So, as you can see for Nano package diversion number 2.4 point 3-1 is available for our clinics user, which was updated just today.

  • Now, if we go toe boom two packets search page and check out the version available for a boon to users, let me type in Nano and let's give any distribution.

  • The current distribution is really let's give any and click on search, as you can see for the current version, the package, available for a boon to users, is 2.4 point 2-1 so you can see the difference.

  • Our clinics user are using the latest version awful particular software's.

  • Now some of the common misconceptions are doubt related to ruling release model are first, I can upgrade my always to a new release without wiping out the system are reinstalling the entire OS.

  • Therefore, I'm using a rolling release destro Well, upgrade option is available in many Lennox Destro, and though you do not have to wipe out everything, but still you need toe upgrade to get the latest technology every time there's a new release enrolling release mortal.

  • There's no upgrade option as it is constantly being updated.

  • Next.

  • If I install the testing branch off a Linux distribution, it is same as a rolling release destroyed now, although testing branch based astronomy received frequent updates for its packages, but it is still not a stable Destroyed is not recommended for a normal user and recommended only for developers.

  • Unlike a ruling released this story, which actually is a stable district used in big enterprise environment.

  • Next, I also received update from a boon to softer centre.

  • How is it different from a ruling release?

  • Destroy Well, the updates that you receive from synaptic or a boon to softer centre are from the back porch strep.

  • Oh, first of all, the updates are only for the packages and not the entire system.

  • The process is also slower than the updates that you get in a rolling release.

  • Destro and secondly, Asper the Debian back Port page back port packages involved risk off incompatibility.

  • It also gives you caution off using it with care All right.

  • So that was all for today.

  • Thank you, Maestro.

  • Watching this video, if you like this video kindly.

  • Princes like button.

  • If you have any comment, a suggestion, please type that in the coming box.

  • Thank you guys for watching this and I'll see you next time.

Hey, guys, what's up?


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