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  • Hi, my name is Mindy Kaufman,

  • and I play solo piccolo and flute

  • with the New York Philharmonic.

  • My job is to play piccolo when there are

  • piccolo solos. Most piccolo solos are

  • written from Beethoven on.

  • Before Beethoven there really weren't,

  • the piccolo wasn't used much in symphony orchestras.

  • Sometimes I play third flute and piccolo

  • depending on the orchestration.

  • Sometimes I'll play second flute and piccolo, like

  • in "Mother Goose" Suite, and sometimes I'll

  • play first flute and piccolo according

  • to whatever the composer's written.

  • The piccolo is an instrument you can

  • hear above the whole Orchestra, so

  • everybody can be playing, the brass and

  • percussion, and you can still hear the

  • piccolo. It really does project.

  • A lot of times, when you're a piccolo player

  • patience is a really good quality,

  • because we sometimes sit and don't play

  • for a while, and then the first entrance

  • we play as a solo. So Tchaikovsky Fourth

  • is like that. I sit for 30 minutes,

  • and I don't play anything, and then the

  • first thing that I come in on is a

  • very exposed

  • well it's a tutti passage and then a few

  • measures later the famous piccolo solo.

  • I like to make things, so I like to sew,

  • I like to knit. I also like the outdoors, so

  • I like hiking, I like being outdoors.

  • I do get called — a few times a year,

  • usuallyto play some outside jobs,

  • mostly movies. So I've doneover the

  • decades I've done a lot of movies, a lot

  • of things, blockbuster hits. And that's a

  • really fun thing to do and to be

  • challenged in a different way than the Orchestra.

  • One of the big ones I did was

  • "Julie & Julia," and

  • "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and "Moonrise Kingdom,"

  • and a long time ago I did "The

  • Untouchables" and "The Cotton Club."

  • I must say when I go see the movies that I've

  • recorded I usually think, "I can't hear

  • myselfthe dialogue is too loud."

  • I've had so many great experiences.

  • I remember Zubin, I came into the Orchestra

  • with Zubin Mehta and I remember playing

  • "Rite of Spring" with him. That was just a great

  • piece for him, and then going to North Korea

  • with Lorin Maazel, and playing some

  • of the Ravel music with Maazel, like

  • the "L'enfant et les sortileges" and

  • complete "Daphnis and Chloe" with Maazel.

  • I've been in the Orchestra now I think

  • this is my 38th season. Over the years

  • I've gotten to play in small ensembles

  • and big ensembles with my colleagues, and

  • you really get to know your colleagues,

  • and it's such a special experience to

  • play with them and to make music

  • together and to develop friendships

  • through our music, and I think that's why

  • I went into music in the first place.

  • When I was in high school it was the

  • same feeling, that I was making music

  • with my friends, and that was a very,

  • it was just such an emotional experience

  • to play great music and to be sensitive

  • to the people around you.

Hi, my name is Mindy Kaufman,


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在封面上。明迪-考夫曼問答 (On the Cover: Mindy Kaufman Q&A)

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