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  • What an amazing day!

  • Filled with incredible ideas.

  • So, where do these ideas come from?

  • This is a question that I have been pondering for the last 35 years.

  • Where do ideas come from?

  • I started as a neurophysiologist,

  • poking little tiny cells with even tinier electrodes

  • to see what they would tell me about creativity and innovation.

  • After I finished my PhD, I went out to study

  • and sort of learn all about creativity in the wild,

  • working in big companies and small companies,

  • even started my own,

  • and for the last almost 13 years I have been in Stanford,

  • teaching classes on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • And in my classes I have done endless experiments with my students,

  • trying to figure out what is involved with unlocking creativity.

  • What I’ve realized over the last few years

  • is that we look at creativity in much too narrow a way.

  • We really need to open the aperture

  • and look at creativity in a very different light.

  • And what I've done is put together a model

  • that I'm gonna basically explain to you in next few minutes,

  • about all the things we need to unlock creativity.

  • And I wanna point out, before I take it apart,

  • this innovation engine, that what I call it, has two parts.

  • The inside is you:

  • your knowledge, your imagination, your attitude.

  • And the outside is the outside world:

  • the resources, the habitat, and the culture.

  • So let’s start, let’s start where most people start.

  • Most people start thinking about creativity by thinking about imagination.

  • So let’s start there.

  • Now imagination, one of the sad things is

  • that we don’t really teach people how to increase imagination in school.

  • And so there really are ways to increase our ability

  • to come up with really interesting ideas,

  • we have to go back to kindergarten to see what the problem is.

  • If you are in kindergarten, it’s very likely you get a question like this:

  • What is the sum of 5 plus 5? So what is the answer to this?

  • 10! You guys are really smart, right?

  • OK, we know it’s 10 because there is one right answer to this problem.

  • But what if we ask this question in a slightly different way?

  • What if we ask: "What two numbers add up to 10?"

  • How many answers are there to this?

  • Infinite! Infinite number!

  • And this is critically important,

  • something that many of the speakers have brought up today,

  • is that the way you ask a question determines the type of answers you get.

  • The question you ask is the frame into which the answers will fall.

  • And if you don’t ask a question in a thoughtful way,

  • you are not gonna get really interesting answers.

  • Consider the fact that the Copernican revolution came about by re-framing.

  • The question, what if the Earth is not the center of the Solar System?

  • What if the Sun is? And that opened up the entire study of astronomy.

  • But you know what, you don’t have to do this in such a serious way.

  • You can practice it every single day with jokes.

  • Because most jokes we tell are interesting,

  • because the frame switches in the middle of the joke.

  • Consider this, the Pink Panther, if you see them in this movie.

  • He walks into a hotel, there is a little dog sitting on the carpet,

  • he says to the hotel manager, "Does your dog bite?"

  • And the manager says, "No, my dog doesn’t bite."

  • He reaches down. The dog basically attacks and he says, "What happened?"

  • He says, "Well, that’s not my dog."

  • (Laughter)

  • Think about it!

  • Whenever you hear a joke, you will find that almost always

  • it's that a frame switched in the middle,

  • and that is a really fun way to practice framing and re-framing problems.

  • So that’s one of the ways you can increase your imagination.

  • But there are other ways.

  • One of the key ways is to connect and combine ideas.

  • Most inventions in the world, most innovations come from

  • putting things together that haven’t been there together before,

  • often in really unusual and surprising ways.

  • One of my favorite ways to practice this is with Japanese art of Chindogu.

  • Chindogu is yard of creating un-useless inventions.

  • They are not useful. They are not useless.

  • They are un-useless.

  • What they really are is a way of saying

  • there might be something here, but I'm not quite sure.

  • So in this example, with the umbrellas on the shoes,

  • well, gee, it might not be very practical,

  • but it unlocks some really interesting ideas.

  • Speaking of shoes, here’s another Chindogu. (Laughter)

  • OK. Little dustpans.

  • Again, it might not be practical,

  • but you know what, there is an interesting idea there.

  • Again, you can use jokes for inspiration every single day.

  • One of my favorite things, whenever I get the New Yorker,

  • and I’m sure anyone who reads the New Yorker knows,

  • the first thing you do is to open up the back cover

  • and you look at the cartoon caption contest.

  • The cartoon caption contest always puts things together that are not obvious.

  • Often they exert out of scale, or things that would be

  • very surprising to have in a same frame.

  • And your job is to come up with a really creative way

  • to connect these things in really interesting and surprising ways.

  • So here’s a caption for this cartoon.

  • It is, "Well start you out here, then give you more responsibilities as you gain experience." (Laughter)

  • Now of course, you can come up with an endless number of other solutions.

  • So there are two ways for you to increase your imagination

  • but there is another that I want to bring up today.

  • And that is challenging assumptions.

  • One of the biggest problems we have is that we ask people questions

  • and give them problems, they come up with the first right answer.

  • So we are getting really incremental solutions.

  • So what we do in our creativity class is we give problems

  • that are really surprising where there is not one right answer.

  • So here is an example what I just gave recently.

  • This is the exact design brief.

  • And I gave this actually to the group of students at the Osaka University,

  • and their challenge was -- to create as much value as possible,

  • value measured in any way they wanted,

  • starting with the contents of one trashcan.

  • They had two hours to do it.

  • How do you like to do that?

  • One of the interesting things about this assignment,

  • and I put a lot of thoughts into framing the problem beforehand,

  • is that trash actually has a negative value, right?

  • We have to pay people to take it away.

  • So what happens is these students ended up spending quite a bit of time

  • and advanced diving into the project, thinking about what value meant for them.

  • They thought about friendship and community and health and financial security.

  • All sorts of things ended up in forming the way.

  • They thought about the trashcan that they were going to use to create some value.

  • To raise the bar even further, I gave them a little bit more of a challenge.

  • I told them that I had sent a note ouot, which I did, to my colleagues around the world.

  • And invited their students to participate at the same time.

  • So there were students in Europe, in Asia, in the US and in Latin America,

  • all doing the same project at the same time.

  • So let me show you a couple of the things that resulted from this.

  • A group in Ecuador started out with a garbage can filled with yard waste.

  • Yard waste? I probably wouldn’t have them picked about a trashcan

  • but look at how amazing thing they did!

  • They turned it into a beautiful mural.

  • Or a girl in Ireland, her mom had just gone through her brother’s sock drawer

  • and at a whole trashcan of old holy socks,

  • you know what she did, there were all the colors black, white, grey,

  • she cut them out and sew them together and made this sweater.

  • Pretty cool. I hope some of you will go through your socks drawer later today. (Laughter)

  • So these are three things you can do to increase your imagination, right?

  • Framing and re-framing problems,

  • connecting and combining ideas and challenging assumptions.

  • But unfortunately, this is not enough.

  • You need to look at other pieces of the innovation engine.

  • And one of the next pieces on the inside is your knowledge.

  • Your knowledge is the toolbox for your imagination.

  • Today we heard all about medical breakthroughs

  • and about autonomous vehicles

  • and why, how could they make this?

  • These folks needed a depth of knowledge about medicine

  • or about engineering to bring these ideas to life.

  • Now, of course you can learn things

  • by going to school, by reading books.

  • But one of the most powerful ways to learn things

  • and to gain knowledge is by paying attention.

  • Most of us do not pay attention to the world around us.

  • Not only do we miss opportunities to see problems we can solve

  • but we also miss the solutions that might be in front of us.

  • And one of my favorite ways to teach students is

  • to send them out to a location they've been to many times before

  • and I get them to look at them with a fresh eyes.

  • But I’m not the only one who does it.

  • I wanna tell you a quick story about a friend of mine Bob Siegel,

  • who is a professor of here Stanford,

  • who taught a Stanford sophomore seminar for two weeks

  • and it was called the Stanford Safari.

  • And the students basically over two weeks acted as if they were naturalists

  • as if they were just like Darwin in the Galapagos

  • but they were in the Stanford campus.

  • And they talked to everyone they could to give a different point of view

  • and perspective about Stanford.

  • From the groundskeepers and the pest-controllers to the librarians and the organists

  • and all the living Stanford presidents.

  • They walked away not just with a deep understanding of Stanford,

  • but an incredible appreciation for how important it is to pay attention.

  • But, imagination and knowledge are not enough.

  • Every person needs to have the attitude, the mindset, the motivation and the drive

  • to solve the problems they are going to solve.

  • If you don’t have that drive and that motivation,

  • you are not going to connect and combine ideas.

  • You are not going to re-frame problems.

  • You are not going to challenge assumptions

  • and go beyond the first right answer.

  • Most people unfortunately view themselves as puzzle builders.

  • They basically see themselves as having a very defined task

  • and their job is to get all the pieces and put them together to reach that goal.

  • But what happens?

  • If you are puzzle builder and you are missing one or two pieces, what happens?

  • You can’t reach your goal.

  • True innovators, true entrepreneurs actually see themselves as quilt makers.

  • They basically take all the resources they have around them,

  • they leverage things, even the garbage cans, right?

  • They leverage the materials they are available to them

  • and create something that is surprising and really fascinating.

  • This is incredibly important.

  • We have to view ourselves as those who can leverage resources we have around us

  • to really make amazing things happen.

  • So this is our internal combustion engine for creativity.

  • Our knowledge is a toolbox for creativity.

  • Our imagination is the catalyst for the transformation of that knowledge into new ideas.

  • And our attitude is the spark that gets this going.

  • But unfortunately, that's not enough.

  • And it’s one of the reasons why there's so many amazingly creative people

  • who are basically not living up to their creative potential

  • because they're not in the environment to foster and stimulate

  • and encourage this type of innovation.

  • So we have to look at the outside of the innovation engine.

  • Let’s start first by looking at habitats.

  • Now, habitats include several things.

  • It’s certainly the people you work with.

  • It’s the rules. It’s the rewards. It’s the constraints. It’s the incentives.

  • But even more than that, it’s the physical space.

  • Consider the fact when we were little, when we were kids in the kindergartens.

  • There are stimulating environments you walk in.

  • You know it’s a place you supposed to be creative.

  • It’s colorful, there are lots of manipulatives.

  • Your rooms are very flexible.

  • But unfortunately, you graduate from this type of environment

  • and you get to go study somewhere like this!

  • (Laughter)

  • The chairs are aligned up in rows and columns.

  • They are bolted to the floor.

  • And if you talk to anybody, you get into trouble.

  • I spent my entire growing up writing, "Silence is golden. Silence is golden."

  • OK. And the fact is we then get very upset because the students,

  • you know, they are just not so creative anymore

  • and everyone laments that!

  • And then if you are successful in this environment,

  • and you go after this environment where they work. (Laughter)

  • And I know why you are laughing because it’s all too familiar.

  • These type of offices were designed to be like prisons.

  • And unfortunately what happens is we again get very frustrated

  • that people working in these type of environments are not very creative.

  • The thing is that space we're in tells the story.

  • Every space is the stage on which we play off our life.

  • And it tells us what role we play, how we should act.

  • I'm fortunate enough to teach at D-school, these are actual pictures of my class.

  • Now it might look like the kids are back in kindergarten.

  • They were actually working on a very sophisticated problem here

  • as are the students in this picture.

  • But the room is much more like a kindergarten space

  • with lots of manipulatives, lots of things to prototype.

  • The room is set up like a theater

  • we can set it up differently every five minutes,

  • depending upon what we want to do.

  • Nothing is bolted down.

  • Really innovative firms know this well.

  • This is the picture from Google in Zurich.

  • This is the picture from Pixar.

  • These are not frivolous because these are messages

  • that the companies giving to the employees that's saying,

  • "Innovation, creativity and playfulness are valued here."

  • But this is not enough.

  • We also have to think about the resources we have in our environment.

  • And resources come in so many different flavors.

  • Unfortunately we think of resources as things like money.

  • And money is a fabulous resource,

  • we certainly benefited from here at Stanford and Silicon Valley.

  • But it’s one of many resources that we have available to us.

  • We need to look at the natural resources.

  • We have to look at the processes we put it in place.

  • We have to look at the cultures we built.

  • Unfortunately, I get a chance to see this happening in different places in the world.

  • I was up in the northern Chile recently.

  • And it was absolutely spectacularly gorgeous.

  • Up to the north of Chile, the beach was endless, 3,000 mile beach.

  • And Andes are there.

  • And I said to the people at the town of Antofagasta,

  • "Gee, what’s really getting in the way of your success?"

  • And this man said to me, "Well, it’s a really horrible environment."

  • I said, "Really? Did you look outside?"

  • Because they didn’t see.

  • They were trying to replicate the resources someone has somewhere else.

  • As opposed to seeing resources they already had.

  • So here, picture of this city.

  • Think of the culture there. Culture is important.

  • Culture is the last piece of the innovation engine.

  • Culture is like the background music of any community,

  • of any organization, of every team and of every family.

  • And I'm gonna play two video clips to demonstrate this.

  • Think of the music in these video clips as the culture in each of these scenes.

  • And I'm gonna play the same clip twice.

  • This is a clip from 1919 Coca Cola bottling factory.

  • OK? And I want you to think about how you feel,

  • whether you'd want to be there and what you think is in those bottles.

  • [Bottles are automatically conveyed to syrup filter.]

  • (Merry music)

  • [Syrup is injected by sanitary mechanical process.]

  • [Carbonated water is added.]

  • OK, then well go to the next one.

  • [Bottles are automatically conveyed to syrup filter.]

  • (Gloomy music)

  • (Laughter)

  • [Syrup is injected by sanitary mechanical process.]

  • [Carbonated water is added.]

  • OK, you get the point, right?

  • So the fact is, this is the outside of your innovation engine.

  • Let’s put it all together.

  • Now you might say, "OK Tina, that’s really interesting.

  • But how come you have this fancy Mobius strip here?

  • You could just have it inside and outside."

  • But it’s the Mobius strip because inside and outside

  • are completely woven together.

  • And nothing can be looked at isolation.

  • Let me show you how.

  • Imagination and habitat are parallel here.

  • Because the habitats we build are the external manifestation of our imagination.

  • If you can imagine it, you can build it.

  • And in addition, the habitats we build directly effect our imagination,

  • the way we think, the way we feel, the way we act.

  • This is also true with knowledge and resources.

  • The more we know, the more resources we can unlock.

  • And more type of resources we have that determine what we know, right?

  • The more we know about fishing, more fish we are going to catch.

  • The more fish we have in our environment, more likely we know about fishing.

  • This is also true with attitude and culture.

  • Culture is a collective attitude of the community,

  • and the culture clearly affects how each of us thinks.

  • The wonderful thing though is this Mobius strip

  • of the innovation engine is so powerful that you can start anywhere.

  • If you are the manager of your organization, you can set up --

  • You can think about the culture and set up the culture.

  • You can build habitats to stimulate imagination.

  • If you are an individual, you can start by building your base of knowledge.

  • You can start with a passion and attitude that you're gonna solve a problem.

  • You can start anywhere to get this innovation going.

  • Most important thing is that everyone,

  • everyone has the key to their innovation engine.

  • It’s up to them to turn it.

  • Thank you. (Applause)

What an amazing day!


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TEDx】創意速成班。Tina Seelig在TEDxStanford的演講。 (【TEDx】A crash course in creativity: Tina Seelig at TEDxStanford)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日