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  • we got there, I'm gonna jersey autographed by Lou Gary.

  • Yeah.

  • How big was Gary?

  • That looks like a good fit.

  • Big boss's leg.

  • I came to the pawn shop today to try and sell my Lou Gehrig signed Jersey.

  • Well, Luke is one of the most famous baseball players back in his day, but stitched.

  • It's ripped in a few places and stuff.

  • But yes, but assigned by Lou Gehrig.

  • How'd you come across this man?

  • Some guy's back in Arkansas.

  • It's local.

  • Farmers were in their seventies, so they decided to sell off their sports memorabilia.

  • This was probably a high school jersey, maybe college.

  • It probably had a patch at one time here where it's torn off.

  • It's been someone's terrible times.

  • That's the way they did back in the day.

  • They just kept using the same jersey over and over, so it's been used quite a bit.

  • I don't know if I could prove that he ever put it on, Believe me, probably 100 grand out of it without even blinking an eye.

  • Anything from the Yankees is highly collectible and a signed jersey by one of the biggest baseball stars in history.

  • I mean, this thing could go through the roof.

  • One several World Series.

  • The most famous, probably with murderers row group would be 1927 team with Babe Ruth, right?

  • Absolutely.

  • He was kind of overshadowed by Big Babe Ruth.

  • Signed a lot more stuff than he did.

  • So is really very collectible because, hey, signed very few items.

  • And this is like, the only jersey I've ever seen that he signed any paperwork or anything with it.

  • Yeah, I've got to actually three certificates of authenticity with Really?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • All right, well, give me an idea how much money you're looking to get out of it.

  • Well, I'd like to get, uh, 10 out of it.

  • Like for my man trouble here to grow a brain, But it's gonna before I drop a bunch of money on a jersey.

  • Generally kind of leery of sports collectibles.

  • Let me call my dad up, see if he wants to come down, take a look at it.

  • And what kind of go from there?

  • Sure.

  • All right.

  • Let me get my call.

  • The sports world's full of fake merchandise, So I got a call on someone who's literally seen it all and that person is my dad.

  • What you think?

  • Um, is this framed up like this when you got it?

  • No, it was not.

  • So you framed it up?

  • Yes.

  • Is there anything on the other side of jersey?

  • Yeah.

  • Says, uh, Marshfield High School team Jersey or something?

  • Yeah.

  • Jersey I've ever seen.

  • Signed from where it's signed.

  • Imagine some kids that could just sign my jersey And that number.

  • Um, any, Any paperwork?

  • Yeah, I've had it certified by a year, which is here, locally in Las Vegas.

  • And then I sent it out to an auction in Pennsylvania.

  • And then I had a certified again by steps, which is another sports authenticator.

  • Everything looks legit to me.

  • It looks really you look up online.

  • What?

  • Lou Gehrig's second she's going for.

  • I got an idea because it's not another Yankees jersey.

  • I know.

  • All right.

  • Don't spend too much my money when it comes to sports memorabilia.

  • It's all about having the correct paperwork.

  • And not only does this guy have one certificate of authenticity, he's got three from three very reputable companies.

  • I know this jersey's legit, and I know it's gonna be worth a lot of money, So give me a realistic idea of what you're looking to get out of it.

  • I guess I take seven so are not free about to, um, seeing as how we're gonna sell this thing for a profit, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Two's way too low I can do to, um it's a hell of a piece.

  • And I'd love to have it in here.

  • You're just gonna have to work with me a little bit more.

  • I mean, um, really do it our breakingly for five, and I'm really scared to do it, but I'll go up to three.

  • But honest to God, that's really the best.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I will tell you, I really, really, really don't want to do it at three.

  • But with the economy, the way it is and needing the money, I'll let it go.

  • Three.

  • It's getting paperwork.

  • All right.

we got there, I'm gonna jersey autographed by Lou Gary.


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當明星。LOWBALL OFFER for Lou Gehrig Signed Baseball Jersey (Season 2) | 歷史 (Pawn Stars: LOWBALL OFFER for Lou Gehrig Signed Baseball Jersey (Season 2) | History)

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