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Hey, what's going on?
Hot ones fans, This is Shaun Evans checking back in from the Museum of Curiosity Season nine.
It's in the books and you know what time it is.
It is time to answer your hard hitting season.
Nine Fan questions We reached out on Twitter.
We reached out on Instagram.
We reached out here on YouTube, and these are the questions the Spice Lords need answered.
So without wasting any more time, Christopher, bring me the burger show hat with the fan questions here we g o Another round from Contreras 13 37 is your most underrated episodes.
Still trick, Daddy?
Or is there a new underdog?
While Trick Daddy is forever and always the most underrated episode of Hot Ones?
But in the spirit of this question, here it is my definitive list of the top 10 most underrated hot ones episodes ever in no particular order, and my only criteria is that they have below three million views.
So here it is.
Top 10 Most underrated first Alexa Chung, Jesus and Marrow, Artie Lange, Henry Rollins, Tom Arnold, Danny Brown, Joe Budden, Nori Rudman and with my last spot, Keke Palmer, Kiki Palmer That's the below three million most underrated episodes.
Club loved those episodes.
Watch him.
Let's get those.
Let's get those.
Let's get those are views up.
All right.
Next, What has been your favorite place to travel for an interview?
Love it Whenever we get a chance to go to London A few years ago, the Hot Ones team went out to London in, like, three days.
We shot with Charlie Sloth, Ricky Gervase, Russell Brandon really galvanized us as a team.
And then this season we got a chance to go back and shoot with Idris Alba, which is obviously a Superfund experience.
So to answer your question, London whenever I get a chance to go to London, I love it all right.
Into the hat we go, Mork Questions Maur Questions, please.
No more pseudo famous rappers will only be relevant for a few months.
All right, happy to address this.
You know, it seems that who?
They've joined forces with hate, Orville and ah, you know, you can't police the Internet.
I understand that, but, you know, we're about to go into season ton and I can't bite my lip forever.
You know, we've had ah the Jonas Brothers Trevor Noah, Halle Berry, Aubrey Plaza, The Stranger Things Kids, followed by Kristen Bell and Idris Alba and Stone Cold.
Steve Austin and I was on Jimmy Fallon smoking out Selena Gomez and Jimmy.
So that's Ah, that's like the past, uh, 12 weeks and still our instagram comments will be like, Where are the guests?
Or if you respond to that, they're like, they're like, they're like, Yeah, Well, earlier this year, you had a rapper who I have never heard off What the fuck?
And at some point, I don't know.
You just got you just gotta be like, uh, I don't know what to say.
I don't know what to say.
All right.
What was your favorite nineties Nickelodeon cartoon?
I was a big God, Doug, I I was a big Rugrats guy.
I was a big ren and Stimpy guy.
But you know what is a kid born in 86?
It's not always just about the cartoons with Nickelodeon, and no one asked.
But here is my Mount Rushmore of Nickelodeon shows You ready?
All that?
The adventures of Pete and Pete.
Guts in duck.
Put it in stone.
All right.
Favorite video game of all time.
I love these questions.
Favorite videogame Top five Dead or alive?
We got to go mad in.
We got to go gold And I We gotta go Twisted metal.
We gotta go, Mario Cart and we got to go.
Grand Theft Auto Videogame Top five, Dead or alive?
All right, Back in the half we go.
Who is your favorite guest this season?
And why?
Ah, for me personally, looking back, it was a fun one to shoot.
It's hard not to fall in love with Idris Elba.
And I'll tell you a funny Idris Elba story, you know, like we shot that episode in London and I'm chilling in the lobby at the Four Seasons there in London, and it's a couple hours before the shoot.
And I'm just going over my notes, you know, doing all the doing all the pre flight checks, you know?
Are there any holes in the setup here?
Any blind spots in the run of show?
Just looking through it, comb and making sure.
And then, out of the corner of my eye, I see Idris Elba walking towards me.
And you know I'm not I'm not one of the you know, I'm not gonna be like, Hey, address.
I'm showing from hot ones.
I'll be interviewing, You know, I let people live.
I just like to really live their life.
So he's walking by and I'm just kind of minding my business.
And he stops and I look and he double takes at me any points right at me and goes, I'm ready.
And that's when I knew it would be a great shoot.
And it was so much fun.
Hot ones.
It's always it's best one, like we have a guest who's into a bunch of different little things than with everyhing were taken a layer off of that onion.
He was just shoulders relaxed, like one of the interviews that were probably most proud of, not just this season but in the history of the show.
Another fun fact is, afterwards, you both got sauce in her eyes.
I think the room the air conditioning was broken was like 150 degrees, just sweating bullets.
And both of us afterwards were just boom like that.
And then he had to go to a premiere, and I had to go to a cold shower and that is the the hot ones Postgame show within your Salva, uh, honorable mention Stone cold.
Steve Austin.
He was a lot of fun when he was in here.
It's a lot of fun whenever that guy's around.
So stone cold.
An address?
Those are my two favorite.
All right.
If for some reason you were not able to do the interview yourself, which previous guests would you like to come in as a guest host?
That's a great question.
Off the top of my head, Burke Kreisher could probably come in cold off the street and hold down the fort.
Here, it hot ones.
Trevor Noah would be a great host.
Ah, but my opinion on the matter does not really matter.
Chris Schoenberger.
Which former guest would you give a formal offer to replace me?
Alexa Chung.
Okay, okay.
Let's say through some YouTube nonsense.
Your channel gets deleted and you can't do it anymore.
What do you do?
Well, if that's the case, you know what I think I do?
I think I moved back to Chicago and I try to get I try to get one of those daily morning shows like one of those 10 a.m. Windy City live shows.
And I'm just sipping out of a coffee mug and reading the headlines and wearing a stupid suit, just kind of putting it on cruise control.
That's what I would love to do.
And if not that campus cop campus.
All right, getting towards the bottom of the bucket here body of the Detroit Hellfire, rated at 65,000 Scoville.
But according to the bottle, it ranges from 100,000 to 300,000.
This is a great question and funny story.
It's a question that was brought to us by the Detroit Free Press.
Is there a fact checking an article?
They called us up and they said, Hey, we're doing this article.
The bottle says 100 to 300 to show says 65.
What's the deal?
And we investigated it further, and it turns out we fucked up.
That's it.
Happens we've we've fucked it up.
Sometimes we fuck it up sometimes you fuck it up, and then our rule on fuck ups is if we fucked it up, you got to just ride that fuck up out.
Most, most productions they would try to fix their fuck ups.
This we rock with a baby.
All right, Shawn.
Imagine you have three interviews set up in one day.
You're getting scorched on hot ones, were getting drunk with nori on drink champs, and you're getting high with Snoop on G N.
What order do you do?
The interviews.
That question is from destroy, and it's the best fan question I've ever been asked.
And it's a it's a good question.
Let me think this through.
All right, So I think the way you do it is this.
I think you start on drink champs, loosen you up for hot ones.
Then you goto hot ones sober you up a little bit, and then you smoke it all down on G N with Snoop.
I think that's the only way to go.
I'm doing the math.
All right.
One more question.
Did you expect this show to grow as big a CZ?
The show has, And what are your plans for the future if given in the limited budget?
All right, that's a great question, and we ask people who've made the transition from Web to TV all the time, whether it's the girls from Broad City whether it's Isa Ray.
All right.
You know, now you've got a bag and you can do different things.
Like, what did you do differently?
And ah, for us.
We think about that sometimes.
I don't know.
You know what?
The occasional, The occasional first class flight, for crying out loud, you know?
Listen, this is an email.
Chris, give me my phone.
Chris is back.
This is an E mail.
A scent earlier today earlier today from seat from road 26 Seat B.
I sent this question earlier.
Subject line is meant or bust.
And then the body of my email is not coming back to N.
Y c on that red eye unless my seat reclines into a twin bed.
That's what I said.
So that would be nice.
You know, I'm bouncing around all over all over the country, even outside of the country, getting my passport stamped, and I'm doing it all from the from the seat, right before the head catching kitchen waas of whatever comes out of there.
Well, well, I'm I'm squeezed with my elbows inside of my knees.
All right, that's no fun.
But to answer your question for real for real.
Um, I don't think we could do.
I don't think you could put money into hot ones that make the show better.
I think you know, we need this strip down set because we have toe travel all over the place to do this show.
So I don't think if we you know.
And here's the other thing.
This pushes us creatively when we have no budget.
When we're so on a shoestring, it pushes us creatively.
And then ultimately, we can just focus on the guest and on the interview and not on the bells and whistles or whatever.
So to answer your question, uh, you know, they could give us more money.
I don't even know what we do with it.
Nothing would make the show better.
We'd say thank you.
We'd seal back the suitcase and would push it back across the conference table and say, No, no, no, no, no, no, thank you.
All right, Well, there you have it.
The hat.
It's empty.
Thank you so much to the fans have submitted questions and now rocked with us their seasons.
123456789 and into 10.
in the coming weeks.
Between now and then, lots of surprises.
Hot sauce revealed the truth of dab.
Maybe a reunion episode.
Maybe some other special surprises on Lee time will tell.
Keep it locked to first we feast and Season 10 It's just around the corner, baby.
We'll see you then, huh?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, what's going on?
Hot ones Fans, this is Shaun Evans.
Checking in with a very exciting hot sauce update.
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