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  • Welcome to a voice controlled ATM.

  • For withdrawal, say "withdrawal".

  • For balance, say "balance".

  • Withdrawal. Withdrawal registered.

  • Please say the withdrawal amount.

  • 2.000

  • 20.000

  • No, 2.000 NOK.

  • 20.000 No, no 2.000

  • 200 NOK. No.

  • 20.000 No.

  • Is registered. No, no.

  • Uah!

  • Oih!

  • To specify the amount you wish to withdraw, move your hand up or down.

  • We start at 500 NOK.

  • 400 NOK

  • 300 NOK

  • 200 NOK

  • 100 NOK

  • Where are you going?

  • We are going to a birthday party.

  • Who's birthday is it?

  • Mathilde.

  • How old is Mathilde today?

  • 13 years. For a 13 year old's birthday present, 100 NOK may be a bit ...

  • too little.

  • What about 150, then?

  • 150 is okay.

  • ok.

  • Welcome to this voice controlled ATM machine.

  • Please select language.

  • For Norwegian say "Norsk". Norsk.

  • For English, say "English".

  • Norsk.

  • Turkish

  • What's happening?

  • What is that music for?

  • Do you want to continue with the "English language"

  • Norwegian.

  • Turkish.

  • To verify that you are a human and not a computer...

  • please repeat after me.

  • Fa fa ko ko.

  • Fa fa ko ko.

  • Piki piki manka.

  • Piki piki manka.

  • I have a hat on my head.

  • I have a hat on my head.

  • Hat not registered on the head.

  • Go back to start.

  • Welcome to a voice controlled ATM.

  • Oh, my God!

  • For withdrawal, say "withdrawal".

  • For qui mode, say "Quiz".

  • Withdraw.

  • Quiz registered.

  • Who was Prime minister in Norway from 2001 to 2005?

  • No, kiss my ass. I don't care about this.

  • For withdrawal, say "withdrawal".

  • Withdrawal. Wait a moment.

  • Please take two steps back to get the money.

  • Today the money will be delivered from the trash can to the left of you.

  • Oh, shit!

  • Thank you for using an ATM from DNB (a Norwegian bank).

Welcome to a voice controlled ATM.


單字即點即查 點擊單字可以查詢單字解釋

B1 中級

Ylvis - 聲控ATM 1 (英文字幕) (Ylvis - Voice controlled ATM 1 (English subtitles))

  • 59 7
    李學展 Gabriel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日